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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1238218062.jpg-(4 KB, 150x125, small_Life sucks.jpg.jpg)
    4 KB Anonymous 03/28/09(Sat)01:27:42 No.3663436  
    Want to know what sucks, Anon? When you fail at life (dead end job, in college but have shitty grades due to poor attendance, and having no direction in life) and your entire family makes you feel like shit because of it.

    I can't even talk to my younger brother and sister without them letting me know I fucking suck. It's depressing as hell. Anyone else in the same boat?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/09(Sat)01:29:32 No.3663458
    Here's how to make it stop:

    Stop being a fucking waste of oxygen.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/09(Sat)01:29:53 No.3663462
    Nope! Sucks to be you! ^_^
    >> Jumping Ship !Zw9y2HEsYk 03/28/09(Sat)01:30:33 No.3663477
    I'm not in the same boat as you, OP...

    I am a boat. A ship, to be exact.

    Get in. I'll help you succeed.

    >> Anonymous 03/28/09(Sat)01:33:42 No.3663517
    I work in a "dead-end job" at a restaurant with almost no room for advancement in the job-ladder.

    My grades are very mediocre, and my apathy for life is starting to make them more on the "worse" end of the "just okay"-line that im walking.

    I just found out my "best friend" likes my girlfriend. Thats all im gonna say about that.

    Both my parents are dying, and I dont know when theyre gonna kick the bucket.

    Nobody cares about me anymore. And im afraid to start drinking or using drugs again because I might be pushing all those people out of my life who might "care" about me because of said vice.

    Im stuck.

    Yes, life does suck.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/09(Sat)01:36:48 No.3663547
    I am OP. I graduated college and everything but I can't hold a job (even a normal shit job) because of various fucked up reasons (not my fault, seriously). and my parents (who unfortunately I have to live with because I can't hold a fucking job) make me feel like shit every god damn day of my life. I hate people. bawww and all that.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/09(Sat)01:41:06 No.3663600
    uhhh... nope.. im OP. and i haven't graduated college. Not yet anyway. I'm joinging the airforce very soon in hopes that getting the fuck away will help.

    lol god I love /r9k/. I'll bet my left nut I'm better off than you. So thanks for that.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/09(Sat)01:42:43 No.3663615
    You know what, anons? Despite how crappy my life is (no friends, no girl, no job, my mom is the only person to say I love you to me) I still imagine a brighter tomorrow. And that's only because I know that no matter how low I reach so long as I draw breath I can change tomorrow.

    Basically, Fuck yeah! Optimism!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/09(Sat)01:42:56 No.3663617
    I wasn't saying I was the OP. I was agreeing with you...

    "Anyone else in the same boat?"

    "I am"
    >> Special Agent Dale Cooper 03/28/09(Sat)01:47:10 No.3663681
    youre a failure if you choose to be. get off 4chan and do something else. i have an idea that you have no goals that need to be fulfilled, youre just angsty. armed service is for directionless plebs, so good for you, i guess.
    >> Jumping Ship !Zw9y2HEsYk 03/28/09(Sat)01:48:36 No.3663695



    /cruise control...
    >> Anonymous 03/28/09(Sat)01:49:25 No.3663706
    I apologize

    >directionless pleb
    hmm...I think you're on to something

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