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  • File :1238087755.gif-(39 KB, 500x500, ssrkazap.gif)
    39 KB Adventure Thread Chapter 5 Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)13:15:55 No.3641528  
    In a bright flash, you appear in a small room. Incensi is gone, and so is the smell of sulfur that was present in the previous room...

    You wait patient for your eyes to adjust to the dimly lit room.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)13:18:16 No.3641546
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    The room is lit by two torches, one on either side of the room. There is one door on the other side of the room, flanked by two stone statues. The look rather intimidating.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)13:20:59 No.3641564
    YAAAAAAAAAAAY, grab a torch and head through the door :D
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)13:21:39 No.3641567
    Door is Iocked, right?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)13:28:10 No.3641603
    You head through the door into a carpeted hallway

    there is a door on the left, the right, and at the end of the hallway
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)13:31:13 No.3641627
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    You take down one of the torches and move through the door. in the next room, you see a switch on the right wall, and standing in the center of the room is a rather aloof looking mummy.

    He stares blankly at you and mumbles something incoherent, it sounds like he's asking for his heart, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)13:32:46 No.3641638
    Give the mummy the gift of love.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)13:34:46 No.3641652
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    Your love meter appears to be at all all-time low! It seems leaving Incensi behind hurt you more than you thought. =[
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)13:35:18 No.3641662

    Attack the mummy with the torch!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)13:36:53 No.3641676
    I check the room for the mummy's heart. Its gotta be around here somewhere...
    >> Jumping Ship !Zw9y2HEsYk 03/26/09(Thu)13:38:24 No.3641683

    It's Incensi's (sp?) incarnate!
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)13:39:59 No.3641697
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    You bring back your arm and prepare to swing at the mummy, trying to ignite his tattered wraps. He stares at you, and suddenly you can't move your arm, or the rest of your body.

    He doesn't seem too happy.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)13:40:53 No.3641705

    You are able to move your eyes, however, but there doesn't seem to be any sort of heart in this room. You're certain it'll be around here somewhere...
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)13:41:08 No.3641708

    rotate the torch 360 degrees repeatedly, it's a zelda trick
    >> Jumping Ship !Zw9y2HEsYk 03/26/09(Thu)13:41:51 No.3641718

    It's fucking Incensi, Portugal.

    He still wants to be friends.

    He doesn't want anymore pain. That's why he's covered in bandages.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)13:44:20 No.3641744
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    Gaining control of your body, you begin to spiral around, swinging the torch around you until the flame arcs out in a long whip-like fashion. It hits the mummy, but he doesn't seem to be hurt at all.

    In fact, you don't think the fire hurt him at all. :<

    He gives you a rather frightful glare as you slow to a halt, and his eye seems to pierce into your soul, draining the life out of you. D=
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)13:45:05 No.3641751
    I pull the switch on the wall and ready myself to dive for cover!
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)13:47:13 No.3641775
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    He suddenly disappears, but it seems you're unable to cast magic now, all your mana has been drained!

    Looking around again, you see the door in front of you has a large, purple X on it, to your left is a locked door, and to your right is a door with a switch next to it.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)13:50:39 No.3641815

    You hear a dull mechanical grinding noise coming from behind the door, but other than that, nothing happens.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)13:52:33 No.3641832

    You berate yourself over your harsh assault earlier, how could you have been so blind?!
    >> Jumping Ship !Zw9y2HEsYk 03/26/09(Thu)13:55:46 No.3641866

    Hopefully, he returns and forgives you for your stupidity in not realizing this sooner.

    I mean, besides, you killed him, brought him back as a lava ghost thingy, and he distracted the lava monster.

    Maybe you'll see him again.

    Keep up the good work, Portugal. I look forward to these threads.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)13:56:14 No.3641869
    This sucks, I don't even have a mummy to hit and the switch doesn't work.

    I go back out into the first room and inspect the statues.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)14:01:32 No.3641913
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    You're not certain, but you're pretty sure the door next to the switch wasn't looked. Either way, you return to the room you came from, inspecting the two statues flanking the door.

    The have some sort of socket in their heads, and they are suspended above the ground, but don't seem to move at all.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)14:02:04 No.3641916

    Did I say looked? I did say looked.

    I meant locked, my bad.
    >> Meow Meow MEOW meow MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW 03/26/09(Thu)14:18:13 No.3642018
         File :1238091493.jpg-(132 KB, 573x573, 1207806603599.jpg)
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    Cool thread dunots,
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)14:46:59 No.3642256
    I notice the extreme lack of meow you got in that picture there, Ltx.

    What's up with that?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)15:18:25 No.3642480
    I think that you should have a Q&A session shortly after this adventure concludes. THE MAN(or woman?) BEHIND THE WIZARD.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)15:20:58 No.3642496
    Behind the wizard, there is simply another wizard.
    >> Sanchez !IS3gM5D.kI 03/26/09(Thu)15:22:17 No.3642511
    Its just some dude who hates anime and has a chubby fetish.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)15:22:56 No.3642513

    Certainly. But SOME OF US *coughcough* are simply curious.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)15:24:43 No.3642529

    Seriously? How do you know such things? I'd expect him to be some weeaboo faggot.
    >> Sanchez !IS3gM5D.kI 03/26/09(Thu)15:26:19 No.3642542
    He has an AIM screenname. Its not like he's a recluse.
    >> noko Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)15:27:06 No.3642549

    Insert penis into socket.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)15:27:48 No.3642555
    Sure, sure.

    Fetish? Not quite.

    I don't like Anime.

    If I wasn't a recluse, don't you think I'd have better things to do with my time than sit on 4chan? =P
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)15:28:21 No.3642560

    He posts on r9k. Obviously at least somewhat of a recluse. How the hell did you find out about the chubby fetish, though?
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)15:28:29 No.3642562

    His head looks a bit too far up for you to manage to get your member inside of it, unfortunately. =[
    >> NOT Epic Hair Guy !OVeNsB4t5. 03/26/09(Thu)15:31:37 No.3642579
    Why are you such a bitch mang :/
    >> Sanchez !IS3gM5D.kI 03/26/09(Thu)15:31:50 No.3642580
    You get out occasionally. Recluse label denied.
    No. And he says he likes chubbies. And will whiteknight for them. Goddam camwhores.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)15:32:42 No.3642591

    When have I said I would whiteknight for chubbies?

    Goddamn son, get your facts straight.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)15:34:54 No.3642609

    Well, according to r9k, recluse = not having a girlfriend. So there.
    >> Sanchez !IS3gM5D.kI 03/26/09(Thu)15:35:22 No.3642613
    Nigga, get your facts straight. I have a good memory, bitch. I remember everything.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)16:25:17 No.3643061

    can we go back and open the door next to the lever?
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)16:33:11 No.3643120
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    Returning to the other room, you open the right door.

    There is a corridor leading into what looks like an unlit room.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)16:40:06 No.3643172
    Drop the torch and head into the room
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)16:53:13 No.3643298
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    You drop your torch on the ground and head down the hallway.

    As expected, this room is pitch black.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)17:49:15 No.3643992
    Verily, you should cast magic missile at the darkness
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)18:06:30 No.3644179
    But you don't have any mana to do this. =[
    >> Sanchez !IS3gM5D.kI 03/26/09(Thu)18:10:44 No.3644232
    Am I there?! Can I see this?! Can I have some of the mountain dew?!
    >> ★‮‫‪‭҉̵̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̿‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 03/26/09(Thu)18:11:04 No.3644237
    generate some mana by using your HP
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)18:22:18 No.3644344
    Feel around in the darkness.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)18:44:30 No.3644634
    Well throw something into the darkness, the noise it makes should tell you something about how big the area is.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)19:07:35 No.3644919
    You press up against the wall and begin to move further into the room.

    You have nothing in your hand to throw. =[
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:09:36 No.3644931
    Learn to mootblox, you little asthmatic.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)19:54:50 No.3645525

    It seems your wheezing has alerted whatever else is in the room to your presence. D=

    You can hear some soft scraping sounds coming towards you.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:55:19 No.3645530
    dont mind me, just saging my way to page 11...
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:56:13 No.3645542
    Is there any exit in sight?
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)19:58:39 No.3645574

    You can clearly see the light from your torch that you dropped in the hallway.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:01:30 No.3645612

    We can't go back now. Our only alternative is to blindly charge towards whatever the sound is. Because.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)20:08:21 No.3645695
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    You lower your head and charge forward, crashing into something soft and the both of you tumble to the ground. It sounds like he fell into something sturdy though, you can hear a loud thunk.
    >> Alion !!amwNpbCgoQT 03/26/09(Thu)20:10:08 No.3645712

    Punch it in the nuts.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)20:18:01 No.3645809
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    Unsure of where its testicles even are, you let fly your mightiest punch.

    You feel it connect, and just hope you're crushed his nuts.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:18:25 No.3645816
    Try and drag it into the light!
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)20:26:16 No.3645915
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    You wrap your hands around what you assume are its feet and begin to drag it back towards the hallway.

    You can hear the scraping from other parts of the room now.
    >> Alion !!amwNpbCgoQT 03/26/09(Thu)20:28:32 No.3645935

    Hurry hurry hurry holy shit! D:
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:28:33 No.3645936
    Hurry up with the pulling!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:29:59 No.3645949
    House of Leaves - The Drawfag Edition.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)20:33:51 No.3645982
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    You drag the creature out into the hallway, it doesn't seem to be putting up a fight at all, maybe that thudding noise did more damage than you thought.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:35:15 No.3645995

    We need to get a better look at it.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)20:40:55 No.3646046
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    You drag it all the way out, but before you can take the time to check it out, the other one comes around the corner. D=
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:42:57 No.3646063

    Those claws look very RENDING CLAWS! Run back to the first room so we can have some more space to maneuver.
    >> BRDude !!SqoyMKRJaSy 03/26/09(Thu)20:43:43 No.3646070
    If only Incensi was there with you...
    Well... PANIC!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:44:43 No.3646078
    After the creature is in the hallway, grab it's testicles and threaten to squeeze until it tells you where you can mana. Once you get some mana, cast a light spell to see into his room, and then a warding spell to keep other drawfags out of your thread this time.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:45:16 No.3646081
    They're weak! Tackle it and start punching. Longarms are notorious for their inability to defend at close ranges.
    >> Alion !!amwNpbCgoQT 03/26/09(Thu)20:45:21 No.3646082

    Pick up the torch and swing it at them!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:46:24 No.3646100
    try and burn it with the torch- get in close to stay out of reach of its claws
    >> Cr9 !PLAN9M8Wsc 03/26/09(Thu)20:46:59 No.3646104
    Move your hands around like you're about to cast some insane magic, he doesn't know we're impot -- I mean, mana-drained.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)20:50:11 No.3646137
         File :1238115011.png-(18 KB, 500x500, ssr.png)
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    Face to face with something that looks capable of tearing you asunder doesn't look too great, and you're trapped in some sort of dungeoun! THIS IS JUST TOO MUCH, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO OH GOD EVERYTHING IS GOING WRONG

    You kick the torch out of your way as you scramble frantically back into the other room.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:52:22 No.3646172
    grab the other torch! burn them with fire!
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)20:56:09 No.3646222
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    The torch bounces off the wall and lands at the foot of the first creature. They seem quite flammable, and the other one looks like it's reconsidering whether or not it should pursue you.
    >> BRDude !!SqoyMKRJaSy 03/26/09(Thu)20:56:14 No.3646224
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:57:09 No.3646236
    Panicky Casting Maneuver: Pray for your life!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:59:04 No.3646259

    Keep heading back, anyways. The burning corpse should keep the other creature at bay while you find a better method for dealing with them. It'll get over the fear of fire eventually, anyways.
    >> Alion !!amwNpbCgoQT 03/26/09(Thu)21:00:07 No.3646273

    Push it into the others! SET THEM ALL AFIRE >:3
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)21:01:59 No.3646296
         File :1238115719.png-(18 KB, 500x500, ssr1.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:03:32 No.3646318
    The lever, pull it!
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)21:06:39 No.3646356
         File :1238115999.png-(18 KB, 500x500, ssr1.png)
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    You crank the lever upwards, and once again you hear the grinding noise, it's much louder this time because the door is open.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)21:07:36 No.3646368
         File :1238116056.png-(12 KB, 500x500, ssrhallwaylight.png)
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    It seems the wall has shifted to the other side, pushing the burning Longarm and your torch into the other room.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:07:48 No.3646371

    Can we go back to the room with those statues? It looked like they had Pokeballs for heads.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:11:20 No.3646409
    Go down that hallway, instead.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)21:11:26 No.3646410
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    You run back to the room that you started in.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:12:29 No.3646421
    fuck with the weird statues.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:13:54 No.3646433

    We should investigate those statues. And what's up with that symbol in the floor?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:14:21 No.3646442
    grab the other torch
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:15:23 No.3646455
    Get the second torch, super glue it to your hand, butterfingers
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:16:42 No.3646473
    >Fuck with the weird statues.
    >Fuck the statues.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)21:16:42 No.3646474
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    The symbol on the floor is where you were teleported to by the cube.

    The statues do not show any hint of abnormality aside from the fact that they are floating. You cannot move them because they are quite heavy, being made of stone.

    They seem rather inanimate though.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:21:19 No.3646512
    Grab one of the pokeballs and summon the beast inside
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:22:28 No.3646529
    Agreed, summon a Heatran
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)21:23:23 No.3646543
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    You begin to erotically trace your fingers along what you assume is the chest of one of the statues.

    The stone is rather cold.
    >> Alion !!amwNpbCgoQT 03/26/09(Thu)21:24:02 No.3646554

    Go back and go into the hallway that opened up.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)21:26:13 No.3646586
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    You tug on the head, but it doesn't seem to budge.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:27:30 No.3646603
    Fondle the groinal area... you know, to check for switches.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:27:33 No.3646604
    kick the statue in the pokeball and go back into the other room.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:29:20 No.3646622
    Open inventory, arm pistol. Yes, you have a pistol, it was in that pocket-in-a-pocket bullshit.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)21:29:33 No.3646624
         File :1238117373.png-(14 KB, 500x500, ssrwoman.png)
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    Downtrodden by your inability to retrieve the pokeball,
    You make your way back into the other room and down the hallway.

    There seems to be a woman in here chained to the walls.

    She hears you enter and groans for you to help, it seems whatever evil monsters are down here have taken her hostage. She begs you to free her from the chains.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:30:45 No.3646645
    Get to know the bitch first. She may very well be a trap or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:30:59 No.3646648

    Ask her if she'll let us have sex with her first. If she says yes, go for it.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)21:32:10 No.3646662
         File :1238117530.png-(9 KB, 500x500, ssr.png)
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    You reach into your pocket and pull out your trusty pistol.

    It only seems to have 5 bullets, though.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)21:32:52 No.3646672

    You stand there for a minute, and then ask if she'll suck your dick.

    She says she will if you unchain her from the walls.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:33:40 No.3646678
    Fuck her til you're satified.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:34:48 No.3646689
    Satisfied? 4chan has a spellchecker you know.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:34:51 No.3646690
    Try to get a good look at her face or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:35:26 No.3646695

    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:35:31 No.3646696


    Oh well, let her do what she wants.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:36:32 No.3646702
    Rape her even if we are a girl. That's even hotter.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)21:37:27 No.3646715
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    You step closer and look down to try and get a better look at her face.

    She turns away, saying that the monsters in this dungeon have scared her face and she fears she looks too hideous.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:38:28 No.3646723
    console her and see if she has a good face anyway. if she doesn't, oh well, fuck her doggy style.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:38:50 No.3646726
    Let her out. shoot the chains or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:39:02 No.3646729
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:39:47 No.3646741

    Tell her it doesn't matter. If she really isn't a monster and is just hideously ugly (despite scars) we can just drape our robe over her head. It sure as hell won't be on for long regardless
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:39:56 No.3646742
    NO NO

    She is the monster. Just put a bullet through the base of her neck, 4 shots left
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:40:09 No.3646744
    I'm from the future, don't unchain her, she's a monster!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:43:15 No.3646783
    dude. that's so mean.

    LET'S DO IT.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:45:23 No.3646810
    Portugal? Are you there broski?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:46:14 No.3646826
    Don't fuck her or kill her. Set her free.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:47:01 No.3646837

    He is obviously spending this time making an animated .GIF.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:47:37 No.3646846
    haha, stick figure porn is the shit.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)21:47:42 No.3646848
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    You start to move closer to undo the chains, suddenly she springs up and grabs you.


    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:49:51 No.3646878

    Break free of her grasp or something. If she wants to let her go so badly she'll have to stop trying to kill us. We should try to inform her that before we try again.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:50:01 No.3646881
    Shoot the bitch.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:51:03 No.3646889
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:51:53 No.3646896
    Demons drop phat lewt. Kill the bitch. Headshot.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:52:17 No.3646899
    Oh shit!!! Flail and panic!!! Thrust your torch at her face!!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:53:02 No.3646911
    ... You. have. a. gun.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:54:42 No.3646937
    I am also pro "shooting the bitch".
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)21:56:33 No.3646963
         File :1238118993.png-(13 KB, 500x500, ssr1.png)
    13 KB

    You burn her hand with the torch and she releases you. shifting back, you bring up your pistol and strike a badass pose while you deliver a deadly shot right into her face.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:56:44 No.3646965
    Run to a safe distance then tell her you are her only hope.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:59:20 No.3647002
    Now, use that succulently bleeding wet hole in her head for something... dasterdly.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:00:27 No.3647014
    i came. now loot the corpse!
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)22:01:59 No.3647033
         File :1238119319.png-(19 KB, 500x500, ssr.png)
    19 KB

    She reels back from the shot, and in that time, you lob your torch at her.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:04:20 No.3647073

    Oh jesus, more rending claws. Back the fuck out of her reach.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)22:05:45 No.3647092
         File :1238119545.png-(22 KB, 500x500, ssr.png)
    22 KB

    The torch ignites her tattered robes, and suddenly she is lit ablaze.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:06:38 No.3647101
    agreed. fyi, if a headshot didn't kill it, nothing will.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:09:12 No.3647134

    Jam your fingers into the bullet hole and tear her skull open, revealing the tiny prisoner in her head. He holds the key.
    >> PA 03/26/09(Thu)22:12:13 No.3647172
         File :1238119933.png-(3 KB, 300x300, Dont_Fuck_With_The_Witch.png)
    3 KB
    Ya know, that demon lady reminds me a lot of Left 4 Dead's witch..

    If shes anything like that, then your fucked.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:13:10 No.3647184
    Continue shooting, and when out of bullets, curbstomp her into ashes.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:14:33 No.3647199
    I keep staring at your initial image, OP, but Futurama never starts! Unpause it, fuckwad!!
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)22:16:38 No.3647230
         File :1238120198.png-(26 KB, 500x500, ssr2.png)
    26 KB

    You roll... a 13!

    Leaping towards her, you deliver a devastating blow to her face, further knocking her back.

    You prepare to deliver another shot as you bring your fist back.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:18:25 No.3647253
    turn around and make sure nothing's sneaking up from behind
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:23:33 No.3647324
    Oh god damnit, not your shit again. Didn't you get the message last time when Porty drew your goth Vegeta guy as a little cripple thing? Get out.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:24:38 No.3647332
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:25:16 No.3647338
    Open head, rescue tiny man
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)22:26:08 No.3647353
         File :1238120768.gif-(82 KB, 500x500, ssrdemonbitch.gif)
    82 KB

    You leap back and deliver 13 shots into her skull!

    And you've still got 4 shots left!
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)22:31:13 No.3647408
         File :1238121073.png-(15 KB, 500x500, ssr.png)
    15 KB

    Unfortunately there is no tiny man inside of her skull, or if there is one, he's burnt to a crisp by now. =[

    Those chains on the wall look like they could be of some use though...
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:33:06 No.3647441
    knock them off the walls.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:33:13 No.3647443

    We can use them to drag the giant floating statues around!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:34:03 No.3647450
    Let's fuck around with the chains. I want to do at least one of three four.

    1. Make "chain"mail. Haha.
    2. Make them into weapons.
    3. Examine them.
    4. Take them.
    >> PA 03/26/09(Thu)22:34:38 No.3647456
         File :1238121278.png-(40 KB, 300x300, cool_story_bro.png)
    40 KB
    no idea what you're talking about.
    >Internet Tough Guy

    Get the chains and wrap them around her neck whilst she is disable.
    Then use a spell to increase your strength and rip her head off with the chains.
    >> PA 03/26/09(Thu)22:36:14 No.3647471
    fuck, just realised shes dead.
    That would have been entertaining tho.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:37:16 No.3647483
    Okay, fine, we'll do it your way. Connect chains together in an Irish Bowtie, apply 132.8 pounds of pressure to center left median.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)22:37:32 No.3647486
         File :1238121452.png-(17 KB, 500x500, room.png)
    17 KB
    The chains are pretty heavy, but you can manage to take 2 lengths of chain with you as you leave the room.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:38:18 No.3647500

    You should have realized that there is no mana to be used as well since it was all drained in the beginning.
    >> PA 03/26/09(Thu)22:40:27 No.3647527
    I just entered the thread D:
    Go point though
    >I should stfu before reading.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:44:05 No.3647574
    Connect the chains together, loop one end on the lock and jam the other end in the moving wall. Pull lever.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:46:10 No.3647607
    Wow, this dungeon is dull compared to our other adventures. Can we go outside?
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)22:52:21 No.3647669
         File :1238122341.png-(21 KB, 500x500, ssr.png)
    21 KB

    Toggling the lever, you feel the door groan, but midway the chain snaps under the pressure...

    It seems you have a visitor, as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:54:38 No.3647692
    Use chains on it's head.
    >> PA 03/26/09(Thu)22:58:02 No.3647722
         File :1238122682.png-(2 KB, 300x300, Spawn_Crazy.png)
    2 KB
    Where are all these monsters coming from?
    Also: Jump kick the baddie.*matrix style*
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)22:59:47 No.3647748
         File :1238122787.png-(13 KB, 500x500, ssr1.png)
    13 KB
    You whip the iron chain at the longarms, and it wraps tightly around his jugular.

    His arms seem to long to reach his throat, and he is unable to remove it.
    >> PA 03/26/09(Thu)23:01:50 No.3647774
    Use him as your slave.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)23:02:13 No.3647778
    pull him close and knee him in the groin.
    >> PA 03/26/09(Thu)23:02:32 No.3647782
    After you jump kick him, of course.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)23:05:23 No.3647810
         File :1238123123.png-(14 KB, 500x500, ssr1.png)
    14 KB

    You deliver a rather intense jumpkick *matrix style*
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)23:07:45 No.3647834
    snap his neck, rip off his arms, and use them as weapons
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)23:08:47 No.3647845
         File :1238123327.png-(21 KB, 500x500, room.png)
    21 KB

    It seems your kick, along with the tension created by the chain, tore his head clean from his body. =[
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)23:09:24 No.3647856

    But you're already equipped with a gun and a torch!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)23:09:52 No.3647868
    Perform the yorick scene from Hamlet.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)23:19:37 No.3648025
         File :1238123977.png-(13 KB, 500x500, ssr1.png)
    13 KB

    ...Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how oft. Where be your gibes now?
    >> BRDude !!SqoyMKRJaSy 03/26/09(Thu)23:22:21 No.3648067

    Anyways... grab your gun and continue...
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)23:23:48 No.3648087

    But where should you continue to?

    There is the dark room, and then the room with the purple X.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)23:26:41 No.3648124
    Use your torch to head down the dark room.
    >> BRDude !!SqoyMKRJaSy 03/26/09(Thu)23:31:41 No.3648178
    First towards the dark room.... again.
    Let's kill those fuckers that scared you!
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)23:31:52 No.3648179
         File :1238124712.png-(10 KB, 500x500, ssr.png)
    10 KB

    You venture back into the dark room, torch in hand.

    There's a chest in here, it looks like somebody cracked their head against it pretty hard, and then got dragged out of the room...
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)23:33:29 No.3648202
    Open the chest, while shouting sacrilege at the walls.
    >> Alion !!amwNpbCgoQT 03/26/09(Thu)23:35:05 No.3648222

    Rape the chest, then open it.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)23:38:30 No.3648251
         File :1238125110.png-(13 KB, 500x500, ssr.png)
    13 KB

    You fill the room with colorful profanity and creative racial slurs like NIGGERDUCK and COCKRABBIT as you retrieve a key from within the chest.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)23:43:57 No.3648328
    Now head through the purple door.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)23:51:14 No.3648413
         File :1238125874.png-(22 KB, 500x500, room.png)
    22 KB

    As soon as you open the purple door, you are startled by what seems to be a large group of small wisp-like beings as they dart out and fill the room.

    You can hear their eerie laughter and high-pitched voices before they disappear into different rooms.

    Inside the room you can see a chest and a table.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)23:55:12 No.3648457

    Go in and open the chest
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)23:56:33 No.3648473

    Shoot the wisps!
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)23:56:46 No.3648475
         File :1238126206.png-(10 KB, 500x500, ssr1.png)
    10 KB

    Continuing into the room, you find two skeletons slumped against the wall, probably other adventurers who met their fate here.

    One holds a sword and one holds a halberd, perhaps they could have been useful had you not had a gun.

    On the table lies a worn piece of paper, you can't see what's written on it from here. There's also a chest besides the table.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/26/09(Thu)23:58:42 No.3648495
         File :1238126322.png-(12 KB, 500x500, ssr1.png)
    12 KB

    Inside the chest you find a Health potion!
    >> Alion !!amwNpbCgoQT 03/26/09(Thu)23:59:11 No.3648500

    No, punch the wisps!
    >> ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 03/26/09(Thu)23:59:37 No.3648503
    Read the note. There can't be a trap or anything.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)00:00:22 No.3648511

    They were too quick for you to get a good aim at, and they're all gone now. =[
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:01:10 No.3648518
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:02:49 No.3648536
    Read the NOTE. It might help you.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:03:45 No.3648551
    Get the sword anyways...
    Swords are awesome.

    You only got 4 bullets left anyways...
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)00:06:12 No.3648576
         File :1238126772.png-(11 KB, 500x500, list.png)
    11 KB

    You pick up the tattered piece of paper.

    It seems to be a list of names... girl names...
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)00:07:00 No.3648591

    Should you drop your TORCH or your GUN?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:09:50 No.3648621

    Drop the gun, there are only a couple bullets left, anyway
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:09:51 No.3648622
    place your gun back into your pocket and take the sword in your hand.
    >> sage sage 03/27/09(Fri)00:15:03 No.3648667
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:18:11 No.3648708
    You can't put your gun into your pocket?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:27:45 No.3648790
    put your gun in your pocket, and take the sword. Then memorize the names on the list. Investigate how the adventurers died
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)00:28:18 No.3648798
         File :1238128098.png-(13 KB, 500x500, ssr1.png)
    13 KB

    You put your gun in your pocket and grab the sword.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)00:31:14 No.3648822

    You memorize the names on the list and set it back down on the table, then kneel down and check out the skeletons.

    Neither of them show any signs of damage as far as you can tell...
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:32:07 No.3648831
    Go in search of yon pixies.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:37:19 No.3648887

    Go use the key on the locked door in the other room
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:38:20 No.3648907
    I have to sleep now...
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:43:35 No.3648965

    We need to archive this shit nigger
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)00:43:41 No.3648966
         File :1238129021.png-(10 KB, 500x500, room.png)
    10 KB

    Using the key, you walk into the locked room. Inside there are three pedestals alongside one another.

    Three of the sprites are floating around the room, one of them stops and you hear them say "guess my name~!"
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:49:04 No.3649033

    Liz, Jill, and Michele?
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)01:00:31 No.3649158
         File :1238130031.png-(12 KB, 500x500, room.png)
    12 KB

    None of those names are correct, it seems. =[

    The three sprites fly down and position themselves on the pedestals.

    Disembodied hands start to burst up through the ground... some of them wrapping themselves around the stone pillars.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)01:09:52 No.3649249
    Get choppy with them arms and prepare to torch the pixies.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)01:17:01 No.3649309
         File :1238131021.png-(15 KB, 500x500, room.png)
    15 KB

    You begin to make your way to the pedestal on the right.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)01:23:04 No.3649375
         File :1238131384.png-(16 KB, 500x500, ssr2.png)
    16 KB
    One of the hands balls up into a fist and smacks you right in the jaw! Ouch!
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)01:24:36 No.3649396
    Inform it that it is the bastard child of a prostitute who died of syphilis.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)01:26:10 No.3649418
    The wisps are just sitting there, shoot the fuckers.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)01:40:52 No.3649596
         File :1238132452.png-(18 KB, 500x500, room.png)
    18 KB

    You insult the sprites as you attempt to wrest your arm free from the claws, arming your gun at the first pedestal.

    The claws continue to scratch, tear, and pull at you, bringing you to the floor.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)01:43:34 No.3649624
    Oh god! Panic! Panic like a little motherfucker!
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)01:58:03 No.3649830
    Save the game, play more tomorrow.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)01:58:16 No.3649836
         File :1238133496.png-(14 KB, 500x500, ssr2.png)
    14 KB

    I-I just... I just can't do this anymore... this is it... it's over... I'm... I'm g-going to die...

    >> Jumping Ship !Zw9y2HEsYk 03/27/09(Fri)02:01:20 No.3649872


    Portugal NEEDS you!!!

    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)02:05:35 No.3649930
         File :1238133935.png-(28 KB, 500x500, ssr2.png)
    28 KB
    Letting out a terrifying screech, you wail and yell and shout until your throat feels like it's on fire, and then you just keep going. You're more frightened than you've ever been, and the only thing you can think of is to scream.

    I think this anon is correct, I'll pick up from here tomorrow, just keep giving suggestions everybody! Goodnight. :3c
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)02:12:25 No.3650013
    Did anyone archive the previous threads? This seems very interesting and I want to catch up.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)03:08:05 No.3650667

    Certainly my good anon.

    The previous ones didn't get archived, but here is Chapter 4, which recaps what happened in all the previous chapters.

    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)10:15:21 No.3653825
    Get down and bite a hand off, eating it. Zombie hands are full of mana
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)13:39:31 No.3655437
         File :1238175571.png-(20 KB, 500x500, ssr.png)
    20 KB

    In your panicked state, it seems you've manifested an INSANITY METER! Viciously grabbing the hand, you open your maw and prepare to shred it to bits with your teeth.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)14:50:11 No.3656044
    Is the new one up yet?
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)15:24:33 No.3656371
    The new one?

    I don't understand what you're asking.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)15:32:56 No.3656474
    Start feasting on the hands. They may contain your mana, or just lots of protein. Either way, feast away in an insane frenzy!!
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)15:40:11 No.3656548
         File :1238182811.png-(24 KB, 500x500, ssr.png)
    24 KB

    You voraciously chomp down on the hands, severing fingers, crunching bones.

    Unfortunately, these specific hands do not contain any mana. =[

    Your INSANITY METER goes down a little bit.
    >> Epic Hair Guy !VJOf9vVc0E 03/27/09(Fri)15:44:12 No.3656595

    Yes yes let the madness corrupt your mind. Let pt pump through your veins.

    You'll be a useful servant soon enough...
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)15:53:46 No.3656716
         File :1238183626.png-(11 KB, 500x500, drawfagz.png)
    11 KB
    warding spells aren't really my thing, to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)16:18:14 No.3657002
    grab one of the whispy little things and crush it with your bare hands. if zombie arms somehow grasp you just rip them apart.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)16:48:07 No.3657286
         File :1238186887.png-(19 KB, 500x500, ssr1.png)
    19 KB

    You thrust your arm forward and crush the tiny sprite in your fist, the pedestal flashes brightly before growing dim, and some of the hands disappear back into the floor.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)16:50:23 No.3657308
    now how about we grab the other to whisps and rip them from the pedestrals. do not kill them yet anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)16:53:51 No.3657347
    also, I am very confused about which pronoun to use in your threads
    >> /r9k/ Guy !l6aiEdTxng 03/27/09(Fri)16:53:53 No.3657348
         File :1238187233.jpg-(19 KB, 346x558, Kay.jpg)
    19 KB
    Drawfag here. This topic is gay.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)17:03:43 No.3657462
         File :1238187823.png-(18 KB, 500x500, ssr2.png)
    18 KB

    You reach over to grab the left-most sprite, breaking out of the grips of the hands.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:06:58 No.3657505
    Ask for her name.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:14:40 No.3657600
    Torture it a bit.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)17:15:45 No.3657610
         File :1238188545.png-(10 KB, 500x500, ssr2.png)
    10 KB

    After a brief interrogation, you discover her name to be Crystal.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:18:15 No.3657643
    This will be a lot easier if we get those things to cooperate. Tell the other one that Crystal will die if she doesn't stop this nonsense with the zombie arms.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)17:24:59 No.3657723
         File :1238189099.png-(14 KB, 500x500, ssr2 copy.png)
    14 KB

    You threaten to kill both of them unless they cease their assault on you, and the claws cease their attacks.

    Upon further investigation you discover their names to be Alex, Crystal, and Ariel.

    I guess you can cross those names off your list.

    Crazy people don't tend to be very diplomatic, your INSANITY METER drains a significant amount.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:27:53 No.3657761
    now that we know their names we could eat them..
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:30:22 No.3657794
    oh but don't chew, just shove them down your throat and let the stomach acid slowly kill them
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)17:34:33 No.3657852
         File :1238189673.png-(15 KB, 500x500, ssr2 copy.png)
    15 KB

    Seeing no need to keep them, you devour the sprite.

    Your health goes up a small amount, and so does your insanity.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:41:26 No.3657953
    Take the final one and force it to open the door up ahead.
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)17:45:20 No.3657996
         File :1238190320.png-(15 KB, 500x500, ssr1.png)
    15 KB

    You pry the final sprite out of the pedestal and demand it open the door for you.

    Stuttering, it tells you that the door was already unlocked.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:46:19 No.3658006

    is this a sprite scavenger hunt?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:47:11 No.3658014
    go east

    draw banal picture of a stick mans face

    wait 1 minute

    draw another picture from slightly different angle

    feel self satisfied
    >> Portugal !1daTHEMAGE 03/27/09(Fri)17:51:20 No.3658064
         File :1238190680.png-(11 KB, 500x500, ssr2.png)
    11 KB
    You walk over to the right wall and draw two crude smiley faces, stand back, and admire your masterpieces.
    We'll postpone this thread for a little while, sorry everybody. D=

    Not quite. :3c
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:51:21 No.3658065
    Well, take it with you to the next one.

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