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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1238038690.jpg-(530 KB, 1280x1024, 1238024378831.jpg)
    530 KB Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)23:38:10 No.3635378  
    Being twenty, living at home with my single Mom that does pills every night and sleeps for cash, no girlfriend (never had one), and basically no money, there's nothing to do. All I have is my computer, video games, and my community college that sucks. I don't have the grades to go somewhere nice, and I'm too poor to run away.

    Being a pretty boring person, I need something. Anything. I finally decided that I would do the one thing that makes every person cool, even if that person sucks at it: creating a rock band.

    Having no friends, I would have to start my band from scratch at community. Having a second hand electric guitar that my older brother gave me years ago and barely played, I set off to find my new friends and band mates.

    I put up signs all around my school, asking anyone with music ability to come and find me so that they could try out. On the day they were supposed to find me, only six people showed up.

    The first was some hipster kid with a fedora on. I asked him what he played, and he said he plays a keytar. I ask what the fuck that is, and he pulls out a keyboard that looks like a guitar out of his case. He starts playing, and he's good, but I still can't shake the feeling that he's a gigantic faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)23:38:32 No.3635385
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)23:39:25 No.3635395
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)23:40:39 No.3635406
    Second and third were too girls who liked to sing. One was some black chick who just liked singing the same way Beyonce did and added in horrible dance moves. The other girl was some country chick from Oklahoma that sung like shit, but she was hot, so I picked her over the other chick.

    Fourth was Lucas. Lucas is probably 400 pounds, black, and rides around in a wheelchair. He plays the drums, and he is fucking amazing. With his wheelchair, I don't even have to get a seat for him to sit down on while playing.

    Next was some emo chick who played bass. She was bad as well, but she wasn't wearing a bra, so I told her that she was in.

    Finally, a Korean kid, Lee Won, showed up. Wearing a South Korea soccer jersey, he took out a guitar and started to play Canon Rock. He wasn't even fucking trying, but he was fucking amazing. He can't speak English that well at all, and he looked more like a girl than the chick trying to be Beyonce, but the guy knew how to play guitar.

    So at the end of the day, I had my band. Tony, the hipster keytar player. Chelsea, the Spears wannabe singer. Lucas, the wheelchair bound African drums player. Lauren, the depressing chick who doesn't wear a bra. And finally, Lee Won, the Korean who can play guitar like a God.

    We call ourselves KOREAN POP ROBOTS 9000.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)23:42:47 No.3635436
    You wouldn't happen to have pics, would you? The girls sound kinda hot. I guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)23:43:09 No.3635438
    You guys will break up after the Korean kid sleeps with everyone.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)23:45:13 No.3635455
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)23:46:50 No.3635478
    Is a keytar real?

    I want one.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)23:47:58 No.3635489
    okay, so you set up a good story.

    now what.


    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)23:50:43 No.3635525
    Of course they are, you've probably seen one.
    Just a keyboard with a neck.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)23:56:22 No.3635616
    I smell a band.
    Make flyers and shit.
    But kick out the Speas girl.
    You want a rock band, not a piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)23:58:00 No.3635635
    Just put the Korean kid on all the posters.

    Korean kids SELL bands.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/09(Wed)23:58:24 No.3635645
    Yeah, band sounds decent except the chick who can't sing.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)00:01:06 No.3635680
    ITT: OP lies about shitty band to make himself feel better about shitty life.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)00:01:31 No.3635688
    You could be on to something OP.
    But the other side of me says "oh god what is this, I don't even"
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)00:02:36 No.3635703
    I smell the rise of a legend.

    This is the best story ever, you will inspire paraplegics and Koreans everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)00:05:32 No.3635738
         File :1238040332.jpg-(8 KB, 240x251, homer silly with glasses.jpg)
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    Is that the end of the story?

    I want to read moar.

    Keep posting OP. Don't stop now.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)00:11:48 No.3635823
    Lucas is a badass motherfucker
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)00:17:57 No.3635903

    The Front page is boring and full of misogyny, I want to hear moar.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)00:31:20 No.3636038
         File :1238041880.jpg-(54 KB, 300x300, 01'161.jpg)
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    nice story. please go on.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)00:32:11 No.3636040
    This band sounds like a hipster band ready to break through.

    An asian? A fat black kid in a wheelchair? A kid with a keytar?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)00:34:44 No.3636062
    Dump the singer chick, make the Korean kid sing in his native language, and become a huge hit.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)00:37:03 No.3636088
    So that's how "Toxic Airborne Event" started?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)00:38:09 No.3636102
    OP here. There are some stories of our first gig and some other shit, but I'm really tired. I just got back from my first real party ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)00:39:39 No.3636109
    >>Mom that does pills every night and sleeps for cash
    >>and sleeps for cash

    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)00:40:20 No.3636116
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)00:42:52 No.3636135
    PLEASE tell your story, OP. I'd like to know about your first gig, just to kind of get the feeling. I started a band with my sister, and we're about to start playing, and I'd like to know as much as possible about the actual experience.
    >> Dude. !!X/6TdZyLImD 03/26/09(Thu)00:44:10 No.3636149
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)00:46:35 No.3636168

    Most people either have a hand pedal they hit, or they don't use the pedal.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)00:57:47 No.3636251

    Sleeping around, etc. My Mother is a slut. She's not a terrible Mom, and she's not mean, but she's been really flaky since my Dad left her for some Swedish transfer teacher.

    Anyways, after that day, we started practicing every day. The Spears wannabe didn't show up for the first two practices, so we had the others try and sing. Lucas couldn't sing at all, Tony and Lauren sounded like they were trying to do a cover of My Chemical Romance, but Lee Won, again, was pretty good. You couldn't really understand the fuck he was saying because he was mixing in Korean and English, but he had a nice voice.

    Chelsea showed up for our forth practice, and she said that she had an important date with her boyfriend all those days. This put me off because I wanted to bang her, so I became jealous and told her that Lee Won would be our lead singer and guitar player while she sung back up to him.

    We got into a fight, she wanted to quit, but Lucas stepped in (...rolled in) and told us all to stop acting like faggots. Tony was off to the side smoking some weed, and Lee Won was reading manga on my couch. Lauren was sitting by herself on a chair I brought from my room and was staring at everyone back and forth like she was about to explode from anxiety.

    We kept practicing for a few weeks, and we became closer as a band. We started thinking of songs, mostly me, and we were finally hitting a groove. Chelsea was fine with being the back up singer to our Korean superstar, and the others were having fun with it all.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)00:58:47 No.3636260
    First gig we had came when Lucas came up to me and said that his little brother was having a party. I agreed to play it, and we were all pumped to be getting paid $10 each to play for an hour at a party.

    We show up at the party and it turns out his little brother is sixteen-years-old, a gangster in training, and everyone at his party was black. We all stuck out like a sore thumb, and the music playing before we came on was all 50 Cent and Lil' Wayne.

    I confronted Lucas and asked why the fuck didn't he tell me that his brother didn't like rock/alternative music, and he told me that if he said anything that I would have declined. Being stuck in the situation, we started to playing and it went terrible.

    It wasn't like we weren't playing well on our first song known as 'Fit', but the kids weren't paying attention to us. They were all of, drinking alcohol and talking to each other while we looked like idiots playing to two black kids who were staring at Chelsea the whole time.

    We finish the gig early, about forty minutes early, and prepare to get the fuck out of there. Lucas' parents thank us and tell us we did a great job; even if they didn't hear us play at all while they were in the house.

    We start packing up, and Lauren comes up to me and thanks me for helping her get out of the house. She tells me that her brother killed himself and all that jazz, and she didn't do anything all day but play World of Warcraft before the band sign-ups came up.

    She hugged me, and fuck, she smelled good. Like strawberries and sweat mixed together into a totally sweet combo. She then walks off and gets in Lee Won's van that he took from his parents restaurant.

    Our first gig was a failure, but luckily, that wasn't the end.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:01:50 No.3636288
    I don't even care if this is true. You sir are a fucking god.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:02:47 No.3636297

    Lee Won is my hero.

    His parents own an Asian food place, and he can play guitar and sing engrish.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:03:03 No.3636299
    >Our first gig was a failure, but luckily, that wasn't the end.

    So if it's not the end, then you have to tell us more.

    I don't give a fuck how tired you are. You started the thread. Now finish it off.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:03:50 No.3636305
    Please let there be some Bel-Air in this thread, I don't want to be reading all this shit for nothing
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:05:09 No.3636321
    THIS IS WHY I FUCKING LOVE R9K archive the motherfucker please.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:05:25 No.3636326
    $50 OP goes after Lauren, asks her out, but she finds out that she wants to fuck Lee Won.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:06:03 No.3636332
    GET...THE FUCK OUT. Seriously you're the breed that's ruining /r9k/. L2 not be a faggot srsly.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:06:45 No.3636341
         File :1238044005.jpg-(102 KB, 350x510, 20080511-24.jpg)
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    Put 'Lee Won' into Goggle, and I got this.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:06:57 No.3636344
    Please get Lee Won to visit 4chan,, so we can adore him. He's going to slut about with both women, you know. Sorry to ruin your Velma-esque fantasy of picking up the ugly one while everyone's distracted by the hotty.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:07:22 No.3636348
    It's probably the same as google jack or james.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:08:23 No.3636362
         File :1238044103.jpg-(38 KB, 369x352, 1234779751775.jpg)
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    Continue the story OP or I will fly into your kitchen and make a mess of your pots and pans.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:09:04 No.3636367

    OP here. Lucas can walk and use his legs, but he's like 450 pounds and like 5'9 or some shit like that. His doctors advise him not to walk, or he could screw up his heart.

    I think it's bull and he just likes riding in a wheelchair.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:09:52 No.3636375
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:10:06 No.3636379
    Is it a motorised one? Could lead to some interesting on-stage antics.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:10:36 No.3636384

    But the story isn't finished. There are other stories from other gigs, but we're still together - kinda.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:12:00 No.3636398
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:12:30 No.3636405

    Yes, it's one of those things where you press a button and he rolls wherever he wants to go. He tries to pick up women in the thing. Quite hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:12:50 No.3636411
    Now, don't be suspensefag. Please be so obliging as to furnish us with the proceeding stories.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:13:03 No.3636413
    Wait, is this the same guy who wrote the story about being attracted to the disabled girl and the story about his parents adopting a 16 year old girl?????
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:14:05 No.3636422

    I think it's the guy who did the Cain stories, Maxxie, etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:15:38 No.3636433
    Yes, I'm sure it's the same guy. He also created FUCK YEAH CAIN!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:16:56 No.3636444
    I'm from Oklahoma OP.

    Not all of us sound like hicks, fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:17:06 No.3636445
    I am also gay and would also like you to continue the story.

    These two facts are somewhat unrelated.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:18:19 No.3636455
    We'r reading a story created by a living legend, bros. Lucas and Lee Won!!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:18:28 No.3636458
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:19:37 No.3636469

    But you guys do seem kinda dickish.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:21:20 No.3636491
    Wait, wait, wait, wait wait, what does OP play?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:22:20 No.3636508


    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:22:29 No.3636510
    It's been almost a half hour since you posted the first half of your story.

    Don't be a faggot and just post another part already. Jeez.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:23:20 No.3636519
    yeah!!! OP, describe your damn self so I can picture the band in its entirety!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:27:15 No.3636567
    This is the coolest band ever.

    Lee Won is my hero.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:28:41 No.3636592
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:29:33 No.3636604
    Get rid of Lucas.

    Handicapped people bring down the music.
    >> deleted 03/26/09(Thu)01:32:11 No.3636632
    fun two
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:32:25 No.3636635

    Now take it back
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:33:26 No.3636643
    So OP is never gonna finish this story.


    I am disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:38:12 No.3636704
    Alright, so we finished our first gig, and we all went back to college that week and took a week off of practicing because of mid-terms. I was studying like crazy to get good grades, and since I suck at anything school related, Lauren told me that she would help me. Seeing as she was getting straight A's in everything, she helped me out while we worked on music at our house.

    I tried to make a move on her one night, but she didn't notice it and went to go get food when I tried to put my hand on her knee. The next day, again, I tried to talk about if she had a boyfriend, but everything got interrupted when the whole band came over for a study session.

    Chelsea brought her boyfriend, a guy who looked like he was a forty, and he had the balding hair to prove it. They just went off in the corner and made out while we were all working, and Lee Won went around and helped everyone with our math. He would come over to whoever was having trouble, take our pen, make a few swipes, and he would show us how to do it. Lauren helped everyone with our Literature course, and Lucas brought us food.

    We all had a fun time, and we were ready for the tests in the upcoming days. Since the weekend was coming up, I asked Lauren if she wanted to go to Six Flags. She said that she would love to, and then she asked Lucas because he was right by us. Lucas then asked Lee Won, and Lee Won asked Tony who asked Chelsea who asked her boyfriend who brought some old people with him for some damn reason.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:38:32 No.3636711
    I think I just got trolled
    I think I'm about to get trolled again, but :http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3090180824233343584
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:39:03 No.3636714
    We get to Six Flags in the Won Mobile (except Chelsea, her boyfriend, and his posse) and all start to go around and do all the shit we can find. Seeing as Lucas can't ride on the roller coasters, him and Tony went off to go play games. Me, seeing that as the most fun, first went to go out try X2 with Lee Won and Lauren.

    Things then got kinda got awkward. Seeing as there is only two people per seat on the ride, and there was three of us, one of us had to get left out. We all looked at each other, and Lee Won said he would go with some random person and let us two go together. I gave him a high five behind Lauren's back, and he gave me a thumbs up.

    The ride was awesome, and she didn't scream as much as I did. The coaster came to a stop, we got off, and went on other rides like Superman and Riddler while Lee Won continued to stay in the background with me and Lauren in the front.

    All of us finally got back together around 4:00 PM for some food, and Chelsea and her boyfriend were hanging out with these old guys in suits. They were discussing politics and crap while she looked like she was only interested in making out with her balding love.

    We ate our food and then went to go play games with Tony and Lucas. We all played that game where you have to shoot the target until the thing goes into the air and hits the top, so we all went at it at once. Lucas somehow won, gave the gigantic teddy bear to Lauren, and she gave him a kiss on the cheek.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:39:57 No.3636722
    I raged on the inside, but I let it slide seeing as I didn't think of Lucas as a competitor for her heart. The rest of the day was a bunch of rides and games. The most memorable thing could probably be the 3-Point Challenge thing the park was running.

    It was a basketball court, and they were saying if you could hit 10 three pointers in sixty seconds, you could win a basketball jersey or a mini electric guitar. Lee Won told us that he would try, gave $7 to the guy running it, and hit 12 three pointers with five seconds to spare.

    A crowd submerged onto all of us, and he got cheers from all the girls and got high fives from all the guys. He took one of the mini guitars and gave it to me, saying we were best friends.

    We all had a great time that day, and we left in the Won Mobile back to my house for a late night cramming session.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:43:06 No.3636762

    >A crowd submerged onto all of us, and he got cheers from all the girls and got high fives from all the guys. He took one of the mini guitars and gave it to me, saying we were best friends.

    Oh Lee Won.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:43:42 No.3636769
    I would SOOO watch this if it were a sitcom.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:44:23 No.3636774
    Fuck I want to make a band now. Oh wait....... ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:45:12 No.3636785
    OP, I'm slowly falling for you gradually.

    Ever so slightly...
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:45:24 No.3636789
    Yeeeeeeah even if this story is real (which it isn't) then it is about high school not college

    tl;dr gtfo underSAGE b&
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:46:29 No.3636803

    Wow, what a retarded post.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:46:33 No.3636804
    fucking lee won, he's going to make everyone feel inadequate.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:47:12 No.3636811
    I submitted this for archival, OP, so you better produce some results.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:47:21 No.3636815

    I want to be Lee Won's best friend.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:48:05 No.3636824
    Lee Won should ditch you faggots. You're bringing him down
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:48:19 No.3636828
    Lee Won is now my hero.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:48:35 No.3636833
    Lee Won is an awesome wingman.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:50:16 No.3636848

    this is the greatest thread i have ever read in my life
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:50:32 No.3636853
    Lee Won is too cool to steal your crush.

    He could easily have her, and she totally wants his cock, but he's too awesome to let you not have her.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:51:18 No.3636860
    Lee Won is a fictional character created by OP to make up for all his short comings, and even after all this he won't bang Lauren, but hipster fag kid will.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:51:24 No.3636861
    I wonder if Lee Won and Cain fought who would win?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:51:48 No.3636867
    Agreed so much.

    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:53:12 No.3636878
         File :1238046792.jpg-(11 KB, 300x186, ju-ji-hun-in-green-300x186.jpg)
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    This is what I picture Lee Won to look like.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:54:04 No.3636887
    Wow, I never knew /r9k/ was filled with such faggots, seriously, OP's story is completely one sided, obviously fake, shitty fiction, and is made after a terrible over used archetype.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:54:59 No.3636900

    Wow, such butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:55:58 No.3636907
    This story is obviously fiction, but I like it.

    Lee Won seems like a cool bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)01:57:30 No.3636925
    d'aaaw. his heartwarming smile overtakes my natural hatred for all things asian.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:01:08 No.3636962
    Lee Won is just imaginary.

    The OP uses Lee Won to try and make himself look cooler to Lauren.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:03:28 No.3636990
    Goddammit, now I want to start a band. I know about two guitar cords and played the sax in middle school band. Think it's doable?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:04:18 No.3637000

    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:06:00 No.3637017
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    Post some more already about the day after the cram session
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:07:18 No.3637034
    Alright, OP here, I think I'm going to bed. Let me talk about the mid-terms really quickly. After the Six Flags weekend, we all did pretty well on the mid-terms. Lauren aced everything, Lucas got average grades, Tony got above average, Lee Won did well, Chelsea didn't fail, and I got above average.

    Since we all did well (Chelsea's standards are different from the rest of us), we all got back to practicing and looking for our next gig.

    Then one day, while practicing, Lucas came rolling in and said that he got us a gig. We asked if it was for his sister's birthday, and he told us that it was a real deal. The near by high school needed a band for its Valentines Dance, and the band they had totally flaked out on them. Lucas' Dad works there, so he told Lucas and got us the gig.

    We were set to perform for about three hundred kids in a cramped gym, and we had no idea how fucked up this school was before we could change anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:07:57 No.3637045

    It would get canceled.

    Teenagers wouldn't watch a show with an Asian as a main character.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:08:04 No.3637047
    Wow, I didn't know someone could suck another man's dick, anonymously, over the internet.
    Thanks for showing me that!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:08:59 No.3637055

    Yeah, I'm sure you know how it is to suck a man's dick off the internet.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:10:22 No.3637074

    How the fuck can you end on a cliffhanger?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:10:55 No.3637079
    Oh, so now we are into "no u"ing, huh? Well, apparently I'm not as much of an expert as you, seeing as I had time to eat out your mother last night.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:11:11 No.3637085
    Yeah you should dump Chelsea after you fuck her. You see this way she'll know that she was only let into the band in the first place so that you could sleep with her.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:12:46 No.3637106
    Lee Won is going to fuck Chelsea and Lauren then steal Lucas' wheelchair and use it to travel back in time to kill Jesus and claim himself as gods prophet
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:12:50 No.3637107
    - Fuck Lauren
    - Fuck Chelsea
    - Marry Lee Won
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:13:27 No.3637115


    He's going back in time to stop World War II.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:14:49 No.3637137
    I would rather have sex with Lee Won than depressing brother suicide girl and gold digger.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:16:32 No.3637152
         File :1238048192.png-(36 KB, 761x788, CAINNNNNNNNN.png)
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    It's like you guys have forgotten me.

    Remember me.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:16:58 No.3637156
    Convinve Lee Won to be a trap. That way, you won't need that slut Chelsea and Lauren.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:18:44 No.3637178
    This is all apart of Lee's plan.

    He's going to trap you into thinking you're friends, then fuck Lauren, and then take your band over.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:19:34 No.3637189
    I laughed for 10 minutes straight.

    Who's cain anyway?

    Also OP don't go to bed, finish your story and don't leave it us on a cliff hanger. That's bad mojo bro.
    >> FreeInstantAccess! 03/26/09(Thu)02:22:40 No.3637222
    I stayed up late for this.

    And it was worth it.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:23:16 No.3637229
    But He didn't finish
    >> FreeInstantAccess! 03/26/09(Thu)02:25:23 No.3637254
    I know.

    But I feel so warm and fuzzy inside. I just love a good story. b/ can get fucked in the ass. Arcanine is where it's at.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:25:47 No.3637258
    bitch, don't you go to sleep
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:25:57 No.3637260
    Yeah but I want more. This isn't fair.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:26:00 No.3637261
    So are you going to tell us more?

    I want to learn about the hipster kid. I want to know more about Mr. Keytar.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:27:50 No.3637278
    the themesong is ALREADY playing in my head.

    Lee! Won! Back to the fuuuture!
    He's going back in time to stop World War II
    Lee! Won! Back to the fuuuture!
    With his friends Lauren and Chelsea and Tony tooOoo

    He's going back in time to save the fuuuuture
    Fighting bad guys with his Korean guitar
    He's traveling in time til he gets back to the future
    There's simply no denying he's a StaAaArrrrrr

    Lee, Won, Back to the Fu-U-uture!
    Lee Won!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:28:14 No.3637286
    Lee Won could kick Cain's ass.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:29:22 No.3637300
    Oh God l can't get this out of my head
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:31:38 No.3637324
    Lucas > Lee Won.

    Lee Won can't beat a shooting game.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:32:13 No.3637329
    Fuck yeah! Lee Won won!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:33:48 No.3637344
    Oh man this is the best thing ever.

    I can't believe OP would just abandon us like that and leave the thread hanging.

    I am going to keep this thread open forever on my browser like an unwashed hand.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:34:59 No.3637365
    don't trust the asian.

    hes gonna hurt you.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:36:20 No.3637378
    most samefaggotry I have seem in ages. Why even make a thread if all you do is suck your own cock in it?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:38:10 No.3637398
    *suckle suckle*
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:39:23 No.3637409

    OP already said he wasn't handicapped, just so fat that he uses a wheelchair.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:39:55 No.3637415

    Shut up, OP.

    Make more stories.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:43:20 No.3637452
    I'm going to create a band now.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:45:56 No.3637469
    Oh come on, how does it end?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:47:29 No.3637484
    Lee Won == Cain
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:47:49 No.3637487
    It ends with OP killing Lee Won with a guitar.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:48:17 No.3637494

    I can accept that. Good night, all.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:48:37 No.3637502
    This is an epic story. Proceed, this shit is going in my watched threads btw.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:48:42 No.3637505
    One day I'm going to steal OP and shackle him up in my basement and make him write stories for me all day long, with crossovers where Lee Won and Cain fight but eventually become the best of friends and Lucas finds himself enamoured with Maxxie's disabled paramour, much to his dismay.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:51:52 No.3637542
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:54:10 No.3637577
    Yeah, but can Lee Won play Guitar Hero...acoustically?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)02:56:20 No.3637600
    You just ruined the entire thread, you massive faggot.

    That joke is by far the worst thing to come from south park. Seriously. I actually like south park but any time someone says that I want to deck them in the jaw, and usually do. Unfortunately I'm not enough of an internet tough guy to actually punch people over the internet, but I can only hope from my post you can gather how much I hate you.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)03:01:50 No.3637658
    Sorry, brah, that was my over-the-internet punch in the face to OP for bitching out and leaving us hanging. If it weren't completely idiotic, I wouldn't have said it.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)03:03:14 No.3637671
    Lee Won punched Jeff?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)03:06:20 No.3637700
    Make a band.

    Have friends.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)03:09:44 No.3637730
    OP, you're not that good at writing.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)03:11:13 No.3637741
    so thats how it ends? disappointing
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)03:12:34 No.3637751
    OP, stop writing your stories.

    Go pitch them to a fucking television network already and make money.

    What's the point of entertaining nerds?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)03:14:31 No.3637765

    OP already said he's writing together a pilot script to pitch to one of his family's friends at a network.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)07:29:50 No.3639604
    When do we get to hear te rest of the story?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)07:46:23 No.3639702
    Hey guys, Lee Won here.

    This morning I woke up and fell down the stairs, got a mad gash and sprain on my leg. Then while driving to school some mad faggot cut me off and I crashed into a pole. Cuts all over my face and hands an shit.

    Got to school to start my exams with 5 seconds to spare, dived into my seat, didn't understand shit on the paper. Took out a guitar I'd been carrying around on my back, played some sweet sounding tunes, and the teacher did my test for me. She did my fucking test. Then she got busy on my cock.

    I got 100% and all the girls at school think I'm a badass cos of all my cuts an shit.
    bitches love the cuts.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)10:15:14 No.3640313

    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)10:40:17 No.3640456
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)11:19:49 No.3640712
    I don't know why, but OP's posts were pretty fucking interesting.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)13:09:35 No.3641491
    Is OP already awake?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)13:14:07 No.3641520
    oh shit. This thread is still up here?

    OP if you are reading this

    fuck you for abandoning us.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)13:18:07 No.3641544
    /r9k/ - made up stories. But interesting stories :)
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)13:27:43 No.3641598
    SPOILER: Lee Won is gay.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)14:58:46 No.3642331
    I need more of this or my life is incomplete.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)15:18:35 No.3642482
    OP clearly has a hand for writing interesting stories in a boiled down version compatible to 4chan. Kudos! Will keep this open in a seperate tab, waiting for more awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)15:38:52 No.3642638
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)15:44:41 No.3642692
    I want to know more about the awesomeness of Lee Won. Come on, OP, can't just leave us hanging like this.
    >> Fishy !!Oo43raDvH61 03/26/09(Thu)16:20:04 No.3643021

    We must know moar
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)16:23:18 No.3643044
    Ok so we were all set up to play at this school when some batshit insane kid with my whore mom came up on stage yelling "FUCK YEAH, CAIN", took my guitar and started playing it like the madman he was.
    This is where shit starts going downhill and fast. All the school kids start cheering and my own fucking band starts playing along with him, after he finished a couple of songs he noticed I was looking completely pissed so he hands over the guitar and the band plays for the rest of the night, but compared to Cain I sounded like shit.
    After the gig I asked Lee Won if we could meet up the next day to hang out, relax, play some video games just me and him one on one and he said "I would, but I think I have a chance with Cain."
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)16:41:23 No.3643184
    Ah, thanks /r9k/ and thanks OP. Good thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)16:55:22 No.3643317
    FUCK YEAH CAIN has been done to death, just let it fade away quietly, like Jeff getting punched.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)17:08:06 No.3643430
    OP, your initiative, even if it's just for some music right now, is the most valuable thing you have, and you should be encouraged. But you gotta find a way to turn that initiative into dollars or you'll be dependant and miserble. Self sufficieny will set you free. Also, be careful about having a moral code that doesn't make you miserable from the premise of desiring the unearned.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)17:10:44 No.3643467
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)17:31:40 No.3643752
    OP starter here.

    Wow, this thread is still alive. I thought it would be dead.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)17:34:45 No.3643806

    >> MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW 03/26/09(Thu)17:35:36 No.3643816
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    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)17:39:54 No.3643871
    continue op im waiting
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)17:44:16 No.3643925
    its not, now give us MOAR!!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)17:46:27 No.3643953
    Shut up ltx, you fucking nigger.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)17:48:35 No.3643984
    Play with anyone you can find. Mold them to your own designs. Practice your ass off and put your income into it. Eventually your hard work and effort will pay off.

    Also: move the fuck out of your whore-mom's basement, wtf?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)17:50:49 No.3644012

    More Lee Won.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)17:51:00 No.3644015
    >sleeps for cash
    Please let me know who employs your mother. I can put in 8-15 hours of hard work a night, sometimes even 20+ if needed.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)18:12:56 No.3644257
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)18:33:17 No.3644498
    You just won the game, sir.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)18:39:51 No.3644573
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:11:32 No.3644965
    OP needs to post MOAR!
    Or I will find his place of residence and proceed to sodomize him with out the use of lubrication. You have been warned OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:14:36 No.3645004
    The night comes and everything is hectic. We're all supposed to show up at my house, but my Mom has two gentlemen over, and they're drinking alcohol and partying in the living room.

    I have to intercept everyone, bring them to the garage, and get ready there. I'm no going to say I'm ashamed of my Mother, but...never mind, I am very ashamed of her. We all get ready, throw our shit in the Won Mobile, and we're on our way to the high school.

    We show up and there is a gigantic group of people around most of our ages in front of the school. Mixed in with college students and high school students, a lot of them are holding bottles with brown bags covering them and cowering into corners where no one can see them.

    We get ready and start heading inside when a few girls come over to van and start chatting up Tony. Tony, wearing some horrible looking black and white striped tuxedo with a hat to match, starts to chat with them and then bails for a few minutes to go wherever they wanted him to go. Lucas says he'll go roll after him, but I tell him that I'll go.

    Lee Won tags along, and we leave the heavy lifting to the two girls and the guy who is in the wheelchair. We head over to where there are some kids hanging out near the lunch tables of the school, at night, and see that Tony is with them with his unique attire.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:15:11 No.3645014
    I question Tony what the hell he is doing, and he's doing coke lines on the table while some other kids cover him. One of the girl has her hand on his ass, and I take his hat and throw it on the ground, saying that we need to take this seriously.

    Tony gets in my face, pissed off that I threw his hat, and Lee steps in to calm everyone down. Tony and the random underage jailbait make out for a few minutes, and then all three of us run towards the school to get prepped for the show.

    We get inside and almost no one is there. The teacher supervisors are all inside and not giving a shit about the party outside. The only kids inside seem to be the preppy kids and the nerds that wouldn't ever do drugs or drink alcohol.

    All of us get our instruments on stage, check the sound system, play a little to get going, and we have to start. We begin playing, and we're not bad except for the awful country singing by Chelsea and the off tune keyboard playing by Tony.

    The set is finished, and a few kids clap. A few kids danced, some told us that we did a good job, and that was it. We had finished our second gig, and it was a big improvement over the last one, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:15:50 No.3645026
    Tony explains to us since we're done playing, he's going to go outside and find a girl named Sara. Lucas tells me to fuck off and to carry all the shit I made him carry before, and he follows after Tony. Chelsea gets on her cellphone right away and calls up her boyfriend, ignoring all of us.

    That leaves me, Lauren, and Lee Won to clear the stage and put everything back. Me and Lee start getting the drum set to take back and Lauren takes the smaller things, all three of us sticking close together.

    Some random guy walks out from the back entrance where the van was, and he asks Lauren if she wants to go have fun with him. Since me and Lee are putting the instruments away, we don't see what's going on, and when we look back she's getting harassed by some guy doped up on drugs.

    Before I can yell for help, Lee rushes over to her and headbutts the guy in the chest and then punches him in the face. I then yell for help, and people rush over to check out what happened. We explain the situation, and we say that the guy has drugs on him.

    A few hours later after all three of us are hanging out in the van, the other three people in our band show up and we're ready to go home. While Lee drove us back to my house to rest, I couldn't shake the feeling that Lauren was looking at me.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:16:40 No.3645039
    Where did you go OP? COME BACK!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:18:29 No.3645067
    >Before I can yell for help, Lee rushes over to her and headbutts the guy in the chest and then punches him in the face. I then yell for help, and people rush over to check out what happened. We explain the situation, and we say that the guy has drugs on him.

    I've fallen for Lee Won.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:20:17 No.3645090
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    Lee Won is my hero.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:22:21 No.3645125

    I like Tony.

    He seems he understands what it means to be part of a band.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:24:12 No.3645148

    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:26:01 No.3645173
    Can you add in a British kid?

    Kick out country chick who likes old cock.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:26:03 No.3645175
    Oh, Lee Won, how did we ever survive this long without you. Headbutting doped up sleazebags, you are my idol.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:27:25 No.3645195
    You were going to cry for help, and Lee Won used karate to save your crush?

    What a pussy.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:28:52 No.3645216
    Oh man. I love you OP. I really do.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:29:21 No.3645220

    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:31:24 No.3645245
    Where are you OP?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:33:22 No.3645265
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    mootblock i wonder
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:34:59 No.3645287
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    ah o course

    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:35:54 No.3645299
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:36:50 No.3645311
    Hey OP, give Lauren to Lee.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:38:27 No.3645334
    Stop samefagging an otherwise awesome thread you fuck

    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:40:37 No.3645361
    OP is the fucking man.

    Lee Won is the greatest person to ever live, though.
    >> BRDude !!SqoyMKRJaSy 03/26/09(Thu)19:42:30 No.3645381
    I don't wanna sound like a fag, but shouldn't we be archiving this?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:44:44 No.3645408
    First Cain and now Lee Won.

    Good job, OP.

    I wonder if Lee Won and Cain got into a brawl, who would win.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:45:06 No.3645412

    Already archived
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:47:29 No.3645438
    I can't cheer for an Asian.

    Even if he has his own Korean van.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:47:58 No.3645445
    /r9k/ has a fetish for dominating, confident alpha males.

    The reason is incredibly obvious.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:50:53 No.3645480
    Where do you live, and where can I find Lee Won?

    Y'know how this story should end? It should be one fucking giant Bell-Air. Or just as good, end with Lee Won advising OP to do a BARREL ROLL
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:56:12 No.3645541
    Lee Won is too nice.

    He's evil, i tells ya.
    >> 名無し 03/26/09(Thu)19:58:45 No.3645576
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:59:36 No.3645586

    Obvious fake is obvious, anyone left reading after that is here because they like bad fanfics about how the band Evanescence was started
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)19:59:48 No.3645590
    You just lee the won.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:00:45 No.3645602

    Headbutting people is awesome.

    I do it all the time to my wall.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:03:40 No.3645635
    Your wall is a person?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:06:25 No.3645668
    It's been pretty obvious it was fiction since the start. Play along.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:07:16 No.3645678
    lee won is what every nerd should aspire to be. A champ.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:12:29 No.3645739
    This thread is in dire need of a bump.
    >> LOGo !REDREDLOGo 03/26/09(Thu)20:14:02 No.3645758
    i like the way OP writes

    i would read an entire book in this style
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:15:09 No.3645772
    this thread must persevere through thick and thin.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:16:23 No.3645788
    Of course this is fiction.

    Like Koreans play guitar.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:18:21 No.3645813

    Go to YouTube and type in "korean guitar".
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:19:13 No.3645823

    On the contrary, Koreans seem to be naturally godlike with a guitar. I guess it's that same as Starcraft.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:23:39 No.3645880
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    These guys say keytar fucking rocks.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:24:36 No.3645890
    Just like the Swedish are good at DoTA?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:32:00 No.3645965
    You should all read this while listening to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wam-oMub8EU
    the awsomness arcanine
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:34:39 No.3645990
    go to google and type in "sarcasm"
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)20:38:24 No.3646029

    I can hear the sarcastic inflections in your voice over the internet.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:07:32 No.3646367
    I have a keytar and do coke and my name is Tony too.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:08:12 No.3646373
    Use a trip, OP, so we know who you are next time you post
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:17:07 No.3646478
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    If you cannot tell which posts belong to the OP by simply just looking at his style of writing and the format of his posts then you're absolutely fucking hopeless.

    OP needs to worry less about getting a stupid ass tripcode and more about actually posting the rest of the motherufucking story.

    This thread isn't anywhere near archive worthy until the story reaches a climax, or at least some sort of fucking conflict.

    Get off your ass OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:19:16 No.3646499
    The Adventures of Lee Won.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:24:20 No.3646559
    I don't know where this is going.

    His last post was about Valentines Day Dance, so that was 2/14/09.

    That's a month and a week ago, so we still have more stories to come.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:26:35 No.3646593
    Come on, get to some romance shit.

    I don't wanna know your playing music stuff.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:42:20 No.3646770
    OP here.

    Probably won't be able to update until tomorrow.

    Have stuff going on, maybe.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:44:56 No.3646806

    biggest cockblock writer since the guy who wrote about maxxie.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:45:34 No.3646813
    I think Lee Won is a pretty cool guy, eh headbutts junkies and doesn't afraid of anything
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)21:46:36 No.3646830

    Just get Lee Won to come on and finish it!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:21:04 No.3647285

    I too wish to hear Lee Wons side of this tale.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:23:16 No.3647318
    op here

    not finisgnh tiokmnight suoper bhigtfgh
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:27:36 No.3647370
    OP here.

    Not finishing tonight super big fight.

    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:52:40 No.3647672
    Fuck you, OP. I bet Lee Won wouldn't leave us in a rut like this.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:56:06 No.3647708
    OP is off trying to be Korean.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:58:23 No.3647727
    Well it's also so I can just ctrl+f his tripcode
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)22:59:26 No.3647739
    OP here. I have a few people over from the band for practice, so I'll post some more stuff in an hour or two.

    Don't worry.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)23:04:41 No.3647805
    post a group pic....or just a pic of lee won!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)23:09:11 No.3647850
    OP you should look into blogging this story, it's quite interesting and you're not a terrible writer. You might get some monies out of the deal.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)23:43:17 No.3648319
    I am in love with Lee Won.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/09(Thu)23:58:31 No.3648493
    Okay, friends went home already, so I can continue. Let's see, after the Valentines Night Dance, we all said we would take a few days to settle our heads before practicing again. Me and Lee Won were at my house, doing some homework when my cell began to ring. It was Lauren.

    I pick up, trying not to sound surprised and excited, wanting to pick out the perfect words. When I started to stutter and sound idiotic, Lee Won picked up his pen, wrote some lines on a paper and held them up to me so that I could sound like I knew what I was doing.

    Lauren wanted to thank me for being a great help, and she says that her family is proud of her for doing something productive instead of sitting around the house all day. She questioned me to see if me and her could meet later on that night at a local book store, and I couldn't contain my happiness. I told her I would be there in an hour, and I hung up.

    Lee Won gave me a pounding of the fist and asked if I had ever been on a date before. Seeing as I was twenty, it was weird telling him that I had actually never been out with a girl alone before. He told me that he hadn't either, and he was 19-years-old. I was shocked, knowing how great the guy was, but he then added in that his Mom thought women in America were demons and would rape him.

    I laughed, and Lee said that he didn't like it. He felt like an outsider when most of his friends talked about trying to get girls back in high school, and he knew that if he asked out a girl that his Mom would beat his head in. His Dad, on the other hand, wanted Lee to fuck every girl he saw, but his Mom wore the pants in his family, so Lee Won was out of luck.

    I told Lee that he could sleep here tonight with my Mother not caring who stayed. She was out for the night, anyway, probably having sex with her new Italian boyfriend named Rodrigo or some shit like that.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:00:16 No.3648509
    I tried to find the nicest clothes I had that didn't smell terrible, but the only things I could find were a plain black shirt that said 'HAPPY DOG' with a brown cartoon dog smiling on the front and jeans that were to small for me. I had no time, so I forced myself into the jeans and put on the stupid shirt.

    Lee told me to have a great time and to get Lauren. He added that I was a good guy, and he knew that Lauren liked me the same way I liked her. I don't know why, but I gave him a hug, and while the silence broke in, I ran out of the room without looking back.

    She was at the book store when I got her, and she was sitting down at the counter where they served coffee. I asked her what she was reading, and she told me it was just the newspaper from the school we performed at. They called us the 'College Dropout Robots 9000' for some fucking reason, probably Lucas, but it also said that we were an upcoming band, so that felt nice; even though that piece of writing was probably from some 14-year-old kid that didn't even listen to us.

    We started talking about how much fun it has been to have so many people around, and she thanked me again for being always there for me. She looked me in the eye, smiled, and gave me a gigantic hug. I melted in my seat, and if I died right there, it would have been fucking awesome. My first intimate hug from a girl that wasn't part of my family, and it was soft, warm, and her body smelled like strawberries without the sweat this time. The last time she hugged me was different. This time it meant something.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:00:54 No.3648513
    "You're like a big brother to me."




    "You're always there for me, Leon..."

    I sat there, sipping on my cold cup of shit beans grounded up, and put on the most fake smile since the Presidential election.

    "So, I wanted to tell you first before even Chelsea."

    I nodded.

    "I like someone in the band."

    My stomach curled into a knot, and my heart exploded like a bomb had just been dropped on it. I didn't care who the fuck it was anymore.

    "Lee Won...right?"
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:01:24 No.3648522
    Of course, my best friend. It had to be the guy who I actually liked, but at least he was a good guy. At least it was Lee Won.

    "No, I think I love Tony."

    Tony? Hipster Tony? The guy who makes out with under age girls Tony? Guy who ruined our performance almost by snorting coke at the lunch tables with loser high school rejects?

    "...That's great."

    "I'm going to ask him out. Do you think he'll say yes?"


    Everything after that was a blur of her talking about how hot and perfect he was. How she LOVED his style. How she LOVED his fucking keytar playing. When she came to give me a hug to leave, I hugged her and felt nothing but my heart breaking even more.

    Luckily, though, for me, I had one person that could move mountains if need be. I had the one person that had the power to change the balance of love in one go.

    I had Lee Won.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:03:38 No.3648547
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:04:15 No.3648558

    hipsters are hot though
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:05:04 No.3648563
    Of course she is in love with the hipster.

    He's the only one who's cool.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:05:36 No.3648569

    Motherfucking Lee Won.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:07:17 No.3648596

    And Lee Won.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:10:17 No.3648626


    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:15:22 No.3648669
    Spoiler Alert:

    Lee Won is not real. Lee Won is actually a part of Leon, see the connection there. Lee Won is Leon's inner weaboo, it was actually Leon the whole time....
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:17:01 No.3648689
    Is Leon...Lee Won?


    Maybe, but I believe in Lee Won.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:17:27 No.3648693

    I call bullshit. Seriously, if that was OP, the story has gone for shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:17:30 No.3648695
    Lee Won will say he's gay for Leon.
    Leon will back off and loose his friend.
    Lauren will have secks with the hipster faggot.
    Leon will somehow get the other bitch.
    Lauren will realize that she likes Leon.
    Leon brakes up with the other bitch.
    Band is over
    Lauren and Leon get together.
    Lee Won will forgive Leon.
    They start a new band. Just the three.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:23:16 No.3648753

    So does anyone else find the abrupt change in OP's writing style suspicious?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:27:07 No.3648782

    yeah, it didn't seem like he used any dialogue in his previous installments
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:29:41 No.3648808

    It's me the OP. Yes, I used dialogue.

    Again, I don't proof read what I write and just jot it down, so I don't expect it to be great.

    I'll post more tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:34:58 No.3648861
    I haven't been so entertained by a thread in quite a while
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:37:13 No.3648886
    It's going to end with Lee Won and Leon either:

    A) Being same person.
    B) Gay sex
    C) Lee Won kills Tony for Leon.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:37:56 No.3648898
    Leon will confess to Lee Won that he has strange feelings that he's never felt before. Lee Won will say "That's strange, considering that we're the same person."

    Leon tries to shrug it off as a joke, and then Lee Won points to a mirror and says "See for yourself."

    Leon looks into the mirror and sees nothing more than a reflection of Lee Won. Leon turns to Lee Won when the realization hits him. Lee Won was everything that Leon wants to be. Most people will just accept their self-loathing and total lack of confidence, but Leon instead chose to run with it and create a fake person to cope. He's smart, he kicks ass at guitar, everyone loves him, and he's asian like Leon subconsciously has always wanted to be. Lee Won created the band and helped Leon to get his first girl, and Leon ruined it when Lee Won allowed him to take over for himself.

    Leon looks up and stares at Lee Won. Lee Won says "Yes, now you know. And now I can no longer stay here. I've done all I can for you."

    Lee Won fades away as Leon falls to his knees and looks back into the mirror, seeing nothing but his plain old reflection.

    The credits roll and the audience cheers.

    The End.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:39:17 No.3648922
    $30 Leon and Lee Won aren't the same person.

    Too obvious twist.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:44:27 No.3648978
    yeah its going to turn gay. Damn it!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:56:34 No.3649116
    Ah fuck it, I'll tell more tonight. The last part was weird, so I want to clear some things up. First off, Lee Won and me aren't the same person. I want to kill that before everyone theories that. Just really similar names (well, his first name is Lee and last name is Won).

    I go back to my house a few hours later and see that Lee is on the computer doing some homework before heading off to sleep on the sleeping bag that I had in my garage. He asked me how the date went, and I said that it wasn't any date.

    He asked me if he found out about Lauren liking Tony, and I flipped out. He fucking knew? Then why the hell didn't he tell me this before? He told me that he wanted me to have confidence and not feel like shit going, and Lee Won thought she would like me the same if I had some confidence. His confidence busting failed, and I felt like shit.

    He told me that Lauren told him the night of the Valentines Day Dance, and how she was really jealous of him going after those young teenage girls. She asked him what she should do to get Tony, and Lee Won told her that Tony seemed kinda of a free spirit and probably couldn't be tied down by one girl. He then said she responded by saying that it was her goal to tame him or some dominatrix shit like that.

    We spent the rest of the night trying to think of a way for her to fall for me and not him, and he suggested to take his van, go to her house, stand atop the van, and play guitar outside her window. I told him that her parents would flip out and kill me, and he agreed.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:57:13 No.3649125
    On Monday we had class, and me and Lee Won hung out during free period to become strategical and find a way to make myself appealing to her. We thought maybe that I should change my style to what Tony wore, but we agreed that becoming like him would be too much money and be a waste of time. Lucas came over in his chair forty minutes later and asked what was up, saying he heard about Tony and Lauren.

    We ask him how the hell he found that out, and he told us that Lauren came to him last night on the phone, asking how to get Tony. I raged inside, Lee tried not to laugh at all of her attempts, and Lucas said to go up to Tony, show her breasts, and ask him for sex. I was about to hit the fucking 500 pound wheelchair bastard, but Lee stopped me and said that he was just joking. He wasn't, but I was calmed down by that point.

    I call a band meeting after school at my place and everyone shows up, including Tony and Lauren. I tell them that we'll probably be booking our new gig soon, so we should start practicing. We all agree to do an instant practice session, and we begin. An hour or two later, Tony says he has to leave and bolts, Lauren following behind him.

    Me and Lee Won stop for a few seconds, look at each other, and go closely behind her to see what transpires. Mom wasn't home again, so the two of them were in the kitchen we caught up to them out of the garage.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:57:55 No.3649131
    Lauren had her hands on his trashy suit that he was wearing, and I could hear the words, 'I like you' over the silence that overcame me. My heart dropped, again, and I felt like shit...again. Tony took her arms, pressed his hands around her waist, grabbing her ass in the process, and started to make out with her in my kitchen.

    I sigh, tell Lee Won let's go back, and we do. We go back to the garage and hang out with Chelsea and Lucas who are talking about some shitty new television show on VH1 or some stupid crap . I sit down on the rundown couch I have in the corner and put my heads in my face. I felt like crying, but I couldn't feel any water come out of my eyes.

    Chelsea asked me what was wrong, but I just told her that I hit my head when walking to the bathroom. She sat next to me and apologized randomly for always bringing her outside friends to practices and outings we have. I told her it was fine, and we shared...a moment...somewhat.

    The night ended with Tony and Lauren coming back to the garage, hand in hand, Tony saying that he had the energy to practice some more.

    We practiced all night long, and even if the rest of the band was having fun, I was not.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)00:59:14 No.3649147


    the hipster beats you.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)01:00:11 No.3649157

    The beginning of a love pentagon.

    Only person who doesn't get a turn is the obese kid in the wheelchair.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)01:03:03 No.3649191
    This is all going to end with Lucas rolling in, both chicks on his wheel chair, and saying, 'bitches got punked' and then makes out with both
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)01:06:24 No.3649218
    Can we just get to Lee Won having sex with the Narrator already?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)01:09:57 No.3649250

    And more about music. Less about sexual feelings.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)01:14:13 No.3649289
    Moar. Seriously, I need to go to bed soon, hurry up.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)01:16:18 No.3649305

    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)01:20:16 No.3649340
    Thank you for sharing your story or making one up.

    I wish you the best and you deserve better than that dumb bitch Lauren.
    >> Apex !yY9xVA38oY 03/27/09(Fri)01:21:06 No.3649353
    Lee Won is such a respectable motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)01:38:03 No.3649558
    I'm going to die if I don't hear the rest of this.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)01:44:25 No.3649635
    This is oddly compelling.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)01:51:55 No.3649752
    this is a good thread.
    so... plain, yet intriguing.

    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)01:55:01 No.3649798
    HUGE TWIST AT THE END. Lucas gets up out of his wheel chair and pulls off his mask, revealing that he's really MARTIN LAWRENCE. Big Momma's House 3: Operation Band Meet
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)01:56:37 No.3649814
    I think you should kill off all the other characters and just have the Lee Won talk show.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)02:16:11 No.3650059
    Lee Won is such a good guy.

    Tony sounds like a tool.

    You sound like a pussy.

    Lucas is just obese and lazy in a wheelchair.

    Lauren is a slut.

    Chelsea is a sluttier slut.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)02:21:27 No.3650131
    Fuck OP, just write more.

    Finish the story.

    Have Lee Won turn into a zombie for all i care
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)02:29:02 No.3650243
    Hahahahah fucking Martin Lawrence
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)02:30:24 No.3650260
    super love pentagon triangle sex
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)02:37:44 No.3650342
    bumping for a good story
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)02:48:12 No.3650442
    motherfucking op i better get my lee won fix before i go to bed
    >> headstrong !!yrUbZQu6Bkt 03/27/09(Fri)03:03:27 No.3650623
    I'm waiting for more, OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)03:10:31 No.3650695
    despite the downturn in the last few parts, this is a really cool story. "my life is boring...guess i'll start a band" - and it actually working, so much so that you people want to read about your band's experiences.

    and lee won just sounds too good to be true.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)03:12:36 No.3650719
    Lee Won was a transsexual, she loves you.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)03:15:58 No.3650757
    bumping with some Lee Won

    His channel:
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)03:25:44 No.3650829
    I play the trumpet and symbolds!
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)03:37:17 No.3650944
    So OP, how does you music actually sound? Can you upload or describe a song? How are practises; do you guys work on new songs? Are you like; their leader; or do you all have a role in deciding parts of new songs? Who gets the gigs, aside from the nigger's parents?

    Oh, and obligatory character assessment.

    Lee Won sounds like one cool motherfucker. A true friend.

    Tony sounds like a hipster douche of a person

    Chelsea seemed bad at first but is probably ok.

    Lucas sounds like a fat nerdy(ish) nigger with a nigger family, but a decent person

    Lauren sounds like a typical dumbshit women, but decent anyways.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)04:05:38 No.3651199
    finish story
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)04:15:11 No.3651286
    hey whats goin on up in this shizzle? :)
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)04:18:27 No.3651310
    OP, why don't you type this shit out in Notepad or something and just POST it?

    Right now it seems like you're dragging this out as long as you can 'cause you enjoy the attention we're giving you.

    If you don't get your ass in gear, we're not going to give a fuck anymore. So just post all the goddam story.

    Much love,
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)04:21:28 No.3651335
    HAHAHAHA fuck yes OP! You are going places.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)04:33:19 No.3651442
    finish the story or i'm going to rob your sister and rape your house
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)04:56:37 No.3651617
    This reminds of be 2chan and the train guy thing. You know, the one that got made into a sitcom in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)05:01:02 No.3651656
    Denshya Otoko "Train Man"
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)05:06:13 No.3651703
    Okay OP, if you're still here, we just want closure; what is the status of the band mates and you at this moment, who is banging who, is Won still single?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)05:07:43 No.3651721
    Fucking hell. I NEED CLOSURE! I know if it's not all posted now I'll never find it again and omfg I need to know what happens...
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)05:31:27 No.3651907
    I have this thread bookmarked, the story is awesome. Plus, it feeds my [r9k] sensibilities about women.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)05:40:05 No.3651977
    doped up on drugs! DOPED UP ON DRUGS!
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)05:57:21 No.3652138

    Never heard of a library huh
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)06:05:17 No.3652199
    stop fucking sleeping OP and finish the goddam story
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)06:33:56 No.3652389
    Bump for conclusion
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)06:37:20 No.3652402
    Protip: OP has gone to bed.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)06:57:51 No.3652508
    This thread better not 404 before OP returns.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)07:02:15 No.3652532
    Protip: Get rid of the hipster he will slowly dissolve relations between all of you and destroy the band.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)07:26:05 No.3652667
    bumping in the name of lee won
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)07:28:19 No.3652687
    Oh, damn. This shit got FRIENDZONED.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)08:00:30 No.3652855
    This thread must live.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)08:03:14 No.3652875
    OP you put too much on Lee Won, he is a super nice guy with some really incredible skills and personality but he can't solve everything for you.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)08:14:27 No.3652943
    Thi is the best fucking thread
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)08:16:52 No.3652960
    Am I right in hypothesising that Lee Won is everything r9k wants to be? I mean, he's even got the ronery virgin thing going on.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)08:28:51 No.3653023



    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)09:10:09 No.3653314
    I disagree with the theory that Lee Won is a part of Leon. In fact, Leon is a part of Lee Won. Leon is Lee Won's idealised self, the all-American slacker kid who just drifts through life, the kind of life that Lee Won with all his azn discipline envies.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)09:20:22 No.3653413
    bumping the thread for obvious reasons
    also if someone could post the Cain story, do so, make some robot happy
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)09:23:47 No.3653439
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)09:44:19 No.3653600
    Lee Won sounds like such a fucking badass. I'd say I wish I was you so I could be best friends with him, but you're kind of a huge pussy. Fuck Lauren, she's obviously a fucking ho, go for Chelsea! Lulz will ensue!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)09:54:53 No.3653682
    Become a club DJ. If you're in the US, you have a year to practice. If you're in Canada, bust your ass and get applying. Being a DJ is cruise control for cool.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)10:20:28 No.3653859
         File :1238163628.jpg-(109 KB, 333x500, lee-jae-won.jpg)
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    Bumpling for moe Lee Won justice.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)11:14:20 No.3654292
    stories over bros
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)12:34:07 No.3654875
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)12:59:02 No.3655081
    How long has this thread been up? Three days?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)14:04:32 No.3655690
    2 1/2, can't you see the times that go with every post?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)14:29:02 No.3655910
    MegaBAMP version 10.5.5 flippingblox
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)14:31:43 No.3655932
    this sounds like a judd apatow film.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)14:31:56 No.3655934
    Why would Lauren want a faggot like Tony?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)14:41:26 No.3655996
    I still love you OP. This is going places.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)14:45:47 No.3656018

    >> C.Falcon !G712nkLQ.g 03/27/09(Fri)14:53:35 No.3656073
    Thread bookmarked

    Fucking awesome
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)14:58:35 No.3656128
    This is such a fucking epic thread. I love it.

    Needs more. D:
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)15:08:37 No.3656203
    hey guys, why do you need closure?? This isn't a movie, its a tv drama! It needs a couple seasons before the end! Id like to here hundreds of stories about leon and lee won.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)15:10:06 No.3656216
    We don't need closure, we just need MOAR.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)15:31:25 No.3656455
    The problem is, the updates don't happen nearly often enough.

    The last time the OP updated was over 12 hours ago. He should be watching this thread like a fucking hawk, not leaving it to the dangers of being purged.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)15:36:01 No.3656505
    He can just start a new thread... And episodes should come out, like on a nightly basis. Or weekly.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)15:37:38 No.3656523
    Don't want to miss this kinda dramafag magic though, in the off chance.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)15:43:51 No.3656589
    The suspense. Its killing me.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)15:54:15 No.3656724
    Hey guys. I don't think there's a point in telling this story anymore, Lee Won just quit the band.

    I'm sorry if i wasted your time. Take care.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)16:04:12 No.3656859
    That makes me feel so depressed inside.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)16:17:54 No.3656997
    Does anybody else picture Lucas as fat albert in a wheelchair?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)16:24:07 No.3657055
    That's pretty much exactly what I was picturing tbh.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)16:34:11 No.3657146
    in that case Lee Won is hot
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)16:41:26 No.3657219
    Yeah, right.

    Still waiting for the OP to show up..
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)16:44:10 No.3657246
    One of the best threads I've read on /r9k/. I FUCKING LOVE LEE WON THE GAME!
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:01:10 No.3657433
    Oh, thank fuck. I thought this was gone. Be still, my heart.

    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:04:22 No.3657471
    Or does we not get bumps?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:09:23 No.3657536
    No, we get bumps.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:10:48 No.3657554
    I need to know what becomes of Lee Won ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:11:49 No.3657571
    Until when? 500posts? I thought it 404'd then.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:12:44 No.3657578
    OP this is fucking torture!
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:15:18 No.3657607
         File :1238188518.gif-(21 KB, 235x250, gonoodletras.gif)
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    as much as I hate to admit it, this is my mental image of Lee Won...whgqqjhgdqljgqkjhg
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:16:30 No.3657619
    >>3657607 newtblink
    Noodle is a girl.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:19:57 No.3657660
         File :1238188797.jpg-(156 KB, 400x301, gorillaz1-724979.jpg)
    156 KB
    You are now aware that Lucas is Russell.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:22:37 No.3657691


    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:25:31 No.3657729
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:26:23 No.3657743
    stop bumping the thread every few minutes, then it will 404 eventually due to too many posts. just bump like every few hours.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:28:20 No.3657763
    ITT: OP makes up a creative story, and you project your feelings of despair onto him.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:28:29 No.3657767
    Tony is Murdoc, Leon/OP is 2D? Chelsea is Britney Spears. IT ALL MAKES SENSE.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:31:46 No.3657814
    OP here. Just got off of school, and I have the weekend off to do whatever I want.

    I should finish my Music History homework first before continuing, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:32:01 No.3657820
    I loved OP's story, but as a Koreanfag, I must point out that Lee Won's name is either:

    1. Not Korean
    2. Fake.
    3. You don't know his real Korean name.

    The reason why I say this is because most Korean first names are composed of two syllables, or sometimes three, but one is extremely rare. If that rare instance was to occur, the pronounciation of the name would sound very natural, but Lee Won's name doesn't sound very fluent.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:32:38 No.3657827
    don't tease us.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:34:02 No.3657841
         File :1238189642.jpg-(125 KB, 900x675, untitled.jpg)
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    Lee Won can be a girl because he is asexual.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:34:29 No.3657849

    I think the OP said that Lee is his first name and Won is his last.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:35:53 No.3657876

    OP here.

    Lee is his first name, and Won is his last. I call him by his full name sometimes because it sounds similar to mine.

    Lee Won...Leon...yeah, I know, nerdy.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:37:42 No.3657906
    okay, write more op.

    for fucks sake.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:41:51 No.3657960

    Then that further proves my point. Lee, Kim and Park are the most common and prominent last names, so I thought his last name was Lee, but it's Won? Then it's even more unbelievable. I've seen a lot of Korean people (I used to live in Korea), but I've never seen a Korean person with "Won" as their last name, let alone hear such an awkward-sounding name.

    Not to say that OP is a liar, but I'm just saying it's a little hard to believe. Your story is really interesting btw, OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:45:57 No.3658002
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:46:00 No.3658004
    Perhaps the OP doesn't know the difference. Is Won a first name that you recognise?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:51:39 No.3658066

    "Won" by itself is not a name that I've heard of, and as I said, doesn't sound very natural in Korean pronounciation. But who knows. There are a lot of unique names out there.

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