GUESS WHO IS COMING TO THE COLLEGE DOWN THE STREET FROM ME!!!Suggestions? I know it is essentially impossible to fuck with them.
Like all trolls, they feed off attentionIgnoring them is the best tactic.
Awesome trolls are awesome
Make your own sign and stand with them
Just ignore them, Christ, not hard.
Join them with equally ridiculous signs and act like you are a part of their group.
God hates robots.bidabada!
Make a sign saying GODISDEADAnd stand among them.
>>3628461simple. you go to the local hardware store, buy the heaviest, most menacing hammer you can find, then let the hammer do the rest.
bilboard modification...carry a selection of simple modifier bilboards and stickers.. if you can fuck their own billboards ... if not just place yours in front...
1. get signs like them2. protest with them3. pull out swords and kill someone in the crowd around them4. ??????5. Profit
>>3628483Ignoring the trolls is best, but a properly done sign can be win. If you suppress your rage.There was some guy who responded to this at his college by dressing up like a devil and having a table across from them promoting various cults or something. It was pretty funny.
Yeah I think joining them with your own sign that's like theirs but just a little off would be best (e.g. GOD IS A FAG)BTW that episode of Louis Theroux with them is amazing. That one 19 year old cult member wanted his dick soooo baaaaad.
I have an awesome idea suddenly.Go to a trophy/award company and have an award made that says "Best IRL Trolls of the 21st Century" and present it to them.
>>3628461Here are some suggestions:1) Kill them. The only downside might be ending up in jail.2) Attack them with water guns and water balloons or a hose.3) Bring some voice enhancing tool and yell at them explaining how much god hates them and how much they have sinned and will go to hell etc.4) Fart in their faces at a minimum 10cm distance from their noses.5) Play loud music which makes it impossible to hear that they are there.6) Get some gayfags or lezfags to make out in front of them. 7) Cover up their signs, by, for example, shooting the signs with a paintball gun.8) Combination of aboveWhatever you do, if you do something hilarious, you must film it and upload it to youtube.
Get all the gay people on campus to start making out around them.
Dress up as Nietzsche (moustache and all) and hold a sign saying "God is dead. And we have killed him."
>>3628558>>3628568Holy shit, do these OP.Post on YouTube
Make a sign saying "Jews did 9/11"
They're way too difficult to counter troll, so I don't bother.My trolling pales in comparison to the Phelps family.
"God hates signs"
why are they coming to your college OP?
>>3628461>>3628461>>3628461>>3628461It doesn't matter what you say, OP, because they will win and ignore you. I say you just troll and have fun being on TV.Make a sign saying "Westboro Baptist Church: Brought to you by" and stand in the middle of them.
GOD HATES SHRIMPGOD HATES NYLON POLYESTER BLEND trolls put anyone on 4chan to shame
>>3628658Or just a sign saying WWW.4CHAN.ORGin the middle of them, can't lose with that.Trollan 101.
These guys worship Francis from L4D?"I HATE EVERYTHING"
Walk around with a sign showing off your coolface.
Go and be gay right next to them.
>>3628698You shouldn't label everything that is stupid as trolling.You should realize the entirety of "god hates fags" is a conspiracy theory level non-logic designed to explain why bad things happen.
I was thinking of making a sign that reads"GOD HATES FREEDOM... APPARENTLY"
Set up signs around them stating something along the line of:"Warning: Expert trolling in progress." And a picture of a troll.
>>3628772"DANGER! Severe idiocy zone! KEEP CLEAR!"
Egg them, please, do something.
>>3628772trolling has nothing to do with the mythological creature.Its a type of fishing.stupid people simply misunderstood and obfuscated the meaning.
>>3628772No, just walk around with a sign with coolface.jpg that says "Problem?" under it
Wear a Guy Fawkes mask and hold a sign that says "ANONYMOUS IS LEGION" in their ranks.Confuse the christfags and anyone that sees you on television, and troll the entire internet as well.
Two of his sons, Mark and Nate, who allege that their father is a child abuser who repeatedly beat them with a leather strap and a mattock handle (similar to an axe handle)[34], insist that the church is actually a carefully planned cult that allows Phelps to see himself as a demigod, wielding absolute control over the lives of his family and congregants, essentially turning them into slaves that he can use for the sole purpose of gratifying his every whim and acting as the structure for his delusion that he is the only righteous man on Earth.This man... is one epic troll.
They came to my college a couple weeks ago.Here's what we did.Every time they opened their mouth to say something, start yelling BLAH BLAH BLAHDY BLAH BLAH BLAH!Other than that, ignore them.
You should start flirting with all of the guys.
why are all 4channers such raging pussies???put a spare change of clothes in your backpack, wear something over your face walk up to them, punch/push/kick one and then run. when you are in a secluded spot, change clothes
>>3628804Fuck I would do that. Thats a great idea.
>>3628830Both simply reinforce their delusion.They believe they're being ignored because what they're saying is "too true."
>>3628847Would simply reinforce their delusion.
>>3628795This sounds like a fantastic idea.
>>3628827"Here stands living proof that birth control is a good thing! PRO-CHOICE!"
dear god i wish they would come out to VA tech on a weekend.I'd grab a Guy Fawkes mask from spencer's and parade with a "Brought to you by" sign all day.Because the only way to fight trolls is to troll them back.
Facepalm dot jaypeg those betches.
"It doesn't like being called God"
>>3628916You have no idea what "trolling" is. But you are namefag, so it is expected.
just join them with a sign that replaces fags with niggers and hope it gets on the news
Greatest irl trolls EVER.
>>3628866nothing works on them, period. might as well hurt them physically for being such assholes
Put quarantine tape around their general protest area.
Dear everyone,Dismissing the inconceivably stupid as "trolling" is a defense mechanism employed by the weak of mind.
>>3628932hehe. this. it would be too subtle for them to get, but way obvious for everyone else that sees you
>>3628951But that just reinforces their various delusions and gets them more press coverage.
I love the guess who
>>3628957troll detectednigerianmootblocks
Hold up a sign that reads "Fags hate god", chant it.
>>3628930tripfag, you bastard. get it right. And I beg to differ.I hang out with them and my sign. No violence, just standing around.people get curious and go to look at the website i'm posting. google it even. those who already know of it realize the next part.People look at past news reports on 4chan and figure that the entire thing was just a bunch of idiots trying to incite shit.(hopefully)Link to /b/ discredits the protest.roundabout and grasping at straws, but i don't normally have anything better to do on a saturday afternoonin truth, VA tech seems like a good target for them to visit because of the April 16th shootings.
>>3628967I'm confused as to how attacking them reinforces their beliefs? explain plox
trollface.bmp taped on a piece of cardboard.Sit on the other side of the street.
>>3628984Not sure if this is what they were getting at, but it could make a martyr out of who you attack.
I really thought I was on /b/ while reading this thread.
>>3628461What are their views on pedophilia?Cause I'd totally go for the ones in the pic.