~glarble mounch mouch munch
Please stop posting these sorts of things.
nomom~ Wot gah? Au hell who churned the chamra on?
Goddamn a guy can't even enjoy a sandwich around here...
~glaaarble mouuunch mouch monk munch
If I could, I would rape you then flay you alive and hang you by a rope until you died from bloodloss.
What the fuck is this Shine shit? Why do you think we want to see your shit drawings (ZOMG MEGA KAWAII =^_^=) with your attempt to be so funneh next to it (uguu!! I'm eating a sandwich desu!!! :3).
>>3616605thread over everyone stop posting
bring your shit drawing to your parents who will pretend to love your failure of a life.
>>3616613>>ShineOhohoho Your newfaggotry will be forgiven once and only once!Please don't make such mistakes in the future okay sweetums?
>>3616656He was right, he said "thread over"Also, fuck your shitty Flash OMG SO SMOOTH LINES!
>>3616627I don't think that joke was very funny.
>>3616656His point was you're imitating shine. Which you are.And she was hated. You more so. Stop being a fucking faggot and cut the shit, mang.
>>3616590>camerathis right here is the reason I dislike you. because basically, you do indeed have a camera, one that can go anywhere and show anything you want. you're limited only by your imagination- you could have an adventure the likes the world has never seen, surfing on a glowing crystal shard between sentient islands on the infinite crimson sea of a planet flanked by unimaginable cosmic starfields. the limits to what you could do- they don't exist. you could blow your mind and cry for joy, or sadness, or a whole constellation of beautiful emotions, and you could share it with us.Instead, you keep that camera at a steady five feet from the ground, pointed at a blank white background, and you draw the same familiar, nay, boring, representation, presumably of yourself, doing tedious everyday things. why would I want to look at that? I could look at that in the mirror. At least my life changes- you're stuck in an infinite loop, never growing better or worse.you want attention? PROTIP: this is NOT HOW YOU GET IT
>>3616669Gawd its openCanvas, don't be so silly
>>3616689....That post is so horrbly incorrect I don't...even know...what to say
lol this guy cracks me up every time you should make your own comic strip like xkcd and ctrl alt del those guys are so funny but i think yours would be funnier you could call it r9k adventures or something lol to give it a 4chan appeal anyways keep up the good work~~ :3
your a niggerbaby
EFG Is superior to you because of his eyebrows.
I for one think your drawings are great OP. Keep up the good work!
>>3616689I'm defending the drawfag/draw-whore.It's better than relationshit and camwhoring. You have to admit that.Keep on keeping on, Epic Hair Guy.
well, if you actually look like it, post pix. Maybe i think i'll do youOtherwise, gtfoThere are lots of user bases who will appreciate your little pictures more than we do
>>3616706I'm only four feet five inches! if the camera was five feet from the ground you wouldn't be able to see me!Thats why I invented these extendo legs~
>>3616790You just killed yourselfnow fuck off and die, you worthless stupid blind stubborn piece of shit.Stop whining and hang around with your emo (OH SO ARTSY) friends.If you don't have any, kill yourselfBUT JUST FUCK OFF, you worthless scum.
Yo, Epic hair guy.Lets try this again.High five. I like you man. Fuck the haters
I miss Shine, she had much nicer tits than Epic Hair Gay.
>>3616773But I love you guys! Plus I need your sage for my Iron Chef recepies.
lookThe guy above had a wnderful comment on why drawwhores waste their existenceAnd this fucker dont even reacted.Why.Tell me why.Did you understand how low you are?
>>3616829Amazing drawing.
>>3616689I liked shine.
>>3616816OHoho you silly billy~ and I liked that tripcode too...
>>3616561shine was much better than you. like almost impossibly better. this is awful. not your drawing... just... you. drawfags need better gimmicks than what you've got.
>>3616850You haven't seen art before, have you?I hate you
Ignore everyone else. You have fans, we fucking love you.
>>3616827You shouldn't go mouthing off without doing the proper reasearch!Plus Shine had itty bitty titties..
I usually just keep this to myself but, god I fucking hate epic hair guy so much. His threads, his drawings...just can't stand them/him.
can has EHG hugging a kitten? :D
Hey guys =^_^= supr kawaii! that means cute BTW bakas
>>3616892>>3616886>>3616879>>3616849>>3616849>>3616816>>3616773So much anger..so much hate over little ol' me~Not thats just silly. You guys need to relax or somethin' ,maturbate, fuck a lady, anything...
>And this fucker dont even reacted.>dont even reacted.I hate epic hair guy's shit too, but c'mon man... grizzamar fo shizzle.
no high five? fuck... fine i go find whatisname who does the stick figures.
>>3616931Awh! Well since you asked so nicely~<3
>>3617002That is adorable and you have made my day, thank you :D
>>3617013I don't know what I would do if I had penis legs actually...
ROFL XD btw haterrrrzzz fuk off n get a LYF
>>3616984I don't like you because you don't have a gimmick, and I mean this sincerely. EFG would pretty much always have a story to tell or a joke that would expand as it went. You plop down a drawing of yourself standing inert and expect the audience to entertain themselves, and you're constantly there just wasting space. It's like a completely unironic Powerup Comics.
>>3617053I usually just respond to the crowd. When people are nice and give lots of requests then thats what I do. I even respond when people are being frowny and sage me.
Why can't you leave this board alone?Go post your shitty, repetitive drawings on /b/ where they're gagging for that kind of boring crap.This is worse than relationship threads because there are fewer of them than there are camwhore threads, and this is a camwhore thread where the whore is too ugly to show him/herself so draws LULSORANDUMXD picutes.Never make another one of these threads again, it's not trolling, it's not funny, it's just the same old shit and if you like /r9k/ at all you'll cleanse it from yourself.
Don't listen to them EHG. There are people who actually like you.Like me :D
Dear Drawfag.It's the character everyone hates, not you.Just take drawing requests like all the other good drawfags do.Prove your talent, and people will like you more.
>>3617106Duuuur tripcode fail
>>3617078this is exactly what I am saying, yes.when EFG had interaction with the audience, it was generally PICK A CARD or WHAT DO I DO IN THIS WACKY SITUATION or something ENTERTAINING where there was a choice to be made.your shtick is nothing BUT interaction with the audience, and incredibly limited and predictable interaction at that. It's like a taco bell menu- many different options, but they're all the same thing in a slightly different shape. you just have "jocular response to anger," "poorly drawn 'wacky' event," "request (so long as it involves nothing more arduous than making my character change expressions or props)", and "meandering interaction with another drawfag.", instead of pita bread, tortilla chips, cheese, lettuce, meat, and salsa.
>>3617090I love how you nearly completely quoted ED in a portion of that little rant. Your opinions on board necessities and what I should do are completely relevant.
>>3617137I don't go on ED as it's full of faggots but clearly they can get some things right.Inside you dislike the fact that most people are just blocking this thread or posting how much they hate you but you'll just post another OMGHESOKAFTURALL expression and continue being a faggot.I believe /ic/ is the board you're looking for.
>>3617132The thing is I work with what I get.If people give me the right ingredients then I make a decent little request thread. Nothing epic, nothing spectacular, but a generally smile worthy experience for everyone involved.
>>3617209You gotta let people know you're doing requests though.You're being compared to EFG threads, which would usually involve some sort of drawn out story that ends in something comical.No requests are done in those threads, since it's usually all planned out.So if you want my suggestion, I'd say either have a funny plot planned out. Or start your thread with an obligatory character picture and state that you'll take requests.
>>3617190>>Inside you dislike the fact that most people are just blocking this threadWhat? OH GOD NO! It shows they are mature enough to ignore something they don't like instead of bitching and whining about it. Thanks for the analysis though Dr.House.
yeah jus tlike post him and go like 'hai thar i will draw shit'
Original content.Do not block.
>>3617290If I masturbate to myself maturbating is that...gay?
>>3617330Face it, that guy's drawing is the only funny thing in this thread.
I request EHG getting brutally raped by a catgirl.
>>3616918Shine's jugs are quite big (someone calculated her as being a G cup based on measurements she gave) She sometimes strapped them down like Hilary Swank in 'Boys Don't Cry' though.
>>3617389Horrid lies and slander...I hope you burn in hell for this good sir
>>3617348Thanks man.mootblawcks
I wonder if EHG has a girlfriend :D
>>3617389Life-like texture?;-;
>>3617465Slander by definition has to be a lie.
>>3617512I just refuae to believe something silly like that. She would barely be able to stand.
>>3617510What the hell ARE you and why are you in my thread?
>>3617602There's no such thing as "my thread". You don't have any special power over a thread you start. If anything you're more of a target.
>>3617602Can some other drawfag draw cooler things, this guy is totally defective.P.S. It is not your thread because everyone else in it is better than you. You're kind of just annoying.
Jeez EHG, why are you such a failure?Seriously, can't figure it out.
>>3617570Why exactly are you sometimes female? Just being a faggot isn't gay enough?
>>3617675You have internal organs? Reeaallly?>>3617651There is when it comes to drawhores. They aren't allowed to enter another drawhore's thread without permission or other non-drawhore threads...Its more of a suggestion then a real rule but still.
>>3617755Ya rly.Plz do not kill.
EHG, the only problem I have is that your threads are all about you. You should be doing requests and nothing else. draw mootykins fucking snacks
>>3617802Oh what? Virgin-Kun? Fuck I thought you stopped. God damn it I wish you did.
Everybody stop saying Shine. Her name is Jesus. God.
>>3617802Hmmm~ Don't kill you ay? Why not?Convince me why I should let you live...
>>3616867Hey again EHG.I remember your epic duel with Trip.You should try secure tripcodes.just append ##randomentryhere to your normal trip.My secure trip, for example, is ##ehg.Easy success.
>>3617570Your theory is disproved with this photo of a woman with similar proportions and G cups.Where is your god now EHG?
>>3617755By those rules drawwhore seems very close to attentionwhore.
ohshit OH SHIT!! My threads been SPOTTED! I gotsta BOUNCE dawg!
>>3617859Ummm... Uhhh...Shit oh shit...We can be friends? >>3617843You remember me? I'm flattered.
>>3617106You look new.Tripcodes are easily done.Look at the FAQ, or just add #______to the end of your name. Replace the blank with a random string of your choice.
>>3617917>>3617917>>3617917>>3617917This information, it's...amazing...
I request Epic hair girl getting raped by epic hair guy.
>>3617991I request Shine getting raped by Epic hair girl.
/r/ EHGirl is a futa.
>>3617991I second this request.biggestfanblocks
>>3617917Yeah, I knew how to do it, i just keep mixin it up. Thanks for the help though
>>3617991>I request Epic hair guy getting raped by epic hair girl.Vastly improved
>>3618467Oh god yes, this please. I think I would have a heart attack.
>>3618502Do it EHG! Do it!!! DO IT!!!!!!!
Fucking namefags.
>>3618467Here's something somewhat related, you did say "Epic Hair Girl" and "rape."
>>3618721cool i killed this thread because i posted porn for once.Spanish laugh time:JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA!!!!!!!!!!!That was fun.Goodnight /r9k/!You've been a tolerant audience!I love you all!*boom*
Draw yourself fucking a cat, as a boroscorpion.
>>3618721EHG is black?
>>3618960as the night underground with your eyes closed
>>3616561Go away, forever.
>>3618960Yes. EHG is black. :3c
EHG could you draw a lion?:3
I see a lot of hot air but no rape. I am very disappointed at EHG's faliure to deliver.I want Shine back, at least she drew herself with her nice fat baps out sometimes. She hasn't updated her webcomic in ages either, just when i was getting into it too, bah.
>>3618849Do not involve EBG in here, I beg of you.
Would you please draw EHG eviscerating someone with his hair?
>>3619311I thought it was EHB?
>Thread starring a draw whore.
Bumpan for drawhores, awesome.
>>3621977my good sir i have one thing to say to you!But!
I bump because drawhores have feelings too.
You're bad at this and life, brah. I sincerely hope one of the mods bans you and you find some other board to shit all over. You don't take requests, and you seem to only be capable of drawing the same expressions over and over: "hey look at how angry i am grrr", "o look at my wacky expression of surprise", ':3", or "wow heeee look how smug and ^_^ i am". Just post something a little more productive/interesting or get the fuck out.
>>3625304forgot this, btw.End it.