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    45 KB Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:09:34 No.3601747  
    What is wrong with being a whore?

    In this day and age we have proper protection so disease and pregnancy is no longer an issue, so why is prostitution illegal?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:10:15 No.3601759
    it isn't in good countries.

    in b4 shitstorm.
    >> Lines !ti2CdcQAVs 03/23/09(Mon)17:11:02 No.3601765
    Why resort to prostitution when you can have casual sex?

    If money's the matter, you can always find a sugar daddy to help you, given that you are at least moderately attractive.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:12:57 No.3601795
    OP studied like twenty other threads t make this troll thread. Prostitution is OK vs it is not OK. Basically some troll saying he loves prostitution then some white knight saying no prostitution is bad. They can possibly both be trolls. This happens over and over until over a hundred replies.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:13:37 No.3601804
    Such as? I can't think of any, give a list plox.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:14:11 No.3601809
    I'm not trying to prostitute myself, I've just been questioning why it is illegal and why selling sex is considered the worst thing a woman can do.
    >> Tao !!eFZ1anCCqZ2 03/23/09(Mon)17:14:33 No.3601819
    Prostitution is illegal thanks to archaic moral standards
    that and the problems with taxing it.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:16:46 No.3601845
    I personally think protitution ought to be legal, but pimping ought not to be. there's a reason it's called "the oldest profession" and ahlf of the cultures we in the west take influence from were totally okay with it.

    and it seemed that we were for a good while, 'till the victorian ideas of sex took over. that's when things got retarded.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:16:57 No.3601848
    Because imagine having a daughter OP, and then imagine her becoming prostitute who takes it in the ass from fat bald sweaty fucks she hates, and then imagine her getting screwed over socially because no decent man would like her to become a mother for his children, and thats pretty much it. Feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:17:34 No.3601855
    O.K. this the op is most likely a man & being a whore is just against the standards of society. Also whores usually fall into the drug addict label
    >> ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 03/23/09(Mon)17:17:36 No.3601856
    It seems to lead to other vices. I know in most whore houses there is drugs and what not being serious problems. I think when prostitution was legal this was also a problem. I'm not sure, exactly, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:17:46 No.3601859
    the Netherlands and maybe some other countries. Do a google.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:18:26 No.3601867
    I actually asked this question in another thread, and no one replied to it, so I decided to create this. It is not a troll thread. I've actually been thinking about this for the last couple days.

    Amsterdam is the only place I can think of off the top of my head where prostitution is legal.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:18:37 No.3601872

    Not everyone is fortunate enough to have the social skills to acquire 'casual' sex.

    And I'd also like to add that I don't support prostitution, I'd rather see that awareness of the niceguy/badguy situations was educated in sex-ed classes, so more people realize that instant attraction is not equal to love, and come to the conclusion that the latter one is preferrable for a safer and more healthy lifestyle.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:19:23 No.3601881
    it's legal in holland

    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:19:44 No.3601887
    not just Amsterdam. It goes for the whole country, you know.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:22:03 No.3601919

    It`s not like it excuses you a tiny bit.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:23:52 No.3601941

    if you did a decent job raising her, she would have standards, and only suck the cocks of -rich- bald, fat sweaty men.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:24:54 No.3601956
    "Prostitution is legal (with some restrictions) in Canada, most of Europe including England, France, Wales, Denmark, etc., most of South America including most of Mexico (often in special zones), Israel (Tel Aviv is known as the brothel capital of the world), Australia, and many other countries. It is either legal or very tolerated in most all of Asia, and many Middle Eastern countries have "temporary wives" which can be for only a few hours"

    Prostitution is legal pretty much everywhere but the US. There are laws in some places against street solicitation, brothels, etc, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:25:20 No.3601963

    RAPE! It's the new way to say "Good Morning!"
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:25:22 No.3601964
    I am actually female. (no shit storm plz)

    And I think that if prostitution was legal then it could be regulated and therefore the women selling themselves would have a better quality of life = less drugs and violence.

    If it was legal, maybe there would be less of a bad aura surrounding prostitution.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:26:24 No.3601979
    Yeah it does. You wouldn't argue that everyone "should" be able to repair their own cars and losers take theirs to a mechanic.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:28:39 No.3602007

    Yea... they don't *have* to sleep with you if they don't want to. Prostitution isn't paying for rape. If the girl had any self respect to begin with, she wouldn't become a hooker. If you did anything right at all in raising her, she wouldn't become a hooker. I have a hard time believing that the parents of girls who become hookers are really surprised, or even care, about their daughters choice in career.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:30:20 No.3602028
    Your argument is that legal adults should be protected from making their own choices that affect only themselves.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:31:47 No.3602040
    Because the US has a totally fucked up moral code.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:35:53 No.3602083

    god damn it people.

    raising a child IS NOT like programming a robot. Get that through your thick skulls.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:41:29 No.3602133
    Posting these because I am Canadian and curious about what is considered legal and what isn't.

    >Canadian Prostitution Laws

    >SECTION 210, The Criminal Code
    > This law males it an offense to:
    >a) "Keep" a brothel (or manage one, own one, ...).
    > b) Work in a brothel.
    > c) Be found in a brothel (this is what brothel >customers are
    > usually charged with).
    > d) Rent or lease space to someone who plans to >use the space as a
    > brothel. If a person renting or leasing space in >Canada is convicted
    > of keeping a brothel in the rented space, the >landlord is obligated by
    > law to evict said person. Since most Canadian >brothels (using the
    > legal definition) are in fact the homes of the working >prostitutes,
    > they stand to lose their homes if they are renters -- >and convicted.

    >SECTION 211, The Criminal Code
    > This law makes it an offense to knowingly take, offer >to take, or
    >direct someone to a brothel.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:44:12 No.3602161

    >SECTION 212, The Criminal Code
    > This law makes it an offense to:
    > a) Procure or solicit a person to have illicit sex with >another person.
    > b) Entice someone who is not a prostitute to enter a >brothel for
    > the purpose of prostitution.
    > c) Hide someone in a brothel.
    > d) Procure someone to become a prostitute.
    > e) Convince someone to leave their residence and >become a
    > "frequenter" of a brothel.
    > f) Direct or take a new arrival to Canada to a brothel.
    > g) Procure a person to leave Canada to become a >prostitute.
    > h) Exercise control over someone for the purpose of >prostitution
    > (commonly used against pimps, also used against >escort service owners,
    > managers, and phone operators).
    > i) Drug someone (which includes getting someone >drunk) to enable
    > another person to have sex with the person who has >been drugged.
    > j) Live wholly or partially on the avails (profits) of >prostitution
    > (commonly used against pimps, often used against >husbands, lovers,
    > boyfriends, etc.). Evidence that someone is >"habitually in the
    > company" of a prostitute, or lives in a brothel, is, in >the absence
    > of evidence to the contrary, proof that the person in >question lives
    > on the avails of prostitution.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:45:32 No.3602171
    that shits legal in Canada? fuck, I'm Canadian and I didn't know that. brb, gettin' a hooker.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:45:57 No.3602178
    And a little bit more:

    >SECTION 213, The Criminal Code
    >This law makes it an offense to solicit or >"communicate" for the
    >purpose of prostitution in a public place. Communicate >can mean virtually
    >anything; a wink, a nod, a smile, even conversation. >"Public place"
    >includes any place that the public has access to, either >by right or
    >invitation (streets, parks, hotel lobbies, bars ...). For the >purpose
    >of this law a public place includes "any motor vehicle >located in a
    >public place (like a street), or in any place open to >public view (such
    >as a parking lot or a trick's driveway)."

    > It's perfectly legal for a pro to see a client in a hotel >room, or the
    >client's home or other personal space. It's also legal for >pros to
    >advertise in magazines and newspapers -- magazines >and newspapers are not
    >considered public so whores can legally advertise in the >press. There
    >is no need for a customer to use euphemisms or codes >when speaking to a
    >pro over the phone. Telephones are not considered >public places, so you
    >can be as open as you want.

    >Another law often used against both prostitutes and >their clients is
    >Section 173 of our Criminal Code -- our indecent act >law. This law makes
    >it an offense to commit an indecent act in a public place >in the presence
    >of one or more people, or to commit an indecent act in >any place with the
    >intent to insult or offend another person. Indecency is >not defined in
    >our Criminal Code, so Canadian judges have the power >to determine what
    >is indecent on an individual case bases.
    > A judge may not consider two lovers fucking on a >beach to be indecent
    >but the same judge may think that a whore fucking her >date in a car is
    >indecent, and convict both the pro and the date.

    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:46:44 No.3602192

    Oh? So you're saying that if I degrade and fuck my own daughter every night starting from when she's 9 years old, but then tell her she should get good grades and go to college, she'll turn out just fine?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:47:56 No.3602210
    I honestly can't see a problem with prostitution, apart from the ones created by their illegal status.

    Probably less rape, they can be properly monitored to stop spreading disease, helps cut down human trafficing. A convincing argument might be FAMILY VALUES HURR but in this day and age, society has effectively killed those in favour of single mothers and no father figures.

    Same goes for drugs. The fact that they are still illegal reeks of something suspicious. PROHIBITION DID NOT WORK.
    >> Prostitutes? In my Canada? Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:49:14 No.3602217
    It's good to see Canadians aware of the legality of prostitution, but I'm going to repost this anyway:

    I hate ignorance, so I am going to dispel it for you right here.

    The problem is that many of you Canadians watch too much American television and assume our laws are just like America's, and Americans think the same, but they can be excused for the most part.

    Prostitution is LEGAL in Canada. There are several activities related to prostitution that are illegal, but prostitution itself is LEGAL.

    Here are a couple sources, all official government sources, including the Criminal Code of Canada and a publication by the Parliament of Canada.

    Source 1: http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/2002/18323.htm
    >Prostitution is legal, but pimping (benefiting from the earnings of prostitution of another) and operating, being found in, or working in a brothel are not. Communicating in public for the purpose of prostitution (solicitation or "streetwalking") is also illegal, but is considered a lesser offense than the other offenses related to prostitution.
    >> Prostitutes? In my Canada? Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)17:49:57 No.3602230

    Source 2: http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/showdoc/cs/C-46/bo-ga:l_VII-gb:s_213//en#anchorbo-ga:l_VII-gb:s_213

    >Offence in relation to prostitution
    >213. (1) Every person who in a public place or in any place open to public view
    >(a) stops or attempts to stop any motor vehicle,
    >(b) impedes the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic or ingress to or egress from premises adjacent to that place, or
    >(c) stops or attempts to stop any person or in any manner communicates or attempts to communicate with any person

    >for the purpose of engaging in prostitution or of obtaining the sexual services of a prostitute is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

    >Definition of "public place"
    >(2) In this section, "public place" includes any place to which the public have access as of right or by invitation, express or implied, and any motor vehicle located in a public >place or in any place open to public view.

    >R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 213; R.S., 1985, c. 51 (1st Supp.), s. 1.

    Also note that owning a brothel(1) or pimping(2) is committing a crime.
    (1) http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/showdoc/cs/C-46/bo-ga:l_VII-gb:s_210//en#anchorbo-ga:l_VII-gb:s_210
    (2) http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/showdoc/cs/C-46/bo-ga:l_VII-gb:s_212//en#anchorbo-ga:l_VII-gb:s_212

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