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03/23/09(Mon)01:35:36 No.3594251 File :1237786536.jpg-(219 KB, 573x794, 1223600095937.jpg)
up and listen up good. I'm you from the future. A few years from now
you will discover a website named 4chan. Soon after, you will start
browsing its most notorious board, /b/. After that, you will
progressively discover the other boards, and after, other chans. The
way you think will be completely altered, turning you into an
emotionless, soulless machine. However, you will find liberation in
this transformation. You will learn to see the strings that control the
system. You will learn how to hack and how to obtain information that
you previously thought inaccessible. You will read books about every
subject, see all movies, talk to all people. Soon after, you will have
found out everything you ever wanted to know. You will understand
things that some that have tried their entire life to understand. Then
you will realise you are alone. Despite all of your realisations, you
will be alone, because no one will be there to comprehend the things
you do. Then you will decide to quit the world as you know it and
escape the system. This will bring you more power than before, but
isolate you even more. You will live as a perfectly independent
wandering outcast, without meaning or purpose, until you will realise
that you must do the only thing that will remain after you are dead and
all the knowledge you have accumulated will have disappeared into the
nether. You must leave something behind so big that it will scar the
Earth. You will then begin to put your plan into motion and soon enough
you will create a web that will stretch everywhere you go. A
petroleum-soaked web that will affect every living person and that can
be ignited every moment with a single spark from you. Only from you.
And if it is ignited, the world as you know it will change. It will
change for the better, that is certain, but at great cost. Now I give you, my young self, the choice whether to proceed or not with my plan. Choose carefully. |