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  • File :1237777370.jpg-(96 KB, 1024x768, Metal-Gear-Solid-2.jpg)
    96 KB Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)23:02:50 No.3592163  
    Guys, I am really bad at Metal Gear Solid.

    I bought the three pack of the first three games thinking "fuck yeah I will finally play these critically acclaimed games ten years later for ten bucks a piece!"

    But holy shit you robots, I am really bad at sneaking around. Like, awful. I can't kill people in any way sneaky at all, and I'm not very good at hiding. This is hard shit man. I've been playing for like 4 hours, and I die every ten minutes. Anyone have good tips about how to be good at this game?

    inb4 stop sucking
    I'd post this in /v/ but fuck them.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)23:04:59 No.3592193
    don't kill them
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)23:06:49 No.3592217
    don't kill them and pull up gamefaqs, it's gets easier after the first time through the game.
    >> Tao !!eFZ1anCCqZ2 03/22/09(Sun)23:07:00 No.3592222
    actually, you can get through just fine by sniping everyone ever. Well, less in the first one. For that, i'd say learn how to run and shoot.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)23:07:58 No.3592232
    Well I know. But I keep getting caught and I have to shoot.

    I was wondering if anyone had tips for sneaking around more specifically. Like, the one guy where the socom silencer was I couldn't like strangle or anything to get to the silencer, and I also couldn't get to the silencer without him seeing me.

    Somehow, throwing a grenade at him didn't attract attention.
    >> BRDude !!SqoyMKRJaSy 03/22/09(Sun)23:08:18 No.3592234
    You never kill them.
    That's what being "sneaky" is all about.

    I don't recall Rambo being classified as "sneaky". Moron.
    >> ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 03/22/09(Sun)23:09:14 No.3592247
    It's important to wait a while and watch patrol paths. Don't kill them, knocking them out is alright. Make sre to take things slowly.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)23:10:50 No.3592275
    Go slower.

    Use the wall knock. You have it for a reason.

    Jesus it's not hard, just wait till everyone is facing away and move from cover to cover. Pretend their eyeballs shoot lasers at you.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)23:11:14 No.3592280
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)23:13:29 No.3592313
    Don't even bother with killing anyone except bosses/mandatory kills.

    First time I played a Metal Gear ('twas the twin snakes) I played it on extreme mode with game over upon discovery enabled. It was fucking hard, but I quickly learned how to sneak behind backs and break necks, and that kind of stuff.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)23:16:06 No.3592349
    Go on very easy and don't even bother hiding. It is fun, but you aren't going to play it how it is supposed to be played.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)23:22:52 No.3592443
    Actually, Rambo was pretty sneaky (at least in the first one...)

    He was hidding in the forrest and setting up booby traps and shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)23:25:46 No.3592470
    >>3592275 Go slower.

    This is pretty much it. I don't have that much patience though, so I always played the games on very easy.

    Except for MGS4. I played that on normal 1st time through because I wanted to elongate the experience, but it was kind of easy, so I did it again on hard.
    Then again, I used the scoped M14 on my 1st playthrough and just killed all the guards.
    >> BRDude !!SqoyMKRJaSy 03/22/09(Sun)23:27:43 No.3592496
    I kinda of know...

    I just didn't had any better example in my mind.
    I was hoping no jerk would expose how fail my post was...
    Thank you faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)23:32:14 No.3592556
    Well I'm still playing on just EZ and I'm royal sucking.

    lawls, Ijust accidentally backtracked to the tank room when I'm supposed to be in the warhead room taking an elevator.

    Fuckin lame, man.

    But I guess I just need to be more patient...I'm not used to having to be that way.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)23:38:09 No.3592638
    MGS has a simple formula for success.
    1: Wait.
    2: Watch.
    3: Plan.
    4: Move.

    Each time you get to a new area, you need to watch the movement patterns of every enemy in that area, for MGS and MGS2, it's easy to do as you have a radar. After watching, you should devise look for a hole in their patrol pattern. Once you find it, move out. Easy.

    MGS3 is majorly easy, just put on some grasslandish camo and move while prone while there are enemies in the area, when you have a clear path, just run.
    >> Tao !!eFZ1anCCqZ2 03/22/09(Sun)23:41:33 No.3592690
    Am I the only one who translates this into

    1.shoot enemy in head while hidden
    2.shoot people who investigate
    3.repeat until no more enemies
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)23:48:36 No.3592789
    5. "What's going on?! Respond!"
    6. "Communications have ceased with the armory team. Backup unit, get down there."
    7. Repeat again and again and again...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)23:48:36 No.3592790
    on MGS1, you can go through nearly the whole game without killing anyone or getting spotted without breaking a sweat. the guards are spaced far enough apart that you can just run past them. there are a lot of bullshit moments in the second half MGS1 which just take a bit of practice, but it is overall very easy. for the final metal gear fight, get within medium range of it to attack so you don't get continually raped by the missiles. alternatively, you can throw chaff grenades the entire fight, but it is still harder. for sniper wolf part 2, use the nikita.

    in MGS2, make use of the first person view a lot in areas you don't have the node for. try looking for flashlights in dark places. during the fatman fight, you can chase him around and punch him down (or shoot him until he falls down) and kill him before disabling even the second bomb. the final bomb is located under fatman's body

    in MGS3, make sure you fucking get the thermal goggles and the game becomes ez mode. make use of the AP sensor until then. also, in the alligator area, make sure you get the croc cap because that comes in handy later and you can get comical reactions out of a lot of the bosses if you wear it during the fight. during the fear fight, throw rotten food around and you'll win within like 1 minute. for the end, don't bother playing sniper gaemes with him. run around until he find you, then once you see where he is, make a mad dash towards his position and begin chasing him using the thermal goggles once he runs away. you can chase him around for the rest of the fight like that and merely continually hold him up until he died (plus you get the camo, which is really good later). for the boss, use snow camo and use the sniper rifle the entire time. you can go through nearly the whole fight without her spotting you.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)23:52:19 No.3592852

    MGS1 sucks and is hard because of shitty camera and no 1st person. You should get a gamecube and Twin Snakes for a real MGS experience.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)00:19:12 No.3593235
    lol "critically acclaimed"

    like most critically acclaimed things metal gear sucks.
    boring walks around cameras and nearsighted enemies followed by long ass pointless cutscenes to point out that war is totally bad (other things that are totally bad include writing and voice actors) and then they throw in a couple sucky gimmicks (like the switching control port guy) to remind you after an hour of cutscenes that its actually a game.

    way to waste 30 bucks OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)00:26:39 No.3593330
    Give up on MGS
    Play Halo

    It's probably more your style of game.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)00:32:22 No.3593409
    play hitman 2. you'll learn to be godly at sneaking.

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