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    9 KB How do I become... cultured? Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:01:06 No.3586567  
    So, it appears I know nothing about films, music, theatre, philosophy and the like.

    People name drop 19th century philosophers and books like the motherfucking fist of the north star. They talk about how they love so-and-so some baroque (Obama?) music guy. And these are college kids whose majors are not necessarily in those areas.

    I went to college, too. I consider myself an intelligent person. But I'm a goddamn uncultured son of a bitch.

    How do I fix this? Where do I start? I have near unlimited access to plays, music, books, and I have a harmonica somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:03:18 No.3586592
    >People name drop 19th century philosophers and books like the motherfucking fist of the north star. They talk about how they love so-and-so some baroque (Obama?) music guy. And these are college kids whose majors are not necessarily in those areas.

    Hmmm sounds like you should start by turning vegan and becoming a homosexual (or openly bisexual, I hear that's in vogue now).
    >> fucktheworld !qXDxhOSt2Q 03/22/09(Sun)15:03:57 No.3586604
    u could read bookss and philosophy books that might help a lil.also listen to music
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:04:12 No.3586606
    read lots of books, start with the classics.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:05:23 No.3586623
    Read some books, stop swearing, and fucking fake it.
    >> Casanova Frankenstein !HggsKt0/NM 03/22/09(Sun)15:05:30 No.3586625
    read the "intellectual devotional" series of books.

    each page is like a wikipage on a single topic. gives you enough overview to hold your own in a conversation.

    or you could just read wikipedia.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:06:31 No.3586638
    You're going to turn into a pretentious dickwad, the type /r9k/ hates. You should stop caring so much about social standards and what people think.

    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:07:33 No.3586651
    Become interested in those things because they allure you, not to look smart you stupid faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:07:52 No.3586656
    Read you dumbass
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:07:58 No.3586658
    watch some italian films, la dolce vita and shit like that. Get familiar with classical composers. Go to museums. Learn. And ignore faggots like this guy >>3586638
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:09:59 No.3586681
    the people you're dealing with aren't cultured either. people who legitimately enjoy that sort of thing hide their power level.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:10:00 No.3586684
    buy an encyclopedia. browse that instead of this. cultivate your inner whatever.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:11:05 No.3586698
    No problem, OP, I suffered/am still suffering from the same thing. Time will eventually fix it, and literature, schooling and social life only help. Games don't, but 4chan does, to some extent (don't overestimate it and spend 18+ hours a day lurking, however)
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:12:14 No.3586712
    that's not to say you shouldn't try experiencing the things of the past we as a culture keep around because they're held in regard. but you shouldn't throw yourself into something you aren't interested in in order to have conversations about it with other people who aren't interested in it. and you shouldn't in order to be the sort of person who is interested in that sort of thing. if you are to do it you should only do it from a natural curiosity.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:14:36 No.3586733

    1. Listen to NPR (Classical Music, Book Reviews, Culture out the fucking ass on weekends), watch PBS

    2. Read Classic Literature, or even, when someone starts the "Dear /r9k/ what book should I read?" go through and pick a few titles and hit up your library for them.

    3. Go into Starbucks, I know everyone is groaning at this advice, but if you want to be a pretentious, cultured faggot, you have to step into that store to get a start. Check out some CDs and such, learn to drink some fucking coffee so you can go to the decent places and not look out of place.

    4. Go to Rottentomatoes.com and go through highly rated movies and such, 99.99% of the time they're foriegn films, because American film critics suck Europes dick as much as possible.

    5. and finally! Read the NYTimes, they have an entire section dedicated to culture and food (wine tasting etc), and all your book reviews and such are on their website.

    Good Luck!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:15:57 No.3586754
    why learn western culture when Japanese culture is so obviously superior? ^_^
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:17:30 No.3586768
    cant we just talk about tiberian sun?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:18:51 No.3586784
    >4. Go to Rottentomatoes.com and go through highly rated movies and such, 99.99% of the time they're foriegn films, because American film critics suck Europes dick as much as possible.

    Only half-true. Some movies succeed because of the above mentioned dick-sucking (e.g. Pan's Labyrinth, which stole the cinematography Oscar from Children of Men, the clearly superior candidate) but generally speaking, only the best European movies (highest earning) are brought to market in the US and Canada.

    I agree with you on the other points.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:19:39 No.3586796







    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:19:56 No.3586802
    it's not that hard. basically, go to wikipedia or some other encyclopedia and look up a bunch of famous people. maybe get a slight grasp on what they did. then name-drop them mercilessly. alternately, feel like you're inferior because of the first group doing that and feel incredibly driven to listen to lots of classical music, read philosophers, etc. those are basically the two ways to do it.

    or you could just read what you like and not try and seem more cultured than you are, and try and find philosophers and literatures that are interesting and that appeal to you. and then read them. instead of forcing yourself to do some boring shit that you don't enjoy because some asshole on the internet (who hasn't read it) said that any cultured person has read it. what i'm saying is, do things because of your own intellectual curiosity, not because you want to seem cultured.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:20:24 No.3586807
    1. learn about practical and applicable things instead.
    2. make more money than you know what to do with
    3. laugh all the way to the bank and spend the last 50 years of your life becoming "cultured".
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:21:55 No.3586827
    >baroque Obama
    this one made me lawl
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:22:28 No.3586834

    It takes like two months to become cultured, you just watch better stuff. No one is wasting there time in learning more about the advances of our people.

    It's so terrible to enjoy art not made by XKCD these days, isn't it?

    gtfo, and learn to appreciate things, fag
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:26:19 No.3586886
    watch European movies filmed between 1945 and 1980. Not trolling either, American cinema seems like high-school theatre compared to the French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish and Czech film schools.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:26:31 No.3586890
    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 03/22/09(Sun)15:27:51 No.3586910
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:28:47 No.3586924
    *Should have written Russian instead of Czech. Also, European serious literature also used to be comparatively better developed than the American one, but I'm not going into authors because I don't read anymore. Not saying that American lit sucks, Phillip Roth and Raymond Carver are gods.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:30:33 No.3586942
    Hey, all else aside, you really should pick up that harmonica once and a while. It's a fun little instrument.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:31:14 No.3586954
    you do NOT want to be a guy who name drops 19th century philosophers and authors. those guys are huge douchebags.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:32:30 No.3586968
    Read history
    History takes all of those subjects in and connects to tangible events.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:33:07 No.3586973
    That's the flaw in your reasoning, though. There's no inherent value to being "well-informed", as you put it. There's value to being well-educated, but the two are hardly synonymous. There is value in is experiencing things you enjoy, and most people can enjoy things that are regarded as "high-culture". However, the specific things people enjoy change greatly from person to person. Thus, it's really not wise to force people to read some canon that's regarded as essential - all it does is bore them and make them unhappy. People should read things they want to read and listen to things they want to listen to, but those fields should include some great writers and some great philosophers. Being "well-informed" or "well-read" or "well-cultured" in regards to some vague canon doesn't matter that much; that's not going to get you anywhere in life.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:35:59 No.3587002
         File :1237750559.jpg-(9 KB, 350x490, Harold_Bloom.jpg)
    9 KB
    Read these

    Also, this >>3586681
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:38:06 No.3587034
    FUCK harold bloom, FUCK your canon, and FUCK neoconservatism
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:41:52 No.3587064

    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:43:30 No.3587087


    I hate Comcast.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:45:07 No.3587108
    Damn, i haven't played Tiberian Sun in awhile...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:47:08 No.3587127
    >that's not going to get you anywhere in life.
    Being well-informed could be a stepping stone to almost anything. Also, I never included the word "force" or any of its synonyms in my silly post, I am just stating that it has its merits, and isn't as shallow as, for example, following the latest trends are.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:47:23 No.3587131

    It's just as valuable to know what you don't like. It's valuable to know how the things you read now were influenced by things in the past. It's valuable to get a broader picture so that you can truly appreciate what you like.

    Also, a contradiction in what you said:

    >People should read things they want to read and listen to things they want to listen to, but those fields should include some great writers and some great philosophers.
    >it's really not wise to force people to read some canon that's regarded as essential - all it does is bore them and make them unhappy.

    I don't see how they can't be seen as direct contradictions.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:47:32 No.3587134
    Name dropping is not cultured. know something, then have legitimate conversations, rather than "blah blah blah blah LOL HEGEL AND FICHTE"
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)15:48:14 No.3587143
    >following the latest trends are
    without that are :(
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)17:19:31 No.3587953
    You mean the kind that /r9k/ was built for. This place was to be the /b/ for old /b/tards... You and I are both what you described to some extent.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)17:28:42 No.3588039
    a lot of references that people make are just from the same bullshit classes we all took in high school. we all read the same books as a kid, we all saw the same tv shows. peers, man. peers.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)17:30:49 No.3588059
    Look, just read shit you like. Watch things that entertain you. Life is too short to waste your time trying to impress a bunch of pretentious twats who haven't read or seen a tenth of what they name drop.

    Which is not to say that classical film and literature are not entertaining. Everyone likes Akira Kurosawa. You'd have to try to be bored by Dostoevsky with all the murder and betrayal going on in there. But if something doesn't grab you, just move on--there's so much out there that there is bound to be something you'll like and that fits with being "cultured".
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)17:33:22 No.3588083
    THIS is a function of general education. You get a lot of half-learned fuckwits that can talk general ideas all day long, but can't form a single proposition of their own, drawing inferences and synthesizing info. EXAMPLE: our current and previous presidents.

    Better to be ignorant OP, the learned hoard can jerk them selves off perfectly fine without you; don't be an enabling cunt.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)17:39:43 No.3588149
    Fuck books; play that motherfucking harmonica like it's your job.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)17:46:57 No.3588219
    These gentlemen are right. Don't do something for your image, do it because you like it, because you want to know it - people who feel they got bragging rights because they can quote Nietzsche or listen to boring-ass American minimalist music (subjective opinion, in case you can't tell) tend to be insecure faggots who seek the validation of others because they themselves know they're not exceptionally educated in any way.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)17:56:31 No.3588340
    >You'd have to try to be bored by Dostoevsky
    >Crime and Punishment

    I envy you
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)17:56:39 No.3588343
    Step one to becoming more cultured is the realization of a world outside of the Top 40/IMDB 250/NYT Best Seller List.

    It'll take years to form serious opinions on everything you listed, your best bet is to pick something you really like and focus on that more than anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)17:57:02 No.3588348
    I think he wants to. He just doesn't know how to do it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)18:09:32 No.3588481

    I don't think you can bundle the IMDB top 250 in there with the others. Sure, they're all popular movies, and I'm sure there are much better ones out there, but at least they're actually picked by people who have watched a lot of movies, whereas the top 40 and NYT best sellers are simply the most popular. Almost always bought by people who don't listen to/read much outside of the popular stuff.

    Whereas the top 250 is a good place to start with movies, there are much more accessible and "better" places to start with literature and music.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)18:10:27 No.3588490
    Well, I'm not really knowledgeable when it comes to literature, but I'm fairly well-versed in classical music and the visual arts, I could probably give OP a crash course of sorts, point him to essentials, but from my experience that stuff works much better IRL.

    I dunno, does anyone in your family listen to classical music? Are you friends with one of your professors/teachers? It's not that hard to find literary/classical nuts around, most of them will be more than glad to share their passion with you, if only to prove how knowledgeable they are. If that fails, go to Wikipedia, look up classical music, then loot your local library and rip and listen to as much music as possible. It's not something you have to study to enjoy it, even more forbiddings stuff like microtonal or 12-tone music stops sounding hostile after a while.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)18:15:18 No.3588563
    Stop hanging round with pretentious pseudo-intellectuals. The kind of person you just described, sounds to me like people who just wait for the opportunity to show they have some esoteric knowledge, so they can feel superior. Fuck them.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)18:15:20 No.3588564

    faux-Leftist hipsters quoting Nietzsche is a riot, a welcomed spectacle, especially as one in the position to sage them.

    Know what you like well and master it. Don't divide your efforts, unless you want to become a miserable dilettante douche in everything you do. Culture is like food: because some ass eats caviar, doesn't make him healthy or as strong as yourself if you don't.

    *fuck caviar.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/09(Sun)18:21:31 No.3588644
    The ability to drop names and remember notable quotes does not make a person 'cultured' or even intelligent.

    The kind of people you're talking about get their knowledge of names from books of collected quotes and their music from albums like '100 greatest classical hits'.

    These are not the kind of people you should aspire to be.

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