>> |
03/22/09(Sun)00:09:48 No.3579143  >>3579032 I've
been gay my entire life.. And no, I don't know. All my knowledge of
straight relationships is second hand from listening to my whining
friends, and I don't really care to remember most of that stuff. >>3579037 Be
gentle, use your fingers first. Don't try to jam anything in or force
the issue, just sort of apply pressure, with a very well lubricated
finger, preferably with rubber gloves or at the very least extremely
tightly trimmed fingernails. Try putting it in at an angle, sort of
pointing your finger towards his dick. Eventually it'll loosen up a bit
and you can go for two fingers, just keep going until the number of
fingers you can fit in roughly equals the size of your dick. But still
be extra gentle with the dick, since it's quite a bit more to
accommodate than fingers >>3579045 Er,
great? I never said lack of paternal affection causes gayness, I was
just pointing out that it applies to a whole lot of gay men, myself
included. |