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  • File :1237392585.jpg-(16 KB, 300x225, clubbing1.jpg)
    16 KB I fucking hate clubbing Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:09:45 No.3531942  
    I hate that it's a massive prerequisite of students to go clubbing in order to meet girls. I hate that you're expected to dance. I hate the fact that every week is the same shit pop songs over and over. I hate everything about it except the drinking.

    Clubbing. Discuss.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:11:15 No.3531950
    I dont go often but dancing around like a twat is fucking brilliant fun. You're just boring and weird if you don't like dancing especially when youre drunk.
    >> 18; male; virgin 03/18/09(Wed)12:14:08 No.3531965
    it offends me that the amusement escapes me. there was a time when i would have chalked it up to my Godlike Mental Superiority, now i am convinced there is something wrong with me.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:17:00 No.3531981
    Fuck clubs man
    Drum Circles and raves are where it's at.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:18:07 No.3531989
    I'm too fat to dance.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:19:48 No.3532000
    Dancing's not your problem.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:20:02 No.3532002
    I much prefer pub lock-ins where you end up dancing to soul and fuck with middle age people

    clubs are soul less
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:20:12 No.3532005
    Parties where people actually dance are really, really fucking fun. You just have to relax and realize that you're supposed to look like a jackass - the people that ruin parties are the ones that stand around and talk instead of dancing. Why would you drink if it just means you're going to talk with people?

    You have to stop taking yourself so damn seriously. I can understand being upset at having to dance while stone-cold sober, but if there's alcohol available you can always chalk up looking like a tool (I'm sure that's one of the reasons you don't like it) to the booze and no one can honestly fault you for it without making himself out to be a total stick-in-the-mud faggot.

    The boredom at the same songs is understandable, but the remedy for that is going to a different club or just taking your piss and water breaks during old, crappy shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:21:07 No.3532013
    I never thought dancing was cool til I got drunk.
    danced like an idiot.
    now I see the appeal.
    I think it was fear that held me back though.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:21:50 No.3532017

    That fuck should be funk, maybe thats a sign of my latent desire to sex older ladies
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:22:03 No.3532019

    This. And take a pill and chill out for fucks sake. Enjoy your ronery life faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:24:11 No.3532039
    Thats totally what I tried to explain to myself and my partner just a few weeks ago; Thanks anon, you read my mind (sorta)
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:33:10 No.3532086
    every DJ should be issued with love shack and ABC so that when I ask them to put it on they cant come up with shity excuses
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:33:23 No.3532089
    1. Got to a rave.
    2. Buy water.
    3. GLOWSTiX
    4. Consume acid.
    5. Smell the colours and see the music
    5. Dance like a freak
    6. ???
    7. AWESOME.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:34:01 No.3532096
    So when you see someone at a party trying to have a good time but they're not part of your social clique you get your friends to ostracise them and generally be an asshole until they feel like a piece of shit and leave, then you call them anti-social pieces of shit who don't want to have a good time because they never go to parties.

    Nice logic yuou have there you sociopathic fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:34:52 No.3532102
    go to a party where you know they will play your kind of music and some pop faggots place

    Drum and bass ftw
    >> ZBs 03/18/09(Wed)12:36:37 No.3532113

    That's how I feel; one can only mope around the club, chalking up their boredom to a superior intelligence, for so long. Eventually, I had to concede that I'm uncomfortable in that kind of social setting.

    I tend to just go sit and smoke bowls.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:37:19 No.3532120
    I was always a heavy party kid. I had to go to rehab for X and did a little meth too. I still lurve clubbing though
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:37:29 No.3532121
    The only few time I have ever went to clubs were while high on ecstasy with my friends. Besides that, I would never fucking go to a club unless I am totally cognitively fucked myself and with friends, making shit music and random lights actually feel high on the positive scale.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:37:30 No.3532122

    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:37:31 No.3532123
    OP should discover internet dating. Loads of students on there, including the elusive feminine ones.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:38:17 No.3532127
    >>3532089 here

    I agree with this brobot.

    Go to a party that plays your kind of tunes. If you're not an electrofag, then consider going to concerts of the bands you like.

    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:39:11 No.3532131
    OP here. Sounds like someone gets picked on at parties.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:39:20 No.3532133
    The only people who don't like clubbing are the socially awkward.

    Personally I love it and go at least once a week with my mates. There's one town where we always see people we know which is awesome or if we fancy meeting more new people we go to one a bit further afield. Life's good.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:42:27 No.3532155
    I'm socially awkward and I fucking love clubbing. You can socialize without having to talk to people, fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:43:17 No.3532161

    Go somewhere that plays your kind of music. I hate stereotypical clubs, but If I ever go somewhere that plays funk, motown or soul then Im always the first on the floor.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:44:56 No.3532172
    I agree with the OP except I hate the drinking part too.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:45:50 No.3532179
    Hmm. Good point, I've managed to get with a few girls in clubs literally without saying a single word to them, just started dancing with them then BAM tongue in mouth.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:46:01 No.3532182
    >I hate that it's a massive prerequisite of students to go clubbing in order to meet girls.
    Or have fun while out with your mates
    >I hate that you're expected to dance.
    Why the fuck would you not?
    >I hate the fact that every week is the same shit pop songs over and over.
    Pop? Is your idea of a club a kids disco? and it is never the same songs, they always play the newest music or they wouldnt get customers
    >I hate everything about it except the drinking.
    Go to a pub then. Oh no wait you have to socialize in those. Just sit and home and drink yourself to sleep then.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:47:07 No.3532192
    I love clubbing when I'm drunk but when I'm sober it sucks... so it goes...
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:47:56 No.3532200

    Clubbing with your friends when you are the sober one is funny as fuck. Just seeing them turn towards some girl, dance a little, then get rejected is hilarious. Course once they get lucky its pretty boring.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:49:27 No.3532212
    OP here. I never said that I don't like socializing. But I suppose it's just assumed on /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:50:30 No.3532218
    No its not. Its fucking sad as fuck.
    No, its just you.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:51:03 No.3532223
    Am I the only dude here who loves dancing? I just love it, doesn't even have to be any women involved. Now I feel weird :(
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:51:42 No.3532228
    Not OP but
    >Why the fuck would you not?
    It isn't enjoyable for some people. I honestly don't understand why people do it.

    >Pop? Is your idea of a club a kids disco? and it is never the same songs, they always play the newest music or they wouldnt get customers
    All new music sounds the same so I'd forgive the OP for that one.

    >Go to a pub then. Oh no wait you have to socialize in those. Just sit and home and drink yourself to sleep then.
    I don't drink so I just fap myself to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:52:10 No.3532232
    Cool story bro. I love it.

    I like to go to 'indie' clubs though. I like a good sing song when I'm dancing.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:53:09 No.3532239
    >hurr you're a sad pathetic excuse for a human if you don't get drunk

    Do people actually get offended by soberity or something? Damn.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:53:38 No.3532242

    Well to be fair my friends arent retards who see a girl rejecting them as the end of the world so we can laugh about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:54:36 No.3532251
    meh clubs are fine, i just don't like the expensive drinks and the expectation that im out for slutty girls. really i just want to dance and enjoy myself.. no im not gay.. heh. i just am happy by myself, and other people ruin that for me most times. so socializing is fine when i can talk, and then the bitches know im just there for lulz. but when its too loud to talk.. well. oh well.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:54:36 No.3532252
    God you all sound so boring; just do your shit and don't care what other people think, that's how you have a good time. Social rules are for slaves.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:54:58 No.3532258
    >It isn't enjoyable for some people. I honestly don't understand why people do it.
    I understand why people dont though. Because they are faggots with no confidence and/or motor skills.
    >All new music sounds the same so I'd forgive the OP for that one.
    If you really believe that then you are a faggot. Or deaf.
    >I don't drink so I just fap myself to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:56:36 No.3532267
    I defy any britfag out with his mates clubbing not to start dancing his arse of if 'lets dance to joy division' or 'mr brightside' comes on.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:56:38 No.3532268
    lol is dutch for fun or pleasure SO YEAH I LOL A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:56:40 No.3532269
    yeah i love being rejected, shit is cash, seems like most awkward people are afraid of having their ego bruised.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:57:38 No.3532275
    wrong thread
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:57:52 No.3532278
    But thats not the thing, I for one, like socializing, don't mind it but find no pleasure at all in dancing and/or sitting there drinking to get drunk and stuff.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:58:46 No.3532283

    God I hate those songs, but I continue to dance if they come on cause I am on a roll.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:59:29 No.3532291

    I'm a bit bored of Mr. Brightside by now.

    Flux, however, is top tier dance your ass off
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:00:23 No.3532298
    Same here, me and my friends find it hilarious when one of gets rejected, we all have a good laugh about it.
    Quite often we go up to THE best looking girl in the place and try it on just for shits and giggles, once or twice it actually worked, much jealousy ensued.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:01:39 No.3532306
    i dont like the idea of clubbing unless i am drunk before/as soon as i enter, or i am going to be rolling. i feel awkward when sober at a club, like i am supposed to be messed up.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:02:13 No.3532309
    Any bedford/mk clubbers up in this bitch?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:02:27 No.3532311
    Everyone likes dancing, just grab some chicks ass and yell "Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more" and your all set for a good time.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:03:19 No.3532316
    Don't feel bad, sir, I love dancing. ONce I start you will not be able to stop me.
    Also; I'm gay, does that bother you now?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:04:00 No.3532319
    I'm ALWAYS drunk before I enter the club, it's basically a rule.
    We go to someones house before hand and play drinking games or go to several pubs.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:05:24 No.3532327

    Usually when i start dancing in a club its just me and my bros in a circle, nothing gay about it, we have a primal need for dancing.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:05:29 No.3532328
    >Social rules are for slaves
    What's funny is that most of the people here with few/no friends are like that BECAUSE they don't follow social rules.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:05:54 No.3532331

    Oceana was here,
    Opus is a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:07:18 No.3532338
    Shit like that is always fun, but when I actually get a chick I become a little sad because now there are no more lols to be had, but usually this is offset by some humping and tongue twisting.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:07:50 No.3532341
    Dancing is fucking awesome faggot. Just fucking move to it, get some hardstyle/jumpstyle/DnB playing and you won't fucking care about a thing.
    As for clubs, they suck and are way too pretentious for places that are in essence giant stereos but what else is there if you want to dance to loud music and flashing lights?
    Don't come to downtown chicago, unless it is your wish to drop 3 grand in a night just to get a table and a couple bottles.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:08:10 No.3532343
    How often do you actually try and dance OP? It's not universal but too many people who complain about this topic stand about on the sidelines and have a miserable, boring time. Once you throw yourself in there and find a girl, most people stop caring.

    This being said, they can get pretty monotonous after a while, try pubs, or bars. Where you can drink and talk to people with no dancing at all. There's stuff out there.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:08:45 No.3532350
    Yep that's pretty much the reaction I get IRL.

    And nobody believes me when I say I just don't enjoy it. It's not out of "hardXcore" straight edgeness.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:11:23 No.3532362
    You says its not you being straightedge, but it really is.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:11:51 No.3532367

    To be honest sometimes I think I enjoy lolling with my bros more than girls.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:14:38 No.3532383
    I've danced before and I don't like it, now what do I do
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:14:39 No.3532384
         File :1237396479.jpg-(22 KB, 290x386, 1230043208973.jpg)
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    >Pop? Is your idea of a club a kids disco? and it is never the same songs, they always play the newest music or they wouldnt get customers
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:15:45 No.3532387

    uh dont do it?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:16:00 No.3532388
    I try it. But in a place where the ladies seem to be quite limited, I just get ridiculously bored easily.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:16:41 No.3532394
         File :1237396601.jpg-(10 KB, 292x296, 1237336526187.jpg)
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    What is this /r9k/ all about?

    I understand /tg/ is for traditional games and /fit/ obvioulsy for fittness stuff but ROBOT9000???
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:17:13 No.3532399
    Find a different place to go and/or drink more.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:17:22 No.3532401
    It is straightedge. But I can understand what he's saying that he doesn't do it for "sXe" and "hXc" group.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:18:13 No.3532406

    Its an offshoot of /m/. We ONLY talk about robots that are taller than 9000 feet.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:19:31 No.3532418
    SEE WHAT I MEAN oh why must you torment me so.
    It's not like I haven't tried it.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:20:27 No.3532424
    I prefer large house/flat parties. Meet some cool hos and bros, get stoned, get music that people want to hear on, have conversations more than a few sentences long, fuck yeah.

    Although, if you get utterly shitfaced, you'll wish you were clubbing because a) less embarrassing, b) You'll want to dance like an idiot and grind against hot strangers, c) you can sing really loud and go crazy when something you like comes on.

    So... I guess it depends on how fucked up you want to get.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:20:57 No.3532425
    If you don't like dancing because it makes you feel awkward, you think you can't dance or whatever then go to the most crowded part of the club and go for it.
    No one will notice if you can't dance and because of the lack of room all most people is jump around with there hands in the air, no dance skill necessary.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:21:27 No.3532429
    Whaat? I dont get it
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:21:27 No.3532430
    then try harder, not drinking is just not acceptable.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:22:26 No.3532437
    even when iiincredibly drunk I don't dance - I just don't get it

    I have to go to places like that because all my idiot friends have their birthday parties and crap there, but seriously, I don't get it at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:23:28 No.3532445
    dancing is as primal as it gets, just release the animal motherfuckers!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:24:15 No.3532448

    Well, if you don't like clubbing, and don't drink thus get bored at bars/pubs (Which, I really think the main issue here is still putting yourself out there), throw yourself into a organization/club or something if you are in uni with lots of girls.

    If partying is not your thing, then I'd look for something else to occupy your time, if you are near cities seek out art showings, theatre whatever you'll meet people whose interests and lifestyle are more similar to your own and probably end up happier because of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:24:32 No.3532450
    We used to have house party's all the time when we were too young to get into clubs, now were all 18+ clubbing is all we do.
    House party's were god tier, I miss them ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:24:33 No.3532451
    But why not ;_;
    What if I drink juice and pretend there is vodka in it?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:27:02 No.3532462
    Then you're a fgt and everyone will think you're drinking girls drinks.
    If you insist on doing that then at least get some non-alcoholic beer.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:27:53 No.3532466
    Don't drink for other people, drink for yourself because it will do to you what it did to Hemingway, make you awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:27:59 No.3532468
    Hey if normal beer tastes like shit I can't see how non-alcoholic beer would taste any better.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:31:01 No.3532488
    >beer tastes like shit
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:31:49 No.3532493
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:33:18 No.3532500
    dur hur differing opinions so hard to accept
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:36:17 No.3532523

    Theres so many different beers man, its like saying you hate all cheese
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:36:40 No.3532524
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    >beer tastes like shit
    what the hell is wrong with you!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:39:32 No.3532545

    people will mock you anyway, the screwdriver is shittest cocktail
    >> Butterfly !xlgRMYva6s 03/18/09(Wed)13:42:13 No.3532567
    I dj, but i dont like most clubs.

    Its cool if people actually go there for the music and want to enjoy the feeling and dance away, but everyone just goes out to get shitfaced and any old shit on the PA is good for them.

    House parties are where its at!
    >> 27 year old virgin 03/18/09(Wed)13:51:55 No.3532644

    seriously. everyone should give dancing to electronic music a try, even if you don't expect to like it. doesn't matter if it's guido house or drum n base. shit will give you a natural high which you can even amplify with drugs (or not).

    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)13:54:48 No.3532672
         File :1237398888.jpg-(24 KB, 580x580, Foster_s_pint_.jpg)
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    Commence beer war.

    I'm with Fosters, it's cheap and tastes decent.

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