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well i ran this thread yesterday and had some moderate success, so here goes again

ITT: ask a drug dealer anything
Which drugs, how successful, why are you bragging here instead of fucking bitches, you stack a lot of paper, are you afraid of getting buttraped when the police catch you and lock you up? are you white?
How did you get into the dealing business?
Have you sold designer drugs/research chemicals?
Where the fuck do I find people who sell drugs that aren't weed/crack?
many different kinds of weed, spanning multiple cities in the GTA(greater toronto area)

not bragging, just bored and have a few hours free. drug dealing does not guarantee you bitches(although i do have a couple fuckbuddies)

of course im afraid of being caught

yes, im white
is selling drugs your only option for stability?
how many g's do you slang per week?
ran out of money during my first year of university, became wildly successful and dropped out of school. currently 20

only weed

where do you live?
there are not many other options. my main residence is in a city with the highest unemployment in ontario

in a week ill move 4-5 kilos easily
>selling weed
Oh man, I'm so glad I live in a state with medical licenses.
canadians are not so lucky. you can only get a medical license if youre dying, and the weed is hilariously overpriced from the government
is toronto chill with weed? i know vancouver is, but its pretty liberal out here
forgot to add OP as nametag
toronto is chill until youre moving large quantities and then the cops come down hard on you. i dont have a very large customer base there because theres too many other competing gangs. cities east of toronto are easy pickings, though.
no other questions? bumpity bump
Do you have any rules to protect yourself?

e.g. Only sell to people you know, etc.
i would watch the shit out of that film. and i don't even like toy story.
yeah i use a burner phone, replace it every month or so

new customers i usually meet in a wide open park, that way if theres cops ready to pounce you can see them coming.

i occasionally use a cellphone jammer when im feeling especially paranoid, even though they are highly illegal in canada

never bring customers to my house, unless theyre childhood friends. i have 2 vehicles, one is used for pickups and dropoffs and the other is for social visits and whatnot

the other dealers i sell to dont even know what city i live in, they just pick up at random locations every week or so
yeah yeah, you sell weed

i typically sell 10 sheets of legit LSD, 25g MDMA and about 1.5lb of shrooms every week

>ask me anything
>drug dealer
>sells weed

Tell me when your moving heroin or making meth.


sure, ill bite. do you manufacture? do you produce your own shrooms?
youre stupid. only crazies hustle those

I think his point is that you're calling yourself a "drug dealer" when you're just selling weed, which just isn't that uncommon.
Have you ever shot anyone?
>moving large quantities of weed
>not a drug dealer
I would hardly call weed a drug.
More like a fun-time bush.
Where do you keep your money?
What are your prices? I can get a quarter ounce off my guy for $40 US, and it's good shit.
How does one get started as a weed dealer?
never said it was, im just bored at home and looking to pass the time

i make enough to justify laundering it through a business
i cant quote prices without the mods 404'ing the thread

just pick up an ounce and sell it for more than you bought it for. rinse and repeat
How do I avoid getting shot by rival dealers? Are weed dealers even like that?
depends where youre dealing. in toronto, you can and will be shot if you touch the wrong persons territory. farther east its not such a big problem. just be vigilant and make sure you have some associates who have your back
>possibility of getting shot over a plant
Welp, there goes that career prospect. Guess I'll just stay in school and do what I was doing.
just find a nice quiet town with low crime rates and start selling there. if theres no organized crime youll be fine selling weed. harder stuff like heroin or meth though, and you get lots of crazy customers and would still be fucked. but weed in a small town no biggie
Do you use silkroad?
no. the processes behind the service are not something i understand, and that makes me nervous. im sure it works for some people but its not a risk im willing to take
what's the bud like in canada?

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