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  • File :1236863671.jpg-(23 KB, 465x349, amoklauf-ankuendigung-im-internet__MBQF-(...).jpg)
    23 KB Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)09:14:31 No.3457256  
    Proof that anonymous message boards are for sociopaths.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)09:16:12 No.3457263

    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)09:18:21 No.3457267
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)09:21:23 No.3457282
         File :1236864083.png-(27 KB, 1209x305, germanshootingpost.png)
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    Full post.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)09:22:05 No.3457287
    Einskanal haelt mich fuer einen Spammer :/
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)09:23:45 No.3457295

    >> RAGE !!VUWaYW+xZhr 03/12/09(Thu)09:25:09 No.3457298

    Could someone translate this?

    I don't understand the GERMANZ very well. :/
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)09:25:11 No.3457299

    Dammit Bernd [=anon], I've had it. I'm sick of this shitty life, always the same -- everyone laughing at me, nobody sees my potential.

    I'm serious Bernd - I got guns here, and I'm gonna head over to my old school tomorrow and have myself a good ol' BBQ. Maybe I'll even get away with it.

    Keep your ears open, Bernds, you're gonna hear from me. Remember the name of the town: Winnenden. And don't call the cops on me, I'm only trolling.

    lol, yeah right

    pics or it didn't happen!
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)09:25:38 No.3457301
    I wish I knew german so I could read that krautchan post
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)09:30:02 No.3457323
    Proof that Dwarf Fortress and internet forums turn average teenagers into bloodthirsty mass murderers.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)09:30:19 No.3457326

    Me too ;_;

    @USfags: Bernd is actually a german name. They just use that one as a joke instead of the common "Anonymous".
    >> ‭‮‭ ‭‮‬‬ 03/12/09(Thu)09:35:48 No.3457347
         File :1236864948.gif-(61 KB, 395x440, bernddasbrot.gif)
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    you rang?

    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)09:37:43 No.3457357
    This german message board sucks. They use english memes in german. That's just wrong. I'm lucky I never heard about this bernd shit.

    I even fucking hate those german threads on /b/ because I'm getting the picture that every german on 4chan is a stupid faggot. Well of course, the ones that aren't stupid fags don't post there.

    I'm german
    >> Cr9 !PLAN9M8Wsc 03/12/09(Thu)09:40:19 No.3457368
    I smelled alcoholism and beards and came as fast as I could.

    Seriously, though, this entire OH GOD VIDEO GAMES ARE HORRIBLE nonsense is bugging the hell out of me. I can't stand to hurt flies and yet I don't bat an eye at killing babies in DF. The gap between real and digital is too big for one to affect the other in a meaningful way.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)09:41:07 No.3457374
    German here too. I fucking hate those threads and I never post in them.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)09:44:50 No.3457388

    Basically, if a computer game tips you over the edge into a homicidal rage, you had more fucking problems in the first place. It wasn't a computer game that tipped you over the edge, you had some deep seeded shit going on prior to that to even consider this.

    I've played computer games my entire life, FPS, RPG's everything, you name it I've played it.

    Not once has it given me the urge to go out and kill people, even though at times I have wanted to for various reasons.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)09:45:02 No.3457389
    TV says he wrote this to his friend Bernd. I shouldn't have lol'd but I did.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)09:47:04 No.3457396
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)09:48:51 No.3457404
    Niemand erkennt mein Potential!

    Heh, then try to show it.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)09:50:30 No.3457408
    the amok guy was 17!!!

    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)09:50:45 No.3457411
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)09:50:53 No.3457413
    I've been trying to say this on /v/ but everyone rages. Kids who play these games and turn out this way have something deeply wrong with them. I don't know why we can't just all agree with this point it's so simple
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)09:55:44 No.3457435
    typical /r9k/ faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)09:58:27 No.3457442


    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:01:02 No.3457453
    Most /r9k/ faggots have already understood they have no potential at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:01:40 No.3457457
    Not the fault of the internet.
    Hallo Bernds. Ich liebe euch.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:02:38 No.3457462
    "Mimicking the violent culture presented in the violent video game "Dwarf Fortress" where players watch puppies slaughted in graphic detail... a game where the "dwarves" can suddenly go insane and kill their fellow dwarves at any moment when they fail to achieve greatness with a project."

    It all makes sense now... "German Guy Cancels Fey Mood: Went insane"
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:06:25 No.3457488
    Either it's real or the news got trolled

    Also: he's a fuckin dorf, and they go insane sometimes. Can't wait for this game to get banned in Germany.
    >> Cr9 !PLAN9M8Wsc 03/12/09(Thu)10:11:32 No.3457528
    "In our research, we found out that killing kittens is an important part of the game and is forced on unwilling players, morally blackmailing them into a web of alcohol, murder and genocide."

    Also, what was he missing? Was it clear glass? Because it's ALWAYS clear glass.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:11:58 No.3457534
    Exactly my line of thought. You're not alone, fellow German anon.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:13:38 No.3457547
    Sounds like someone tried to repeat the Cho news-troll again.
    >> ‭‮‭ ‭‮‬‬ 03/12/09(Thu)10:16:37 No.3457564
    you srs? thats >_<
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:24:08 No.3457632
    I can't fucking post because of non ACSSI shit is not allowed. HALP. I need to copy pasta bit.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:26:41 No.3457652
    Type it out in vertibram then you noob.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:30:36 No.3457672
         File :1236868236.jpg-(50 KB, 1277x843, Krautshit.jpg)
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    "Leider wird unser winziger Server mit dem momentanen Ansturm nicht fertig. Es gibt allerdings auch gar nichts zu sehen, da die deutsche Presse sich bedauerlicherweise (vermutlich nicht zum ersten Mal) von einer Faelschung hat taeuschen lassen.

    Hier wurde kein Amoklauf angekuendigt, es gibt hier nur Leute, die mit Photoshop umgehen koennen. Scheinbar ist recherchieren heutzutage uncool."

    In english:

    "Unfortunately our tiny server can't deal wit the current onrush. But there isn't anything to see anyway, because the German press unfortunately (probably not the first time), got fooled by a fake.

    No gun rampage was announced here, there are just people around, that know how to handle Photoshop.

    Apparently doing researches isn't cool nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:32:59 No.3457692
    4chan mentioned in german news:

    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:34:07 No.3457701
    WHYYYYYYY? Goddamn it!!! My favourite board besides 4chon is being targeted by the media and the cops!!

    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:36:08 No.3457714

    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:38:21 No.3457731
    Translate, translate translate!
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:40:30 No.3457743

    Too much, it's basically about the rampant sociopathy and sarcasm in here.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:41:23 No.3457746
    They basically talk about him posting on Krautchan and writing about the sick humor practiced on Krautchan and its english counterpart 4chan. They also try to explain the concepts of 'trolling', 'an hero' and so on and basically take the stuff written on /b/ much too seriously.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:43:29 No.3457754
    I don't want to be the poor Bernd who trolled his father with the fake screenshot. He surely will face some serious questions now.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:45:38 No.3457764
    Haha, that article is awesome.

    Never seen an American news outlet go into such detail about internet culture. Even mentions and explains "an hero" and "beat the highscore" and shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:47:25 No.3457770
    GTFO my 4chan EDiot
    Explaing a meme is not going into detail.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:48:16 No.3457773
    Pretty much, it also explains that the "encouragement and praise of 'an heros' is just bitter sarcasm" rather then this "cyber bully" bullshit like you see in American news.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:49:45 No.3457780

    When it comes to online raids and defamation,there's nothing bad about taking /b/ seriously.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:50:22 No.3457783
    > Als K. tot war, wurde bei 4Chan gestern, unter Verweis auf aktuelle, widerspruechliche Medienberichte, heftig darueber diskutiert, ob er nun von der Polizei erschossen worden sei oder ein "hero", ein Held. "To hero", als Verb-Neuschoepfung, ist 4Chan-Slang fuer Selbsttoetung.

    After K. was dead, a heavy discussion went on 4chan yesterday fueled by the contradictory news reports, whether he was killed by the police, or became a "hero", (German: ein "Held"). "To hero" is a neologism coined on 4chan and means "suicide".

    Phew, finally Der Spiegel cleared that for me!
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:50:50 No.3457788
    to tell the truth, stuff like this makes me feel that each day, the western *chan boards grow more similar to their Japanese counterparts, rather than less.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:51:07 No.3457792
    Krautchan's opinion:

    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:51:50 No.3457795
    whole german public just got trolled.

    serisouly doesnt anyone investigate these days anymore?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:51:50 No.3457797
    I used google to translate it. The article is blatantly HURR INTERNETS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS bullshit
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:53:43 No.3457810

    Even translated and picture and shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:53:50 No.3457813
    again newfag stop posting
    You're failure to lurk moar is showing. Lurking is what makes 4chan anything meaningful
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:54:07 No.3457816

    Google is making millions of money with the internet and you dare to make a "serious business" joke?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:55:29 No.3457822


    lol internet hate machine.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:55:38 No.3457823

    "You're failure"


    Check the screenshot and compare to the website.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:56:34 No.3457833
    I thought you were a newfag now I know you're a troll. I'm going off anyways. See you never again
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:56:56 No.3457839

    shut your whore mouth, you don't make the rules here.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:58:05 No.3457847
    Eh, this is my first post in this thread
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:58:19 No.3457853
    oh, thanks bro. That was fast.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:58:43 No.3457860
    Something lost in the translation, bro...
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)10:59:26 No.3457864
    if YOU want to translate the whole article... my English is too bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)11:01:51 No.3457880
    >Apparently, researching is considered uncool nowadays. It's bad enough to copy from Wikipedia, but from here? Christ

    I luld
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)11:04:53 No.3457907
    Press made articles about a newly elected politician or something, and they copied the name from wikipedia.
    Turns out that the name was altered by a wikipedia user/troll. Lulz ensued, but not for the mass media.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)11:05:28 No.3457913
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)11:05:57 No.3457919
    >> ‭‮‭ ‭‮‬‬ 03/12/09(Thu)11:14:35 No.3457989
    according to the police, mass-murderer of winnenden, tim k., has announced his plans in an internet-forum prior to the events. the post was a last salut to a international subculture of terror. mass-murderer-circles in germany and the usa are already celebrating tim k. as a hero.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)11:17:50 No.3458016
    BTW, how come U.S. medias write out Tim's last name, while german ones don't?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)11:21:32 No.3458043
    Some privacy law in Krautland says the media cannot release his last name.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)11:23:16 No.3458058

    But of course, the Bild tabloid doesn't give a shit about it and writes it out...
    >> ‭‮‭ ‭‮‬‬ 03/12/09(Thu)11:30:10 No.3458116
    if people still care ... continuation
    tim k., who shot and killed 15 people at a school in baden-wuerttemberg and on his subsequent flight yesterday, seems to have seen himself as part of an international subculture of the massacre-cult. if the information announced on thursday at a press-conference by heribert rech (cdu), minister of interior affairs of baden-wuerttemberg, turns out to be true, tim k. has announced his actions early on wednesday morning in a german internet-forum. a forum belonging to a category of forums which generally regard serial-killers as heros - even though many participants seem to be ironic. already yesterday there were people discussing the screenshot in question at 2:45 in the afternoon. the anonymous posters, who are automatically named "bernd" in this forum, had a heated discussion whether this post was real or faked. some believed it had to be a photoshop-work. now it seems like tim k. really was adverting his following actions. in the forum, even after the press-conference, people thought of the screenshot as fake - in a lot of threads participants were amused by the alleged idiocy of mass-medias. but if rechs source was right about the time of the posting it has to be taken seriously. meanwhile, the forum is offline.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)11:30:38 No.3458119
    Last moments of Tim K.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)11:45:54 No.3458272

    he stands and then he is lying down?
    Kinda lame
    >> ‭‮‭ ‭‮‬‬ 03/12/09(Thu)11:47:45 No.3458290
    youre getting it, whether you want or not:
    nevertheless, minister rech had made clear it was certain the message was posted by tim k. data indicating this was found on his pc. the message went: "shit bernd (anonymouse), I cant stand it anymore. Im sick of this crappy life, always the same - everybody laughs at me, nobody sees my potential. Im serious, bernd - I have weapons here, and tomorrow morning I will go to my old school and have a nice bbq. maybe I can even escape. keep your ears open, bernds, you will hear about me tomorrow. remember the name of the place: winnenden. and now a message to the police: dont worry, Im just trolling". a forum-troll is somebody who provoces on purpose in an online-discussion in order to provoce reactions. a boy answering to the post thought of it as a joke - "lol" he answered and demanded, using one of the forums phrases, "pics, or it didnt happen!". rech reported, yesterday the boys father turned to the police. the thread itself was gone already yesterday-evening - in these kinds of forums threads usually dont last longer than a short time. the german forums archetype is the us-board 4chan, famous and infamous for its general disregard of rules and regulations - there, too, announcements, probably faked, were posted soon after the murders. both forums are actually pictureboards, meant to post photos and discuss them. but both are also a place of a subculture between secluded humour and dark cynism, sometimes disregarding human life. it was there that tim k. was praised for his actions, discussions ensued whether he might be able to "break the highscore" set by virginia-techs cho seung-hui. cho had killed 32 people and himself.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)11:50:54 No.3458310

    think the video is censored by euronews
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)12:03:23 No.3458400

    claudia krauth my ass!
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)12:03:48 No.3458402
    lol, gotta love those swabians: "Und da isch mei audo!" ("And there's my car!").

    There's a guy running amok and shooting, and he's concerned about his fucking car.
    >> ‭‮‭ ‭‮‬‬ 03/12/09(Thu)12:04:42 No.3458407
    ok, readers-digest-mode for the rest:
    - there were pictures comparing winnenden to alabamas massacre, staing "germany won"
    - today, a poster on 4chan praised tim k. as "godlike"
    - discussion on 4chan whether he became an hero or not, and subsequent and faulty explanation of the term "an hero"
    - on thursday a poster on 4chan said "killing sprees are more fun than genocide and war - they are chaotic-evil and one of the few crimes, which dont serve a hipocritic aim"
    - another one praised tim k., saying "he had a shoot-out with the police, you cant die more epic than this"
    - its safe to assume the participants of said discussion are serious about the killing spree being a heros action
    - for others these comments are the ultimate tabu-break, the superlative of cynical jokes - which fits to /b/s general content: racism, antisemitism and sexism
    - seems like some rever these massacres as the ultimate form of rebellion
    - all those killers share a fascination about weapons and brutality - all of them loving FPSs
    - the medias also responsible for such actions: all school-killers seem to copy the same strategy, which is brought to them by news about other school massacres
    >> ‭‮‭ ‭‮‬‬ 03/12/09(Thu)12:08:58 No.3458451
    come to think about it, germany has a much lower gun-per-human ratio than USA or Finland, and far less inhabitants than the US. if we had more people and more weapons this would so happen on a daily basis
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)12:12:34 No.3458496
         File :1236874354.jpg-(78 KB, 1123x541, 112498817796.jpg)
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    Ich ueberreiche euch eine ueberarbeitete Version. Obs lustig ist kann ich nicht sagen
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)12:13:58 No.3458513
    You best be joking, nigger.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)12:15:07 No.3458527


    Yet the keep mentioning that it's a chat and not a forum. Even though message boards are common and older people know what they are.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)12:18:20 No.3458564
    When was the last time there was a shooting like this in Germany?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)12:19:25 No.3458573
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)12:19:40 No.3458578
    Yeah, per-capita, the Germans sure seem to have a lot of spree-killers and school shootings. They have 82 million people there...

    America has like, 320 million people.

    Well, maybe not, but then again most of that 82 million is full of old folks that don't really do school shootings, you know.
    >> ‭‮‭ ‭‮‬‬ 03/12/09(Thu)12:23:23 No.3458618
    yeah, seems like we just have too little retirement-home shootings
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)12:30:34 No.3458679
    Some more comments on the Krautchan website.

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