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    Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:15:36 No.3446517  
    22 KB
    Hello Robots. Here is the situation. I recently wrote a pretty badass script and I got an agent because of it. The agent thinks that the script will sell for somewhere around 750,000.00 to maybe if I am gambler lucky 1,000,000.00. I was and still am pretty damn happy about all that, but now I am worried because I was thinking that it is going to get taxed to hell and back.

    My questions are thus:

    1. How bad will it be taxed?

    2. Should I go the route of not filing a 10-40?

    3. Say I choose not to file a 10-40, what are the chances I will get caught?

    4. Is there any way I could immigrate (legally) to some other country and avoid this whole business?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:16:45 No.3446532
    what the fuck could you write that is worth 1 million fucking dollars?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:17:17 No.3446540
    IRS is pretty hardcore. You better file that 10-40 son.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:18:25 No.3446549

    Screenplays sell for a lot. Even shitty ones tend to sell for 6 digits. Good ones are bid on and go pretty high if you find proper representation.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:19:13 No.3446556
    1. Probably taxed in the neighborhood of 40%

    2. No

    3. High enough that it's not worth the risk

    4. Probably not, as the company giving you (US citizen) money is probably US-based

    In all honesty if the script sells for $1M and you get $600,000 you really shouldn't be complaining, it's just a script. If you sell a script for that much anyway you'll probably get more deals
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:19:37 No.3446561

    This. Unless you're a bad enough dude to accidentally the whole IRS.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:20:18 No.3446571
    shouldn't you be asking your agent this shit?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:21:14 No.3446581
    If you are skilled and creative enough to put out a screenplay that will sell for that much, accept the buttraping the IRS will give you and just be happy that you're getting more money than most people will earn in the next 5-10 years.

    I'd say realistically you're going to look at a minimum of 50% income taxed, so you'll end up with anywhere from 300ish grand to 500grand.

    Still definitely worth it, and most importantly you'll have more business in the future because people will know about you assuming your script makes it into movie format.

    Btw - IRS will find you. Banks are required to log and post transactions above a certain level, not to mention they monitor your large purchases. You're an idiot if you think they won't notice you buying a new house or a BMW after you sell it.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:21:34 No.3446583
    I think the agent already included the .00 when he quoted you those numbers.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:23:56 No.3446612

    I don't trust my agent enough to ask him this shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:25:35 No.3446627
    Be sure to get some royalties for any profits the show/play/whatever makes.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:25:50 No.3446633

    Maybe I should consider changing my career...
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:26:18 No.3446640
    OP, how did you get an agent and your script published?

    Do you have any previous experience in writing? And what made you write your script? How long did it take you?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:32:36 No.3446686

    1) I printed out my screenplay, went to Kinko's, had them make like 10 copies of the whole thing, and mailed it out to 5 agents at first. I got a call from one of the agencies asking me if I would accept representation from them after telling me about how much of a cut he was going to get and all that shit and he told me about what kind of work he has done. He has kept me informed about where everything is going and the bidding is apparently going pretty well as you can tell from above.

    As for writing the thing. I had a pretty good idea, so that part wasn't hard. Just put what I had into a program I use and had people I trust read over it. The whole process took about 3 months. Half the time was the writing process, the other half editing and polishing.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:34:14 No.3446703
    What is it about? Maybe I will see it in theaters just because it is yours.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:36:33 No.3446729
    I admire your motivation, and 3month-fast writing pace. You've inspired me to stop fapping and do some work, for a while. +1 internet
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:36:42 No.3446730

    It will be called "Godfather". That's all I can say ATM. I like it and I really hope it does well.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:37:29 No.3446734
    Make sure you're not getting scammed OP. Not to say you don't have good judgment, just be careful. Did you register it with the guild?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:38:07 No.3446737
    At first I thought you wrote a computer script or something
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:38:32 No.3446743
    Why is OP so unpatriotic that he won't pay taxes? You've been using the roads, the police, fire protection, they've been protecting your food and so much more, why not man up and pay back to society for what it's done for you?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:38:44 No.3446744
    Will you continue to post updates about it, once it's sold / goes into production / etc? They keep you in the loop about those things, don't they?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:39:20 No.3446751
    lol, I thought OP was talking about a programming script.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:39:44 No.3446754

    I did indeed. No way am I going to get screwed over. The guy is legit though, I made sure that all 5 of them were before I mailed it out.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:40:10 No.3446756

    Me and my writing partner submitted a comedy series we wrote and received positive feedback. But it took a lot longer than three months. It took us well over 2 years to write (six 25 minute episodes), with none of the company editing or preparing it for presentation.

    How the fuck did you write a screen play by yourself, in less than three months, then get it commissioned and money offered, that quickly?

    Do you have any previous experience with writing and getting published?

    And do you live in the US?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:41:58 No.3446770
    Donate 20k to moot to get him out of debt. That was your true calling.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:44:02 No.3446778

    Income tax doesn't go towards roads and all that shit. Hell, I am happy to pay all the other taxes we pay, I just hate the fucking income tax.

    They do. I will come back here with anything new and exciting. Hopefully it is not rewritten or even worse, it gets doomed to development hell.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:47:29 No.3446809

    I admit that I wrote it pretty fast, but I didn't put a timeline on the rest of the stuff. It took a good long while for me to get that phone call, and even longer before we got bids for it.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:54:25 No.3446856
    Any tips for those looking to submit a script? I'm a writer but I never really thought of trying to sell any of my stuff.

    I figured I'd eventually get a job writing newsletters for a Dollar Store, or something equally unsatisfying.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:58:36 No.3446878
    Contests brah.
    Scriptapalooza late deadline isn't up yet if I'm not mistaken. That contest has worked out well for a lot of my friends, helped them either sell stuff or at least get representation.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)13:02:14 No.3446905

    Neat. I have never actually gone in for all of these contests or anything in the literary world, really. I write.

    Thank you for the link. Maybe I will enter next year.

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