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  • File :1236438679.png-(11 KB, 400x523, utopia countries!.png)
    11 KB Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:11:19 No.3391822  
    Norway and Sweden are the greatest countries ever! We are all so happy here. No religion at all. Everyone's very liberal with great health care, dental care, car insurance, life insurance, social security, etc.!!! We have NEGATIVE greenhouse gas emissions, a national surplus instead of national debt, and we have never gone to war! Our jails and prisons are very nice, the criminals love them, and when they come out, they never commit crime again! Also, no fat people at all! No stupid people at all! It's practically heaven!

    Foolish Americans, hahaha. You are all still in the dark ages and all nationalist, hahahaa.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:12:50 No.3391832
    I don't care if you live in heaven, but if you don't own both a DS and a PSP then you are not happy.

    Don't even try to argue with me here.

    So fuck you swedefag.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:15:56 No.3391857
    What is this, 2005? What's so great about handheld games?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:18:43 No.3391874
    I thought they were full of black metal serial killing satanists?

    Or am I thinking of Suomi?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:19:01 No.3391875
    Not enough Islam in Stockholm for ya'?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:20:42 No.3391884
    Enjoy your inability to combat your muslim problems. Candidly Russia.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:21:24 No.3391892
         File :1236439284.jpg-(47 KB, 1032x768, swedesvsfinns.jpg)
    47 KB
    Finland > your little faggot country.
    Just look at the colors of your flag and listen to the sound of your language. Faggotry x over 9000.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:22:06 No.3391896
    From vikings, rulers of the northern seas, to pansy faggots being crushed by muslim overlords.

    Enjoy failure.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:24:30 No.3391914
    gotta agree, but... i'll be renouncing my US citizenship for Norway. Something about how they treat people in general is more appealing than the US completely screwing everyone over with abysmally high taxes to benefit only those people who don't get taxed. is like fucking dennis moore, stealing from the poor to give to the rich.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:24:53 No.3391917
    And yet you're here on 4chan with the rest of us...
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:25:19 No.3391920
    Swedes are all awkward and withdrawn and barely able to communicate. If, say, Serbs, lived there, everything would be a big steaming denuded pile of blood and win.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:25:32 No.3391922
    You guys know I'm trolling, right? I'm American. I was parodying how often Scandinavians brag about their country on the internet, but get pissed off whenever someone brags about America.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:25:57 No.3391926
    sand niggers stealing your women much?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:27:09 No.3391929
    Enjoy your pakistani cops, viking faggots. Only a country full of faggotry would discuss a problem of allowing women cops to wear heejabs(or whatever, have no idea how it's spelled in eng)

    And still, if heaven on earth exists, it's definetely in Scandinavia
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:27:24 No.3391932
    just curious - what do you plan to do when your countries aren't 90+% homogenous?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:30:27 No.3391941
    Dear Lord you people are thick. OP is American, he even says "social security".
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:31:44 No.3391956
    >>We are all so happy here.

    Gotta check the suicide rate in your country, broseph.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:32:29 No.3391962
    sand niggers date their own kind, retard. norwegian sluts, who are probably the most depraved on the planet because they can get full time job benefits from having babies without fathers won't touch pakis. that's why you get those types of whores on the streets in oslo, etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:37:52 No.3391993
    Sweden is far from a perfect country, but I can't say that I am dissatisfied with the country. We need more right wing politics here and we seem to be on the right track.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:43:19 No.3392037
    >We need more right wing
    lolno we don't.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:56:10 No.3392111
    lol yes you do. if you faggots want to do anything about preserving your country instead of letting the fagot sandniggers bankrupt the entire country by welfare. fuck i wouldn't be surprised if sharia law or some shit is imposed all over sweden or some shit.

    seriously, if your politicians had any balls you would:
    1)stop immigration from sandnigger countries
    2)deport any sandnigger who receives welfare
    3)have relaxed gun laws for protection

    Hopefully you retards wake up and start implementing these policies. Your retarded countries need more people like Geert Wilders and parties like the BNP.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:56:22 No.3392113

    yes we do, the niggers need to get the fuck out. The liberals are sucking muslim cock "oh noes, we can't deny the muslims anything, cause that is discrimination, oh no. What will the other countries think of us?"

    Both Norway and Sweden need a nigger hating goverment for a while.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)11:00:56 No.3392140
    You must be confusing Stockholm with Malmo.

    Malmo and other parts of Skane officially belongs to Denmark.

    We want nothing to do with them. We do not associate with them.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)11:02:54 No.3392153
    Because overly liberal immigration policy is a great thing and the amount of burning cars (the more the better) determines how great a country is? I have nothing against immigration in general, but if the immigrants don't want to work and integrate with the surrounding society there's no point in keeping them here.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)11:05:07 No.3392172
    You mean American statistics that you made up?

    No, it's Japan that has high suicide rates. And you.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)11:05:12 No.3392173
    I don't think so, Skane is god tier, enjoy your endless forest.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)11:07:09 No.3392195
    Swedefag here.

    I know a guy who got a green card in the states, and moved there. He returned here for a visit a few years later. He said moving from sweden felt like moving out of a small and shitty basement. I cannot blame him.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)11:07:16 No.3392198
    Whatever you say you wannabe Dane.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)11:07:21 No.3392200
    OP forgot how high of a murder/suicide rate sweden has. not sure about norway.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)11:08:33 No.3392212
    Swedefag here. I knew a whole family who went to live there.

    They came crawling back on all four.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)11:09:06 No.3392215

    Check your facts.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)11:09:51 No.3392218
    Can't blame them, either.

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