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  • File :1236366750.jpg-(147 KB, 410x400, obamathugs.jpg)
    147 KB Marine threatens armed revolution against Obama Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:12:30 No.3383763  

    Whoop de fuck, it's only one guy, right? But read the article. Some of my dad's hunting buddies are in a small civ. militia, and apparently groups like theirs across the country are almost uniformly anti-Obama, and growing in size, buying up guns and canned food and whatnot.

    I had no idea ordinary people were really this butthurt over the election.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:19:37 No.3383802
    Such bullshit.

    For eight years these "patriots" let their rights get shit on massively at every angle by a retarded President, and now that a dude comes in who isn't privy to every man owning an AK-47 like we are in Iraq, they start to get angry and talk about oppression and talk about tyrants.

    Where the fuck were they when other people's rights we're being trampled on? Oh yeah, they we're fucking laughing.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:19:55 No.3383803
    The keyword is "ordinary people," because ordinary people are happy about the election and feel like the country is headed in a good direction for once. Crazy fuckwits have been buying guns and canned food for decades now. Considering that the last president literally thought he could ignore the bill of rights during war time, if they're actually more afraid of Obama than Bush, well they're complete morons and don't have very good survival instincts.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:21:09 No.3383809

    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 03/06/09(Fri)14:23:28 No.3383815
    these people don't actually have any principles (except maybe hating niggers)

    anyway, we should treat these people like the treasonous, criminally insane fuckers they are and just intern them somewhere
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:24:03 No.3383819
    Yeah but Bush wasn't going to take our guns bro
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:24:49 No.3383825
    What the fuck are you going to do as a civ. militia? Last time I checked we have a big enough army, a national guard, and we're bordered by mexico and Canada.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:24:59 No.3383827
    Yeah, the boss nigger is just busy doling out trillions of $ to greedy Jew bankers, yeah everything's cool

    Where've you been for the past few months???
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:27:11 No.3383835
    oh jesus, did you watch the video

    I lol'd at the guy picking out instances of the word "Republican" in the Constitution and Pledge of Allegiance and thinking those have to do with political parties.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:27:54 No.3383838
    Funny how all these "ordinary" people seem to be ex military christian nutjobs who think Obama is a, GASP, socialist, while never bothering to look up what a socialist really is. They're idiots.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:28:00 No.3383839
    I can't wait to see these douchebags getting their brains blown out by FBI snipers.

    Ruby Ridge FTW!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:28:27 No.3383841
    I will laugh when the Army crushes them completely.
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 03/06/09(Fri)14:30:01 No.3383849
    >boss nigger
    did you mean George Bush and Henry Paulson?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:30:43 No.3383857
    NEWSFLASH: as long as the media exists, there will be no revolution.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:32:30 No.3383871
    What kind of reality do you live in? Seriously, do you have any clear conception of what is going on in politics today or do you just live in a "liberals are persecuting me and taking my guns hurf durf" fantasy land?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:32:46 No.3383873
    Is anyone else delighted to see these militant evangelical ultra-conservative idiots totally implode?

    Every time a dumb shit Whiskey Tango cries "kill the nigger" an inner city ethnic child goes to college.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:33:29 No.3383880

    nah, he's making the claim that America is a republic, not a democracy

    which, of course it's neither technically. it's a representative democracy, or a federal republic. it's neither a true democracy (everyone's vote counts for every election) nor a true republic (senate is appointed, not elected)

    at any rate, i don't know what kind of point he's making with that
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:34:02 No.3383886

    It's orgasmic to see them finally come out and reveal their true colors so they can be utterly repudiated by the public.
    >> Solve Et Coagula !!LUqmBE/5/Jt 03/06/09(Fri)14:34:29 No.3383888
    I'm going to let the Repubs and the Dems kill each other, then we can kill whoever wins and fix this country for a change.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:34:52 No.3383896
    >Whiskey Tango
    I love Generation Kill too, brobot.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:35:13 No.3383900
    This is pretty much the apocalypse to much of non black, conservative middle class/hillbilly america. I have a theory that many non blacks were a lot more crazy and/or bigoted than they let on and that deep wellspring of psychosis was only held in check by the maintaining of a semblance of dominance, even if in their daily lives they were little more than cogs.

    Now that a black man is in the office, effecting sweeping plans to change america during an economic crisis (something that might even make previous white leaders look bad by comparison) the cork has popped in some people and they're melting down.

    Black people are like that too; we just assumed they were somehow more aggressive and less logical because they're almost almost in a state of subjugation and therefore most they never had the stopper bland civilized normalcy put in to begin with
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:36:27 No.3383907
    oh fuck this is hilarious, I can't wait to see these guys try to do any sort of shit, they are only marginalizing themselves haha
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:36:35 No.3383910
    I hope they all kill each other in some sort of internal power struggle so AMERICA can make some progress.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:38:54 No.3383928

    whiskey tango is just W-T, which means white trash

    could have just said white trash and I wouldn't think you're such a poser.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:39:41 No.3383931
    You mean the TARP that Bush signed into law?

    Go read a timeline.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:39:43 No.3383932
    Couldn't agree more. This president has finally given blacks a role model that isn't some dumb-shit ex-con who can rhyme and blows all his money on boats-n-hoes, therefore forcing them to own up to their potential. As far as racist whites... we all knew they were. Now there's evidence.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:39:43 No.3383933
    That guy is a cunt. Though I love revolution - shit rocks.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:39:47 No.3383934
    Why is it that liberals are so much more sane than conservatives?

    Even the crazy liberals don't reach for guns and form a militia. That is the response of someone who truly doesn't know how to respond
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:40:40 No.3383949
    No Obama isn't blowing all of his money.
    He's blowing OUR money instead.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:42:35 No.3383964
    Right, because the Iraq war was such a great investment by Bush. We didn't need that economic surplus anyway. >:[
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:43:07 No.3383971
    The American revolutionaries were obviously insane (and conservative) then, amirite
    SPOILER: The right to bear arms is progressive, it allows people to resist tyrannical governments, that's why the American patriots in the 18th century were called Radicals by Parliament as supposed to the Tories who supported the divine right of monarchs and mocked efforts by American colonists to organize themselves.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:44:04 No.3383978
    These guys are just racists with guns who hate that a negro took the highest office in the country.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:44:04 No.3383979

    You bring up some great points. It is our money and we've chosen to spend it this way. Don't like it... oh god; I've waited 8 years to say this back to you shitheads... THEN GET THE FUCK OUT!

    I think I just came a little.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:44:10 No.3383982

    yeah lets lynch them whities for being racists, even though we're making summary judgements with anecdotal evidence from 1 mentally disturbed person!

    I'll get the rope
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:44:12 No.3383983
    poser? lol

    and who was i posing as, apart from a guy who things generation kill was badass?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:44:24 No.3383986
    The war in Iraq didn't cost a fraction of the money Obama's currently throwing at the bankers and the automakers.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:45:18 No.3383996
    >Even the crazy liberals don't reach for guns and form a militia.

    That is because crazy liberals want to make it illegal to even hold a gun.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:45:36 No.3384000
    The right to bear arms as a means to counterweigh the armed forces protecting the government is obsolete now.
    They have the media thus the peoples mind on their side now.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:45:55 No.3384004

    for fuck's sake he's spending money to stimulate the economy you dipshit

    are you that fucking retarded?

    Keynesian economics, bro
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:46:37 No.3384008
    Even in the UK, you can get guns legally. Not handguns or browning machineguns, but you can get guns.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:46:43 No.3384009

    and those 8 years when you thought you were better then the other side, and now that your time has come you choose to do........exactly what they did.
    oh lordy
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:46:53 No.3384012
    that's not even remotely comparable

    really, the fact that you think this and that are similar just evidences a disconnect with reality
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:46:57 No.3384014
    i would love to see a revolution. a bunch of crazy gun toting rednecks think they will be able to overthrow our government and take on our military?
    haha, i hope they do it. it would weed out the fucking retards in this country as their little "revolution" failed miserably.

    I would only partake in a revolution if it was for probable cause. ie knowing something better would come from it in the end

    not a bunch of dumbass

    what would they do if they got in power? we would turn into an authoritarian nationalistic nation.
    fuck that
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:47:44 No.3384019

    Pretty much. You should write a satire about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:47:53 No.3384021
    oh geez... here comes the Klan's legal defense. want more evidence? youtube.com, look up obama hate, or fuck obama, or McCain rally racists... you get the idea.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:48:04 No.3384022

    Shotguns for farmers to shake at trespassers and shoot foxes with, that's pretty much all you get here in England.

    Britfag with experience speakig.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:48:29 No.3384026
    I just have to ask...

    Did every fucking republican in America forget that Bush gave almost a trillion dollars to the bank without any positive result?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:48:46 No.3384028

    it's not like that isn't a requirement for all civilized societies

    God you guys are dumb
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:48:52 No.3384029
         File :1236368932.jpg-(24 KB, 349x336, pity.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:49:17 No.3384034
    Nobody mentioned lynchings. Much better just to mock them endlessly for being the brainless white trash they are.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:49:22 No.3384036
    So what you're trying to say is that for people in the 18th century to own guns to resist tyrannical government was progressive, whereas now it's "conservative" and "backward" amirite?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:50:51 No.3384050

    Trepanning seemed pretty revolutionary too, at one point in time.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:50:59 No.3384053

    >As far as racist whites... we all knew they were. Now there's evidence.

    everyone is racist deal with it
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:51:06 No.3384055

    Are you stupid? The Iraq War has cost anywhere from 700 BILLION to 4 TRILLION dollars. Obama has made NO comprehensive bailout package to the automakers, and he's only followed up on the relief money that BUSH has given to the banks with smaller, more sporadic bailouts to AIG and BofA.

    Seriously, why do you people just spout off shit that you know probably isn't true?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:51:08 No.3384057

    The reason republicans want to 'revolt' is because of the shit Bush did. But now that a nigger is in office they're realizing what happened, but don't realize Bush did it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:51:17 No.3384062
    Back when I did my work experience at a shitty office, there was a guy working there who used to bring his shotgun in. Fucker spent his morning picking shotgun cartridges apart and spreading the little balls on his desk.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:51:19 No.3384063
    not just without any positive result

    without any oversight, without any plan (they changed tactics midway through). Hell, initially, they barely even bothered to write out a bill.

    Conservatives are pure stupid
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:51:40 No.3384065
    The American Rev's had support of the local population.

    A Republican "revolution" would result in a maximum of 5% of the population ideologically backing them. Far less than 1% would actually get violent. You would see a couple dozen Branch Dividian style raids and a bunch of people getting pissed. Actual military elements that try to rebel would get crushed within hours.

    It would be incredibly stupid to rebel. Thats exactly why the ultra conservatives are so hot for it. There fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:51:43 No.3384066
    lrn2Posse Comitatus movement
    These people have a lot of friends in the military
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:52:03 No.3384069
    now it's conservative and backward
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:52:13 No.3384072

    Agreed. Obama hasn't done ANYTHING compared to the shit Bush did in office. And now republicans are acting as though Obama is trying to rewrite the entire constitution.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:52:24 No.3384074
    You think the military would all of a sudden commit treason because they sympathise with the white trash hiding in the woods?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:53:08 No.3384081
    turns out lots of things that made sense in the 18th century (like slavery) are now conservative and backwards. That's kind of how progress works: things that made sense hundreds of years ago no longer make sense
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:53:31 No.3384084
    The demacrats always say that the
    Republicans our racist, but imo
    Obama is a racist.
    Liberals hate anyone who disagrees with them.
    Look at this thread and you can see that.
    Everyone should own a gun.
    Don't you believe in freedom?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:54:11 No.3384087

    I think you just defined ad hominem.

    Thanks for that useful post.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:54:20 No.3384088
    Armed revolution with small arms in the US would end hilariously. Oh, cool, you have a fortified compound? Yeah, we can see it from a predator UAV a mile up. Say hi to this hellfire missile.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:54:20 No.3384089
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:54:41 No.3384093
    Trolled you were
    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 03/06/09(Fri)14:54:56 No.3384094

    no but there not gonna bring it up because their pride is much more important than fixing this country.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:54:59 No.3384095
    yes, i also believe in proper grammar and spelling, IMO
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:56:03 No.3384103
    Wow, i'm surprised. There is like one non-liberal post in here. I thought /r9k/ was all "fuck obama" and shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:56:09 No.3384104
    2.7 trillion is less than 250 billion?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:56:15 No.3384105

    If that constitutes as 'trolled' then trolls have lowered their standards significantly. =/
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:56:41 No.3384110
    Classic backwards thinking conservative. in the 18th century guns were muzzle loaded, and were not rifled (basically, making them difficult to kill with). Additionally, there wasn't a consumer culture yet, so they were all manufactured by hand, and thus rather expensive. So, owning guns then and owning guns now are two different things. Not to mention there really were no urban centers in the way we have them now. Having cheap guns in poor, highly populated cities is just a recipe for homicide.

    ON TOP OF THAT, we are no fucking where near a situation where we need to throw off our government. Has the government stopped you from doing a single fucking thing? Grow up, and read some books.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:56:50 No.3384112

    Bet those tories would be feeling pretty damn smug if they were alive today and could see what a mess the other guys made of things.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:57:01 No.3384114
    SPOILER: These people aren't conservatives. What used to be called "radicals" in the 1960s are now the establishment, making their opponents the radicals.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:57:27 No.3384121
    Are you retarded? Look at the post again. Also, I don't see how that is an ad hom anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:57:58 No.3384126

    I posted earlier, I'm not a liberal. I think it's pretty evenly balanced. I voted Obama mainly because the alternative was Sarah Palin.

    There was only one right choice in 2008.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:58:11 No.3384128
    >Allowing niggers and Mexicans to buy guns is a recipe for homicide
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:58:17 No.3384131

    1% is what? 3.000.000 people? With guns. That's bigger than nearly all armies (except China I think).Unstructured so guerilla warfare very fucking likely. And we all know how great the U.S. army is at fighting guerilla wars.
    >> E<>E !!dUnKBPe0NjE 03/06/09(Fri)14:58:19 No.3384135


    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:58:27 No.3384137
    The revolution, along with pimpeled horsecock, constitute just some of the things that will not be televised.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)14:59:37 No.3384147
    YES IT'S 3,000,000 PEOPLE
    counting kids and babies and shit
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:00:07 No.3384153
    i fucking hate the nationalism on both sides, but i will admit that the conservatives are much more pro AMERICA FUCKK YEAHHHH

    seriously, gtfo with your america bullshit, yes we live in America, most of us were born here and have no fucking choice but to live here.
    why be so fucking proud of that?
    calling someone unamerican
    spraypainting/defacing/vandalizing political signs or signs that say something critical of america or our government?
    gb2 nazi germany

    we have a right to question our government. in fact our founding fathers put it into the constitution to encourage it, as its up to the people to keep them in check. stop blindly following everything they do or say, repubs

    i like america, but to me it doesnt really matter what anyone says about it
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:00:13 No.3384155
    i'm this loud mouth
    fucking lol'd so hard...
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:00:13 No.3384156
    Because the other 99% is going to look at the tv screen and say "Oh well they win"
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:00:31 No.3384159

    I think he used 1% as a hyperbolic device, not an actual number.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:01:10 No.3384164
    Guerilla warfare's a matter of political will. Look how Vietnam ended: you were kicking serious ass but you had to pull out because the people back home were getting fed up of all the casualties. Now transport that home: it becomes a matter of fighting for your country. I don't think the population would be particularly supportive of an insurrection whose beliefs can be summed up with 'fuck niggers'.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:01:26 No.3384172
    lrn2urban warfare, it would be more like brutal fighting in urban Iraq, made more intolerable for US forces by the fact that the casualties civilian and military would all be Americans. If you think that would be fun for anyone you're full of shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:01:43 No.3384175
    Could you people seriously be this stupid? No

    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:01:56 No.3384177
    >I don't think the population would be particularly supportive of an insurrection whose beliefs can be summed up with 'fuck niggers'.

    best. quote. ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:02:01 No.3384178

    Well, I got the gun like you said...


    When do I feel more free? Is it like a super power? Should I call the government and see if there's some freedom paperwork I need to fill out, now that I have a freedom-enabling device?

    I got drunk while holding it last night and I definitely felt like I could do whatever I want and no one could stop me, bu I didn't feel more free, so.... what's the deal? Do I need a bigger gun or something? Is it like a dosage thing, where I have to have a gun whose size is in specific proportion to my own? I did only buy a .32.

    Wait, were you saying that in an allegorical sense? It's this like Plato's cave thing ?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:02:17 No.3384180
    The government would be fighting for its existence, you think they'd pull many stops?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:03:43 No.3384193
    Seriously, Posse Comitatus is everywhere, look it up.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:04:20 No.3384198
    >1% would actually get violent.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:04:55 No.3384205
    Didn't answer the question, bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:05:31 No.3384218
    If you actually think that, you people are dumber than I thought.
    Well I suppose we should be glad that the lemmings are this ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:05:46 No.3384221
    i like you, your funny

    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:06:18 No.3384227
    It wasn't worth answering. Posse Comitatus doesn't organize in the woods.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:06:57 No.3384231
    Yeah, bro. Fuck niggers. Sic semper tyrannis! Fort sumpter!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:07:07 No.3384237
    you think an armed revolution would gain the support of the people? people would stand to have a bunch of armed dicks running around urban areas shooting people and causing fear? fuck no, i would narc on and murder anyone who tried using me to kill someone over a war i wouldnt want to have anything to do with.
    people barely stand for war a half of a world away, what would make you think theyd stand for a war in their own backyards when all most people want to do is live in peace and raise a family?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:07:12 No.3384239
    ok, guy
    when the revolution happens and succeeds, you can come on 4chan and tell us all that you told us so
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:07:37 No.3384246
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:07:56 No.3384250

    >> Autonymoose !x4vv0ZYuAo 03/06/09(Fri)15:07:56 No.3384251
    I'd be surprised if they actually start anything. Because most groups have "pride", they like to speak out, so the FBI knows about and watches them. This marine is now on their watch list, too. Plus, most of them spend too much time pumping their fists and "preparing" to actually act.

    Only a group that doesn't advertise itself has any chance in hell, and even then it has a number of things going against it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:08:22 No.3384255
    If Obama sends this country to hell economically (in b4 Bush did it derp), it will be a different matter.
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 03/06/09(Fri)15:09:18 No.3384264
    This is all just impotent conservative revenge fantasy
    They feel completely powerless, so they imagine scenarios where they can exact revenge for the fact that they don't matter anymore.

    This is really silly to entertain, and really we should jsut let them to their fantasies. It's pretty much all they have left
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:10:20 No.3384274
    Bush DID do it. You can't seriously think that Obama caused the current recession.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:10:51 No.3384280
    duurrrrr its been a couple months ehheerrrppp i down liek prasidddant hurrp ekoonomy shitty becuz hess a nigger lol how does i logic?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:10:53 No.3384282
    Why these conservatives are unremittingly retarded:

    "The moment a person forms a theory, his imagination sees in every object only the traits which favor that theory." ~ Thomas Jefferson
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:11:03 No.3384285

    Don't be stupid. The state of the economy is due to unregulated banks and predatory lending, and spoiled upper-middle-class retards with some artificial sense of entitlement that they feel they deserve to live beyond their means with unreasonable purchases and loans.

    And now I see the spoiled brats don't want to look at their own spending habits, so they're spending time blaming either Bush or Obama for the state this country's in. Fucking brats.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:11:26 No.3384288
    no, it wouldnt be a different matter dumbass. this world and this country has already gone through worse without having to resort to a "hurrr durrr lets go kill everyone responsible" attitude. people can live being poor, sometimes just as happily. nobody is going to want to have to be poor and have things made worse by a fucking rebellion going on sucking down more resources and causing fear over safety. revolution is pointless and only for fanatics. i would be perfectly happy being poor but not having to worry about my safety on top of it
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:12:45 No.3384310
    i like to think of the economy as a freight train. You can point it in a direction and send it to a destination, but you cant see the destination, so there's no real way of knowing if it's the destination you want (assuming the person driving doesn't have a compass, hur dur). Obama is the guy in the passenger car who kicked Bush, the train operator, out. now he has to somehow move this huge fucking train off it's current track. Kinda hard to do. So, when things don't go so well, you people remember who put us on this path.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:13:43 No.3384319
    why the fuck are they calling alan keyes racist against Obama hes fucking black?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:14:23 No.3384326
    If the military tried taking over and succeeded they'd spend the rest of their short span of leadership trying to hunt down all the citizens who became terrorists following the takeover. While they were busy doing that, we'd destabilize and the rest of the world would creep in to "keep the peace" and divide the US up amongst themselves. Afterward I'd finally be able to get good European or Asian beer without having to drive to far, so I guess I win.

    Our military has a huge ego problem if they think they can take over the US and keep it in one functioning piece. They should go back to be contracted murderers and leave the thinking to others.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:14:26 No.3384327
    The casualty ratio in Iraq massively favours the coalition forces.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:14:30 No.3384328
    Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit. ~Oscar Wilde
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:16:25 No.3384345
    Nobody is talking about the military talking over. We're talking about the military squishing a far-right rebellion.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:16:28 No.3384346
    but... you just quoted a quote saying you shouldnt quote people because it makes up for a lack of wit!!!

    now i dont know what to think
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:17:56 No.3384359

    Oh. How would that effect my ability to get drunk and misinterpret things?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:17:59 No.3384360

    Which is sorta against the law.

    >> E<>E !!dUnKBPe0NjE 03/06/09(Fri)15:18:33 No.3384367
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    Everyone needs to sage if they're going to reply.

    This faggotry needs to end.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:19:43 No.3384382
    lol wat
    Stopping an armed rebellion isn't a matter of law enforcement, it's a military matter. You think the secession of the southern states should've been handled by night watchmen?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:20:19 No.3384388
    i agree with the sage-tripfag... have mercy, and let it die.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:20:23 No.3384389

    i think this thread is going rather well and i would like to see it continue :3
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:20:26 No.3384390

    I agree

    Down with tripfaggotry! Imma start a revolution!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:21:19 No.3384397
    Fuck you and fuck your mother.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:21:32 No.3384398

    Well, the secession involved a sovereign state taking arms against the Union, so military force was more appropriate there. Also, the law was passed after the war.

    Don't argue with me, I'm just pointing out the law.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:22:12 No.3384404
    I don't know why the right automatically assumes that the military is on there side. Loyalty to the president > loyalty to insane fucktards.

    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:22:35 No.3384409
    I'm pretty sure stopping a rebellion is authorized by both Congress and the Constitution

    did you actually read that page?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:23:11 No.3384416
    A law that isn't really applicable. An armed uprising with the goal of deposing the president isn't a matter for the police.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:23:44 No.3384425

    You know, I still believe the Coast Guard and National Guards, with the full funding of the United States Government, could handle a small armed insurgency.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:24:36 No.3384431

    Are you really going to listen to a tripfag, people? THIS IS SOCIALISM!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:25:33 No.3384442
    i dont agree with you so im going to revolt and not sage

    oh snap
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:27:46 No.3384453
    There will be a repeat of the coup attempt during FDRs time in office.

    If only they'd succeeded too, FDR was the fag who set up Fannie and Freddie, the two GSEs that have sent our housing market to hell
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:28:24 No.3384455

    But nobody's talking about a rebellion here. We're talking about an insurgency. A rebellion in this context refers to a group of people or state declaring their own sovereignty, whereas an insurgency is just an armed uprising against the federal government.

    If someone is going to try to attack the President, that's the Secret Service's area of expertise. If a small group wants to march on Washington, the FBI has riot squads. If little insurgencies pop up in cities, than those cities' local police and SWAT will take care of it. If there's a large, coordinated effort, the Coast Guard and the National Guard will be pulled in to help.

    Uprising against the federal government without the capacity for declaring sovereignty is not actually rebellion. It's treason, and it's to be dealt with with police force.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:31:40 No.3384465

    The weapons were equivalent to what army's had at the time

    They were for resisting they tyranny of said armies and securing personal safety
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:32:16 No.3384470
    I watched the video and despite the partisan approach, I agree with the sentiment.

    21 states are expected to declare sovereignty (many already have)....we're heading towards a civil war and though I voted for Obama and hold great respect for the man, I find myself siding with state's rights. The navy was very interested in me (due to certain test scores) for officer training back in 2003, but I refused to serve as an occupier in Iraq, I refused to offer my life to line the pockets of the wealthy with cheap oil....but I'm willing to die for the sovereignty of our states, for the freedom from tyranny. If civil war were declared, I know I would fight....would you?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:32:26 No.3384472
    ITT: liberals with no guns think they can take on conservatives with shit loads of guns

    lol, POWER OF THE PEN! lol lol lol lol .
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:33:20 No.3384475
    if they are conspiring against the federal government, that falls well within the federal government's right to law enforcement
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:33:57 No.3384482
    so your saying if it was serious the government should not use the army?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:34:45 No.3384491

    Right, and the tool that the federal government has to stop the insurgency is the FBI and the Secret Service, because the use of the military is prohibited in the POSSE COMITATUS ACT.

    Except in an act of congress. But hey.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:34:49 No.3384492
    ITT conservatives with hunting rifles think they can take on Abrams tanks and F-22s.

    >> E<>E !!dUnKBPe0NjE 03/06/09(Fri)15:34:51 No.3384493
    I'm in the military, and I sure would enjoy killing some stupid redneck that takes up arms against a democratically elected government.
    >> E<>E !!dUnKBPe0NjE 03/06/09(Fri)15:36:16 No.3384503
    Anyone entertaining this fantasy as a possible reality is fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:36:35 No.3384505
    would like to see a violent revolution in the usa

    greetings from the uk
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:36:53 No.3384508
    Anyone double posting is a fucking idiot.

    OH YEAH.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:37:07 No.3384509
    Democratically elected by niggers and illegals who shouldn't have the vote anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:37:08 No.3384510
    so are you suggesting that this will never get big enough to be beyond the control of the FBI?

    I agree
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:37:15 No.3384512
    Hahaha... I'd LOVE to see those faggots try a "revolution"
    The US Army would DESTROY all those redneck deer hunters within MINUTES.

    It wouldn't even be fair, it's be like hunting fish in a barrel.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:37:25 No.3384513
    Actually ITT:

    Neocons with an IQ of 72 think that a SPESHUL club with their hunting buddies can take on the military who has extremely advanced weaponry that the neocons WANTED THEM TO HAVE.

    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:37:55 No.3384519

    Can you read? "Serious" is not a useful term. If there is a state or portion of a state that secedes from the Union and takes up arms against us, then the President should use the full force of the United States military. If not, then he should use various United States police institutions.

    Listen, I'm just describing the law to you, because a lot of you morons seems the think the president can snap his fingers and have the Marine Corps at his beck and call, which is not true. I'm not saying how I really feel about it, I'm just telling you what the law is.

    How do I really feel about it? I feel that the potential insurgency in question wouldn't be too large that the Secret Service and the FBI couldn't take them down, easily.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:38:38 No.3384528
    You assume that everyone would stay loyal to the federal government, why?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:38:49 No.3384531

    I actually hope this happens.
    I'd love for retards like those to be exterminated.
    >> E<>E !!dUnKBPe0NjE 03/06/09(Fri)15:39:24 No.3384534
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    In other news, my Creepy-chan thread in /b/ was a success. There's usually a debate on how hot she actually is; I find her a doe eyes and creepiness to be a good combination. She's mysterious, and fucking weird, and therefore makes me hard.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:40:54 No.3384544
    lol, you got trolled, fag. oh r9gay, why are you so easy?

    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:41:14 No.3384548
    Funny, most of the soldiers I talk to would defect in a second if they were ordered to assault US civilians.

    Yeah we've talked about this alot.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:41:48 No.3384551
    Why wouldn't they?

    Shock horror, muted for 2 seconds for that one.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:42:11 No.3384553

    Also the ATF. Fuck yeah, ATF.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:42:24 No.3384557
    Even if the civilians were shooting at them? That's what we're talking about here.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:42:29 No.3384559
    i'm is in the militar, if i get order to kill i kill
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:42:55 No.3384564
    Regardless of the outcome an insurgency on U.S. soil will be yet another fucking embarrassment.

    Anyone else feeling like the world is a small town, the U.S is a family and the Right is that one brother in the family who we have to keep bailing out of the local jail for doing retarded shit in public?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:43:18 No.3384571
    well listen,
    I'm am saying that if there were an armed rebellion too large for the FBI to handle, then it falls within powers already expressly granting to use the military

    you are going back and forth between saying that the rebellion would be serious enough to be beyond the control of the FBI, but that the Act still prevents the use of the military (despite the fact that an armed rebellion clearly falls within the exceptions described in the Act)

    so which is it? will this just be a bunch of local faggots with no power, or will the use of military be (already have been) expressly authorized. Those are the only two choices
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:43:22 No.3384572
    they would defect if ordered to stop people trying to destroy the government? your friends are idiots
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:44:30 No.3384577
    These sound like batshit crazies, not ordinary people.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:44:44 No.3384582
    There are a lot of people who want a civil war, they want to return sovereignty to the states and many of them are not fucking rednecks. Were no rednecks to retardedly commit an act of terrorism and attempt to instigate the civil war through violent means, the first shots of the civil war would come from the federal gvmt in response to a state seceding from the union. This would be ideal as it would garner more support from the general public as opposed to dumb rednecks blowing up a building.

    unfortunately, secessionism usually attracts racists and rednecks, which would turn average people off of it (though, were it not for the abrasive ideals of the racists etc, I feel more average people would like to see it happen)...so...idk shit could go either way.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:44:58 No.3384584
    The problem is that urban warfare would lead to horrifying civilian casualties, and I doubt members of the US military would be all that happy about killing their own people.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:45:31 No.3384590
    If a state secedes, the government has every right to knock it back into line.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:45:45 No.3384592

    >you are going back and forth between saying that the rebellion would be serious enough to be beyond the control of the FBI

    I never said that, and I don't believe that. The FBI is TRAINED to take down domestic wingnuts.

    Listen, for the President to use the force of the military to quell resistance, the resistance HAS TO DECLARE SOVEREIGNTY. THEY HAVE TO ESTABLISH THEMSELVES AS A FOREIGN, NON-AMERICAN BODY OR STATE.

    What's so hard to understand about this?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:46:01 No.3384593
    It all depends.
    If America's economic and military strength goes to shit, well then the rednecks will have more of a chance.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:46:27 No.3384595
    would be absoluterly no problem, the us army is very good in killing civilians
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:46:38 No.3384598
    Go back to bed, Abe.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:46:54 No.3384599
    why do you assume that everyone would be loyal to a violent group of militants that wants the government to be overthrown?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:46:59 No.3384601

    Are there lots of rednecks in China?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:47:40 No.3384612
    US troops are going batshit insane and killing themselves over atrocities they've perpetrated against mudkips, it would be even harder for them fighting on US soil, as is the case in civil wars everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:48:24 No.3384616
    actually in a state of rebellion our government would order martial law and suddenly they wouldnt have to have declared sovereignty for our government to track them down and eliminate the threat
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:48:28 No.3384617
    it doesn't say that in the act
    it simply says that it has to be authorized by an act of congress or the constitution

    where are you getting the idea that the military can only be used when they declare sovereignty?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:48:55 No.3384623
    Hahah oh wow, this is the average /k/ faggot althought with 100lbs more.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:49:02 No.3384624
    I'm glad my home country permits such action from its citizens. Do I agree with them? Not at all, but it's nice to see groups like this can meet, and express view points without being stomped out. That's the cost of free political expression.

    The second these groups actually hurt somebody, try to succeed, or whatever, go crush them. I don't have to agree with the their whacko ideology to tolerate it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:50:01 No.3384634
    you really think so? prove it. Point that out in the constitution...can't find it? Yeah it's not in there...it's not a right of the federal gvmt.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:51:18 No.3384641
    I can certainly point to precedent.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:52:30 No.3384653
    rednecks spreading the idea of a revolution
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:52:53 No.3384656
    different anon

    sure it's a right of the federal government... if only as shown by precedent

    the idea that everything has to be expressly written in the constitution in order to be a power of the federal government is beyond outmoded
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:54:34 No.3384667
    SPOILER: Abraham Lincoln was a tyrant who rode roughshod over the constitution. But he's a hero of the nigger-in-chief and his admirers.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:54:46 No.3384668
    America won't fall on a revolution, let alone a civil war.

    You guys aren't a third world shithole.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:55:40 No.3384674
    >But he's a hero of the nigger-in-chief and his admirers.
    Congratulations, you invalidated any opinions you hold by showing us that you have a 19th century mindset. Update a little.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:56:45 No.3384679
    enlighten me, please
    how is that relevant to my post

    I'm telling you that just because something isn't expressly in the Constitution doesn't mean it isn't a right of the federal government

    hell, they can just justify it using the commerce clause
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)15:59:08 No.3384692
    What's wrong with the word "nigger"? It's just a slang word for black people, it's been used for decades casually without meaning any offense. Lighten up guise.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:01:48 No.3384711
    The rights of the federal government are explicitly limited to those specifically granted to it in the Constitution. All powers not vested in the federal government are reserved to the States.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:02:15 No.3384714
    How is it that every thread even mentioning a political party in America turns into a debate over Obama vs Bush?
    Conservatives: Quit bitching about Obama, from what I've seen you know nothing about economics, while there are flaws in the stimulus bill, all of the points you faggots bring up are insignificant and usually false. Give the bill time, if it works, enjoy being butthurt, if it fails, enjoy being one of the most annoying fucks on the planet for not shutting up about it.

    Liberals: Quit blaming Bush for every god damn predicament we're in. Some plans he tried to put into action were denied by congress, some actual good economic funding. Now when Obama tries to do the same shit in a different manner he's backed by enough congressmen to have the bills passed. The stimulus has a chance of helping the economy, yes, but it also has many ways that it can fail. Only time will tell what happens, so for now quit being lazy fucks and start a business.

    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:03:32 No.3384722
    You ever read the Constitution? Goback2USHistory
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:03:58 No.3384725
    ITT the fine folks that troll /k/
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:05:17 No.3384733
    have you ever lived in this country
    have you ever heard of Wickard v Filburn

    just because you repeat some stupid mantra doesn't mean that those are the actual limitations of the powers of the federal government
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:07:23 No.3384755
    well, I'm a lawyer, so I given it a once over

    You don't have any idea about the laws in this country, do you?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:10:59 No.3384783
    Painting conservative 'nutjobs' clamoring for a revolution as hypocrites is inaccurate. While Bush surely infringed on the rights of the people and violated constitutional law, for most people, the violations had no effect on their lives. What Obama is doing; with his 'redistribution of wealth' as the say, has a direct and immediate effect on a large portion of the populace in the form of burdensome taxation. The problem isn't just the taxation itself, but the perceptions regarding where that money is being spent. While Bush violated the constitution on many occasions, most of the violations are purely a violation of ideals of 'how it should be'. Obama on the other hand, is going for what people care about: money. And Obama is letting it all hang out, he's made in abundantly clear that he hates rich white men and will sign laws that attack them simply because he views their successes as 'unfair' while at the same time making no mention of the fact that a shit ton of their cash has disappeared in the blink of an eye with this recession.

    So there's a certain inaccuracy in saying that Bush did the same thing as conservatives are claiming Obama is doing. Certainly, both sides are probably right, but liberals complained about things that didn't effect them, and conservatives are complaining about an immediate threat.

    Not saying either side is right or wrong. Just that conservatives have a much stronger motivation/means to cause trouble for the Fed. than hipster college kids whining about what they learned in sociology 101.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:13:01 No.3384793
    I"m guessing the guy in the video makes over 250,000 dollars
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 03/06/09(Fri)16:14:30 No.3384801
    It would take something like hyperinflation to make a rebellion start up. People are too lazy to revolt over every little thing.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:14:43 No.3384805
    You. Yes, the guy who posted this. Tell me which tax you pay has gone up since Obama came into office.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:16:16 No.3384817

    Uh... if a state secedes, it becomes its own government. If it takes up arms against the United States, the United States has every right to declare war on it, just as it has the right to declare war on any other nation.

    That's how it happened in the Civil War. There was no unconstitutionality there.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:17:07 No.3384825
    the people whose family members died or were injured in Iraq weren't affected
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:17:38 No.3384827
    ITT: People who don't get the word "liberal" at all and actually think that democrats are liberal. Sad bots, just sad.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:19:38 No.3384841

    You. Yes you, the guy who posted this. Do tell where this money is going to come from if not from increased taxation? Just because the taxes haven't gone up yet doesn't mean that they won't - in fact they pretty much have to as they can't trim the fat off of very many more budget items efficiently and effectively.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:21:39 No.3384853
    Fuck rich white men.
    The vast majority of millionaires are rich because of inherited wealth, because one man's forefathers exploited another.
    End the system of corruption, evolve.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:21:39 No.3384854
    >lTT: People who don't get the word "conservative" at aII and actuaIIy think that repubIicans are conservative. Sad bots, just sad.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:22:06 No.3384859
    Ok, you got me. Obama hasn't increased taxes YET. But obviously he has to considering his almost 4 trillion dollars in spending.

    Besides, I didn't say that I view the situation the way I explained, I mean that people who are talking about revolution blah blah blah, explain their ideas this way.
    But even if Obama doesn't increase taxes(lol), considering we're already paying taxes, our money is still going to his new great society thing, which is doomed to a horrible failure as evidenced simply by how poorly they US congress cafeteria was run by the government. If you can't fucking flip a burger without losing 6 million dollars a year, how can you run the banks, health care system, etc.?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:22:12 No.3384861
    different guy (my bad, dude)
    it will come from China, for the time being. Of course, in theory that money will have to be paid back, but not by any of us
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:22:22 No.3384862
    so you stupid liberals actually think obama is gonna make things better? how about how the economy has been tanking ever since he got elected? or how the DOW falls whenever he gives a speech about the economy? or how he promised jobs but the opposite has been happening since he took office?
    yeah, change is good. WAKE THE HELL UP PEOPLE!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:23:07 No.3384870

    Right now, in the immediate, it's going to come from T-bills and T-bonds, liquidated by foreign lenders and investors.

    Yes, taxes will have to be raised in the future to pare down the debt. But this will be after the GDP is at an upswing, and unemployment is reduced. Which means the American workforce, in general, will be making more money. It might not even itself out, but raising taxes during a depression is very very different from raising taxes during a time of economic prosperity.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:23:37 No.3384871
    SPOILER: Given that you have time to waste talking smack on /r9k/, you are, at least in relative terms, the rich (white) man.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:24:01 No.3384875
    I'm socially liberal but economically conservative...
    What does that make me? A Republican or a Democrat?
    >> Homar ✈ ▌▌ 03/06/09(Fri)16:24:41 No.3384881
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    who cares when the civil war starts stole all the shit you can seriously no trollin
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:25:05 No.3384882
    So, you are saying that we won't see higher taxes at least for a while (until the economy is doing better?)
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:25:52 No.3384889
    I'd give anything for an excuse to kill Nazis. Let him and his dozen+ friends try to carry out their hissy-fit.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:25:53 No.3384891
    LOL, so instead of increasing our deficit and lowering taxes to stimulate spending, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT US TO DO




    and don't say "reduce spending", because while that might have a positive effect on the federal budget, it will do fuck all for the GDP and the workforce's collective wealth. Remember, unemployed and low-wage earners don't pay that much in taxes.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:25:55 No.3384892
    At the same time all the liberals who were reminding us we're all sheep for voting for Bush are now literally sucking on Obama's balls and calling anyone who even remotely criticises him a racist.

    Welcome to 'murca.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:27:12 No.3384902

    I am saying that. Raising taxes in a severe recession is a stupid, stupid idea that both sides can agree is stupid and dumb.

    When you raise taxes you depress spending. This country needs to spend out the fucking ass right now. Our two huge problems right now are low consumer confidence and a shitty credit market.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:27:19 No.3384903

    I thought we already knew that they didn't actually get what conservative meant either.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:27:54 No.3384906
    that is correct
    that is how lending works

    they loan us the money now, and we pay them back when we are more solvent
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:28:58 No.3384911
    This anon is correct. Raising taxes during a gigantic recession is a recipe for ultimate fail, though the little charts and graphs that will brought out for the press will say, 'HOHO! The budget is balancing!' Ok well yea, if you steal billions of dollars with unfair taxation, then sure, the governments coffers will be in better shape, but not too many people will be.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:29:35 No.3384915

    We need a profitable war. :) I think that'd help a bit.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:29:59 No.3384918

    Your article led me to this one.

    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:30:38 No.3384922
    well even if it isnt in the constitution it should be. unless you honestly think the confederation was justified.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:30:42 No.3384924
    Yeah...maybe we could like stage a terrorist attack and blame it on Iran.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:31:22 No.3384932
    According to Bush, being conservative apparently means costly intervention abroad (lol nationbuilding) and open borders. Thanks Republicans!
    >> ★҉̵̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̿‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 03/06/09(Fri)16:31:44 No.3384934
    :/ your not me sir...

    i find it funny how butthurt the people who voted for McSame are
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:32:24 No.3384939

    That's not profitable. Venezuela, attack them and steal their oil or something. Gotta do it speedy like so it doesn't cost a fortune.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:32:38 No.3384941

    No, we collectively need a remedial class in money management, then we need to start spending. Your capitalist fix only works when the people are using common sense and the businesses can be trusted to play by the market's rule. In our case, neither of those elements are in place.

    We put ourselves in a situation where we need a babysitter by creating generations of people that function as blind wallets that hemorrhage cash any time a pretty commercial comes on telling them they want something.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:33:19 No.3384949

    I'd really like an answer to this. All the people on the right, get up, get down, start spewing out ideas.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:33:48 No.3384953
    thank you
    this is what I was trying to explain to the guy (that a large scale rebellion is exempt from the prohibitions of the PCA).

    but he kept insisting that only if they declared sovereignty could the military be used
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:34:36 No.3384959
    remember something called the Revolutionary War? it was a fledgling colonial army and militias going against the then strongest army on the planet. and guess what? the colonists won.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:36:52 No.3384974
    That was 1776. This is 2009. ...and plus I guess you don't know much about the Revolutionary War.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:37:09 No.3384975
    it makes you agnostic.
    seriously, why is this thread still alive? all it's proving is that liberals are pussies who don't know what they're talking about and that our country is obviously going to hit a shitstorm before anything gets better.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:39:18 No.3384989
    Just as in the Revolutionary War, the enemies of the strongest power (GB then, the US now) would be delighted to assist the insurgents in any new conflict.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:39:51 No.3384992
    liberalism is a flawed ideology. it encourages you to think with your heart instead of your brain. it causes you to make irrational decisions because you want everyone to like you. liberals are the biggest hypocrites i have ever met.
    simply put, liberals are the cancer that is killing america.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:40:04 No.3384996
    god, republicans are super butthurt

    its like they completely forgot that they were fine under bill clinton the liberal
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:41:10 No.3385005
    protip: liberalism is always winning against reactionaries. The platforms of conservatives right now are simply the platforms of liberals in the past.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:41:21 No.3385008
    threads like this are the cancer that killed /b/ and is killing /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:43:28 No.3385027
    Current "liberals" are not "liberals" at all. What was once called "liberalism" in the United States is now called "libertarianism" while what is referred to as "liberalism" today really means "progressivism".
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:43:34 No.3385030
    speaking of being butthurt...
    why is it then that the democrates kept bawing in 2000 and 2004 when bush won? why is it they keep bawing that they lost prop 8 here in california? why is it they always bitch about bush even when he is no longer in office? liberals are the ones who are butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:43:47 No.3385032


    I agree. We need to fix the hole in the boat that caused us to start taking on water in the first place: unmitigated, unregulated high-risk lending, and the general culture of entitlement that got us into this mess in the first place. The former can be absolved when the government releases control of bank assets, the latter can only be fixed with a strong public voice telling us not to be idiots. If the GOP had any brains, they'd reclaim their mantle of fiscal responsibility and take up the latter effort. But instead, they sure are fixed on bashing the effort to restore credit and consumer confidence.

    Still, we do need to spend. That's not an opinion, that's a fact. We need to spend within our MEANS, but we need to spend. America is a nation defined by economic growth. If we're not growing, we're dying, and the only way we can grow is if people buy goods and services.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:44:20 No.3385037

    The Insurrection Act was repealed, guys :/
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:44:40 No.3385039
    So terribly sorry this thread takes up space for another "ronrey/relationship/how2talk2girls" thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:44:58 No.3385042
    everyone likes to make this an analogy to the revolutionary war, but it isn't. there's plenty of members of congress who are both crazy themselves and willing to pander to these folks, so you people quit bitching because you aren't like the revolutionaries who had absolutely no representation at all in parliament. This is more like the civil war scenario. One group of people doesn't like how the election turned out, and in fear because of what they might lose (negro slaves back then, guns now), they overreact and do something really stupid. then the other side has justification for bringing the hammer down hard on their dumb asses and punishes them by doing the thing they were afraid of (emancipation proclamation), which they might not have done in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:45:11 No.3385045
    funny how current "progressive" actions are fucking our nation into an even deeper and deeper hole by the week?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:46:57 No.3385059
    These rednecks act like we are taking away their guns. We are just preventing them from having assault weapons. The second amendment is still protected. They can have their handguns and their hunting rifles. Just no AK47.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:47:42 No.3385063
    >>'redistribution of wealth'
    oh my god welcome to the concept of taxation
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:47:45 No.3385064
    >guns now
    So you're not even denying that the current government is plotting to take away our constitutional right to bear arms, just as the federal government in the 19th century was determined to crush states' rights?

    Seems the "loonies" are right after all.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:47:51 No.3385066
    no, it wasn't

    the amendments to it were repealed
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:48:32 No.3385072

    man, is it really so much to ask for conservatives to actually make arguments that pertain to the present situation, instead of vomiting platitudes? Great, you think the liberal response to the economic crisis is killing the country. That's fine. Tell me WHY you think that. Tell me WHY you think that growing the deficit in order to grow the GDP is a bad idea. Come up with SOLUTIONS and ORIGINAL THOUGHT about what YOU WOULD DO in this situation. Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:50:54 No.3385092
    they are loonies for even caring about what happens to their guns
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:51:23 No.3385098
    Anyone who couldn't see this coming once Sarah Palin took a break from moose hunting to shoot holes in the dam holding in the American far-Right either wasn't paying attention to the campaign, never paid attention to history, or was just stupid. Probably all three.

    The only consolations are A) that John McCain, who isn't an ideological thinker and actually not that far to the right, is going to have to live with the knowledge for the rest of his life about what he did and what he risked and what he's going to cause to HURR HIS PRECIOUS AMURRICA DURR just to win an election he lost, and B) I might actually get a chance to do some ballsy for my Leftism.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:53:09 No.3385107
    I'm feeling pretty ballsy in my leftism as well
    let's sneak into someones house and take their guns

    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:54:50 No.3385116
    I put down "guns" because it was shorter than typing "limiting the availability of unnecessary heavy assault weapons", but I guess if a faggot on the internet who has nothing better to do but to to take stuff out of context, then I'll have to write this whole thing out.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:55:09 No.3385120
    Lol, where were these crackpots for the past 8 ..........oh, right ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:55:44 No.3385125
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    First thing I thought of. Anyone else?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:56:13 No.3385131

    What exactly did McCain do other than run against Obama in the general election? You're a fucking moron and not just because you're a leftist.
    >> fashion diva !3wJfpCMhKc 03/06/09(Fri)16:56:13 No.3385132
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:57:39 No.3385143
    you know I can't wait for the next technological advancement in weaponry to come so that guns become obsolete, like a personal force field or something like that
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:58:11 No.3385152
    It's funny cos it's true.
    lol mexicans and niggers.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:58:24 No.3385153
    He made people actually believe that Obama is a communist and a terrorist

    and he whipped the base into the most irrational frenzy I have ever witness. Of course they would do irrational shit now
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:58:35 No.3385157
    What happened to that guy, anyways? Have there been any posts since he got partyvan'd?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:58:53 No.3385161

    Completely changed his presentation/positions in order to secure the far right bible thumper vote, picked Sarah Palin as VP.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:59:10 No.3385165
    do what /cgl/ does, get airsoft riffles or make them out of foam/wood.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:00:00 No.3385173
    oops, I ment rifle
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:00:09 No.3385176

    A few, apparently he's on super space future parole now. Can't post about certain topics, monitored 24/7, shit like that.

    Future sounds kind of balls.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:01:08 No.3385184
    I always think of that douchebag when these threads keep coming up. But then, it's pretty easy to make up scenarios for civil war these days.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:02:31 No.3385199
    All he had to do was NOT try to take away people's weapons.

    That was it.

    But kudos for the "unbiased" website.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:02:40 No.3385201
    I don't know what that pic is from.
    Could you explain it?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:02:56 No.3385204

    Yeah, any idiot could have guessed that Freepers would go apeshit over the nigger winning.

    He did call the Romney straw poll pick though. Reminds me of John Titor, he's relying on a series of lucky guesses to keep selling his story.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:03:56 No.3385217
    Their only water comes from the sewers of a higher civilization
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:04:57 No.3385226

    Because clearly John McCain has the power and the resources to control every major republican media outlet. You're seriously retarded.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:05:28 No.3385233

    I love that pic. Look at them dancing around the fire in their little village, praying for the destruction of the infidels in their glorious towers.

    Meanwhile, the non-retarded people who didn't shun science are chilling in their advanced city fucking robot whores and shit
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:05:29 No.3385234
    Revolution would be an acceptable idea if say, Obama had death squads systematically killing undesireables all across the nation, but this is just extreme butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:08:05 No.3385261
    This thread is making me RAGE to no end. Republicans are wrong, Democrats are wrong. Democrats just happen to be more so wrong.

    So long as I'm not hurting anyone I should be allowed to do whatever the heck I want. It may be greedy or selfish, but that is how I, and many others are. If you're that much of a pussy faggot that you want to ban guns so people can't have fun shooting them and not getting mugged by niggers, or give all your money to poor niggers too lazy to work then just avoid guns and give all your money to niggers. Let me and other people who enjoy keeping money and guns do so.

    People make these things waaay to complicated.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:08:40 No.3385269
    he was the de facto leader of the republican party at the time

    He could have done something to combat the nonsensical (and ultimately kind of dangerous) ideas being spread at the time... many of which were spread by his own running mate
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:10:02 No.3385286
    God you're retarded.

    rand0m string
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:11:00 No.3385296
    that's not even what the vast majority of this thread is about. I'm guessing you didn't read the thread and are being made to RAGE by something else altogether

    extreme butthurt maybe
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:12:12 No.3385306
    no u

    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:12:39 No.3385308

    >God you're retarded
    >You're seriously retarded
    >You're a fucking moron
    >not making any actual points or observations

    oh hai there american political discourse
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:14:41 No.3385324
    that's just the republican, man
    don't blame the whole of America for that shit
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:15:17 No.3385330

    No, he wasn't. McCain was loathed by most of the hardcore republicans, and only won the primaries because Romney and Giuliani split the conservative vote. Rush Limbaugh had and still has more power than McCain ever held. It's ridiculous that someone could say that McCain is the reason for all the insane redneck shit that's been going on lately.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:15:28 No.3385331
    McCain was as responsible for the conservative media as Bush was for congress.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:16:40 No.3385342
    God socialism just plain doesn't work!

    Look at europe! They are... mostly content... have jobs, have decent money, have health care, have security... IT MUST BE TERRIBLE
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:17:47 No.3385356
    did you listen to any of the things that Palin said
    and they both pretty much called him a communist

    honestly, I don't think you watched the campaign. That's the only way you could not think McCain was complicit in spread absurd and dangerous ideas about the man who is now the president
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:20:52 No.3385379

    That's cool. They rarely spoke to each other.

    McCain, like Obama, was just the figurehead of the campaign. Nobody paid attention to Palin.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:21:31 No.3385387
    when you are a party's presidential nominee, you are that parry's de facto leader. This is simply true, and not really up for debate

    and it doesn't matter how he won the primaries. During the campaign, he was the voice, and face of the republican party. And I don't know what you call people who yell out "terrorist" at a rally, or talk about a "real" america if not "hardcore"
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:23:35 No.3385405
    were you just touting the influence of the media a second ago? because if there is one thing that paid attention to EVERYTHING that palin did or said, it was the media... on both sides

    you're pretty much reduced to making up nonsensical shit now. Doesn't it feel like lying when you do it? Why do you do it, then?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:24:27 No.3385412

    Thanks guys, it was great.

    McCain totally was the leader and people listened to him. He's clearly at fault.

    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:25:15 No.3385417
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    l hope this really is the future of america.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:27:23 No.3385437
    oh yeah
    I mean, as the nominee, he barely has any platform at all. He was essentially powerless to publicly voice any opposition to what she was saying. When would he have been able to?

    also, was that before McCain essentially said "fuck it" and started calling him a communist himself? Yeah, you didn't watch the campaign
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:28:35 No.3385449
    That picture is pretty cool. What's the source?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:28:45 No.3385450
    You mean, publicly discrediting his Vice President Nominee choice?

    Sounds like a GREAT idea chief!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:30:42 No.3385479
    so, he is responsible and he could have done something?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:31:54 No.3385494
    Couldn't he have picked someone sane and qualified as VP?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:34:36 No.3385514
    Yes. Yes he could have.

    However, you can't blame him for picking her because she was GOING to be a crazy bitch about Obama. At the time, he needed to get a better hold on his Republican support (because he was pretty much the one Republican that opposed Bush the most, the Senate vote is unanimous a LOT of the time).

    You can say he was crazy in picking her in the first place (even though the decision wasn't ENTIRELY his, just mostly) but he couldn't publicly do anything about it after choosing her.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:40:26 No.3385575
    so he couldn't have said that Obama isn't a communist who pals around with terrorists?

    ok gotcha
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:41:20 No.3385584
    I'm pretty sure he did say something like that at one point.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:41:35 No.3385589
    When did McCain say that.

    Be sure to provide a creditable source.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:44:01 No.3385617
    I don't think the OP knows what us Repblifags knows.

    We are losing rights, and those are, in many cases, the very rights that stand in place for the people in the case of a tyrannical government.

    While I don't think this is a tyrannical government yet, I think it's a snowball that's starting down over the mountain.

    If there's an attempt to silence people like Rush Limbaugh (hell, even if it were Rachel Maddow), I'd take up arms with these guys. Nobody touches my Second and First Amendments.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:44:23 No.3385623

    Show up for a Futurebro thread. Your edit is pretty much how he describes it, 90 years from now.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:45:51 No.3385640

    Sauce is on the image at the bottom. It gets used alot by a tripfag who roleplays someone from a century in the future.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:45:51 No.3385641
    the closest thing he did to doing that was saying that Obama wasn't an Arab (a retarded thing to have to say for several reason, and a sad indicator of the tenor he allowed his campaign to take)

    he never said he doesn't pal around with terrorist, and he pretty much called him a communist himself
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:49:13 No.3385668
    by "knows what we know" you mean "is as certifiable as we are" right?

    that's the only way that post makes sense
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:50:19 No.3385675

    Did you also back the Patriot Act?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:51:26 No.3385683
    AK-47s are rifles, faggot. They're not machine guns and they're not bombs. Leave them the fuck alone.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:52:04 No.3385687
    >While I don't think this is a tyrannical government yet, I think it's a snowball that's starting down over the mountain.

    That snowball started with Bush. Why weren't you complaining then?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:52:57 No.3385695

    But Bush is the one who put the mechanisms in place to strip away those liberties. You're just mad that a liberal gets to use them, although so far the worst he's done is to suggest that machineguns be banned. You can still own pistols.

    Why is it okay when republicans do it?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:53:42 No.3385702
    >Patriot Act
    >Right to privacy

    Differentfag here. I didn't support it in the SLIGHTEST but the right to free speech is separate from the right to privacy.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:56:14 No.3385722
    nobody is threatening freedom of speech

    the Fairness Doctrine nonsense is just shit peddled by republicans to enrage the underintelligent
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:56:16 No.3385723
    I've never said YOU weren't a terrorist.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:57:12 No.3385732
    Wow this board is REALLY childish. Don't attack the messenger, attack the argument.

    Just because some people voted for/liked Bush doesn't mean Obama or the Dems get a free pass on destroying our rights.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:57:16 No.3385733

    If they take away my machine guns, how will I sell machine guns?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:57:17 No.3385734
    I know that. I know it has no chance in passing whatsoever.

    It's slightly alarming that someone WANTS to, but as long as it's the minority I'm fine.

    All I'm saying is that the Patriot act didn't mess with the right to free speech.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:58:25 No.3385742

    Actually I think it... *disappears into the night without a trace*
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:58:46 No.3385745
    why do you make specious, dishonest arguments like this? When you do this, it tells me a lot

    because I know that you know that the two aren't comparable... yet you willfully ignore that. Are you that backed into a corner that you feel the need to make disingenuous arguments?
    >> Long John Ironshanks !iJpcNkWL5U 03/06/09(Fri)18:00:38 No.3385758
    Also isn't our current Vice Pesident, Joe Biden, one of the fathers of The Patriot Act?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:00:43 No.3385759
    "he never said he doesn't pal around with terrorist, and he pretty much called him a communist himself"

    How the shit am I supposed to interpret that argument? Especially since no sauce is given.(Though I will admit, he called him a socialist, but the shoe sorta fit, and "sorta" was enough for Obama to call McCain Bush 2.0)
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:01:29 No.3385772
    nobody even want to use it for that purpose, NOBODY

    certainly Obama has made this unambiguous numerous times. The only reason it's even a consideration in your mind is that talk radio idiots want to rile up people even stupider than they
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:02:04 No.3385780
    > Nobody touches my ... First Amendments

    O RLY?


    I'd be happy to join a revolution if it was against actual violations of civil liberties.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:03:31 No.3385798
    Patriot act was passed by both Democrats and Republicans.

    There wasn't THAT big of a Republican Majority, but just see for yourself: http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=107&sessio

    The REASONING behind the patriot act was that there we were at war with people who could be posing as citizens. Therefore, in their silly little minds, we were supposed to compromise liberty for security.

    It's retarded, I don't support it, but it's not something they randomly decided to do. There IS an argument, but its one I vehemently disagree with.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:04:33 No.3385810
    except that calling someone a socialist (which is the same as "communist" in the mind of the people stupid enough to be incensed) is irresponsible in a way that calling someone Bush 2.0 is not. These people actually think now that they are being governed by a guy who pals around with terrorist and doesn't believe in private ownership of property

    of course they will respond irrationally, and it was irresponsible of him to allow this situation to come to fruition... especially since anyone with half a brain could foresee it
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:04:51 No.3385812
    All politicians who voted for the patriot act should be charged with treason. The only senator at the time who would be free of charges would be Russ Feingold, and he is the only true Democrat.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:05:55 No.3385827

    I know, right? And what about those of us who raise or care for Chimps raised from birth to fight in cage matches? Them things get really ornery once in awhile (on account of all the abuse you have to put em through to get them proper fierce) and you have to kill one of em to make sure the group knows who is boss.

    Try taking a chimp down with a revolver and get back to me on that. Especially a psychologically damaged chimp that has had knuckle spurs surgically implanted in it's fists and nothing to live for.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:06:14 No.3385832
    Why is it McCain's responsibility to educate people about the difference between a communist and a socialist?

    And again, the terrorist link, McCain was trying to STOP that. See the article.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:08:58 No.3385858
    I'm not saying that he has to educate people. I'm sayign that he know or should have known that saying what he said would have the consequences it has. You are responsible for something when you do something fully knowing the consequences

    whatever happened to personal responsibility? Suddenly McCain can't be held responsible for anything that happened within his own campaign? What tripe
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:11:34 No.3385885

    See, the way I look at it is that actions speak louder than words and shooting a automatic weapon is an action, right? So think about it; basically it's against free speech to stop me and my friends from trying to carve our name in a log out of bullet holes with an AK-47.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:15:51 No.3385932
    McCain tried to stop the whole "terrorist" thing. He failed.

    This does not mean he's responsible for leading the movement IN his campaign to demonize Obama. He only lead his campaign. He only accused him of socialism, which sort of fits. He tried to stop Palin, who WAS the person guilty of your accusations.

    It just isn't right when you say "This is all McCain's fault" because fixing it would be political suicide not only for McCain, but for the Republican congressional elections. I don't give a shit of you say "Thanks Palin, you bitch," but McCain was trying to STOP it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:17:34 No.3385954

    Obama is the most Far-left lPresident in 20 years at least; and he's been ramming a team left agenda down people's throats since day one. Sorry, but he didn't win by a landslide nor is he in any way bi-partisian; yes, people are going to be butt hurt by that the same way they were under 8 years of far-right Bush.


    State run ones tend to specialize in assistance during civil emergencies and disasters like Katrina, riots etc.


    The Iraq war has cost about 550 billion. Obama spent 787 billion in a single day. 24 hours to surpass all the spending in the entire war. If you don't find that a little unsettling you're not paying attention.


    787 billion dollars later the markets continue to fail. You can't print money; Obama doesn't get that and things continue to get worse because he doesn't have a fucking clue what he's doing. Sorry, your savior has no clothes. He's a bigger retard then bush with better oratory skills; that's all. Guess you shouldn't pick your presidents by the color of their skin huh?


    Stupidity, primarily. All you have to do is read what some of their own loonies are up to; makes the Jesus-freaks look half-way well adjusted and rational.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:19:53 No.3385977
    It's obvious that unavoidable errors in human judgment, an imbalance of resources between classes & the existential woe caused by an uncertain and therefore frightening human condition are the real cause of gun violence, so why not just make those things illegal and let me me keep my Super Gun*

    *I welded five machine guns together.
    >> Tanaan Hathei !!ZnNQJxuQi28 03/06/09(Fri)18:20:02 No.3385979
    Obama is not a fucking Socialist you fucking moron. He doesn't advocate for the relocation of the means of production into the hands of the workers, therefore he is not a fucking socialist.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:21:03 No.3385997
    And McCain wasn't Bush 2.0

    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:22:46 No.3386016

    If he was he would have offered improvements and new features, so in that respect you're right.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:25:08 No.3386037
    You guys do know that the banks/faggot internationalsts can easily say "hey nobody owes anybody, we're cool" right?

    Man you guys are fucking stupid ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:26:47 No.3386054

    If Obama wasn't going to make machine guns illegal we could have used the machine guns to force them to get rid of the debt.

    Then we could have shot at bears.

    Good one, SLOWbama, lol.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:30:45 No.3386092

    >Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating public or state ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods,

    Yeah, I'd say he's a socialist.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:32:12 No.3386102

    Know what else they can say? "We ain't lending you more money; you don't meet your interest payments; we think we'll invest in China whose economy isn't fucked by huge capital gains taxes."

    Guess which one is more likely?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:37:57 No.3386150

    Man, whoever they are are real bastards. My threaten at gunpoint idea is looking mighty tempting right now, eh?
    >> Tanaan Hathei !!ZnNQJxuQi28 03/06/09(Fri)18:40:21 No.3386166
    He hasn't spoken of nationalization of any industry as far as I know. He may be pro-working class and he may advocate for free-healthcare for citizens, but that doesn't mean he's a fucking socialist. Now if he spoke of creating a welfare state, advocating for the redistribution of wealth, and the nationalization of several major industries then fine! Call him a fucking socialist because then he would be, but goddammit don't fucking call a house cat, a lion.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:41:21 No.3386176
    I think some of you are missing the point.

    The 9\11 attacks caused more damage than you think. Who the fuck cares if 10k people died? There are 300,000,000 in the country. Buildings can be rebuilt, niggers can shit out new kids. The real damage was in the governmental response. Department of homeland security is a joke, new regulations choking the life out of industries ranging from local airports to cruise ships, fake neverending wars. This costs trillions of dollars while our constitution is trampled, economy ruined by the government and war profiteers.

    It took a dozen men to just do this.

    If 100+ educated, dedicated, americans decided to fight back, the damage caused could ruin america as we know it.

    I look forward to it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:44:20 No.3386200
    >If 100+ educated, dedicated, americans decided to fight back, the damage caused could ruin america as we know it.

    Unfortunately, it won't be this group. This group supported the government's overreaction to 9/11
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:48:18 No.3386234
    I don't give a shit, the fact of the matter is neither you nor anyone else (including those shill "economists" on msnbc) can give me a reason as to why that could'nt happen.

    Because I just forgave a 2500 dollar debt, so really give it your best shot, lest you faggot capitilists can stop sucking each others cocks for pennies on the dollar long enough to construct a comprehensive counter.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:48:34 No.3386239
    The problem with revolutions, is this: "whose revolution is it?"

    The American Revolution was for freedom. This is a white supremacist group.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:52:12 No.3386264
    The enemy of my enemy is my friend?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:55:44 No.3386287
    The American Revolution was led by white supremacists.
    OH SHI-
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:58:05 No.3386308

    Actually I can. Because forgiving debt ain't profitable. I never met ONE banker who didn't want 110% to what he was entitled to when the debtor defaulted. Sure, they had to settle for less but they always want their money even if you can't pay them. They NEVER forgive debts, ever.

    What species of mental retardation or ignorance are you cursed with to be so blissfully unaware of the depths of human greed?

    Congratulations; you're a complete retard just like your precious Obama. Well, bend over, China's about to ram some change you can believe in right up your asshole.

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