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  • File :1236096149.jpg-(87 KB, 856x641, Posters.jpg)
    87 KB Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:02:29 No.3345952  
    Can you really call yourself a true "Socially Awkward" person if you have posters in your room?

    In my opinion, part of being a loser is being afraid to show the world what your likes are because of people possibly making fun of your hobbies and what not. Therefore, if you have posters in your room, you are expressing your individuality and showing the world what you like. Therefore, you have some confidence and therefore not a true loser.

    I'm just saying this to bash all the posers and the fakers. All of you are faggots. You can't even begin to understand what being a complete loser is all about.

    Good day.

    A Genuine Loser
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:06:06 No.3345958
    Ha! Jokes on you, I have no posters.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:07:30 No.3345962
    Since I have no posters and am a loser afraid to show his hobbies, I agree.

    I had a poster but it kept falling down.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:07:38 No.3345964
    your room =/= the world

    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:09:01 No.3345969
    If no one visit your room, you are still a loser OP, posters or not.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:10:10 No.3345972

    Poser spotted.

    You don't even have the loser mentality in you. You are FAKE!

    Real losers don't give a fuck if it's just his room. We are all neurotic feel like the entire world is watching and criticizing us even when nobody is really around.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:12:39 No.3345985
    of course you can. just ask /jp/.
    They have lots of socially awkward posters.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:14:28 No.3345996

    No, I disagree.

    /jp/ is full of fakers. They put up posters in their rooms so that they can brag about it.

    That's called being trendy.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:16:35 No.3346008
    Loser pride? I hope you're not serious.

    It took a lot of contemplation but I'm finally at the stage where I can admit that I'm a loser and not feel ashamed. But if you take pride in a life of quiet desperation you must be delusional.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:20:31 No.3346024
    My wall collection includes Oshima Mai, Kato Sayaka, Tokito Ami, and Master Chief from Halo 3. The general idiot population would consider this something a loser would do. Too bad I already know I'm awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:24:54 No.3346053
    You've never seen the "Shota room" pictures have you? A bedroom with wall to wall shota printouts. Try explaining that to friends and family.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:26:36 No.3346062
    Evangelion posters make you an entry level loser.

    Come back when you proudly display boku no pico and kodomo no jikan posters all over your room.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:26:44 No.3346063

    fuck you, you're not even human
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:27:46 No.3346071
    My loserness is not that obvious when you walk in to my room.

    But once you start opening up drawers....
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:28:57 No.3346075
    i don't let people into my room often.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:31:27 No.3346082
    but nobody ever sees you room until they have already decided on you. Clothing is a better option.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:31:59 No.3346083
    My loserness is from beng a bum. I stay home all day and can't go a day without using a psychoactive drug. I've never had a job, and live with my parents.

    My nerdy and geeky qualities don't make me a loser. They're just a part of who I am. I'm a nerdy and geeky guy.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:32:42 No.3346085
    Are you... God? Since I was a kid I have had this sensation, although it has not been a crippling one.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:34:02 No.3346089
    i just dont want anyone to see my room because of how filthy it is.

    cumrags, beercans full of cigarette butts and dirty dishes everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:37:51 No.3346103
    but no-one would ever end up in the room of a socially retarded person, so they can have whatever shit they like on their walls

    what a stupid theory
    i bet there are plenty of friendless basements with a shit load of anime bollocks all over their walls
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:53:10 No.3346205
    I don't have any posters in my room ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:55:18 No.3346225
    posters are for children and college students anyway
    real people have shit in frames on their walls
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:57:08 No.3346237
    ITT losers fight over who's the loserest.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:58:06 No.3346241
    if you're a true loser NO ONE would ever go in your room.
    and you worry that no one ever will for the rest of your life instead of worrying that they will.
    that said, i don't have any posters, but i do have an invader zim painting i did, so i think i win some loser contest.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)11:59:16 No.3346249
    i already have some framed stuff i just want to buy some posters as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)12:01:59 No.3346275
    no, thats in the now-dead "are you a hikikomori" thread
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)12:07:35 No.3346316
    very interesting take OP, I've always thought my lack of posters or room adornments had a pretty "deep" basis.

    Just like choosing a personal style (I can't go clothes shopping or get dressed in order to go out in public) because I feel ridiculous selecting a style and thus creating an image for myself.

    I also can't get hair-cuts or allow myself the slightest vanity, so I trim my hair myself.

    These things are all related with your observation about posters. And yeah, when I see people with all sorts of action figures and posters and personalized all over their wall, I instantly write them off as someone who does not &suffer& like I do and you do OP.

    I care about how I look and how I come across to people, yes. Maybe I care the most of all, which is why I refuse, with self-destructive isolation and avoidance, to even participate at all. My room is a bunch of while walls, and I couldn't give a fuck about decorating it with anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)12:08:01 No.3346319
    There's a reason why a loser has shit all over the walls of their room/office/apartment; it's our creepy womb where we hunker down and recharge after a busy day feeling horrible while out in public.

    Before your loser transformation is complete, you invite other people into your womb of failure, but it's too much. You silently obsess over whether or not they're judging you for the miniatures and posters you have up, the piles of roleplaying books, the t-shirt that is slowly creeping up your hairy back as you lean forward to grab the remote of pet your cat. It's too much to deal with, so you eventually stop letting people in altogether. You don't go out to see them at their place or at public gathering spot, because then you'd be sure they were judging you against your surrounding and finding it humorous just how pathetic you are in comparison, and so you stay in alone. Eventually they stop calling, emailing IMing...

    Then it's just you and your posters and books and movies and music. Alone with no one to judge... except the neighbors, whom you're sure hate you and make jokes about you, but that's not too hard to live with, as long as you have your dank, curry-stained hideaway.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)12:10:18 No.3346344
    ...what? Are you being elitist about being a loser? There's no one definition of loser or such specific terms, and no pride to be had in varying degrees of that definition. This whole thing just makes you even more unlikable, without bringing up a useful point at all.
    >> Fat House Cat - BROALITION !Pyd2/R7DNA 03/03/09(Tue)12:16:59 No.3346397
    this is what /r9k/ actually believes
    >i just got trolld
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)12:19:14 No.3346404
    no, the OP isn't a troll
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)12:22:14 No.3346425
    Your a looser if you have those posters up
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)12:28:25 No.3346469
    I don't have any posters because I have no personality. My room resembles a jail cell with a computer in it and nothing more.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)12:30:20 No.3346479
    Anyone who has an anime poster up on their walls, or owns an anime figurine, is a loser. This is always true, no exceptions.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)12:32:40 No.3346494
    I have a NGE poster and a Gundam wing poster that have been hanging in my room for 7 years.

    But then again I'm not socially awkward at all. So I dunno what you're trying to get at, OP.
    >> REAL !DEaL.Ydt/c 03/03/09(Tue)12:33:20 No.3346500
    Oh hell, that is so true.

    If someone goes into my room without checking with me I feel like I've been raped.
    >> Fat House Cat - BROALITION !Pyd2/R7DNA 03/03/09(Tue)12:34:18 No.3346507
    >qt azn gurls who r virgins but really interested in sex and totally want to ride you

    or just cute girls

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