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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1235955440.jpg-(44 KB, 435x325, STOOP KID'S AFRAID TO LEAVE HIS STOOP.jpg)
    44 KB Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)19:57:20 No.3324779  
    Hey guys, I'm a fucking failure:

    20 years old
    Barely making it through college because I'm an unmotivated and stupid fucker
    No girlfriend ever
    No sex ever
    No friends IRL
    No friends online
    Scared to even go out in public because I think all of the normal people are staring at me
    I'm barely 5'7"
    I'm on 4chan 12+ hours a day
    I don't have any talents

    So yeah. Fuck this shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)19:57:54 No.3324785
    Did you hear? Stoop kid's afraid to leave is stoop!
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)19:58:54 No.3324795
    we could be twins, you and i
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)19:59:44 No.3324805
    In Soviet Russia, stoop is afraid to leave kid!
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:00:56 No.3324825
    Why don't you kill yourself? Choose a full proof method like bag+head+tape+sleep or skydiving+no parachute.

    What's so good in your life that would make you not do it? Hmmmmmmmm?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:01:01 No.3324827
    that was a funny image to go with your post though. i lol'd
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:01:07 No.3324829
    in soviet russia the kid is afraid to leave the stoop

    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:02:14 No.3324842
    congrats, you're dumber than OP
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:02:33 No.3324845

    I'm too much of a pussy to do it.

    I hate myself, I hate everyone else.

    But I'd rather exist and feel something than not exist. It's just too fucking scary to NOT EXIST. I can't even think about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:05:05 No.3324876
         File :1235955905.jpg-(9 KB, 180x250, adada.jpg)
    9 KB
    Wear a wig, dress like a woman and finger your asshole every hour on the hour for 12 straight weeks.
    then donate all your money to 4chan.

    Fap material for a fellow loser
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:07:55 No.3324914
    holy shit are u me?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:08:29 No.3324925
    Care to tell us your life story? Failing that, get some goddamn help. Counselors, psychs, etc. 4chan doesn't work for everyone.
    >> oh , this again Loserbernd !!U9j3G3j0Qi5 03/01/09(Sun)20:09:02 No.3324933
    - 22-23 years old
    - failed at uni,physics.
    - going bald
    - no talents/skills
    - no motivation
    - being infront of the PC 12-14 hours a day
    - my eyesight is getting worse
    - raging all the time about my PC (from 2001, have only 3,2GB storage YES, YOU READ IT RIGHT, freezes often, have to restart it appr. 14 times a day)
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:13:14 No.3325000
    you described me and about 40% of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:13:23 No.3325004
    I'm not going to indulge you because that won't be helping anyone but the fact of the matter is that all it takes is a little bit of bravery on your part and you can get out of whatever shitty little situation you're in. Willpower, look into it.

    There really isn't any reason for you to be in a situation you don't enjoy being in...
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:13:59 No.3325012

    My life story isn't that extraordinary.

    Middle class family.

    Only child.

    My parents are very nice people.

    Was pretty smart and got excellent grades until middle school.

    Had my last friend when I was 12, he was an ADHD super-religious homeschooled faggot who was even more socially retarded than me.

    Managed to get decent enough grades Senio year to make it into college.

    Lost all motivation again.

    I have no idea how to talk to people and I assume they all hate me and find me revolting right away (I'm not even fat, just ugly.)
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:17:32 No.3325058
    I do pretty well in my classes
    Not an ugly fucker
    No girlfriend ever
    Plenty of friends
    Quite a few talents

    The ups and downs of my life cancel out.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:18:49 No.3325074
    Thank you, that will do.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:20:38 No.3325092
    no offence OP but you give me self confidence in myself.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:26:06 No.3325150
    You can get a hard drive for less than $100.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:26:21 No.3325152

    Oh, your welcome I guess.

    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:29:29 No.3325171
    Sup arcanine

    I'm 16 years old
    Barely making it through high school because I'm an unmotivated and stupid fucker
    Decent looking
    No girlfriend ever
    No sex ever
    Four friends IRL
    Many friends online
    Indifferent about going out in public, thinking all the normal people are staring at me, but not caring
    I'm barely 5'7"
    I'm on 4chan 8+ hours a day, playing the vidya most of the time though.

    So yeah. Sup OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:30:16 No.3325179
    no one gives a fuck

    theres hundreds of people like you here
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:31:27 No.3325191
    >I'm 16 years old

    My god you are fucking retarded.

    Reported just for being a fucktard. If you need to say you're in high school, just say you're 18. Christ.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:32:09 No.3325200
    Empty words: but I guess you should stop being so self depreciative and realize everyone has issues they have to deal with. You just need to get outside of yourself for a while. Did wonders for me. Try volunteering or getting involved with a club of some sort.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:34:32 No.3325228
         File :1235957672.jpg-(9 KB, 493x339, GETMOTIVATED.jpg)
    9 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:34:51 No.3325232
    I wish i could afford a stoop to be afraid to leave. OP doesn't know how lucky he is.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:38:33 No.3325264
    Nearly all of those are things you can fix. Stop whining and go live your life.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:40:11 No.3325283
    I don't get how so many of you guys are pathetic. Talking to others is not that hard.

    I'm 18.
    Easily working through IB courses, have a 94 average unweighted.
    Good Looking
    Have Gf
    Sex 8-10 times a month.
    Many friends irl
    Some friends online
    Like to be an asshole to people in real life
    4chan maybe 1 hour a day, at night when there is nothing else to do.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:40:44 No.3325297

    Wow, those dub voices are terrible.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:41:38 No.3325309
    It's okay OP. I'm a failure too.
    -Failing college. Will be kicked out if I don't pass this semester.
    -no boyfriend
    -only sexual experience was involuntary
    -no friends in meatspace
    -grown /very/ far apart from my only online friend.
    -can't go into public because of staring and because I'm afraid someone's reading my mind.
    -on 4chan every second I can.
    -Only talent is art. And while I'm better than the average non-artist, I'm not yet good enough to do anything with it, and I doubt I ever will.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:44:14 No.3325339
    you can't get motivated.

    fuck I hate it when people say you need to STOP BEING LAZY AND GET MOTIVATED!

    fuck that shit, it's not like you can take a pill or stand up and go "durr I'll do things today!". It doesn't work like that. ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:44:14 No.3325340
    Fuck you, How do you have a 94 unweighted in IB classes?
    Shit is so ridiculous...I mean I guess if my teachers weren't such ignorant cuntholes who are hell bent on giving out shitty grades regardless of what the student actually merits then I would be doing as well as you :P
    Still...major penis envy.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:44:43 No.3325350
    Yeah, i prefer the original voices too, Chiyo especially.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:47:05 No.3325376
    >-no boyfriend



    If you're a girl...try to find someone like me, okay? We can be failures together, but we won't really be failures because we'll have each other!
    >> Mintcake Croissant 03/01/09(Sun)20:51:47 No.3325430
    Succeeding at school with no effort
    Reasonable good looks
    Had two girlfriends
    Had sex with one of them
    Lots of friends IRL
    Lots of friends online
    Have absolutely no problems going out in public
    Reasonable drummer in a band, talented at anything I put my mind too (except maybe art)

    Being a winner feels pretty good, /r9k/, you should try it
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:51:52 No.3325431
    stop posting here, you're making all the fucking fags and fagettes that frequent this place feel good about themselves.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:52:28 No.3325442
    Girl. And believe me, I'm trying. Or trying to try anyway...
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:53:38 No.3325455
    haha.. this thread makes me feel so happy about myself... little lonely at the mo but hell, could be so much worse :-D
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:56:13 No.3325483

    you're short, you're 18 and you're in a band. normal people wouldn't think you're a winner. of course you are on /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)20:57:57 No.3325503
    >-only sexual experience was involuntary

    Explain this
    >> Telepath !!HTGIXk1htOD 03/01/09(Sun)20:58:50 No.3325516

    Yay, I'm taller than someone! Also, high school is easy. Go to a good university and your grades will drop.
    >> Mintcake Croissant 03/01/09(Sun)20:59:32 No.3325525
    What's wrong with being in a band?
    Being short is something I can't help, genetics are a bitch, but it doesn't really matter since I have plenty of confidence.
    >> Mintcake Croissant 03/01/09(Sun)21:01:13 No.3325540
    Oh naturally. I'm looking to apply to the top few medical schools in England, should be fun!
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)21:02:04 No.3325553
    19 years old
    Making it through college okay just because I'm still in foundations classes and I don't care about this shit.
    Not gorgeous, but I am decent looking.
    No boyfriend ever
    Had sex with two guys
    Some friends IRL, but most are back home (so I'm on the phone a lot)
    No friends online because 4chan is the only forum I go to.
    I'm not scared to go outside, I just don't really like to a lot. Especially when it is cold and rain out there and warm and pizza in here.
    I'm barely 5'11"
    I'm on 4chan 3+ hours a day
    If graphic design is a talent, I guess I have that. But it's not like I can sing or dance.

    Also, sage for survey.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)21:03:15 No.3325568

    The fuck? The thread wasn't created with the intent of being a survey.
    >> SHODAN !!AbHM9jNaIFn 03/01/09(Sun)21:04:32 No.3325579
    That kind of sucks, I got into my "good university" doing almost nothing.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)21:05:16 No.3325592
    Just do your work and study for like 10 minutes a day. Shit is easy.Don't lose stupid points from your average for not doing homework. Participate.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)21:06:19 No.3325602
    And yet you answer it, hypocritical egotistical bitch.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)21:13:01 No.3325688
    Stayed over at a "friend's" house in high school, woke up with them fingering me. Not saying it's on the same level as rape, but pretty god damned disturbing.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)21:56:19 No.3326347
    18 years old
    Pretty good grades. applying to some nice colleges
    I think Im ugly but I guess Im ok
    Pale but rosey cheeks which I fucking hate
    Have an underage gf (shits so cash)
    no sex =[
    a few friends irl but I keep to myself a lot
    had some online friends but not so much now
    about 5'10
    I'm on 4chan 6 hours a day
    I'm good with the arts but I think its boring
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)21:57:06 No.3326357
    Failure and success are defined by our society. And I say fuck society.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)22:01:40 No.3326408
    20 years old
    Can't be arsed with Uni atm but making it through.
    Not bad looking
    Pale/tanned a little
    Sex with 7 girls
    Lots of friends IRL
    One hot friend online
    Love going out in oublic because people stare at me (6ft 2, 18 stone, I'm a big guy)
    I'm 6'2"
    And I too am on 4chan at least 8 hours a day, the only difference is in your head, my only talents are social skills, I'm the life of a party and take charge of most conversations. I'm not trying to be bigheaded I'm just sayin OP I used to be like you, change your style and your look and go out and be confident!!
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)22:05:56 No.3326458
    That was me at your age. Getting a job worked pretty well for me, I'm doing ok in college.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)22:07:29 No.3326478
    Just for the record I have one friend online as I'm a britfag and it's 3:07am
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)22:07:39 No.3326481
    I woke up with my best friend's mom kissing me one time. I just kept pretending to be asleep.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)22:09:37 No.3326503
    OP, post your msn.
    ill be your friend.

    no, im not a rapist. why do you ask?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)22:09:41 No.3326505
    I think I'm in love you.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)22:10:17 No.3326509
    OP: You need a role model. Haven't you ever met somebody that you respect? Try to find out why you respect them, and try to be that kind of person.

    I have plenty of faults... but I have found that I respect people regardless of their faults as long as they are trying their best and have no regrets. That is how I live my life, and it makes me very happy.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)22:13:18 No.3326536
    Excellent idea! the most motivated I have ever been in my life was when I was reading Andy McNabb and Chris Ryan's S.A.S. books, I got fit, did alot of work and was determined to do well.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/09(Sun)22:26:16 No.3326679
    OP is average 4channer #1

    This is average 4channer #2

    Actually fuck this, all of you are the same, almost indistinguishable

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