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Anyone want to go to Barcade tonight (Friday) to celebrate 4chan's 1 billionth post? Let me know at barcade@4chan.org.

And here's a pretty thorough Q&A thread, in case you're bored.

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What was the billionth post?
Fuck you moot, go watch more IS you casual.

what ever happened to the rock and roll in your eyes moot?
inb4 sticky
inb4 everybody calls moot a fag
shouldn't you know this stuff, what with running the site and all?
moot please fix /r9k/
oh shit moot in /r9k/

RIP in peace /r9k/
prepare for deletion

Well that wasn't the first reply I was expecting

hai moot. I can't go to your thing tonight, but thanks for stopping by /r9k/ late night like you used to.

also I think you should re-enable dubs on /b/. I understand keeping them off everywhere else, but /b/'s gonna do that "post ending in XX" crap anyway, now they just put it in an image.
Hey moot. Why is your website a piece of shit lately?

moot ples sign my tit

i'm a man
well that was unexpected

so was this blox
I don't get it, moot...
Hey you.
why don't you have a girlfriend yet?
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Oh uh,
Hey, moot.
How are you feeling tonight?
the same reason you don't

because i use 4chan

hay i'm playing that right now op
moot won't answer, he's just trolling you, he is too good for you

>that feeling of having no girlfriend
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How the hell does moot make people mods anyway? Does he give them a special tripcode or something?
is it true we're getting a history board?
>done something right
Getting moot to post on our board?
I wouldn't call that "right".
Moot, my son loves you.
Hey, moot. Will you hang out with me some time?
what are some moot approved ways of getting a girlfriend? Also do you have any pictures of you in a dress

It's for research purposes
I scream like a giddy little girl whenever I see moot post on 4chans.
Anon loves you, mootykins!
moot, can you do something to make /r9k/ a little less of a shithole?
Thanks for keeping the site running.
Moot, can you tell us what the billionth post was without the need of going to that barcade thing?
After you suck his dick, the semen transfers priviledges directly into your body's own EMR. You have to swallow though.
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>you will never be apart of moots harem
I'll see if my girlfriend wants to go.
What? No way.

hisProm arrow
Moot you are a flaming homosexual.

Just come out of the closet already. There's no shame. We're all the same.
Make a drawfag board you faggot. You know there is enough demand for one.
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Also, congratulations on your progress
yes plz get rid of normalfaggotry muut
Honestly Moot, either you're gay or just asexual. I'm not saying you should date girls from 4chan (I wouldn't) but it's not like you're ugly at all. You're easily a 7 or 8 out of 10. And that's from old pictures, I have no idea how fit you are now. And if you are gay, just say it. How many people do you really think would quit 4chan just because you are gay? Not many. The only real downside to coming out would be that /pol/ would almost completely die out.
>what is /i/
>what is /ic/
moot plsban swami and JLH

He already made /soc/ for that once, it's not his fault you people continue to be terrible.
Are you a virgin neckbeard or just a virgin?
t-thanks, anon
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why can't i surf the web in peace without some gung ho show off moderator admin trying to shove themselves in my face

im fucking sick of it and it makes me weary
this website isn't your personal diary/blog/whatever
>what is /i/
A board for oekaki drawings only.
>what is /ic/
A board for critique.
What's your point you cum guzzler?
moot can you do something about the wimmin hating, fat, lonely neckbeards?
>tfw no gf
Needs the caption "u 'mirin?"

But then again, there's always Drawchan.
Those are all the drawing boards you need, dumbass.

but i am the only good thing about /r9k/

>being dis mad
Coke or Pepsi.
Choose wisely. One is for plebs, the other the drink of kings.
JLH is back, she was posting today

I like her because she makes the cancer of /r9k/ really, really butthurt.
Clearly not because several boards still get flooded with drawfag shit daily.
JLH has been here all day..
hey moot did your get your free chalice
>yfw you realize moot doesn't have to fight the robot
>yfw this was obvious a long time ago and you just picked up on it

why can't someone post on a website they made without some whiny, attention-seeking tripfag acting like a cunt because the attention isn't on him?
So is moot a normal or abnormalfag?
I think you might be the only one who just realized this.

Also, Planetes sucked.
Fairly certain he's joking. I've seen this before.
But if he's serious, then I weep.
You have shit taste in chinese cartoons.
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Will you be my girlfriend, moot?

I'll take silence as a yes.
>moot destroys our board
>shower him with compliments whenever he posts on here

I for one say we make a new board.
A board for all things moot.
Pictures of him, stories of times when we thought we may have seen him, and times he replied to our post.
And best of all, moot may or may not avoid the board like the plague!
I for one say you're a faggot.
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Holy shit son.

I am now thoroughly attracted to moot.
Hey moot, could you make a Gender Studies board or something to get all the misogyny off r9k?
I say you ban this guy for being a admin cocksucking faggot.
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>being this mad that he's getting attention and you're not

confirmed for nobody-gives-a-fuck-tripfag
Is that real? Holy FUCK.
This is the worst idea I've seen for a new board in a long time. /mlp/ tier stupid.
>that joke
>your heads

Or we can make a feelings board >>>/fl/

eh /mlp/ was put in place to remove all the brony faggots off of the normal boards

they still occasionally trickle to other boards but if you report them the mod(s) ban em pretty quickly

the mod here does a good job of removing cancer and bronies
>implying /mlp/ didn't serve it's purpose as a quarantine board
Just make a straight up misogyny board. Why bother being PC? This website has shitting dicknipples and pig beheadings.

Lets be frank here.
thanks for replying to my thread moot, you just made my day / life. Wish I could chill at barcade with you bropal.
i know you irl

you have truly fucked up
It didn't fully serve it's purpose by being a trap and banning everyone who posted in it.

guys.... is moot... a god?
I've never gotten the chance to post in a thread moot was in
>this is my achievement of 2012
>no tripcode

2/10 are you even trying
>no one calling moot mootles
>fucking NEWusers
I wouldn't go on it, but it would get rid of every second thread on here being about 'lol wimmen'
You should change the subtitle for r9k to "billion as fuck"
Oh, wow. I made it into a moot thread early for once!

What's your favorite board, moot?
>not posting since March
>not realizing that moot doesn't use a tripcode since the HTML update
>you will never hang out with your bros at a barcade and get wasted playing vidya games

Feels bad man ;_;
He replied to my post on the old /r9k/.
Thank you based mootle
>entry level trolling

>goes on knowyourmeme or encyclopedia dramatica for his information
>thinks he can call people newusers


it's /sp/ :(
I don't know what a barcade is, but it sounds gay and the music is probably too loud. I just want to know what the billionth post was.
It's /fit/ now.
This. Make a history board, and make /pol/ stay the fuck out of it.
I'm 95% sure you're not legit, this guy is one of the chillest identities here

and you're clearly a faggot either way.
da fuq is encyclopedia dramatica

On LL it's nuesers. I think.

/sp/ is the same thing as /fit/ prettyyyy much
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Hey, hows canv.as going?
Sure, doesn't really matter what the name is to me
Hey moot can you reply to this post, that would be the best thing that ever happened to me.

Also if this >>3292075 is you congratulations, you have reached the john tier level of awesomeness
Not at all /sp/ is about sports and /fit/ is about wellness innit
I'm not sure if this has been requested or not, but you should probably make a history board

>about sports
enjoy your toronto maple leaf / blue jays discussion

>about wellness
enjoy your squats and oats
is this shooped?

You make a history board before you make a drawfag board and I will personally burn down barcade.
Yeah man, that's the first time I've heard that, a history board DOES sound good! One where /pol/ can't make thousands of posts about hitler and white pride world wide on the "World War II History General" thread
I'm happy for you, moot. Let's hope 4chan lives to see its 2 billionth post.

>caring about drawfags

why are you, a drawfag?
Fucking idiot

One of them if I recall even has some drawing shit built in. There is no history board, the closest thing is /pol/ and every history thread there gets fucked up with conspiracy and hitler like the actual history channel
A history board has been talked about for a long time, most people how ever have been here long enough to know we have boards about drawing, so don't mention it

No, I'm tired of seeing deviantart shit on unrelated boards.
>like the actual history channel

you funny guy, I kill you last
oh then carry on, because I filter those threads as soon as I see them as well
Hey moot do you want my jar of mixed zebra and bear semen ive been meaning to drink it for a while but I know you'll have a better use for it than I.
Yeah, but if moot made a history board, think of all the history fags that will be off of... why should we not just ban deviants and make a history board. win win
Hey moot, how about a board for the discussion of porn? Most porn boards discourage discussion and encourage dumping only. /d/ is the only place where people actively discuss their porn but that place his scary.
This. Ban the drawfags give the historyfags a board. So let it be written, so let it be made unto
>why should we not just ban deviants
While the more acceptable solution, that would require moot to hire more moderators. Moot is incapable of hiring competent moderators. Truly this would bring only chaos.
Untrue, /g/ discusses child porn all the time
I would redirect you to boards that do, but I really don't want you on them.

Moot, I sent you an email recently about an idea for a new board for outdoors stuff, so uh...

>pls respond

Sorry if you thought I was demanding/faggish :(
But a history board is something this website has been lacking for a long long time. A drawfag board is just a false solution, like /mlp/ it doesn't contain them, they still fuck everything up
Pick one.
Outdoors like what? I doubt there is a need for an entire board. You want to talk nature itself, we already have a board for that.

B-but I don't like child porn.


You sure showed me.
this turns me on a bit..
moot left guys, you can't stop being stupid now.
>Not posting the first letter of his name or something
Not in Canada or 41 states man, loli and child rape core are the same in the eyes of the government
But 4chan lives off of false solutions.
welp... I'm off to /g/ then
Last I checked, Canada only had one case of loli being taken to court. If you got a good lawyer you could change things.
Seriously? Loli is illegal?
It's so easy to get, though.
Virtually maybe, but I doubt you've been through Canadian customs.
so is child pornography

It's more common than you think. That "Hard core child porn" that Thad has was loli. Trufax
>that wikipedia article exists
Thad had legitimate child pornography, though.

I miss talking to him on Facebook ;_;

why wouldn't it exist? it's a hot legal topic and has been for years
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Not on his flash drive though, which is the only evidence they had, he was tried and convicted entirely on the basis that drawings have feelings too
Holy shit, I thought he just had CP, this a whole new level
>STOP BEING Tsundere

every time
>things/dont click/cp
And Micco Chicco Chang didn't care he was cheating on her with 5 year olds?

Not sure which is worse, this or having CP. I'm going to have to go with this
I just... I just never knew. I know that image is probably pretty fucking old, but I just missed that
>it is not a required element of any offense under this section that the minor depicted actually exists

God damn it America, stop being stupid.
Because of the way you guys react every time m00t posts in a thread, he can't even use 4chan without posting anonymously.

This was discussed in a thread last night here:

He was just joking around. Thad is actually pretty well-adjusted IRL. Except for the whole, you know, CP thing. He played it up for the internet.
I wonder if while moot posts anonymously he ever bans people if they call him a faggot.
Thad once liked a facebook photo of mine. I felt special.

Also, did anyone else here open the thread expecting an answer? I'm actually kind of interested in what the billionth post was.
Thad called me based once.

I'll never forget you, bro.
I've been browsing /g/ for a while, and I thought about asking there, but I'll ask here first while we're on the topic. What IS the point of having a 2d chink girlfriend that doesn't exist?
It's better than not having a girlfriend that does exist.
how long was this thad fellow imprisoned for?
11 years of hard core rape
He hasn't been jailed yet.
>never found incredibly defined muscles attractive
i-if you wanted to lay off the gym for a while i wouldn't mind...
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def didn't use ms paint
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>no weights

moot you fucking pussy

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