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ITT: Things that would automatically not make you take a girl seriously and/or never marry her.

>Girl has a tattoo.
>Instantly temporary chick zone.
>Girl has a tramp stamp.
>Instant slutzone.
If she has piercings anywhere but her ears, she's automatically taken off my possible girlfriend list. Would still pump and dump though.
Like you guys have ever even fucked a girl
If she dies her hair unnatural colors.
Quite a few things. Like if she has mostly male friends or if she completely disregards her friends the moment she gets a boyfriend.
if she's not a virgin
>going clubbing frequently
>dressing like a slut outside the bedroom
>in a sorority

Instantly puts them in "pump until bored, then dump" tier.
She's spoiled or comes from a rich family.
What's wrong with her having mostly male friends?
If she has children or is divorced.
>stupid looking tattoos
>stupid piercings
>ear gauges
>"hipster" glasses

Would still probably fuck though.
>piercings besides ears
>parties a lot
If she complains about her past boyfriends being jerks.
>any tattoos whatsoever
>obnoxious piercings (i can live with little ones. that said, NO FUCKING SNAKEBITES, SEPTUM PIERCINGS OR STRETCHED LOBES)
>passionate about their shitty taste in music/films/etc
>passionately areligious
>feels the need to be "out" often
>cries excessively
>claims to be bisexual
>claims to have a past self harming

All of these things are actually deal breakers for me.

I'm so lucky to have a girlfriend right now because this disqualifies the vast majority here in southern california...
>Dyed Hair
>Shitty screamo boy band T-Shirts
>Thick, Lens-less glasses
>Any eye color other than blue

Any of the above.
Will monitor later, pls respond /r9k/

For me,
>No work ethic
>Entitled without good reason (like, treating parents as objects instead of as people if they're normal/good parents)
>expects me to be less reclusive
Why don't they understand that it's a choice?

I know that feel.

It's hard to find a girl who isn't moody/suicidal and complaining.
>She has tattoos visible while wearing shorts and a t-shirt, or has a tramp stamp
>She has an excessively promiscuous past
>She has ever been unfaithful
>She's ever been married before
>She has any children
>She has any piercings besides earlobes/bellybutton

I also find any woman who has ever been "in love" in the past to be very suspect. I take the idea of romantic love very seriously. I've been in my fair share of long term relationships in which I very much cared about the girl, but I've never been in love. If/when it happens I will devote my life to that girl. She will be my everything, and I will be hers. The idea that a girl can be "in love" with someone yet still have that relationship fail, and then move on to be "in love" with even more people and have those relationships fail ad nauseum suggests to me that she doesn't understand what infatuation is, and doesn't have the same views on commitment that I do.
If she is within the vicinity.
>Is on some sort of psychological medication.
>If she was raped or molested.
>If she has tattoos, piercings or extremely unusual fashion choices.
>Male friends, period.
>Complains about abusive boyfriends but never leaves them.
>Goes clubbing or has ever gone clubbing.
>Claims to be a feminist and blames men for all her problems.
>Has fucked tons of people.
>Claims to be a "girl gamer".
>Claims to be a "nerd".
>Has tons of debt.
>Still believes men should be chivalrous but still claims equality.
>can't write without using lol or smiley face
>doesn't like reading
>stupid body piercings

I think it's safe to say that girls who have their tongues or bellybuttons pierced massive whores.
the amount of piercing hate is surprising. as a girl with "obnoxious piercings" (i.e septum, stretched ears, nipples), can you explain why you don't like them?
>smokes cigarettes or hooka (weed is better, but still bad)
>binge drinks, I hate drunk sluts
>nose or lip or tongue piercings

and those are my least favorite qualities about women

Because they're indicative of a certain archetype that has negatively impacted my life every single time.

Call it being judgmental but it seems like if a girl has one of those things I listed, they have all of them going on.

Plus, physical attraction is very important in a relationship, right? Well, it is. I'm not 16 anymore so I don't find shit like that attractive.
>Drinks more than socially, gets drunk ever
>Poor fiscal responsibility

I'm boring.
Well, I think it looks trashy.

Plus, I had an ex who got those idiotic snake bite piercings. There's no fucking way that she'll ever get a real job.
When she's far too absorbed in her technology (HAS to have the latest iPhone, spends all her time on Twitter, judges people based on how they seem on Facebook, yada yada)

I like lip piercings and dont mind conservative ear piercings. Everything else looks like outer space alien shit.
All of these plus

>has children
>is anti-abortion
Another thing is this...

Every time I meet a girl who isn't a mouth breather and I develop a relationship with her, they /always/ play the devil's advocate in any serious conversation I have with them.

I don't know what it is but I can't talk about anything without being argued with. It's like these ladies are forgetting that relationships are about support. I understand if I'm wrong about something, but come _fucking_ on.
>Does Drugs
>Listens to rap

>Girl has a tattoo
>If she has piercings anywhere but her ears
>If she dies her hair unnatural colors.
>she has mostly male friends
>if she's not a virgin
>comes from a rich family
>If she has children or is divorced
>"hipster" glasses
>claims to have a past self harming
>Shitty screamo boy band T-Shirts
>Any eye color other than blue

And we wonder why arcanines ultiamtely have no girlfriends. They filter out 95% of the world based on shallow criteria, ie. physical traits.
>loneliest board
>ridiculously expectations
>forever alone
Because they're extremely unattractive and the only reason you got them was to gain attention or to look like some other pierced up whore.

Tell you what, why don't you tell us why you got them?

>inb4 I wanted to be unique
>does not take speed
>sexually bland/doesn't like 2D
>goes to forums, not imageboards
>hipster irony
This. Lack of ambition is my biggest turn-off, and as a result I have an 18 year old petite and cute girl hanging off of me and I'm not doing shit because she is a combination of my post >>3266522 and also just sucks at being my coworker.
Um, those aren't really that hard.

I just want a classy girl who is at least middle class, has a good job and looks like a normal functioning person.
>Puts together a bunch of peoples criteria into one and pretends that everyone believes in them
>Wonders why it filters a large chunk of women
>Girl has a tattoo
Could never love her romantically
>Has small tattoo on her back, shoulder, foot, arm, neck, behind ear
Might still fuck is she's hot
>Has tattoo on her tits or near her vagina
Utterly disgusted, would not look even at.

You seem confused, man. You included my post, which is here:


Like I said in my post, I /do/ have a girlfriend. I thought it was implied clearly enough but let me spell it out to you now:

my girlfriend does not have any of those qualities I mentioned.

There's nothing wrong with being selective. You're kidding yourself if you think you have to settle with someone you're not compatible with because standards are "shallow".
But having debates with people is fun.

Well, unless you lack the proper knowledge to debate with the people you're talking to.
>an earring on one or both sides
Cant think of anything else that would make a guy instantly out of my dating-zone.
It's not fun when you realize they have no actual opinions of their own, due to always taking the stance against yours. I prefer passionate debates, not debating for debating's sake.
/r9k/ - having any semblance of standards is frowned upon

I don't have a problem debating.

When my girlfriend, my significant other, is completely unable to be supportive at all and insists on telling me that I'm wrong for being upset, that is a problem.
I like how they look on me, its really as simple as that. And I like them on men, so I guess I'm doing the right thing to attract my type?

Haha, yes, you certainly are...

To filter out anyone by a trait as shallow as any of things I quoted is just plain idiotic.
>Is 3D
That's about it. I don't have many turn offs.
>looking normal

I'm not going to date a girl who looks trashy.

Get some standards you pathetic neckbeard.
Nope. Also "shallow" is a bullshit term, everyone is judged by appearance. Also people are allowed to have their preferences and want a specific type of woman.

Except it worked for me in getting a girl I am legitimately compatible with

but that must be idiotic, huh?
And all of the anons here are simply saying that they're not attracted to your type. The system works.

You mean other subhuman trashbags?

Doesn't do any form of exercise.
Doesn't like reading.
Chews gum opening the mouth
I won't date a guy if he's:

>any history of mental illness
>completely misogynistic
>completely beta

Such is life...
>pathetic neckbeard
I can't nearly grow enough hair to get it all over my chin really.

I do. But they are based on personality. Not on shallow physical things

And I do have a girl.
People are so destroyed, fucked until red and sore and unworthy of any kind of genuine affection these days.

This is going to sound like one of those disgustingly neckbeardy 4chan posts about never having pure virgin maiden waifus and whatnot but it pains me that I will never meet a well reasoned, non promiscuous, good hearted, non drug/alcohol abusing and non tattoo covered bitch to be mai irl waifu. Yes, I do think I am worthy of these things because I'm a hard worker and a good soul among other things. Just before someone gets all lippy about "Well what do YOU have to offer!" It's true, I'm being very prejudicial and judgemental, but it's because these things have stung me before in the past. Why would I fall for it twice?

How about a decent human soul for once?

Shit is just depressing man because it's representative of the state of people in 2012. What the fuck has happened to our generation?
Oddly enough yours is the only other post I fully agreed with my boyfriends in the past have all been into the latest phones, but have no job. Shit pisses me off no end. I'm working hard at uni and a part time job here, and they QQ about being bored.
Yes I mad.
>Girl is orange
>Girl takes tanning session
Would befriend, but would certainly not date.
Piercings, definitely piercings. I could excusea tattoo if it's decent and not a tramp stamp. I can never overlook piercings though. They look shitty, trashy and classless. Instant never going to marry, pretty much every guy I know agrees. They might fuck you but they will never take you seriously. Typically only freaks and people into piercings like that. Girls who get piercings must realize how people perceive them and it limits their options so they shouldn't be surprised.
Eh, I don't care how good her personality is. If we're going to get stares walking in public, I can't be around her.
Your post is entirely irrelevant to the topic. Is there a reason you posted that or do you simply have trouble reading?
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>mfw my girlfriend was none of these things when I started dating her

Feels good man

she's not a virgin anymore though
Oh wow, you have a girlfriend. That proves so much about how right it is to filter people out by shallow characteristics.
>Any body piercing
>Large tatoos
>More than 3 tatoos
That feel when you'd date a disfigured burn victim for her personality and only that.
I think I feel the way I do because I'm a dysphoric white person. At least in Southern California white people are the most despicable human beings on the planet, and they rub off on all the other races here so I can't escape it. Can't wait to get my AA and get the fuck in the Navy, see the world and shit.

>thread about guys not dating women for a certain reason
>feel the need to share as well
>buttmad anon

I think you're playing too much Katawa Shoujo
>unnatural hair color
>smokes weed
>wears heels
>listens to dubstep or hip hop
>brown eyes
>eats junk food
>not exercising

pretty much it
>shallow characteristics.

There you go using that word again. Most of those characteristics you listed (or whoever that anon was) are things that happen by choice and are a reflection of their personality. So it is not shallow to judge them by that.
>All this hate on tattoos
I'm dating an ex soldier with a regimental tattoo on her shoulder-blade. I also have a tattoo myself (family coat of arms),

Does this make us bad people?

You are still not understanding.


Sorry that you feel like you have to settle for one of the billions of tumblr browsing, mouth breathing, radio listening, 50 shades of gray reading, keep a breast bracelet wearing, facebook obsessing, metal mouthed, uninteresting, mindless drones on this planet.

I don't, though. And I won't. I'd sooner accept the prospect of being "forever alone" than suffer like that.
No, some of them are being judgemental asses. See >>3266665 or >>3266552.
So you can't read. Cool. Incidentally, that's another thing that would make me not want to take a girl seriously.

>i'm dysphoric

CBA to read the whole thread but of the first 15 or so posts I've glanced over, I agree with 95% or so of the greentexted criteria.
I wish you luck anon, have fun in the Navy. I feel similarly, except regarding the south of England.
I'll be going abroad in a year, too.

no, for the most part those seem pretty tasteful

what we anons mean are people who get random/gaudy tattoos that can never be concealed.
Are you implying there's anything wrong with being judgmental when it comes to dating?
I'm so happy that this kind of shit will fade away the more people like you die or get old.
Oh /r9k/, always with the base and hasty assumptions. People can't be individuals, only all the same fucking stereotype.
False cause fallacy. Good day to you, sir.
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I think it's time you went back to /soc/
this was a good thread until you faggots had to argue who's dad could beat up the other
Well, yeah. "You have a piercing? You must a whore and a subhuman trashbag!" is completely baseless hate.
ever think the reason all of you assholes are perma virgins is because you will disregard a female because of the stupidest shit going?
Wanting a classy lady will never get old.

Have fun never being able to walk through a metal detector.
Lets see, according to all of you I am undateable because I have a small tattoo on my wrist?
And you wonder why you don't have girlfriends..
>if everybody likes something then it must be okay
Again, we're back it "but I just wanna be unique like everybody else. "
Never put a foot in /soc/. I was just correcting somebody.
What are you going abroad for? Also, England is paradise compared to California, at least you have some standards for intelligence and manners, even if people can still be shitty. Almost all my Omegle chats with literate people have been from the UK. Maybe I should be going for a "hnnnng" English accent girl.
>asks me shit about the latest happenings on reality tv shows
>talking shit about other people
>can't hold a descent conversation about anything other than pop culture.

there is so much more but it's hard to say without experiencing it. I just know when i start cringing and wanting someone to stab me in the head or something.
there is a big difference between "a piercing" and having your bellybutton/eyebrows/ear (cartilage or gauged)/lip/nose/cheek/etc. pierced.

Too many piercings makes you look awful.
>implying making inferences about a persons behavior/personality based on their appearance is wrong
If you look like a whore why would you expect to be treated like a lady?
Like the definition of "classy lady" won't ever change. Well, I suppose it won't, but maybe the pool of "classy ladies" with the exact set of criteria you like will shrink. Well, no "maybe" about that.
Holy shit, /r9k/. You guys sound like insecure, controlling faggots. It's like you're afraid your (hypothetical) girlfriends would ever have fun without you being directly involved.
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>mfw people say a girl with a tattoo is a deal-breaker

I don't have any tattoos (nor do I want any) and I still wouldn't give a shit. Good luck never marrying.
Wait, so does everyone hate dimples?

did you even read the thread? people said a lot of tattoos were trashy.

A small/tasteful one is fine.

I wouldn't date you simply because you have no cognitive skills
>Girl wants to date me
>I don't date crazy chicks
>Too many piercings makes you look awful.
And that's fine. Different strokes for different folks and all that. This >>3266857 is ridiculous though.

Tell me... who are your favorite writers?

I mean, since you're literate and all.
I like tattoos when they work for the person. I can't stand an otherwise very attractive girl fucking up her whole aesthetic with some blotchy ink.

Yeah, O.K., OP.

>girl has tons of tattoos and piercings
>thinking she's not extremely kinky in the sack
>Good luck never marrying.
It's okay, they hate women anyway. Still want to fuck'em though.
Nope, I love them. They're so adorable!
>A small/tasteful one is fine.
Some said that. Most were blanket statements "NOPE WOULDN'T TOUCH".

oh I'd have sex with her for sure.

I'd just never call her again.
lolno. I hate needles. Just like I hate spineless-yet-domineering "men".
Basing your relationship on that
So, chinese characters and lover's names, that sort of stuff?
>Not well read
>No knowledge of history
>No knowledge of philosophy
>Dresses poorly*
*I realize that the term "poorly" is terribly subjective, but I use it in this context to mean sloppily or informally, such as wearing pajamas in public etc.
>Adherent to "trickle-down" economics
These are all essentially instant deal breakers.
Stephen King for a nice pulpy feeling, he takes up a lot of my time and was the first author I ever got into. Other than that, various authors. I like a lot of philosophical fiction (can't think of a better way to describe it) like the Unbearable Lightness of Being, stuff from Vonnegut, Bradbury, Orwell, etc. Books that feel like extended essays with an imaginative premise. I don't read as much as I used to, though.
ITT: Tatted people who cant handle that their tattoos look like shit to everyone but them
Not as picky as the rest of these faggots
>ugly face
>smokes all the time
as far as tattoos and piercings, it will vary depending on whether or not they at least look good.

I mean, if that's cool with you, but I prefer to have a close network of sexual partners, rather than fully investing emotionally into one person.

She'd be added to the roster lol
>implying marriage has any point besides tax benefits
Enlighten us: why should a nonreligious person marry?
1. Disfigured or fucked up physically. I realize this may or may not be your fault and I truly pity you if it isn't but at the same time you are not entitled to anyone's pity or love because of your personal problems. It's rough but that's life.

2. Has lots of emotional baggage do to terrible choices in boyfriends or some traumatic event.

3. A feminist. Nothing else needs to be said.

4. Piercings and tattoos. Don't like them, find them unattractive, not going to be with a girl that has them.

5. Has some sort of mental disorder and needs drugs to be stable.

6. Pro-life.

7. Dyes her hair outside the normal realm of colors. I'm sorry, I'm not into blue hair. May excuse if it's just highlights or a few streaks.

8. Naggy and loud.

9. Hardcore religious nut. I'm an Atheist but I don't mind if someone I date has religious beliefs outside of mine, I frankly don't care. I only care if they're extreme about it or try to push their beliefs on me.

10. Has kids, has been married before or has had far too many partners.

11. Does drugs outside out of weed and alcohol. I don't mind a little of either but addiction to either is an instant no.

12. Dresses like a whore.

13. Has ever cheated on anyone, regardless of circumstances. If you're sick of your relationship, leave.

14. If they're life revolves around men and have no real personality of their own.

Glad my wife is none of these, classy beautiful woman.
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Tattoo and piercings done right in my opinion.
>3. A feminist. Nothing else needs to be said.
>6. Pro-life.
Wait, what?
>any tattoos
>any piercings besides her ear
>ultra liberal
>if she had a poor relationship with her parents, particularly her father
>if she has multiple sisters but no brothers
>if she's been with over 6 guys
>if she likes traditionally male things like video games or sports
>daughter of a single mom
>has or had an eating disorder or a mental disorder
>likes anything to do with japanese culture
>has a kid
>if she's been with non-whites
>rude and impolite
>more male friends than female friends
>short hair

all of the above are deal breakers for me. As an attractive young male with a bright future, I wouldn't consider marrying a girl with any of those things applying to her. Some of them are flexible I suppose. Some are more important than others.
AGREED. Freaking love her.


>not posting Sara
Lol, so many butthurt virgins in this thread. I had no idea /r9k/ was so close-minded.

I could live with the tattoo, I dont like her piercings though,
>posting a butch bitch as an example of attractive tattoos and pierces
Are you gay?

>Actually knowing which is whom

What's wrong with those two things?

I wouldn't date either of those.
I won't date a guy if he's
>of Mediterranean background
>dark haired
>dark eyed
>not perfect Aryan race
>not a Nazi
>shorter than 5'10
>not a devout Christian
>not a Nazi
Oh god, are you a music snob?
No wonder arcanine is lonely. I got with a girl with a lip piercing (100% true) and it felt weirdly good. She was so far out of my league it was ridiculous.

I'm curious, why no to an atheist?

I mean of course an over the top, anti religious, screaming lunatic is not attractive but what if she just happened to not believe in any God?
>having standards
>hurr durr stop being intolerant and like what i like
when it comes to
>mental illness
would OCD disqualify me from most guy's list?
Not him but NO it's not ridiculous, it's the general consensus.
If you're too deep in your denial because you don't want to accept just how people PERCEIVE you as trashy just by taking a look at you, then too bad, nobody gives a shit since we're not the ones looking like a 2 cents whore. We're just letting you know how people think.
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>not liking shit music

pic related, it's you

>it's 100% true you guys i swear i'm not lying this really happened

>tfw Sicilian
>tfw luscious, long, wavy, dark hair
>tfw 5'9"

At least I have green eyes

just kidding I look pretty cool
>Goes clubbing
>really overweight
>Bad personal hygiene
>Outrageously dimwitted
>Plays petty mind-games
>Openly sexual (Talks about nothing but sex)
>Constantly talks about her ex's
>Openly describes herself as 'weird'

When I say atheist I picture someone who is obnoxious about it. The same kind of argumentative person who will jump down a religious person's throat with their opinions. If she didn't believe in God, that's fine. As long as she's humble about it. But I prefer agnostics. Actually I would even prefer a Christian girl to an atheist one. Ideally I would prefer a girl who doesn't care for any of that stuff.
Straight fembot here.

>Overly muscular (Skinny or toned or I walk)
>Sexist attitude
>Greasy hair
>Pro sexbot continuum
>Obsessed with dick
>Video game addict
Certainly not. But I bet being bipolar is a deal breaker, right?
>Giving a shit about other people's opinions of music
>Not just enjoying your own music and not being a dick
>Using the word plebeian unironically

Yeah, you're a snob. Get back to /mu/, faggot.

depends how much it interferes with your life

if it takes you 3 hours to get ready because you had to brush your teeth 3 times and had to keep turning the lights on and off then you probably wont date very long.
It's really just a lack of appreciation for Mediterranean culture, nothing really against the people
First of all, I would never consider marriage. For dating though, I wouldn't take a girl seriously if she:

>acted like a fucking child
>made stupid demands all the time
>complained about stupid shit all the time
>had more guy friends than girl friends
>believed in stupid feminist crap like "patriarchy"
>was one of those idiots who expected a boyfriend with their own place, car and, job even though they themselves didn't have all of that
>demanded a boyfriend over 6' (this is just unnecessary shallowness. I'm 6'2" but this kind of expectation is ridiculous)
>was the meme spouting "lol so radum xD" type
How is it ridiculous? Let me make a simply albeit an indirect analogy.

>Job interview at Wells Fargo for manager
>go in torn jeans, long shaggy hair, Metallica shirt
>Immediately turned down

"What, you can't do that! Judging my capabilities by how I appear is wrong!"

See how ridiculous that sounds? You're
Don't have that OCD.
>scars from skin scratching
>perfectionist/overly critical of myself
>irrational fears of...lots of things.

Bipolar is a deal breaker for me.
>Doesn't get along with family
>No future career
>Plays MMOs
>Social butterfly
>Doesn't like animals
I have high standards because women have high standards. >>3266985 this is me.

I'm a catch, especially once I finish school and get into my career. I don't consider any of the things I listed as unreasonable. I take care of myself and I expect the same. This is for marriage/LTRs as well. I've dated girls that have some of those things but they don't last long. It's more about the sex and nothing else. I reserve myself for a good woman. And currently I'm single by choice because I have no time for a relationship. I'm not lonely.

It's good to have high standards. I have a lot of self-respect.
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I like Sara, but I find Tegan more attractive.

and then there's this guy
>shitty music
Oh wait, your opinion doesn't mean shit
This goes for both boys and girls in my book:
>speaks slowly
>excessively clingy before any semblance of a relationship has been formed
>full of themselves
Sara's the more girly one, I guess. She's the type I'd hit on in a bar if I didn't know better about her sexuality already.
>especially once I finish school and get into my career.
There are no words for how hard I'm laughing right now.
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C-can you define that word please?
Oh, also if they're black. I am just not at all attracted to black folk, and can never take them seriously.
Can a pro-choice woman not be a feminist?

Why? I'm a med student in a top-ranked university. What are you doing?
Obviously. Being a feminist means you subscribe to feminist theory, abortion is not the cornerstone of feminism. It's just another issue and you can have your opinion on it without being a feminist or a religious nut for opposite.
It doesn't matter.
You wouldn't hear me over your ego.
I simply don't take females seriously. It's a problem and I'm working on it.
Yes, it's also fucking ridiculous to turn down someone who might be capable because of that. But you've got to deal with a whole culture of this shit there. And it keeps on going, because people need jobs.
In that you use it seriously. Like you actually think "plebs" exist when compared to you and your trumped up sense of style. You don't use it in the way that someone who was good-naturedly competitive would, like putting on a pompous voice and saying "People who recycle memes to communicate with others are plebs!" when in fact they don't go around on the internet picking fights, because they aren't a pathetic asshole.
Smokes, not counting weed
No job or car
Doesn't like me watching porn
Blue, pink or purple hair
Face tattoo
On phone alot while on date
Extremely low sex drive
Didn't finish highschool
Has a kid
Weighs more then me by 10lbs
Cheated before
STDs and fatal illness
Tramp stamp because it tells me she's a trashy attention whore.
Black ex-boyfriend because it tells me she's a trashy attention whore with daddy issues.
Why are you drawing up these silly supercilious conjectures about my "style" and what type of music I like? Because I think T&S suck, that means I'm a snob?

Also, if you don't know that pleb is almost always used in an ironic way, you need to get off 4chan. And I mean that sincerely.

>getting butthurt about Tegan and Sara
Are you a lesbian perchance? I'm getting this terrible inkling that you're female.
>feminist theory
The right to vote and be considered as a human being rather than a female when gender doesn't count?
Hahahaha, it's not about capabilities son! It's about not being presentable! You aren't capable of representing a professional company if you look like a stereotype.

Also, shit sucks, but being naive and whiny won't get you anywhere in life.

Alright. Well, good luck in whatever it is you're doing with your life.
No, look up with what feminist theory is.
So you think we live in a meritocracy? Are you 12? Grow up already. You seem to be under the illusion that appearances don't matter. If that were the case, nobody would care, and seeing how obviously a lot of people care, I would suggest you stop being an idealistic little cunt and graduate high school.
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To anyone reading your post it's pretty obvious you don't like Tegan and Sara based on the fact that they're "butch bitch", somehow I doubt you've ever really listened to their music.
I'm not naive, I know how this works, I know it will never change being you just have to put on the uniform if you want to be part of the group. And being "presentable" doesn't mean shit other than willing to conform to some code of conduct. It indicates zip about capabilities or even the ability to go along with other people in the firm.
So... You mean the feminists of old weren't feminists?
>being should be >because
>armchair philosopher time
>because people need jobs
>because people need jobs
>because people need jobs
>because people need jobs
>becuz ppl need jerbs

I can't take you seriously anymore.

Someone is projecting HARD. Nothing I said could have been taken as pompous, only what you said.
>oh gosh he used a "big word" so he must be pretentious
You do know words can have more than one meaning, right?
>Let's continue entirely baseless social and cultural practices simply because that's the way things are.

And this is why everything sucks.

And if boring only sex
>lets judge everybody by their spirit and personality, and disregard how they present themselves, because obviously that isn't a nice indicator of them
>"I'm not naive"
He's just mad cuz he's got an ugly girl.
There's nothing philosophical about it. And you didn't even try to argue my point. I mean, okay, if you don't want to.

>So you think we live in a meritocracy?
No, but I think we should (for a certain value of meritocracy, I don't think those who can't escalate the ladder should be left to die). If for you idealistic means that I would like our culture/world to change for the better (without any actual hope that it will), then I guess I am.
And we can't do anything about it, so why waste our times complaining when we could be doing what human beings do best, adapting?
no not really when most people say tattoos they mean that retard meathead with tribal tattoos yet the faggot doesn't even come from a tribe
I don't fault you for using a big word, just for being a snobby asshole. Also, supercilious is pretty clear-cut in terms of meaning. Do you really want me to grab a dictionary definition for you?
>entirely baseless social and cultural practices
I would love to see you try to prove this.
No. They don't. Maybe you do. But if they say "tattoo" then they say "tattoo".
Not him, but:
If a girl was cute other than her burns, and met my other standards like having ambition for her future and not being a whore, I'd date her.
I wouldn't date an ugly girl with burns.

Hanako was pretty cute, but I don't think I could date someone so reclusive.
I tried once, but when I kissed her she didn't even kiss back. Had 0 sexual drive.
>2000+ being male getting married
Can I do one for men?

>Lazy or refuses to work
>Is self-pitying at all
>Allows his parents to be involved in our relationship at all
>Is more than slightly chubby
>Is auschwitz mode
>Wears baseball caps
>Constantly wears T-shits with logos on them
>Is a metalhead/Has long, dirty hair (long hair is okay if you look after it)
>Listens to any kind of rap
>Is a misogynist

But referring more to the personality side,
>Takes himself too serious
>Is 2deep4u
>Spends excessive time playing vidya
>Is never on time
>Can't get things done

Luckily I have a man who fits all of these things! And he loves my lip piercing.
>people in this thread generally bitter about being excluded due to their appearance/nerdiness/awkwardness
>make longterm judgements of others based on appearance

oh god why is she alive..
So because I said T&S suck, and "unironically" called you a pleb, which you for some reason took seriously, I'm a snob?
You're implying that 1) everyone who doesn't have the same tastes as you is a snob or 2) anybody actually uses plebeian in a serious fashion

I don't think you're idiotic enough to believe 1, so your argument is basically contingent on 2, which I already answered here >>3267203

Synonyms for supercilious: haughty, ignorant, scornful, disdainful. You called me a "pathetic asshole". Connecting the dots is not hard.
And you never answered my question. Are you a lesbian and/or girl?
This is all started because I was talking to another anon and you barged in to condescend on me for knowing what they look like. How are you not an asshole and I'm not just of average perception? Also those words are not close enough to supercilious to be of note here. Those are very loosely synonyms.
Neither. Can't wait to hear your next disdainful or scornful comment.
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>Anti drug (Does not have to do them herself, but caring what other people do and thinking someone belongs in prison over something so trivial means you are a cruel, mindless drone)
>Cries excessively (More than once every couple of months on average, obvious exceptions in the case of deaths and shit like that)
>Needs to be one the phone constantly
>Needs constant attention
>Gets angered by things I consider stupid (Most of the things girls get angry about)
>Talks about ex-boyfriends
>Talks about her problems more than once a week (Even once a week is excessive)
>Gives ultimatums
>Says she has been abused sexually or otherwise, huge red flag whether she's telling the truth or not
>Asks me about my porn watching habits, or if I find other girls pretty, doing this even once means I'm running for the hills
>Wants me to sign a legal document of any kind (I'm okay with getting "married", but there will be absolutely no official documentation involved, if this bothers her it pretty much proves she is only after my money)
>Gives me even an ounce of shit for not wanting to do something I don't like to do

Couples counseling is a bullshit profession and nothing those people say should be taken seriously. Relationships are absolutely NOT about compromise. If you have to compromise on more than maybe the occasional small thing, you are with the wrong person.
it's a sign she might be promiscuous
No, all of this started because you got your panties in a bunch about a negative comment someone made on 4chan towards you. Seriously, are you new here? Do you always get butthurt when someone disagrees with you?

>Neither. Can't wait to hear your next disdainful or scornful comment.
Don't you lie to me faggot
ain't hard to find a girl after that amalgamated filter

u r jus mad son
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It's all good, I can easily tell them apart as well, don't even know what the other that one guy was saying, for twins they actually look quite different.
Yeah, you found my weakness. I can't stand when people pick on others for their tastes. I think it's mindlessly aggressive and idiotic. Congrats, you trolled me or came out the calmer looking one or whatever.

And I swear to you, I'm a straight male. Now you're stereotyping based on a typical fanbase. Only bolstering my assertions.
Tegan And Sera suck. what is this, 2007? What the fuck.
>I can't stand when people pick on others for their tastes.
Then WHY are you here.

>Now you're stereotyping based on a typical fanbase. Only bolstering my assertions.

That's an oxymoron. Congratulations. Through this "argument" you've portrayed yourself as a sensitive pussy and an idiot.
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I'm adding to the shit-storm.

I would never get married, but as far as seriously dating a girl, I wouldn't date one with...

>A past of cheating
>A past of being a whore
(If you fucked him but you don't know anything about him you're a whore)
>Unattractive piercings
I'd date you, but not for long.
>Unattractive tattoos
Same as above. Unattractive tattoos are pretty much anyone that has one without an art degree, so suck it.
>No hygiene
>No intelligence
>Dominant attitude
(I'm the man in this relationship, bitch)
>No mode of transportation
>No job
>No ambition for the future

I'll give any girl a chance, but if she's not at my level, she's not the right girl for me. It's not being shallow or having high standards, it's just wanting someone I can respect and love. I can't respect a girl who has no common sense and I have to "father" every day or take care of her. We should take care of each other.
>Pic related: the chest tattoo is the dealbreaker, everything is ok
>has a 'princess' complex
>complains about her ex's ad infinitum
>implying that she is always better than you in everything
>talks about how <person she knows and met> is so hot, while on any sort of: night out, date, etc
>holds me to standards and references that I am supposed to be like a previous ex
>would more upset if i did something like, make an animated cartoon or painted a huge painting of us on a first date (or any other important/romantic night) as an anniversary/christmas/birthday gift and not some trinket that is 9000$
cannot think of anything else, all of these are from experience
(if anyone is wondering I was dumped because i did not buy her this 200$ necklace from some european designer, I ended up selling said painting for 500$ silver lining I guess ;-;)
>Is 2deep4u
2deep4u can mean one of two things.
1: He's trying too hard to be deep, in that case your disqualification is just.
2: You're just stupid, and his normal level of thought is too much for you. In that case, you're just stupid and will probably get mad at this comment.
For a guy:
>lives with parents and not saving up for another arrangement or not in college
>parties often
>smokes weed
>superiority complex
>doesn't like video games
Yep, you're right. I'm an idiot. Far too stupid to keep up with this shit. It's hard for idiots like me to make sense of the elite's standpoint on everything.

Oh wait, no... you're a teenager. That's it. Figured it out.
Damn they're so short, I never realized that, they must be like 5'2 or something.
I realized it when they went on Letterman most recently. Seeing them standing next to him was comical.
typingggggg likeee thissssss

I mean the sort of guy who tries to be a misunderstood poet. Someone with a liberal arts degree.

I do enjoy deep conversation though.
She didn't deserve you, bro...
A good girl would love any kind of art done for them, they get swept up in the romanticism of it all.

Ohh, so you really want a nerd bf? That's cute. Although:


Yeah, the majority of the geeks I know don't take regular showers nor take much care of their appearance... you know, because they don't party and have almost no social life?
It's like every guy here hates tattoos.

Good thing I love metalheads and they don't hate tattoos as a rule.

>Liberal Arts degree

People still take this major? Guys still do it? Christ...
Ok, then you mean option one.
Respect to you, m'lady.

>tfw I'm a studio arts major
>tfw I hate my classmates who are 2deep4you
>The best artists in my class are the guys who don't talk much about their art
>Those are the guys I usually wanna talk to.
>inb4 have fun with no job artfag
I can feel you on that so long as he's obstinately trying to be misunderstood. I hope you don't feel that way about people who genuinely are misunderstood, and just trying to find someone who can understand them.

I understand why they hate them though, I'm not too fond of them myself. They just look so unclean and sometimes screams "give me attention, my father doesn't love me". I know it's not always the case but then again not every nerdy guy is a neckbeard and not every guy who smokes weed is a "420forlyfe" kinda guy.
I was about to say these same words.
I severely disliked tattoos/piercings until I was about 22.
I don't want a nerd. I just want someone who will play CoD with me.

And I meant more along the lines of dick cheese but whatever helps you sleep.

I got my first when I was 15.
It's kingdom-hearts based on my back
Got my second at 17, it's a 1up tattoo around my clavicle.

It's not like I'm covered, but it seems people hate all kinds of tattoos here, not that it affects my life.
>Videogame related tattoos

Having a laugh! You'd have to be quite the damn individual to make me like you, barring the tattoos/piercings.

lol, just btw I wasn't trying to be aggressive or anything, sorry if you thought that was my intention.

And yeah, I mean, it can't be that hard to find that kinda guy, every normalfag I know (myself included) plays CoD or some MOBA. But we do get out of our houses and party, it'll be hard to try and find a guy who's kinda normal but with no social life. Almost an oxymoron, lol.
>I'm a gamer girl, btw. Look at me, what a special unique snowflake I am.
>Not a virgin

Thats basically it.

I don't like piercings very much.
Anyways, videogames are what I enjoy.
If anything, I'm more disgusted by people who take song lyrics or a special butterfly and rant and rave about how "meaningful" it is.

I really like Okami, so I plan on getting a big tattoo of Amaterasu on my back, it will look cool and I like her. Better then

"I got warrior in Chinese on my wrist because it really displays the struggle as a middle-class white teenage girl I've had."

I have a complex where I'm pretty sure I'm boring as shit.
I don't consider myself a female gamer, I consider myself a human being who plays games.
Because I play games.
All the time.
Most days.
Since I was 8.
Being a female is irrelevant.
Sorry, didn't want to be TOO mean about it. It's just, I'd be really fucking wary if I met you in person. Most girls who get those kind of tattoos scream all sorts of red flags for relationships.
>piercings and tattoos hate

Y'all niggas gay as fuck. Piercings and tattoos are hot as FUCK. If a girl had them, they'd instantly be put in my "interested in" list.
>no sense of humor
>gets offended easily

I don't know, most tattooed girls I know are like, crazy as shit, but not in the same way as entitled sluts.
I like people who are crazy from the get go, no surprises. Tattooed people are usually those no-surprise people.
And now we all finally know why /r9k/ is the loneliest board.

Ridiculously high standards, I mean really look at some of these shit, and the fact you guys are all neckbearded losers.
yeah i feel kind of bad for saying "not a virgin" because i don't want to hurt any normalfag feelings (like it's some personal slight that not everyone loves them)

tattoos themselves are nothing major to me, but they're usually pretty reliable slut markers, so...
Guess I'm just not into crazy, lol.
Usually hot/interesting girls get tatted. Not a turn-off at all. Guys just hate on them because they think those girls are out of their league, so they MUST be sluts. My biggest turn-off is a girl that's close-minded as fuck and is self-centered.
My Girlfriend must have the following attributes:
Fluent in Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Korean, whilst English being her native language.
English accent
Extremely racist
Blue eyed, blonde haired preferred.
Not tattooed
No history of any medications (for any reason)
Perfect vision
Perfect teeth
Perfect skin
Perfect gait
Why am I so lonely?
Cool samefag there.

This. I think the whole piercing/tattoo hate is because these neckbeards think they are sluts that fuck every guy they see.
We think they aren't virgins and we're right. Aren't we you tatooed sluts out there?
>earings anywhere but ear
>overly zealous about stupid causes(Kony or animals or some shit)
>animal rights activist
Honestly I'll consider you if none of these are the case, I have other things I'm a bit more lenient on.

The fuck, I'm >>3267804

And why would you even think I'm that other loser?

>Extremely racist
>blue eyed, BLONDE HAIRED? preferred
>not tattooed

Dude you have shit ass taste. Stay virgin.
yeah it's pretty obvious trolling (i.e. >>3267866)
but feeding it does nothing
>Guys just hate on them because they think those girls are out of their league

Pretty sure that's not the case. No one listed a girl being hot as a reason not to marry or date her. I prefer clean skin on a girl, and I wouldn't want the mother of my children to have tattoos/piercing.
Tattoos are fugly on a girl. I know a fat girl with "Talk Shit, Get Hit" written on her tramp stamp... the word SHIT is tattooed above her left ass cheek. No class in these bitches. Yuck.
Would seriously having one memorial tattoo for my dead brother really make me undateable/unmarryable for some of you guys?
>London fag here
>Been out with ten girls, cheated on once

Nearly all girls have been a slut at one point or another, but hey. so have most guys

The one girl I dated with tattoos cooked me breakfast in bed, was ginger, had freckles, dat ass and was an introvert. Also fucked like a champ.

Don't have any myself, but don't regret going for it one bit. That being said I have dated a girl with a small tat who was a slut.

But why judge a book by its cover ?

Someone wants a tattoo, so what ? Give me a logical reason why they shouldn't ? You live once do what you like
Nope. But I don't have a diametric opinion about tattoos, so don't quote me.
I can't believe no one's mentioned race yet. Not being the same race is the biggest deal breaker. I want my kids to look like me.
>Girl has a tattoo.
>Instantly temporary chick zone.
>Girl has a tramp stamp.
>Instant slutzone.

Same here, bro. Turn-offs.
>Annoying/don't click well
>History of cheating or being a manwhore
>Makes me feel bad about myself or is mean to me
>Desperate for female attention
>Self pitying and whiny
>Elitist when it comes to music, movies, TV, books, etc
>Excessive drug use

I'm pretty flexible with most things, sometimes you'll meet a person you get along with really well even if they don't meet your criteria. As long as I like someone and enjoy spending time with them, and they like me back and treat me well, that's enough to cancel out any negative traits.
No its your broken hymen and the stains of semen on your face
What some would consider odd but my personal things:

>is not a god fearing christian
>doesn't know how to cook, clean, or take care of basic household tasks.
>isn't a virgin
>has tattoos
>dresses inappropriately
>has piercings
>is black or moslem
>not a natural born citizen of my country

All I can think of at the moment.

>Someone wants a tattoo, so what ? Give me a logical reason why they shouldn't ? You live once do what you like

Who says they can't? They can do what they like. I will do so as well by avoiding them. We both end up happy.
I've posted already but here are some races that I find mostly undateable

>East Indian
>Native American
>Southeast Asian
>Middle Eastern of any sort
>Mexican-looking Latinos (South Americans can be insanely hot)
>Into hard drugs
Everything else is fair game. AWWW YEAH low standards.
I just think it looks trashy. I'd still date someone with obnoxious piercings or tattoos, but would never entertain anything more serious.
r9k sure making me lol in this thread. Never complain about lonely feels again r9k, never

fussy neckbeards I lold
Hey not all of us are picky crazy people i just want a virgin who isn't fat... but wanting a virgin in this day and age is kinda crazy but still
>hurr dis thred i laff @ neckburds

You must have the lowest standards in the world or something

Well you are here so...
>Says she has no gag reflex
>Tans on a weekly basis
>Acts like a retard when she gets straight A's
Anon has a point about N.American women, I won't even touch them... I live on "the 'Rez."
>Doesn't have a dick

i'm going to explain why girls with too many or only male friends are a DANGER ZONE.

she's probably addicted to the mostly-male attention or sees other girls as competition.

straight up: if a chick says she doesn't like being friends with chicks, because they're too shallow/too much drama/get jealous of her, she's probably shallow, causes drama, gets jealous easily.

major problem with the rare and adorable geek girls who are used to being fawned over by male geeks.

I've never met a native who was classy.
wow, your so(ooooo) smart!
Some of these lists are ridiculous. Who still wants a virgin waifu ? Are you christian ?

>omg tats lol nope
>omg lol has an earing
>omg lol not a neckbeard attractive female

Do you all really want male clones of yourselves ?
Infact don't answer that
Loose, tattooed, pierced, fucked-to-death whore detected

Get out of here, this thread isn't for you

That proves you know shit about people. I know a virgin innocent 8/10 girl that most of you neckbeards probably drool after, and she still got a tattoo. Granted it was anime but it just shows just cause you got a tattoo doesn't mean you're a slut.

Unless you get one of those vaginal ones.
>I'm male
>I have a 7inch penis
>I browse r9k daily
>I have no tattoos
Don't be mad please
previous kids
emotional hang ups
transmittable diseases
excessive body mods/tats
concerned with superficiality

thats about it really. yeah, its shallow. deal with it.
>Do you all really want male clones of yourselves ?
Sounds wonderful.
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I thought this board was autistic but fuck, I didn't know how deep this shit went. No wonder you people are constantly >tfwngf all the time.

Thanks for confirming what I already knew. Stay beta, robots.
If a woman asked me to choose between her and something I loved (say, a pet or a hobby), I wouldn't pick her. Anyone bitchy enough to pull that move isn't worth being with
>h-h-how can someone want something i don't?? LOSERS!!1

i could spoil the answer for you, but you'll reach adulthood eventually and figure it out pretty quick i think

>Are you christian ?

yeah, actually. please downvote me like the redditor you sound like
>Had a kid
>History of hard drug use or crime
>Can't take care of herself
>Lives outside her means
>Claims she is a feminist, but expects chivalry
>complains about men in general
>"Isn't your car excessive?"
>"You have guns?! You're going to shoot me!"

One of the above is all I need to punch out. I feel this is perfectly reasonable. I'm not that picky about piercings, tattoos, hair colour, or glasses. A person's attitude and personality can still be a deal breaker for a 10/10 even if there are guys that will put up with that shit.
>asks for a massage
I say no and laugh
>asks me to eat her out
I say no and laugh

>few minutes later

Say give me head
>she gives me head

See how it's done robots ?
>are you christian

Lol/10 post disregarded
Oh man, my best friends one of those people. Worst part is, I'm friends with her boyfriend and even he's said she needs to spend time with me. At least he's started inviting me to group things instead of I see pictures on facebook of her and the guys out having fun, I get messages saying "Oh she said you were busy."
Or maybe I'm just undesirable, eh.
I don't know what you guys are bitching about, most of these lists are pretty reasonable. Most people actually fit in these lists. Not wanting a drug addict, or some mentally unsuitable chick for a relationship or someone who looks a way you don't find attractive are reasonable expectations. You're picking out extreme ones and claiming they're the majority, even the lists with 20 conditions are all pretty reasonable.
__xXx Lol LoOk HoW 13 i Am xXx__

All the "LOLneckbardXD" posts are the same faggot trying and failing to be a troll. Disregard, don't feed.
I'm not even Atheist but the bible has already been disproved

Which explains everything
agnostic masterrace
Jesus Christ, /r9k/ is the most superficial bunch I have ever known.

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