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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • I'm going to publish that news post I wrote back in December soon.
    EDIT: Note my liberal definition of "soon."

    File :1235158987.jpg-(44 KB, 516x387, 39today.with.bearsac01.jpg)
    44 KB Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:43:07 No.3222610  
    Seeing as outside of the SA forums this is properly the internets largest community of self diagnosed aspies I've come here for a little advice and also to lol.

    Family members think my nephew has aspergers syndrome. So does the school. He is 6. I personally think he needs a good beating and some consistent discipline but then what does /r9k/ think?

    He is 6. He is a little weird and set in his ways already. He plays odd games like "arrange my toys in size and order or order according to some geometric feature". He cannot handle variation in his routine. He gets up and sleeps and set times. Meals must be at a set time. School lessons must be the same. If you plan to leave at a certain time you MUST leave at that time.

    Any deviation from this set routine or attempt to stop him doing something results in him going INSANE. I'm talking screaming and fighting and swearing. Pure destruction without regard to personal safety.

    As an example you can't play with him. If he is playing with toy cars and you crouch down and say "oh playing with cars? I like them too!" and pick one up and go "brmm brrrmmm brrm" he'll attack you and try to murder you until you put the car back EXACTLY where it was. If he can't murder you then he'll destroy everything until he is exhausted or he'll go non responsive.

    At school they cancelled a lesson to bring in a guitarist to sing songs and he destroyed the room, climbed on the tables. Threw chairs at staff.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:45:07 No.3222623
    My mother won't take any crap from him and recently while driving he said "dinner will be soon." she said "no. We'll not be home for dinner for a while. It will be later." Because she will not accept any crap from him he just went non responsive and didn't speak for 3 days.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:47:23 No.3222635
    How are his communication skills? Does he make eye contact? Words? Full sentences? How is he in reaction to physical stimuli?

    I would say that he is most definitely on the ASD spectrum. Delays in language would positively confirm this.

    It's not that he's spoiled; it's that he reacts to stimuli differently. Changes in scheduling offset his balance and make him uncomfortable and throws out of control what he can control.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:48:04 No.3222640
    He doesn't seem to understand the pain or feelings of others nor does he seem to care if he has done anything wrong or realise what he did was wrong. At a family event recently he wound several revolutions of metal tape around a younger child's neck. The other kid was terrified but he didn't see what he'd done wrong. At a park recently he crushed another child in a metal gate. He didn't care and just said "but he isn't seriously hurt. Why are you making so much fuss?"
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:48:41 No.3222643
    He's not an aspie you fucking retard. He's autistic. My god.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:50:00 No.3222653
    It's called a belt. You put it on his ass every time he pulls that shit. Don't let him believe that acting like that is not only a good thing but is "normal". Negative reinforcement aka a good ass whipping will help him understand that.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:50:15 No.3222658
    He sounds like a good lay, have you tried grabbing his flaccid penis?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:51:47 No.3222664
    i wish u wer my daddy i lurv 2 b spanked :)
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:52:19 No.3222672
    Sounds like he has autism, but I would beat the shit out of him every time he tried to attack me.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:53:07 No.3222676
    See. I don't think he has Aspergers but then I don't really know much about it.

    He talks but not much, mostly short phrases. He doesn't have many interests other than toys. He looks forward or down and doesn't mix well with other people. You literally cannot leave him alone because he will torture them. You can't leave him alone in the house because he will destroy things without showing any interest.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:54:24 No.3222680
    This comes from a deficiency in Theory of Mind.

    He doesn't see other children as people, who experience the same emotions. He sees them as objects.
    He doesn't understand that other people feel the same way he does.

    It's like this.
    If I watched you getting hit with a baseball bat, I would flinch, because I would know that you feel pain and you are having an emotional reaction to the situation.
    A child with ASD will not flinch, because he does not see the difference between a human getting struck and a rock getting struck.

    The children he hurt were not "damaged," so there should be no fuss, or so he sees.

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that he probably doesn't have Aspergers; I think he might be full-blown autistic. How are his communication skills?

    Also, to >>3222653 :
    No. A child with ASD is not going to react to punishment in the way you want him to. Try positive reinforcement.
    Punishment will make him shut down.
    Positive reinforcement will encourage the positive behaviors you want him to show.
    >> Dogi !gxm5fvgBZ6 02/20/09(Fri)14:55:28 No.3222688
    Destroy his things without showing any remorse. Ignore him when he whines and cries and rages about it.

    Maybe he'll learn something.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:55:30 No.3222689
    Because I am me and I've got my ego I'd be tempted to say that he is fixable and just needs consistent discipline. At the moment he will escalate to the point of death to get his own way but then I would let him.

    If he pulled that with me he'd be living in a bare room and his possessions would be a bucket and a sack.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:55:44 No.3222692
    ur no psychologist i suggest he rapes him. kids love rape.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:56:12 No.3222697
    He sounds autistic as hell. My 8 year old autistic cousin is a lot like this, although he doesn't have the verbal skills that your nephew does.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:56:36 No.3222699
    God damn it, I know these kids have something wrong with them, but that doesn't mean it's okay for them to act like hellions. Fuck, you're mom is right. Don't treat this little prick like the world revolves around him. If he can't learn to be a decent person, then fuck him.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:58:15 No.3222712
    He has Aspergers/Autism Spectrum Disorder, COMORBID WITH UNKNOWN BEHAVIOURAL DISORDER. Violent behaviour is not an aspergers trait. Whilst autistic young people are often prone to violent and chaotic outbursts, your description falls a long way short of autism - his communication appears to be well within the bounds of normalcy and he seems to have some basic capacity for empathy, based on the content of post No.3222640. Were he autistic, it is incredibly unlikely that there would not have been an obvious need for earlier intervention. He needs to be seen by a child psychiatrist, pronto. He's clearly somewhere on the autism spectrum, but it's highly likely that he has other behavioural issues which are unrelated and need addressing separately.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:00:00 No.3222720
    He's probably learned to use short phrases to communicate what he wants. But it's not the same as language.
    It's like,
    If I push this button I get food.
    If I push this button I get a toy.
    But he doesn't really understand the meaning of the "button" except that it's a sequence of words to get what he needs.

    You're right, he probably doesn't have Aspergers. It's probably Autism.

    You're right. I'm not a psychologist, but I've done a lot of research into it, and it happens to be my career.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:00:34 No.3222722
    As a recent example my sister tried to talk to him and explain that if he keeps having these explosive outbursts then they'll take away some of his toys. This of course caused an explosive outburst that caused him to attack her until she left and he remained prone but groaning for close to 6 hours.

    Shit is whack. If it was me I'd not just take it but I'd say stop now or I'll bust it in half and throw it in the bin.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:00:35 No.3222723
    >need a good beating

    This is how serial killers are made.

    He needs PROPER treatment, preferably in some sort of institution.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:00:57 No.3222726
    Autistic, but still desperately in need of discipline.
    >> Eeel !!hN3cVk7VMv6 02/20/09(Fri)15:02:01 No.3222738
    All mental disorders are just cases of kids needing a beating. It just depends what kind of stupid behavior they respond that decides what "disability" they get.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:02:35 No.3222741
    You're right.
    I was taking the violent outbursts to be in reaction to a disruption of his scheduling or whatnot, but you're right, he does probably have emotional disturbance of some sort.
    But it is possible he got this far using adaptive language and behaviors that allowed him to pass undetected. Not all school districts are great about diagnosing every child.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:02:55 No.3222746
    >He sounds sexy as hell. My 8yr old beautiful and erotic cousin is a little like this, altho he doesn't suck my penis too good he's really fun to fuck

    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:03:18 No.3222749
    I hate fucking autistic kids. They are a waste of life and other people's emotions. They are shitty people and if it were up to me, I would institutionalize them all. I don't care what your bleeding heart thinks. I think they are a waste of human life.
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 02/20/09(Fri)15:03:54 No.3222755
    This sounds like very bad autism.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:04:17 No.3222757
    How in the fuck can you postively enforce nearly killing another kid?
    Whipping his ass while telling him what he did and the consequences of his actions in a logical way is the only way to get through to him.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:04:56 No.3222764
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:06:52 No.3222782
    Yeah. Weren't Son of Sam and Dahmer autistic?
    Those poor undiagnosed autistic manchildren.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:06:57 No.3222784
    You sir, are an asshole.
    I would say I hope you have a child with a mental disability, but I don't want to have to fill out another child abuse report.

    Regarding discipline, though:
    It's possible, through positive reinforcement, to "train" him to act appropriately in situations. But it takes a lot of work. He does not see the world in the same way we do.
    We can relate to other humans and their emotions.
    He cannot.
    Instead, he sees the world as a system. He relates only to the surface.
    He does not understand that other people have needs. He does not understand that other people have emotions. All he sees is that when he does something, this is the reaction he gets.
    So while it's nice to say, "Make him understand. Do this so he sees how it feels." He can't understand, and even if he does experience how something feels, he can't understand that the other person feels the same way.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:07:08 No.3222785
    My diagnosis is that your nephew is a chimp with lyme disease.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:07:08 No.3222786

    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:09:51 No.3222808
    these are all reasons why I think these kids should be euthanized. They will never contribute to society; they will only drain resources and other people with no hope of changing them.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:10:59 No.3222813
    Yes. I agree. Shame though because I actually have to accommodate him and the rest of them as they are part of my family. I want to be able to talk and understand things with my sister too.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:14:50 No.3222847
    Just because they process things differently does not mean they should be killed. You're disgusting. Some of these children are just as smart as, if not smarter than you.
    What we need to do instead is intervene at an earlier age so that they can be taught to function properly in the world.

    I met an absolutely brilliant woman who gave a speech on Autism. She was diagnosed severely autistic and mentally retarded as a child.
    Turned out that she wasn't at all MR. She overcame her weaknesses and is now one of the leading researchers on autism and neurological disorders.
    But you would have her euthanized.

    Sure. Let's kill 1% of the children born in today's world.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:19:30 No.3222877
    he definitely sounds like he's on the spectrum.

    fairly typical of heavy metal toxicity.

    i've seen many kids lose their pdd-nos/autism diagnosis after going through sensible chelation and biomedical intervention. be careful because many chelation protocols are very dangerous and will make many people worse, sometimes permanently.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:20:08 No.3222881

    Get married so that you'll have a new family, with new sisters to talk to. Your current family has an ape infestation problem.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:23:15 No.3222897

    I wholeheartedly agree with you anon. There have been autistic people who have contributed to society, but they fucking adapted, they didn't show off their illness as something that makes them oh so UNIQUE AND BEAUTIFUL. Fuckers who do that should just die. Like OP's nephew.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:24:22 No.3222908
    The toxicity in our city
    In our ciiittyyy-
    Now! What do you, own the world?
    How do you own disorder, disorder...
    But I'm not so sure how much metal toxicity has to do with it. I mean, there is some correlation... But I do not believe you can be cured by a detoxification diet or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:24:36 No.3222910
    >Some of these children are just as smart as, if not smarter than you.
    >Some of these children are just as smart
    >Some of these children

    Then why not kill the ones that do not meet the requirements of being 'just as, if not smarter[,]' than normal people? The better autism can be treated and fixed, the less that will have to be euthanised. Got it?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:25:35 No.3222921
    Actually, that sounds like a good idea for population control, so I agree that we should do that.
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 02/20/09(Fri)15:30:18 No.3222956
    You cant really argue with that type of person. Just move on and try to ignore them. This isnt the 20s or 30s, they are no longer in power.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:31:58 No.3222968
    Yea, I guess you're right.
    There should be an IQ requirement to stay alive.
    But then again, there should also be a productivity quota.
    If you're not working by a certain age, you should be euthanized. And if you're doing badly in school, you should be evaluated for motivation and if you fail to show an adequate amount, again, euthanized.
    Let's also get rid of the Down's kids.
    And all the MR kids.

    Actually, while we're at it, we should sterilize anyone who has a genetic disorder that could be passed on.
    GODDAMN. Just because someone is not as good as you does not mean they should be killed! They are not animals! They're humans! They're fucking people, and should not be killed for their "defects!"
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:34:01 No.3222981

    i pointed out that kids have lost their diagnosis (i.e. become neurotypical), and in many cases, if they don't lose their diagnosis, they improve demonstrably, after heavy metals are addressed. this is strong evidence that heavy metals are a cause, far more significant than "correlation."
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:36:44 No.3223002

    This isn't fair. They have an illness so they can get away with DISRUPTING others' lives. Losers like me don't have any illnesses and don't disrupt anything, but are treated as human waste with barely any right to live just because we're ugly\virgins\shy\unsociable. Makes it seem like the autistics etc. are BETTER for having those disorders.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:37:57 No.3223011

    They're just angsty teenagers. It's beneficial for them to hear non-retarded opinions from people who have real experience and who know what the fuck they're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:38:06 No.3223012

    one important point is, when a kid or adult loses their diagnosis and is completely recovered by chelation, they no longer need any intervention.. no special diets (gfcf/scd/etc), no supplements, no therapies. i.e. completely healthy.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:38:37 No.3223017
    I guess. You're probably right.
    But I do get turned off by this idea from Jim Carey's wife who goes on TV and blabs about how her son was cured by the miracle diet and talks like she's the absolute authority on it.
    She pisses me off. So I resist a little to that idea.

    But yea. Wasn't the research on the whole vaccination thing proven to be botched or something?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:38:46 No.3223018
    This is why it is so popular for internet shut ins and basement dwellers to say "it isn't me with the problem! I HAVE A DISORDER! YESSS!"
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:38:47 No.3223019
    reality spoiler: they are
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:40:19 No.3223032

    what mechanism do you propose that would cause heavy metals (in quantities below a microgram) administered months after birth to cause a pattern of developmental delay which , as far as current research can tell, is in place from birth?

    also, where did you get the numbers you base your statements on? is it perchance work by Mark or David Geier? or perhaps Andrew Wakefield? if so (as is likely) you ought to know that all three of those men are basically scientific outcasts due to their shoddy scholarship and conflicts of interest. not to mention that Wakefield gave a bunch of autistic kids colon biopsies and spinal taps based on very shaky evidence that was later discounted.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:42:07 No.3223045
    If you're normal and people think you're worse than an autistic child then you have problems.
    Get out of the basement, wash your hair, and try talking to someone.
    If you consider yourself less than a child with a mental disability, then there's something seriously wrong.

    I don't think anyone actually thinks that these kids are better than anyone because of their disorder.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:43:08 No.3223051
    Ya gotta love all these syndromes child psychologists have "found" in the last decade. Hey, I've got another one: PUT YOUR KID UP FOR ADOPTION, YOU SHITTY EXCUSE FOR A PARENT SYNDORME.
    Fucking poeple don't want to admit responsibility for their own child's behavior, so what do they do? They blame someone or something else, something they have no control over, to calm their precious fucking conscience.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:45:33 No.3223066
    >At school they cancelled a lesson to bring in a guitarist to sing songs and he destroyed the room, climbed on the tables. Threw chairs at staff.

    I hope they beat the fuck out of him right then and there.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:45:49 No.3223068

    The easiest way to consider autism and language is to think of a parrot. A parrot can say phrases, but has no real understanding of their meaning. Likewise a profoundly autistic child - they will say short phrases of perhaps three or four words, but always a simple and obvious thought - "I want a sandwich", "my leg hurts" or the like. The ability to construct original sentences and express more complex thoughts is generally indicative of aspergers or milder autism. Using words like "because" or "after" in context indicate more developed language skills rather than just simple mimicry.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:46:21 No.3223070
    Autism is a lot more than shitty parenting.
    It's malfunctioning in the wiring of the brain.
    Parents who raise one perfectly normal child will wind up with a child who has autism.
    A parent who is also a teacher might have one.

    I will agree that there are some syndromes and disorders that are really nothing more than personality issues, but ASD is not one of those disorders.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:47:49 No.3223080
    I used the button analogy earlier, but I like the parrot one much better.
    Mind if I use that in the future?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:48:12 No.3223084

    You're making stereotypes based on stupid internet factoids and brushes with self-aggrandizing aspies (who may not even be aspies) and predicting that this six year old boy will grow into someone who meets your ignorant description of what a person with Austism/Asperger's is like based on nothing except for the fact that he sounds like a pain in the ass and YOU would really have no idea where to begin handling such a problem if you ever had such a child.
    So you throw out simple solutions that don't require any effort or thought (beat him up OR kill him).
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:50:00 No.3223096
    seriouspost i want to force feed lead chips to the abnormal psychology deniers itt
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:53:12 No.3223117
    >They are not animals!
    >They're humans!
    You do not know what an animal is, do you?

    It is from the Latin, animalis, meaning "having breath". Oxford defines an animal as "a living organism which feeds on organic matter, has specialized sense organs and nervous system, and is able to move about and to respond rapidly to stimuli". The other four definitions are rhetoric based.
    Please tell me why humans are not animals (outside of rhetoric).

    >we should sterilize anyone who has a genetic disorder that could be passed on
    If a person has the cystic fibrosis genes then they should not pass these genes on, for cystic fibrosis does not help our species survive. Any civilised society will look after as many as can be looked after; but there is a limit to what can be done (at least at the present). If we stretch our resources on those that we look after too far then everyone will suffer. So, what do we do with the wastrels? We either put them to work (to benefit us as repayment for society's sacrifice) or we remove them completely. That removal can be in the form of euthanasia, exile or abortion; I do not care which.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:55:20 No.3223123
    All fucking autists must fucking hang.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:55:42 No.3223125
    Holy fuck. An appeal to etymology and then the use of a reference text but only after expunging it of the things you don't like. Commit suicide stat.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:57:07 No.3223134

    mercury in particular is a pro-oxidant and has an affinity for fatty tissues, particularly the brain. there's already a lot of literature on the effects of mercury on the brain. the amount of mercury injected is up to 25mcg per shot. although there are now some thimerosal-free vaccines, independent analysis of these vaccines has shown that the actual thimerosal content can be far higher than trace amounts. also note the very aggressive vaccination schedule used in the recent past is unprecedented.

    the geiers' theory is not supported by results (using lupron). far higher rates of success are reported by using a chelation protocol based on the pharmacokinetics of the chelator (ie dose on half life). the person who is most responsible for this approach is andrew hall cutler, a biochemist and not a doctor.

    wakefield proposes something else entirely, and i understand there's some sort of controversy surrounding the reporting of his results. the latest i hear has something to do with the sunday times misrepresenting his findings.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:59:30 No.3223154
    Kid is a psychopath. Institutionalize him and try again.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)16:00:47 No.3223160
    I'm not even going to address your second argument, because I don't feel like arguing with someone who thinks like Hitler much.

    And yes. A human is an animal. You're right, I'm wrong.
    I misworded that post.
    I am sorry.
    But I'm pretty sure you understand what I meant.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)16:04:31 No.3223183
    >Yea, I guess you're right.
    I am? Yea!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)16:07:46 No.3223190
    Whatever you need to hear to justify yourself, sweety.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)16:09:26 No.3223197
    Well, there seems to be a family history of mental disorders.

    Lack of compassion from both you and his mother and all.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)16:10:46 No.3223203
    We are animals, but we are also humans, and animals are not humans. What makes us human - AS A SPECIES - is advanced empathy and self-awareness, the ability and willingness to care for those that are not as fortunate as we are rather than dominating them and forcing them to fall in line as slaves (such as pack menality) with constant punishment.

    The brain is a specifically wired organ. If even one piece of it is wired incorrectly, it will cause problems. Most of these problems are minor, but there are specific instances of the brain's function being fucked up, that are unfixable, that make the person incapable of functioning in society without a lot of compensation. Parents are not capable of changing the wiring of a child's brain without physically harming him - the child will not simply rewire his brain because the parents didn't belt him enough when he was young. And that is the core of autism, and why anti-psychology arguments are full of shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)16:13:59 No.3223212

    You completely destroyed me with one word, honey bunny.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)16:19:57 No.3223246

    This reminds me of that movie I had to watch in AP Psyc. where the girl had attachment disorder or something.
    >> Edward Cullen 02/20/09(Fri)16:24:22 No.3223272
    that's autism - you have a future chris-chan or ulililia on your hands OP
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)16:25:58 No.3223279



    /shit theory
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)16:27:59 No.3223293
    >What makes us human - AS A SPECIES - is advanced empathy and self-awareness, the ability and willingness to care for those that are not as fortunate as we are rather than dominating them and forcing them to fall in line as slaves (such as pack menality) with constant punishment.

    So OP's brother, as he lacks empathy (a key requirement for meeting your definition) is not human and does not belong in the species? Also, sociopaths (who, among other things, lack empathy and compassion) dictators (who order people into line as slaves) and idiots (who lack advanced reasoning skills) are also not humans and do not belong in the species?

    Sorry but what makes us human is 23 pairs of chromosomes that contain the genetic information that defines us at our most basic level. Retards, fools, wisemen, basement dwellers, politicians, drug dealers, saints, police officers, you, I, et cetera, are all humans, whether you like it or not.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)16:32:58 No.3223336
    Sup animal mother.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)16:33:03 No.3223337
    To everyone who thinks that the retarded or genetically diseased should be euthanized:

    Start a political party or something. You're posting on an anonymous forum.

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