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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • I'm going to publish that news post I wrote back in December soon.
    EDIT: Note my liberal definition of "soon."

    File :1235066500.jpg-(19 KB, 300x225, phibrizzo-300x225.jpg)
    19 KB Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:01:40 No.3211857  
    When I first moved into college, I had one white roommate and two black dorm mates. One of the black dorm mates also had his 6'7 brother illegally living with us for almost the entire first semester.

    Add the fact that they brought their black friends over almost every night and I can tell you exactly what it's like to live with niggers for an extended amount of time.

    Some fun facts about living with niggers:

    -They cook chicken. Every single night.
    -Black people have a patented smell that no other race has. They smell like ash and hand moisturizer mixed with B.O.
    -They only listen to rap and R&B. ever.
    -They fuck extremely ugly black chicks. Extremely ugly.
    -They never pay you back any money you lend them.
    -They "nigger-lip" all of their blunts. It's gross.

    So when me and my other white roommate finally busted that one faggot for allowing his large unruly brother to live in our dorm, they got expelled from the school. But the day they left they ganked my friends laptop.

    >> OP 02/19/09(Thu)13:03:59 No.3211872
    Now, before you call me racist. Every single thing I said was true. I'm just recording my real life experiences.

    In fact, since the illegal niggers left we're a lot closer to the other black kid living with us. Even though he still never goes shopping for the dorm and eats all our food.

    Am I racist if I don't want to live with black people ever again? Even though my choice is based on my actual experience with the subject?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:04:32 No.3211875
    I know the smell you're talking about, OP. I thought I was the only one who could smell it.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:05:40 No.3211887

    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:07:54 No.3211905
    The Liberals will say so OP, sadly.
    >> Larry !/BFmpSG9KA 02/19/09(Thu)13:08:27 No.3211909
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    When I first moved into college, I had one black roommate and two white dorm mates. One of the white dorm mates also illegally torrented software through our shared ethernet for almost the entire first semester.

    Add the fact that they brought their white friends over almost every night and I can tell you exactly what it's like to live with niggers for an extended amount of time.

    Some fun facts about living with niggers:

    -They drink pabst blue ribbon. Every single night.
    -White people have a patented smell that no other race has. They smell like oily hair and beer mixed with B.O.
    -They only listen to indie rock and metal. ever.
    -They fuck extremely ugly white chicks. Extremely ugly.
    -They constantly ask to borrow your things
    -They hardly shower once a week. It's gross.

    So when me and my other black roommate finally busted that one faggot for tying up the internet with his torrents, they got expelled from the school. But the day they left they did some passive agressive shit and stole our food.

    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:09:14 No.3211920

    silly nigger can't even post comebacks properly.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:09:16 No.3211922
    >Some fun facts about the niggers i lived with
    fixed that for you there, OP. i'd rather live with whites than blacks, but everyone deserves a chance.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:13:37 No.3211957

    >-They drink pabst blue ribbon. Every single night.

    And whenever we do our nigger roommates bum them off of us like cheap bastards.

    >-White people have a patented smell that no other race has. They smell like oily hair and beer mixed with B.O.

    At least our skin isn't so ashy it leaves brown stains all over the shower walls and floor.

    >-They only listen to indie rock and metal. ever.

    Those are the only good genres. Besides, I listen to N.E.R.D. too.

    >-They fuck extremely ugly white chicks. Extremely ugly.

    Black people lost the right to decide what is ugly and what is not. Your pic related. Oh, and white chicks dont have aids.

    >-They constantly ask to borrow your things

    Lol, you have it the wrong way around.

    >-They hardly shower once a week. It's gross.

    Even if this was true, we'd still smell better than you.
    >> Larry !/BFmpSG9KA 02/19/09(Thu)13:17:45 No.3211982
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    >Black people lost the right to decide what is ugly and what is not. Your pic related.

    She looks way better than the majority of white girls I run into on a daily basis.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:19:03 No.3211992

    Don't mute me plox.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:21:11 No.3212010


    black pussy is gross.

    Also, black people can't even make fun of white music when every other modern rap song these days uses old white people music. I just heard my roommate listening to a fucking coldplay song with rap over it. Jesus Christ.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:21:16 No.3212013
    -They cook chicken. Every single night.
    -They only listen to rap and R&B. ever.
    sounds alright
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:21:21 No.3212015
    >isn't so ashy it leaves brown stains all over the shower walls and floor.

    You are jsut a ficking retard.
    Ashy means you have dry skin
    when black people's skin is dry it gets lighter you fucking moron
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:21:36 No.3212018
    >Those are the only good genres.

    Who are you to tell someone else that rap and R&B aren't good genres?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:22:31 No.3212023
    >>-They only listen to indie rock and metal. ever.
    >Those are the only good genres. Besides, I listen to N.E.R.D. too.

    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:22:47 No.3212024

    an intelligent white man with refined musical taste.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:22:47 No.3212025

    Last year of uni I lived with a Greek fellow, 2 Germans, 1 Nepalese guy, and 2 Africans.

    I only ever had issues with one of the Germans, who was an obsessive compulsive when it came to tidiness, and the Nepalese guy who was a grade A twat. The two Africans were really nice well mannered chaps and I still occasionaly talk to the Greek fellow.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:23:30 No.3212030
    I can't stand this constant racism, 4chan. It's killing me, I don't want to be like this.
    >> Larry !/BFmpSG9KA 02/19/09(Thu)13:23:34 No.3212032
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    A good sample can turn a crappy song into something way better
    >> Larry !/BFmpSG9KA 02/19/09(Thu)13:26:46 No.3212059
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    The vast majority of people on this site are so fucked up looking and fucked up in the head that you would never wanna interact with them anyway.

    Who cares if they are racist? These threads are always fun because you can post half truths and people go ape shit
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:27:01 No.3212061
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    Man, any of you remember back in the day when racism was for the lulz?
    Before the newfags came and thought it was cool to actually be racist?
    I miss those days
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:29:45 No.3212083
    Where did you go to school, OP? This may be regional nigger behavior.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:30:45 No.3212089

    I never used to be racist. Sure, I hated abos (I'm australian) but that was only because they're abusive. Now I've noticed there are a lot of Africans in Aus. And a few of them have white girlfriends. It makes me angry, un fucking believably angry. All I can think when I see them is "How fucking dare you fucking niggers take our women. You come to our fucking country and live on welfare, which my taxes pay for, you take our women and bring your ugly as fuck nigger bitches than no white man would ever go near. I wish it were a hundred years ago so I could kill you on the spot you fucking trash". I was never like this before I came to 4chan. Now there is an anger inside me that refuses to leave.
    >> Larry !/BFmpSG9KA 02/19/09(Thu)13:31:46 No.3212095
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    Sounds like someone is oh so ronery
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:31:51 No.3212097
    That's why I won't abandon /b/ for this board. /b/ is all "LOL NIGGER STOLE MY BIKE" but /r9k/ is like "niggers are inferior, it are fact. Why won't everybody recognize this and stop treating them like equals? I am so intellectual you logically fallacious strawman"
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:32:23 No.3212100
    > for the lulz
    You were obviously not here for the good times, you fucking dick. Get out.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:32:32 No.3212103
    99.25% of attractive black women are mulattos.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:33:10 No.3212107
    that anger is called butthurt angry because those white women would never touch you
    >> Larry !/BFmpSG9KA 02/19/09(Thu)13:34:15 No.3212115
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    You should have seen /n/ at the end of its life
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:36:23 No.3212126

    And immigrants here are fucking violent too. You go out for a night on the town and get started on by some working class white trash and he and his mates will hit you. But if you get jumped by some Leb cunt, or some black guy from some war torn hell hole in sudan and he'll fucking stab you. My peaceful little town is overrun by people from another fucking country that fucking stab people.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:37:52 No.3212139

    Not really. I have no problem finding women and the chicks that go for black guys are usually sub-par, but it's frustrating that black guys don't have anything to trade. As least with Asians their women are hot, black chicks are fucking hideous.
    >> 14-88 WPWW 02/19/09(Thu)13:38:33 No.3212147
    Where the hell is that .75% coming from? Plus they're mixed, thus not negroes.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:38:36 No.3212148
    PROTIP: I posted half of those KKK speeches myself.
    >> 14-88 WPWW 02/19/09(Thu)13:41:17 No.3212175
    Also, I'd like one of you "anti-racists" to show evidence of even an attractive "mixed" negress. I've seen some from ever race, but none are negroes.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:41:51 No.3212181
    >Am I racist if I don't want to live with black people ever again? Even though my choice is based on my actual experience with the subject?

    How does their skin colour even come into play? You had a bad experience with some people who happen to be black. I bet you've had bad experiences with people who are white too. Does that mean you are never going to live with another white person again?
    >> Larry !/BFmpSG9KA 02/19/09(Thu)13:44:17 No.3212205
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    You're gay if you don't find Megan Good atleast somewhat attractive
    >> 14-88 WPWW 02/19/09(Thu)13:44:27 No.3212208
    Yeah, but negroes take it to a whole different my "anti-racist" friend. Compare what they do with any other race doing the same thing, and you'll see there's no competition.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)13:46:23 No.3212234
    Larry is the worst white hating person I've ever seen. I mean, look at your fucking arguements. You'd think other than "well da whitey hated me furst", you'd have a goddamn foot to stand on? All of your points are either wrong, incoherent, or completely ridiculous in comparison. Just come out and say "Fine, if you have to be such a goddamn dick to black people, just except them to act like dicks back, and this will never end." Because you know what? We could relate to that.

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