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    167 KB Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:04:37 No.3177961  
    ITT: Stereotypes that pertain to where you live, your race, etc. that you believe untrue.

    e.g. I live in Louisiana and we don't speak like what you hear in the movies or live in shacks in the woods or bang our family members. We're not all redneck, gun-toting, overall-wearing, inbred retards that most people, sadly, believe.

    However, we are the most unhealthy state in America, probably because of our delicious fried food.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:08:43 No.3178015
    Washington State, USA:

    It's not always raining. In fact today is a beautiful sunny day.Not all of us wear flannel or listen to Pearl Jam either.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:11:41 No.3178045

    i'm from germany, and i don't like beer that much. honestly i prefer red wine.
    >> Lupin !J/n.stq2vI 02/16/09(Mon)16:12:33 No.3178056
    I'm from Scotland. Nobody in their right mind eats haggis except on Burn's night.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:12:54 No.3178059
    ull number one in freshman 15

    go cajuns
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:13:42 No.3178074

    We aren't all simple farmers and hicks. The cities(particularly Des Moines and Iowa City) tend to be very liberal, and we're known for some of the best education in the US.

    It is, however, extremely boring here.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:14:09 No.3178081

    Actually, most of the rumors are true.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:14:43 No.3178086
    Rhode Island.

    Things actually happen here. Sometimes.
    But who cares.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:15:05 No.3178092
    I'm British. Neither I nor any of my peers have anything other than beautiful teeth, but the rest of the world knew that anyway and were always just trying to antagonise - and failing miserably.

    Also, our accents are fucking cool. I don't like fish and chips either.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:15:36 No.3178103
    You don't have a creole accent? That's a shame, as it is by far the hottest American accent.

    As for untrue, most are true of my people but I personally suck with money, and I am not a lawyer or banker.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:15:36 No.3178106

    Probably not. Rhode Island is like the bastard child of Massachusetts.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:15:52 No.3178108
    I am also Scottish and regularly eat Haggis.
    >> Decepticunt !!rKtUfG3TJi0 02/16/09(Mon)16:16:11 No.3178115
    I live in the Flint area. Everyone thinks it's full of violent niggers and crumbling buildings....

    Shit, that's so true.

    I also live near Grand Blanc. Everyone thinks it's full of high class, conservative white pricks that care about nothing but their golf courses and social hierarchy...

    Fuck. True again.

    Stereotypes are typically there because there's truth behind them.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:17:10 No.3178123
    northern california is, for the most part, not the haven for liberal thought you would think it is. in actuality it's full of meth and rednecks with "bush/cheney '04" stickers still clinging to their trucks.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:17:56 No.3178135

    Why do people from baton rouge have such shitty accents?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:19:25 No.3178153
    Toronto, Canada here. It's 0 degrees right now (32 Fahrenheit), which is typical of December to February around here.

    I live in a house in the suburbs, not an igloo.

    I'm not a lumberjack, although that would be pretty bad ass.

    Not currently drunk, but Canadian beer is great.

    I do like the chronic on occasion though, so I'll hold up that end of the stereotype.

    I've never been a huge fan of hockey mostly because the Maple Leafs stink.

    If you're looking for those who say 'aboot' and 'eh' excessively, look east. The maritime provinces, particularly Newfoundland, is where you'll find those people. Although I've met a few people from rural areas of Ontario who uphold that stereotype as well.

    French isn't as common here as you'd think. Only certain parts of the country are bi-lingual (extreme eastern Ontario, parts of Manitoba, and New Brunswick are examples). Montreal is mostly bi-lingual too, but the further you get from it the more French it gets in Quebec.

    Did I miss anything?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:19:35 No.3178154

    I'm a freshman and, like most others I know, really don't gain all that much weight starting college...

    I guess we're all stressed out to begin with...

    So, not all college freshmen are fat.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:19:50 No.3178158
    Im from Germany too, I like beer, but Im not a god damn Nazi and I dont wear leather pants.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:19:51 No.3178159
    I'm from Louisiana as well...there is a fair number of gun-toting rednecks, although true that not all of us are.

    That sister/cousin-fucking stereotype is the one I REALLY never got. I can't think of anything that would get you shot in Christfag, Louisiana, USA faster.
    >> Craft-chan !M92.24geMg 02/16/09(Mon)16:20:01 No.3178162
    Jesus fuck I want to eat 4 plates of OP pic

    I am from Florida, do we even have any stereotypes?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:21:11 No.3178175
    pretty damn sunny out though, feels a lot warmer than 0' mate.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:21:28 No.3178183
    I'm from and was born and raised in New York and I hate mustard and ketchup on anything, I also hate eating cold cuts.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:21:28 No.3178184
    why the fuck did you have to post your post with an image of feces attached to it
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:21:59 No.3178192

    Newcastle, England.

    I'm not drunk and i havn't been in a fight in at least 3 days.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:22:11 No.3178194
    Lies, everyone knows all Germans wear leather pants.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:26:14 No.3178240

    From urban dictionary

    " For those who weren't born or raised in Florida most answers are ignorant...Florida is a place where, yes, there are alot of old people...yet alot of young hot women & men (your preference here)...Only one season, and warm water and weather year round...Florida is a state in which most of the rest of the country's young population wishes they lived...a place where we do know how to party (see...Daytona, Panama City, Key West, Ybor City, South Beach, Boca Raton, Fort Myers Beach, oh yea, Girls Gone Wild Vol. 1-50, list goes on), a place where all the other states boyfriends or girlfriends (your preference again) go to spend their Spring Break with us locals...and we thank you for that...education lacks some places, so does the english language, but name a state where it doesn't? As for driving skills, they don't lack with true Floridians, just the ones who visit here for vacation or only half the year (snow birds from up NORTH), in which they probably came from your state...Florida is also "THE HOME" for football (see Florida, Fla State, Miami, USF) and their trophies...The "best" recruits in the nation usually play here in pop warner and high school...Home to some of the nicest beaches in the country...When people say we can't count (election), your speaking to your education systems...Remember, most of Florida's population is from your states... "
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:26:58 No.3178247

    Pretty good troll.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:27:48 No.3178253

    I live across the state, but maybe it's because they are near Mississippi and not Texas. But Texans have distinct accents, too...sometimes... so I have no clue why I have no accent. I don't say ice like ass, or any of the 'ice' words, like nice, rice, etc. But I do say ya'll...

    I speak normal, imo...some of my family, though, have clear, strong accents. Maybe I'm just different, but I know if I tried hard enough, I'd develop an accent eventually. I'd rather have an Aussie accent, though...
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:29:55 No.3178274
    Thanks, bro, I appreciate that.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:31:58 No.3178298
    I'm black, and I don't know the first thing about closing pools.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:32:48 No.3178307
    Las Vegas

    Some people do actually live here.
    Mostly just Mexicans, nigger, and Mormons.

    I'm not sure if we have any stereotypes, people just think of us as a place to gamble and buy hookers.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:35:00 No.3178333

    No problem, brosef.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:40:57 No.3178416

    We're a special state based on religion with parishes instead of counties. Most of our population consists of religious folks. I guess that's why we're viewed as dumb and ignorant because our beliefs are set and passed down. We have our fair share of atheists and non-believers though...

    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:46:03 No.3178487
    canadafag here, i say eh, i drink beer when my friends buy it and i live in a large, somewhat unaffordable home in the suburbs
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:49:53 No.3178525
    nigger here
    The stereotype of LOL CAN I HAS WHITE WIMMINZ is the least true stereotype for us. Most black guys HATE white girls and would never touch them.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:50:07 No.3178526
    I live in Tennessee. Sort of like what the OP said but not really. We're very normal, but Tennesseans are genial, hospitable, witty/humorous and most people are "country" which means several different things, but is less intense than what you'd call a redneck, it's less rough and poor than that. People enjoy the simple things in life a lot more here. Populations are sparse out here. I guess it's kind of the same way for everywhere, but you can't trust rich people.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:52:38 No.3178552
    North Dakota, USA. Yes we have electricity and all that good stuff. It is, however, cold as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:53:51 No.3178568

    Now that is a nigger lie if I ever did see one.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:55:29 No.3178583
    Mendocino County California: Everyone grows pot and is a dirty hippy.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:56:23 No.3178598
    jewfag here, my nose is ok but i am a little bit cheap
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:56:25 No.3178599
    I recently moved to California.
    There are no sweet beach bunnies here. Only fat, spoiled superficial bitches. Except for those that moved here from the east coast or Georgia or maybe Chicago.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)16:58:44 No.3178621
    can I just say that for some reason lately i've been more interested in dating black guys than whites [i'm black]
    I'm not sure what the change is. I think it's because there are no niggers at my U, only black people, so I'm not distracted by niggerdom and because of that the guys seem datable and not like they'll rape me
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:00:24 No.3178633
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    black men don't want white women. UGLY black men want white women. This is why you never see attractive black men with white women. As you can see here with this ugly nigger
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:01:55 No.3178649
    Maybe you have bad taste in black men. Seal and Ice T are the kinds of black guys who like white girls
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:02:20 No.3178656

    Most of us Louisianians are also very hospitable and generally nice, humble people. Generally. Some people, though, can be total assholes and don't care about anyone else's well-being but their own.

    It's also very common to see men hug each other, as in friends. Kinda like a bro-hug for everyone. It's just the environment we're brought up in.

    I remember this one time when my dad picked up this whole family and brought them over to our house to have dinner while they waited for a tow-truck. We do shit like this for no reason whatsoever. You really don't see that anymore, though...it's sad, really...

    Tourists/vacationers that get away from their northern homes for the winter always complain that it is colder down here. I'm guessing because of the dampness of our air. We just don't bundle up in thick sweaters and furry coats. It actually snowed in December for the first time in my life (19 yrs. old)...I woke up at 4 am to play in it :)
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:02:40 No.3178660
    New Jersey isn't a shithole. We force dumb fucks like you to go through the Meadowlands and down the Turnpike and arrive at Newark Airport so you think "Ugh, never coming back here".
    If you're able to brave that gauntlet then you'll find that the state's pretty darned nice, if crowded, which explains why its in such demand by New York fags who yearn for a simpler life.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:03:36 No.3178667
    San Francisco here,

    We aren't all gay, just tons of gays move here.

    the 20's night life is ballin, and most women are pretty cute
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:04:48 No.3178681
    I'm not sure what Seal and Ice T have to do with me, I'm black.
    I never even had a taste for black men until last year. After I was nearly raped by a future black marine when I was 14 I was pretty much turned off.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:06:24 No.3178694
    fuck yeah, humanoids from the deep
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:07:04 No.3178701
    i'm a girl and i fucking hate mixed drinks (alcoholic beverages here). i much, much prefer beer.

    somehow people seem to think that's weird.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:07:47 No.3178709
    Los Angeles: everyone is shady and out to fuck you over

    and it's completely true
    every kind of stereotype you here about LA is true
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:08:15 No.3178715
    I dont speak like a cockney.
    Not all nigras carry guns.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:08:59 No.3178723
    I'm from England. Only bumpkins tend to have bad teeth. And no one speaks with a really posh accent. That group of people are dying out.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:09:06 No.3178725
    i heard LA is an overcrowded, polluted, human wasteland where everyone is a douchebag. true?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:09:09 No.3178726

    i'm a guy and hate beer, but I love hard liquor...

    to me, it tastes like piss would... bleh
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:09:33 No.3178734
    I'm Brazillian.
    Yes, some people laugh as "HAUAEHAEUH", but I believe it's retarded as well with all the underageb& that laugh as "ROFLMAOLOLOLOLOLO".
    No, we don't live in a fucking jungle, fuck you.
    Yes, our music suck.
    No, we are not all niggers, but most of the people here are sons of whites with blacks, or just go too much to the beach.
    >> ­Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:10:26 No.3178743
    Depends where in Norcal you are. In the major cities and the area bordering Oregon, it's extremely liberal. (in fact most people I met in far-northern California claim San Francisco to be too conservative).

    Everywhere else...yeah, hicktowns.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:10:49 No.3178745
    I prefer beer too. YES BEER. And not that Coors or Bud crap or something. REAL beer, or a bottle of spiced rum.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:10:50 No.3178747

    THIS. I refuse to drink anything weaker than 10% alcohol.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:11:14 No.3178751
    why do you guys infest all mmorpgs, especially the freeshard versions?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:11:17 No.3178753
    I'm Slovene. You don't even know any stereotypes about me.
    >> !Wi1HBLCuRo 02/16/09(Mon)17:11:42 No.3178757
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    We merely look, smell, and act like it.
    >> ­Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:12:43 No.3178764
    sheep fuckers?

    I don't know, that seems to be the stereotype for pretty much anywhere anyone doesn't know of.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:12:43 No.3178766

    Slovenians have no stereotypes...that's the stereotypes...

    What is a Slovene anyway? There is no Slovenia...
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:13:50 No.3178774
    I live in Texas, and no, not everyone rides a fucking horse, and very few have an accent. We do say "ya'll" more often than most people apparently, though. It's natural in conversation, but when I used it in Maryland, everybody just fucking stared at me.

    But hey, our barbecue is fuckawesome
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:14:07 No.3178777

    *stereotype...damn i can't type
    >> Edward Cullen 02/16/09(Mon)17:14:20 No.3178778
    arent they slavs?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:14:56 No.3178783
    Rural Ohiofag here.

    Only stereotype I can think of is that there's more corn than people... too bad it's true.

    Also, I can think of six churches about five minutes' drive away from each-other, just off the top of my head. You can't piss off a streetcorner without hitting a church.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:16:39 No.3178798
    Beer smells and tastes disgusting, what's wrong with you?

    I enjoy yaoi. No one knows. I've never "squeeed" or forced my tastes on others. I can find something arousing without writing fanfictions about it or broadcasting it to everyone. This is the first time I've admitted this since middle school.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:16:48 No.3178800

    i, frankly, don't give a damn...anymore
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:17:04 No.3178805
    Actually we do have stereotypes about the neighbouring nations and about the different regional groups of the country.

    A Slovenian is, according to me, any citizen of this particular republic.

    A Slovene, or Slovenec, is a member of the majority nation
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:18:03 No.3178814
    ITP a faggot tries to make it look like he knows jefferson state
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:18:08 No.3178816
    Britfag, and I can't fucking stand Tea.Ugh.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:19:38 No.3178831
    "americans are all fat and stupid"

    wait what? I'm not fucking american you english twat!
    >> ­Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:19:39 No.3178832
    Slavs refer to a huge group of Eastern-European people.

    Slovenia is just a small country bordering Italy to the east.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:19:52 No.3178835

    This. Also Florida here, dead center of Polk County. If you know where this is, you are a rotten liar if you don't agree with >>3178081
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:19:54 No.3178836
    Actually we do have stereotypes about the neighbouring nations and about the different regional/dialectal groups of the country. There is also the persistent notion (of self, mainly) that Slovenes are servile, introverted and jealous of one another.

    As for the denomination, a Slovenian is, according to me, any citizen of this particular republic, while a Slovene is a member of the majority nation
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:21:00 No.3178842
    This exactly. everybody is nice, the rich are a little less nice, also good food, beautiful, and its maybe a 10 min drive at the most to leave the city and be out in the country with farms woods and "mountains".
    >> ­Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:21:13 No.3178844
    I've never actually heard of Jefferson State, I had to look it up just now.

    Now, everything those people were telling me makes sense =/
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:21:26 No.3178847

    No idea. But, since most of people that do that are underage or have bad english(My english isn't perfect, so I can't brag about it so much), I wonder why the fuck they start playing the game, if they are going to start asking about the game at EVERY.POSSIBLE.SECOND."HOW DO I KILL MONSTER?""HOW DO I TALK TO NPC?". Holy shit, that annoys me.

    Also, in a related note, no, I don't spam "BR?" in MMORPGS and I pretty much hate everyone that do that.
    >> Coltsfag 2: The Reckoning !!YQJh1vIAKp8 02/16/09(Mon)17:21:51 No.3178848
    yeah op, you are right. The rest are stupid fucking niggers.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:22:46 No.3178854

    Yes, I eat lots of potatoes, but they are the world's staple.
    We have a lot of catholics (think it's still close to 90%) but we're mature about religion. Other people's beliefs are their own business and you would look like an idiot for mocking them.
    We drink a lot and we make great whiskey and stout, and the beer made here tends to be good.
    We are overall happy and easygoing.
    We aren't poor.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:23:52 No.3178863
    so stop being an asshole and talking about some place you just met some people from.

    and next time, ask how their meth lab is doing.
    >> deleted 02/16/09(Mon)17:24:53 No.3178868
    I second this.

    Also, I can't remember any argentinian stereotypes, I'll just say we're not poor and call it a day.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:25:17 No.3178870
    NYC here, because the state is nothing like the city.

    Almost no one has the "fugged aboud it" accent. We've moved on from the 70's. It's also quite a bit more safe than it used to be. It's still pretty dirty, though.

    We also aren't as arrogan- Who am I kidding? Of course we are. Our city is the fucking best, obviously.
    >> Coltsfag 2: The Reckoning !!YQJh1vIAKp8 02/16/09(Mon)17:29:02 No.3178905
    you. are awesome.

    drink beer with me
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:33:17 No.3178946

    Fuck you, I went to London some time ago and fish and chips was the best fucking thing I had eaten for a long time.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:37:52 No.3179014
    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:42:21 No.3179084

    I read 'fugged aboud it' very wrong...i also lol'd

    >> Anonymous 02/16/09(Mon)17:43:33 No.3179098
         File :1234824213.jpg-(15 KB, 350x265, 350px-Movie_Scorponok_Procterr(...).jpg)
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    Primitive food...


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