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    Your pal, —missingno

    File : 1320642471.png-(55 KB, 174x166, Picture 160.png)
    55 KB Rap about your problems Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:07:51 No.312432  
    Up all night, searching for that pouty look
    Hey stalking it ain't a crime on facebook
    Cause I swear I've studied every picture
    Every photo wondered why I'm not with ya
    I know the mansluts at those parties you attend
    Making you think they'll be a good boyfriend
    Shit I know I'm real and they pretend
    You only gonna be calling me crying in the end
    But I'll still answer and talk to you all friday night
    I'm pussywhipped without the pussy, that ain't right
    We'll be together christmas you think that would give me some joy
    But I know all it takes is for you to meet some frat boy
    And no longer have any room for this fat man
    Write a shitty rap and post that bitch on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:09:34 No.312446
    >I wish I had an ex
    >but I've never had sex
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:11:18 No.312467
    Up at night
    Feeling like a maggot
    Dayum i was right
    OP is a faggot
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:11:25 No.312468
    another problem you have is not being able to rap
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:12:06 No.312475

    postin from my phone because I ain't got Internet at home

    watching these fine bitches hoping they'd throw me a bone

    but they don't, so now I just wanna get faded

    look back and my life and wonder when the fuck I got so jaded

    thinking about a normal life with a wife and a couple kids

    realize that shit ain't happenin and that's just the way it is

    so I'm typing these rhymes from this shitty mobile phone

    cause maybe r9k knows what it's like to be forever alone

    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:15:34 No.312508
    I see them everywhere
    brown black blonde red hair
    They're creeped out by my stare
    It really isn't fair

    No hope no christian prayer
    No fixing no repair
    I give the girls a scare
    Ugly as fuck I swear

    Just want a girl named Claire
    Or a housewife on an affair
    Some guys have all the flair
    I just live in despair
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:20:41 No.312572
    >I've been running 4chan since 2008
    >Dishing out my anger cause inside I hate
    >Sad betas who whine about not having girls
    >Spending their last dollar buying some whore pearls
    >Well my dick reeks of pussy so I guess I'll just read
    >Laugh at these sad fools getting head smoking weed
    >I could be even meaner but I don't wanna be petty
    >Just gonna reach in my trench coat and eat this spaghetti
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:23:18 No.312612
    I'm in love with her
    but she's in love with him
    I guess I'll just have sweaty sex
    with her best friend kim
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:25:07 No.312630
    got the last 30$ on me, wtf i'm gonna do
    nobody to help me here, im about the explode
    and last night i called you with a drink on my hand
    i was gonna tell you i cant get you outta my head
    i'm broke, i'm fucked, i'm dumped in a fucking shithole
    but all i thought about you was you girl
    and you treated me like i'm an asshole
    then just flushed it on me

    realized that i fucked up bad this time
    noone to help me, im gonna explode
    and the all people around me
    only concerned about the mess i'll leave
    after i die
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:25:28 No.312635

    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:33:14 No.312725
    Things just ain't the same for failures
    Times is changing, young betas is aging,
    Becoming alphas on the chans and changing,
    To make way for these new names and faces, but
    The strangest things can happen from channin', when
    Moot gets wrapped up in image and actin,
    Jewgold gets snapped up and wrapped in canvas,
    Wasted on normals when it happens, that's it.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:34:00 No.312733
    OH NO
    Can't get a GIRL cause I can't get a PAYCHECK
    Had enough of America so what the heck
    I'll pay my shit and move to fucking Quebec
    But I don't speak french so they just won't understand me
    My little brothers the only guy who still thinks I'm the man, see.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:34:23 No.312737
    Laying on my bed
    It's late night
    I can't sleep
    It's horrifing

    I hear a noise
    A broken window glass
    I open my door
    I get to the floor
    And walk the dinosaur


    They're everywhere
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:35:30 No.312749
    Coming home from work I walk through the front door
    And what the fuck you know I see that trifling ass whore

    On the couch with Justin, that punk bitch from high school

    Shit, my hand's already on the 9 by the time she's telling me to keep my cool

    First round hits the slut in her mouth
    Bitch shoulda known niggas who fuck with me get snuffed the fuck out

    Second and third hit that faggot Justin in his fuckin chest
    Fucked the wrong nigga's bitch so his ass got put straight to rest

    All of a sudden outside I hear "FREEZE, POLICE!"
    And just for a second I think I feel my heartbeat cease

    But motherfuck that, this nigga ain't doing life bars
    For a cheating slut and a backstabbing punk who can't keep it in his draws

    I'm going out like a true /k/ommando, a fuckin ruthless maniac
    I grab the nugget off the shelf and get ready to put some niggas on their back
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:36:53 No.312768
    some of these are pretty good

    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:37:55 No.312777
    Until i drop out and die
    never say that i didint try
    to spit rhymes that suprise
    watch you widen your eyes and say why
    but no matter how long before i get my break
    i'mma keep spitting hard till i hit my grave
    i'mma support my babe
    i'mma take what i gave
    and give you the best hit you ever got quick
    look it's merlin and he kills when he spits
    he breaks bones when he hits
    and cracks stones when he rips
    so feel free to just sleep on me
    i'll kill your fucking mom
    and give you a reason to weep for free
    don't you see?
    Everyone that threw dirt on me is DONE
    i'm the sickest kind of madman
    i commit crimes for fun
    and even though my wallets low
    i wouldn't want to sign SO
    one day when i explode
    You'll be the one that's cold
    An actual rapper trying to make it lol. so my problems relate well
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:43:27 No.312846
    Shit, you tell me how a kid who never goes outside
    Is expected to find a nice girl and make her a bride
    Supposed to seek her out but all I do is hide
    I want it so bad yet I haven't even tried

    It's so easy in my room
    No overwhelming sense of gloom
    It doesn't even matter whom
    All girls just fill me up with gloom

    Man I wish I was a fag
    Get approached by men and have a shag
    But I don't wanna suck on some dudes teabag
    So I'll just hope one day I find a hag
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:44:11 No.312854
    I used to think that women were women and bitches were bitches
    but now I'm switchin my position, both'll treat you no different
    you see I learned a lesson and that's that bitches never change
    They just beg for your attention but can't give your heart the same
    so FUCK you and FUCK everything you thought of me
    girl you ought to see all the love that you done tore out of me
    so on to the next while you're habits keep you drownin
    you're an ice queen bitch go and keep your fuckin crown
    and I know I'm a star and I'mma make something of me
    and when I'm makin money and I hear you cry for hubby
    I'll take you on a date, I'll give you all the odds and ends
    bitch I'll keep this up for MONTHS and then I'll say your just a friend
    Then you'll start cryin like "i really thought you loved me"
    deal with the consequences karma, it gets really ugly
    Ended determining whether I wanted love or the chedder
    but it had worked for the better cause i'm in love with the feta
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:50:16 No.312938
    I'm a player,
    I'm a motherfucking pimp
    and I get more ass
    than the american horror story gimp
    i got people in charge of
    i delegate work
    I got the system going smooth
    And I act like a jerk
    And those little tiny girlies
    Age of eighteen years old
    I got the money to take em out
    Stick my dick in all their holes
    And I drive a nice car
    Bumpin rap everywhere I go
    When I see your fucking girlie
    Bump the brakes and drive slow
    Gotta enjoy life now and I ain't even messing
    Cause I ain't feeling the affects of this recession
    Cause you'll get to taste the sweetest pussy honey
    When your bank account is overflowing with money
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)01:04:48 No.313119
    Every day it's the same fuckin' shit
    Coffin nails and K-pins I'm tryin' to quit
    Killin' myself slowly cause' life's a bitch
    Too bad she won't fuck me but I can't really blame her
    I'm all my relationships I'm a saboteur
    Long drives at night aiming for trees
    Tired of livin' with my moms I just want to be free
    Spent six long years wasting my life what the fuck does that mean?
    Everything goes to shit around me I spend my days feeling like a machine
    >> Anonyomus 11/07/11(Mon)01:09:26 No.313169
    hahahha good jorb
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)01:22:11 No.313315
    I don't have a car
    I don't even have a bike.
    and all of the girls that I know are dykes.
    The city I live in
    is full of knife fights
    I wanna go smoke
    but it's cold outside.
    Listen up niggaz
    i'm totally serious
    my career prospects
    are mysterious
    I go to a school
    and I study primatology
    I'll never make money
    in this volatile economy
    iran's gonna nuke
    tell aviv
    that sucks
    It's been 3 months
    since i've gotten fucked
    I'm a sick MC
    and my stylez is rough
    i'm on R9k
    and thats probably enough
    to convince you that
    my life fuckin sucks
    I'm allergic to almonds
    and also walnuts

    The cops are dicks
    and my parents are too
    and the government and business
    are conspiring to kill you
    I don't have a job
    and i'm living off the system
    and I just got friend zoned
    cause "we're just like brother and sister!!"
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)01:25:38 No.313355
    I stay up late a lot of the time
    my parents on my case like its a fuckin crime
    they all like "get out there son, you in your prime"
    but instead im on r9k thinkin up a ryhme

    wake up at night never go out in the day
    but the first world's got internet so my rooms a nice place to stay
    parents nag through the night, gotta keep em at bay
    but why go to bed? there's vidya i wana play

    wake up next day its already noon
    i know i should think about getting a job soon

    mom pulls me aside tells me the deal
    i can get a job or leave, shit just got real
    go out lookin for a job, take the soccer-mom mobile,
    make awkward eye contact with another driver, you know that feel?

    tells me about an italian place, to find it took kinda long,
    the moment im in there i realise its all wrong
    every ones proffesional i get this vibe i dont belong
    but theres this real hot chick i wana poke with my schlong.

    now i look back over my ryhme complete it i must
    i realize it's shit, the whole things a bust
    in life, my ability to fail is the only thing i can trust
    and thats why my application is still sitting in the dust
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)01:27:32 No.313381
    i hate myself but don't wanna die
    i love nicotine but i don't wanna get high
    I'm white and from the suburbs so not allowed to complain
    my life is so dull so dry so mundane
    i feel I'm going insane trapped inside of my brain
    still I'm scared to reach out what if I'm met with disdain
    so i take refuge in robot nine thousand
    fucking 4chan all day you know Ill be browsing
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)01:33:31 No.313448
    I liked it

    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)01:46:45 No.313638
    Ten thirty eight I should pass the fuck out.
    Aint slept in three days what the fuck's it all about?
    When I wake up in the mornin' there aint shit out there for me.
    Just a tedious job extending to infinity.

    When I think too hard I start to get vexed,
    Wonder how I got here, why I'm typing this text,
    People who I used to know living in the NYC,
    Friends I got now as pathetic as me.

    So much pressure to achieve, too much pressure to succeed,
    No role models just piles of pills and weed,
    Remind myself daily that my hard work will pay off,
    Difficult to see if it's a crest or it's a trough,

    Will I make it (will I make it?)
    Can I take it (can I take it?)
    Can I do it (can I do it?)
    Get through it? (get through it?)

    Anger building up inside,
    thoughts beginning to collide,
    And I realize it's time to rise it's fuckin' west side,
    My life's been set back,
    I've gotten off track,
    But I won't concede I only need a sweet counterattack.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)01:53:58 No.313714
    In the middle of exam block 8 down 5 to go
    Already fucked up half because I work so damn slow
    One in every 5 questions contain something I know
    I've wasted two years of my life I want something to show.

    I just need a total score of 30
    To get into a good university
    It's my only hope that I won't be
    Still here in 10 years typing
    'woe is me"

    I have no practical skills to fall back on
    Can build a house or cook a fucking crouton
    My love life is sadder than Rivers in "Pinkerton"
    My only hope is to study the makeup of a positron

    But still I sit wasting time browsing r9k
    Making shitty rhymes that no one will see
    I even have to use a fucking rhyming dictionary.
    Fuck me, I'm going to fail environmental chemistry
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)01:55:15 No.313729
    i found a new love
    and its called r9k
    if I'm gonna be in hiding
    this is the place I'm gonna stay
    my family thinks that I'm gay
    cause i never got any play
    but thats alright I'm not worried..
    they're bitches and whores anyway
    so if its try what they say
    and every dog has his day
    when its my turn ill escape the leash
    never come back tied up the same way
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)01:56:39 No.313742
    yo nigga what, uh
    put it in my butt, uh
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)01:57:59 No.313749
    holy shit good job man. that's some serious effort. i commend thee.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)01:58:42 No.313757
    Not physically fit
    Or academically smart
    If I'm not hurting my lungs
    Then it's my liver or heart

    My friendships are fading
    My bank account's dry
    Sometimes I feel like
    I'm just waiting to die
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)01:58:43 No.313758
    mad skill homie, mad respect yo.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)05:35:56 No.314158
    I am eating a sandwich that isn't very good. (Yeah)
    I really wish I was eating something that was good. (uh)
    The chicken is dry, the bread isn't rye, I think I might cry because I'm too shy
    To ask someone to teach me cook
    And I don't have enough money to buy a good book.
    So I'll just sit at r9k and have a good sook.
    While my I eat my shitty sandwich made with chook
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)05:39:15 No.314174
    Yo nigga, holla holla get $, THUG KYFE yknowmsayin
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)05:43:16 No.314195
    late night 4chan after another crazy weekend
    cheated on my girlfriend with her best friend
    the bitch cried but i didn't even try and lie
    i told her if she wants the dick i get to pick
    im gonna fuck who i want
    and her insecurities im gonna taunt
    fucking whore cried
    knocked her on her side
    fucked her so good she forgot all about
    now im gonna make her fund my coke habit
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)05:44:57 No.314208
    Had depression all my life, always had to deal with the strife
    Made me act a fool and fall out of the 'good' life
    I didnt even care tho, no one understood why I was so low
    They would maybe ask and id brush it off, tell them im fine and im in a rush
    Then I'd go back to class actin happy tellin myself to shush
    fuck it tho I rhyme now because its what r9k do
    fuck whores n bitches its like a groupie gangbang all at school
    never makes sense tho wish i could die,
    cept im too big of a pussy n cant even try
    guess everything happens for a reason right?
    thats bullshit if you want change you make change n you'll see the light
    I dont even know if this sounds good anymore, but I dont even care cuz my life is poor
    I try to be happy but shit dont work its like im runnin in circles tryin to find that certain spark
    This was garbage but I typed it in the dark
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)05:45:18 No.314210

    jk lol i aint that alpha
    ive never had a girlfriend
    my singleness will never end
    i want to fap but its no fap novemeber
    fuck you porn, return to sender
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)05:46:36 No.314223
    Roses are red, violets are blue
    Rap is for niggers
    I wish I had a girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)05:49:19 No.314236
    >dis nigga killed it
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)05:50:54 No.314245
    Just look into my eyes and you'll see the sorrow
    some shit that I wish I could give off and let someone borrow
    But I'm stuck with it for life, it will always follow
    If I had one wish it would be to actually be happy with nothin to bring me down
    Bein able to walk around lookin at town with anything but a frown
    Because life would be enjoyable and it would be worth the effort for to not feel down
    Fuck the world all we have is one wish
    to be happy and never have to worry about a bitch
    be with the real one that actually loves you and wont never leave you for someone rich
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)05:51:37 No.314250
    Chilling on campus, acting like a scholar,
    spittin that game,
    I'm a lyrical baller,
    another day another holler,
    While I be stacking mad dollars.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)05:55:20 No.314275
    Wrists all red from my masochistic glee
    Semen clogging on my bloodied keys
    Masturbatin's all I do, since I can't be with you
    I'll just sit alone and crank it to my own tune
    My niggers' always askin if I wanna leave the house
    Ignore their texts, picture myself pulling up her blouse
    Mammaries roasting in the oven of my mind
    Thinkin bout what spices I'd put on your behind
    Cum spurts, plasters my monitor with rage
    Guess it's nighty night, just another page
    In my book, my story of being lonely and boring
    Dick's redder than my arms, pass out, no setting alarms
    A neckbeard aint got a reason to get up early
    Now it's time to dream of being burly
    Fuck bitches, get money.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)05:56:11 No.314284
    I'm really hungry
    I need food
    All I have in the fridge is... poos
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)06:02:05 No.314318

    We need some beats
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)06:04:36 No.314338
    Original poster here still angry still hating
    Didn't think my thread would survive the migration
    Big cocks in this thread, time for castration
    Wish the girlies could hear my voice, masturbation
    Chose Gambino for the pic cause I wish I had his flow
    Sitcom money weekly damn I wish I had his dough
    And I never even see her but I wish I had his ho
    I'll take any cute girl provided she can blow
    But all I do is spit my raps on arcanine
    Making fun of you cause you lack a fucking spine
    I'm a cancerous rapper your test results are benign
    Worth about as much as a bag of franzia wine
    But to get your girlie girlie I don't gotta get drunk
    Stay sober fuck that pussy you can call me CM Punk
    Cause I when I pull out my junk it goes splunk splunk
    Bang her and the roommate, the beds are bunk
    Still going in this thread at 3 in the morn
    Gotta spit this flow my dick's too tired for porn
    I'ma finish up not to toot my own horn
    But raps in this thread coming out stillborn
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)06:16:12 No.314391
    It's hypocritical for you to bring down our raps
    Your dick's got the stamina of an old man who plays craps
    At a table, surrounded by other old farts
    Each thinkin in their hand lies a damn peice of art
    Just like OP who brags like a 12 year old after taking two sips
    Of vodka, talkin to their friends about vagina lips
    That was you wasn't it?
    The attention seeking little shit
    Anyway, enjoy my rap
    I think I'll go fap
    Thinking of the pain I just caused you
    Twelth time today, more than you'll ever do
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)06:17:39 No.314402
    I'm a niggah still living at his parent's abode,
    Downloadin' porn and blowin' his load.

    When girls look at me I turn my head away,
    They laugh at my spaghetti and imply that I'm gay.

    I wanna be a general but something's starting to stick,
    I just can't picture Napoleon beating his dick
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)06:19:22 No.314408
    >I'm allergic to almonds
    >and also walnuts

    I lost my shit right here, fantastic
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)06:24:53 No.314443
    I wish I had the confidence to spit this on youtube
    I know if I tried I could be the next Ice Cube
    Rape this game so hard I gotta put on lube
    What the fuck am I saying I aint even touched a boob
    Since September got an Amber
    I still remember her mouth on my member
    Should probably call her, not enough of a baller
    If I only had a dollar and was a few inches taller
    Then all the bitches on this earth would be on my dick
    Show up everyone jealous cause I got a different chick
    This girl's name is Nicki
    Her booty is so thicky
    And I just got a quicky
    Shake her hand cause it's sticky
    But there is no Nicole to let me stick it in her hole
    Just an emptiness in my soul
    And an Xbox console
    Copy of Fifa I stole
    Hey look I just scored a goal
    With Messi, or Rooney
    Someone who isn't puny
    Pretend I'm George Clooney
    I'm seriously going looney
    Cause I'm nobody nothing, a whisp of air
    If I died tomorrow nobody but my momma would care
    Glad to be a White American but couldn't I be an heir?
    Anybody got a million dollars to spare?
    Cause I'll write a line for every last cent
    Spend all day listening to beats just trying to invent
    Pick up on that shit like a dog with a scent
    Just focused and ready giving 100%
    Go harder than Neil Patrick during the musical Rent
    Long Island New York, I gotta represent
    Christmas came early, this here's your present
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)06:35:32 No.314507
    You spend half your rap talking about the old playing poker
    Don't know if you're an idiot or just crazy like the Joker
    One thing I do know is you're probably a pot smoker
    Cause those versus you be spitting are quite mediocre
    I don't brag 12-years-old
    I bag 12-year-olds
    Tie em up in my house so cold
    They feel completely controlled
    But that pussy just like gold
    See if you could get hold
    Of a young hot chick you wouldn't go on the attack
    Rhyming fap with rap, showing you're a hack
    Here's my payback, can you take a crack at this smack?
    I know you lack the skills to fight my mack
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)06:38:23 No.314524
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)06:42:13 No.314552
    I'll fight your mack like Bernie, it's never too soon
    To compare a legendary actor to a baboon
    You can't keep focus, your flow may be thick
    But you're switchin' your plot like Sasha Grey on a dick
    Changin' colour but it's all the same
    Black cocks, white cocks, still the same game
    Postin witty retorts and >implying
    Then crawling in the corner and crying
    At the state of your life
    You'll never have a wife
    But maybe if you wan't we could hook up some time
    Nothing gay about two niggers sucking between rhymes
    Declare our love in a charter
    Bitch I'll be your Konata
    Just gimme that number
    And I'll arrange our slumber
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)06:52:41 No.314611
    I've got no dramas, but got no vibe
    been going with the flow, can't fight the tide
    got a good job, good wife, good home
    but can't stop thinking; can't leave it alone
    I could be anything if I put my mind to it
    but got no inspiration, no urge to "just do it"

    I've got skills to pay the bills
    but it leaves me empty inside
    it don't give me no thrills
    need something to give me drive
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:02:29 No.314670
    Your coming onto me like I came onto your sister
    I know I'm alpha but I won't just be your mister
    But thanks for making my hell swell up like a blister
    This supposed to be a battle but you just an ass kisser

    They say game recognize game but it's a damn shame
    You're so quick to proclaim I deserve all the fame
    Sadly I still think you're lame, your shit sounds all the same
    There's no need to blame, you'll just never have acclaim
    No thousand dames just screaming your name
    Think you on fire, but you just a flame

    And when it comes to flames I just love to put em out
    But I lost you in the closet, can you hear me when I shout
    It's alright to be yourself, nobody's buying the rhymes you spout
    Glad talent isn't water cause you'd be in a droughtttttt
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:04:55 No.314684
         File1320667495.jpg-(22 KB, 240x558, cooldaddyo.jpg)
    22 KB
    *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap*
    *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap*

    This crazy "Rap" poetry is Outta-Sight!
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:06:36 No.314691
    No car, no license, no school, no job
    I sit around all day like a fat lazy slob
    I get depressed looking at figures and clothes
    How long will I remain NEET? who knows

    At least I have a man who loves and respects me
    But we can't move in together until I've got financial autonomy
    I've got the figure I like, just ten pounds too big
    I can easily get rid of it but I'd rather be a pig

    Food is good and exercise takes work
    I might have a workout buddy if I wasn't such a jerk

    I guess it could be worse
    It really could be
    This lazy personality is a curse
    It's a problem I could so easily correct
    But how do I defeat
    my one greatest defect?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:08:09 No.314701
    My life? Well what the fuck do you wanna know
    I guess it's kinda boring
    I got so much time, but I don't fuck with hoes
    Well shit man here we go
    hold on
    Just let me gather my fans
    This is where I talk bout how my last shag was my hand
    and how nothing goes according to plan
    like how I've never had a one night stand
    and that shit ain't supposed to bother me
    But it does, man and I can't seem to find a nice place to land
    my mind, that's lifted off and been flying through space
    no life isn't a race, but I've still gotta chase
    these dreams and these goals, but dude really I don't know just where they might go
    I'm too busy, I ain't got no time, there's always someone better than I, just all these excuses

    I might fail, I'm too afraid to try
    I'm doomed, but I can't really see why
    Except for I can see it clearly
    these thoughts and emotions are just merely
    my brain. chemically unbalanced.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:10:12 No.314711
    ITT: first world problems
    You niggas is just a bunch of fucking whiny ass goblins
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:10:59 No.314715
    Yeah, I know.... that's pretty much the point of my rap
    I'm just lazy and pathetic
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:12:36 No.314727
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    Hey man... Don't be a Square!
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:15:29 No.314740
    If it's a drought then I'm Texas, you're Ethiopia
    Your rhymes lie stagnant, mine are in a utopia
    Your denial's just deflection
    But you'd probably give me an infection
    No ass kissing for me, thanks, I'm done with analingus
    Wouldn't go there with you anyway, due to all the fungus
    No-one's buying my rhymes because they aint for sale
    Turns out sell outs like you always tend to go stale
    You came on to my sister? Good for you, she needs the self esteem
    Growing up with a dope brother can do that to a teen
    Now you go running home, I think you've said enough
    Even if crying on mummy's shoulder can be pretty tough
    You're rap's mediocre, it's time to stop
    Oh, by the way. Want some sauce with that chop?
    >> William 11/07/11(Mon)07:25:24 No.314781
    Yo im William
    Used to be cool
    Stopped giving a fuck
    Now im forever alone
    Now ill stay at home
    My moms crackhead boyfriend just died
    Left 2 kids and fuck all else
    Meanwhile my dad's strapped, hes buying a house
    Team fortress 2
    Its all i do
    Like i give a fuck
    From me to you
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:30:55 No.314800
    If I take that chop, will your rhymes just stop?
    Cause I've already dropped
    These niggaz like a racist cop.
    All you say is a flop
    Wipe it up with this mop
    Better get used to cleaning this mom-and-pop
    Cause your future involves cleaning the floor
    Posting on 4chan saying your ex is a whore
    Nobody wants any more
    Had it with your pathetic roar
    Now I'll just put you on ignore
    Cause I bet your ass is sore
    So please Mr. Texas
    Leave like Daniel Bryan did the nexus
    And tell your sister Alexis
    To put some ice on her solar plexus
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:32:34 No.314806
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    Yeah!! Feel the Groove, Man!
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:34:36 No.314816
    You win, I'm too tired to continue. Thank you for making my evening.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:35:48 No.314825
    take care, fellow r9k spitter
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:36:22 No.314827
    Yall ready for the whitest few lines ever written? i thought so.

    I'm on some next level shit
    ya'll are some low level doo-dudes
    we rip that next hit
    and try to stay true dudes
    but this isn't your path
    this isn't your time
    if you were never good at math
    there's no way you'll bust rhymes
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:36:32 No.314829
    Man I wish I could find the motivation,
    Or the determination, to become amazing,
    I know I have the potential, but I aint caucasian,
    I'm treated like bacteria in a war against germination,
    I might as well give up now and retire like a hermit to my imagination.

    I live in my own reality, clutching to my dregs of sanity,
    Insecurities are rife, fuck vanity, I feel like a manatee,
    I'd kill just to feel neutrality, So i take these pills and hit this weed,
    In my eternal time of need to reach self-profanity,
    Family and friends are getting madder and madder at me,
    But I still can't quite grasp the gravity,
    That this path only leads to insanity.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:37:30 No.314834
         File1320669450.jpg-(39 KB, 342x400, moarbongotiemplox.jpg)
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    No Man... Don't stop the Rhythm!

    That's exactly what the MAN wants!!!

    Keep Rhyming!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:56:43 No.314932
    And now it's time for sexy times
    And nasty rhymes
    With twists and turns
    so thick the beat listens and learns
    and adapts so I can churn out rhymes like one at a time all on the fly, oh good god why
    do you sit here all day
    and let the time melt away
    this isn't a game, there is no time to play
    I just can't figure out how to make my own way
    But one day soon these bitches will pay
    a price to see me.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)07:57:41 No.314937
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    Your rhymes are weak
    it's coherence you seek
    in this lyrical catastrophe
    that you claim is unique

    You claim your rhymes are fresh
    like a new folgers brew
    Your lyrics are a mess
    We've been in this scene since 1942

    We've constructed diamond hard beats
    The kind that put asses in seats
    Snapping our fingers as applause 'cause clapping is weak

    We know you kind, your rhymes,
    your braggadocio flows like wine
    But original? That you are not
    Your skills aren't hot, they're recycled, rehashed, re-purposed beats from my generation's spirit, that lyrical merit set to bongo beats in the streets and underground poetry meets filling hearts and minds with the sublime essence of verbal skill that never paid the bills, Selling out? that's for pretenders and posers, we were loners spitting rhymes just for fun, we melted down your records on the run from the fascist state assembled pop-record corporate machine, soulless, faceless, cannibalistic, consuming art and artists to increase their bottom line, you'd better escape on time before your shrink wrapped, packaged, and slapped with a price tag.

    Yeah, I know you mad, getting told off by the boomer generation, the first in the nation to make artistic endeavours more than a mental vacation, yeah we LIVED poetry, we BREATHED art...

    And all of this Rap in here, it just smells like a fart.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:09:23 No.314995
    Go to a rager and see you are bored
    you tripped over the electrical cord
    as you tried to move to my location
    you thought to fuck me was your vocation
    but i said hell naw dawg that aint right
    if i dont work for it that pussy aint tight
    so i went and hit up another girl
    as the previous one went to hurl
    i said to myself lord god thank you
    i didnt want to have to burn her like a jew
    i found another bitch i wanted to bone
    you were across the room all alone
    i walked up to her and she said hey
    i just kissed her and pulled her away
    we went upstairs and i ripped off her clothes
    from her newly bleached hair to her manicured toes
    i unzipped my fly and pulled out my dick
    and shoved her face down so that she could lick
    i started getting harder as she started to gag
    i told her i hope you arent on the rag
    as i threw her on the bed her tampon fell out
    well i guess that last statement was without a doubt
    i hadnt realized she was innocent until too late
    as i committed a cherry creampie myself i started to hate
    as i finished inside her she started to cry
    she looked up at me and said "oh brother why!"
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:24:32 No.315075
         File1320672272.jpg-(7 KB, 259x194, dariasfriendbongo.jpg)
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    Yeah, First of all, you lack coherence
    as my sister in arms was kind enough to reference
    Your stories contain what barely passes for flow
    don't you know that rhyming words is just a part of the show?

    You have to tell a story about pain or glory,
    Emotional turmoil, Hatred, Sadness and Joy.

    Sure you could rhyme about where your Cock at
    And all these little bitches that you call "Phat"
    But in the end you lack drama, so go back to your mamma
    Ask her to whip you senseless for pretending to step
    With your weak ass words that lack a modicum of depth

    I've seen you before, thumbing through your thesaurus
    Trying to look up words that rhyme with "her clitoris"
    Wondering which is best to mumble,
    "Fat Dick" "Hard Cock" or even "Cum Filled"

    Look, if you are going to do this right, Your rhymes must be tight
    And we're not talking about some hoe that you know,
    took out to the show, laid low and told where your cum should go.

    We need Meaning in these lyrics,
    Not a lesson on your narcissism, your plagiarism,
    your inability to form a conversation.

    You can keep bragging 'bout yourself
    But your rhymes are bad for my health
    So enough with this intellectual banter,
    suffice it to say, this thread gave me cancer.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)08:34:29 No.315142
    I've always been that shy kid that never talked much
    But I've got opinions like oh fuck
    Except that I've never expressed them
    for fear of losing my friendships
    I could watch a conversation go by
    and think to myself "oh shit, man" "oh my"
    I'm actually really nice guy
    but I've got some issues
    that are all in my head
    and not solved with tissues
    but are solved with misuse
    of alocohol and drugs
    man, let's go get fucked up
    so I can forget about my life
    if even just for one night
    but now the bars are all closed
    it's time to go home
    except for now I'm blacked out
    I'm told I did something crazy
    But I never remember it.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:32:33 No.315474
    I know I cant be the only one to see the irony in your tirade,
    You're acting all high and mighty, like a spoilt brat high on lucozade,
    In actuality, I bet you're like Zyzz mirin' his own ways,
    I bet your the type to take part in cross board raids,
    and then start a new thread stating how 4chan's got cancer, it's got a case of the aids,
    You think you're so clever, you think you're so brave,
    But your brain's so wired to loving yourself, you've deluded yourself into thinking you've got game,
    You're Hipster in the notion, "I'm different; I'm not the same!"
    Better take a sip of this potion quick cause it's a cure for disdain.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:47:46 No.315560
    I can't quite work it out,
    Is this guy in his 90's or is he just spouting shit from his crazy spout?
    Raving like an old man about the old days, touting shit about sellouts,
    Someone needs to call the crazy van, and get this man out,
    cause I fear if he stays in here to long, the heat might get too much for him and pass out.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:50:36 No.315579
    Fuck you OP, I lol'ddddxcfdxxxoriginalman
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)09:52:44 No.315594
    need some vocaroo up in this joint
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)11:17:00 No.316279

    dat battle shit yo
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)13:12:28 No.317412
    Haha I've never heard such shit before.

    Fucking americunt whiteboys

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