>> |
02/11/09(Wed)00:50:36 No.3108344>>3108279
I'll explain this in little words for you, because you are clearly one of the stupidest creatures to inhabit this planet.
crisis started with the sub-prime crisis, that is, banks suddenly
realised that the securities (linked to the sub-prime houses) they were
holding onto were useless. Because they didn't want to risk trading and
getting useless securities, market liquidity (the amount of trading
happening) locked up. This meant banks stopped lending money - known as
the CREDIT CRUNCH. When banks stop lending money and start calling in
their current loans to try and remain viable, businesses can't invest
in new profitable projects, and instead are now losing money to bank
debts. So businesses start cutting workers - and since workers are
consumers, consumers start spending less. This bounces back on
businesses, who lose even more money because they have fewer customers.
It's a perfect shitstorm.
Meanwhile, Joe Public is watching this
on the news and is starting to panic. They pull their money out of the
stock market (DEVISTATION) and pay off rising debts (some have lost
their jobs, and the banks they're mortgaged to start charging a little
The central problem here is LOW CONFIDENCE/LOW LIQUIDITY.
So, to fix it, they have to restore liquidity/confidence in the market.
To do this, they have to start spending money, so people will stop
freaking out and support businesses, so businesses stop freaking out,
so banks stop freaking out, and the whole mess unravels. This is
"keyensian economics", and it's how America was the first out of the
Great Depression (FDR/New Deal), which was a similar situation. |