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Even if you don't use one, it's the closest thing I've written to a news post in 4 years and contains a lot of interesting statistics about the site.


File: 1342237018287.jpg-(73 KB, 640x426, reaction23.jpg)
73 KB
> mfw moot is planning on fusing /soc/ and /r9k/.

Screencap this shit.
File: 1342237127405.png-(136 KB, 1351x336, screencap.png)
136 KB
Um, evidence of this ridiculous claim? I can't really see that ever, ever happening.
its summer, don't engage. its summer, don't engage. its summer, don't engage. its summer, don't engage. its summer, don't engage. its summer, don't engage. its summer, don't engage. its summer, don't engage. its summer, don't engage. its summer, don't engage. its summer, don't engage. its summer, don't engage.
Target acquired. Engaging hostiles.
So hes going to fuse /9rk/ with the board that was made to get its content out of /r9k/ and /b/
File: 1342237854404.png-(11 KB, 1140x99, lmf.png)
11 KB
>yfw he adds /lmf/

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