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→ Everyone who uses or develops a 4chan extension, userscript, or archiver should read the following: *click*
Even if you don't use one, it's the closest thing I've written to a news post in 4 years and contains a lot of interesting statistics about the site.


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Educate yourself, robots.
pic related.
I'm up for joining a team called the wolf men or manly bulldogs.

Lol wimmin just looking for reasons to be bitchin from their kitchen.
>I'm totally in agreement with the concept of this blog, but I just saw your post saying that you're not saying there are no female privileges. What are some examples of genuine female privilege? All of the examples I can think of (being able to show emotion, being able to wear makeup/skirts/dresses) are also ultimately tied to ways that women are disadvantaged/oppressed.


its objective.

~*unleash the autism upon me*~

male privilege is when no one comments on what you should be wearing depending on your age.. men can be 40 and wear exactly what they wore at age 20. women be damned if you dress the same now as you did five years ago.

because a 40-year-old male wearing saggy pants, a graphic tee and a snapback wouldn't look retarded as fuck.
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Oh boy. I don't even want to touch this one.
i rue the day that "fitted hat" became redundant and you retards started calling normal hats "snapbacks"
>Getting channers to agree with what is clearly a reddit image by using their misogyny

>I would say male to female murder rates are pretty much similar. I feel I hear a lot about women getting killed by their husbands recently.
>I feel

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daniel tosh may be an unfunny faggot, but this is too much
I just asked the blog this

>I would just like to say that as a white heterosexual male I am horribly offended by your blog. It is depressing that myself and the majority of men have to face this cruel, ignorant, hate filled bigotry in our post feminist culture. I support women's suffrage, I support women's right, I support equal pay, but what I do not support is the sexism that this page spreads. My question is this, do you even realize how unfortunate it is to be a male in this biased culture where men are simply targets?

It took up exactly all the available characters. I probably wont get a reply though.
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maybe it's a joke, really really really soft satire
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>guy posts generic liberal "muh feelings" argument that goes against tumblr dogma
>gets banned
I'm glad tumblr still is the minority of incredibly liberal people and society has not (yet) gone this bad.
Oh wow.

That's really sad. I'm so glad I barely know what the fuck tumblr is.
>on "die cis scum"
>If that offends someone, they have a guilty conscious. It doesn't apply to all cis people. Just the scum. If you're offended by it, somewhere inside you know that you're scum.
>GAS THE JEWISH RATS would only offend jews if they felt guilty about being rats!
female privilege is never having to deal with the anxiety of approaching women who constantly shoot you down with 1 word
That's it everybody. It's done. We're done. The west is fucked. It's all a sinking ship. Everybody go to eastern europe, where we can start over.
>that image
>male privilege is... a meme?
>mfw that makes a lot of sense but i'm definitely overanalyzing it
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someone replied to me!
Typical retarded feminist nothing to see here move along
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Why did we let this happen?
It's a reddit parody image you fucking idiot. Are you one of those posters who takes those fake rage comics seriously?
Funniest damn thing I read all day
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I think these are probably made by 16-year-olds

How come she is posting pictures of buckets and bathtubs?

What does this mean?
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I actually do this. Fun fact, men get mugged and the shit gets beaten out of them in shitty areas! I guess their idea of a male is a 6'3" ripped guy. How's that for male privilege?
That only shows how jaded they are.
first white privilege, now male privilege? these privileges get stupider and stupider sounding.
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>someone agrees with them
>they dont understand
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She messaged back.

I think I can sense her butthurt increasing with my well articulated argument.
White privilage could also apply to women, so it was narrowed

Everyone has some sort of privilege but SAWCSM's have far more than anyone else. It's called intersectionality and you should look Kyriarchy too.
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he's the hero r9k deserves, but not the one we need
>first thing I see is semicolon used improperly and without a space to the following word
>well articulated
ooh ooh! if she tries to bring up violence, show her the domestic violence statistics where it shows men and women are just as guilty as each other in most DV situations.

oh! also, homelessness/poverty/crime and how men are more likely to suffer at the hands of it.
This is because women cannot conceive of any male less than 6'3" ripped being a man. As far as they're concerned non-alphas just blur into one big line of walking wallets. I see this far too fuckin much
>'haha lol he's so shortt'
>what about all those other guys you know?
>'omg they don't really count. I barely even thought of them'
Straight Average White Cis Straight Males?
That's some hilarious stuff.

>"I'll be here all week."
Let me shake your hand, sir.
one day i'm gonna stick my privileged dick into the ass of one of these entitled hypocritical feminist
She actually enjoyed the plot of The Avengers

>That's it everybody. It's done. We're done. The west is fucked. It's all a sinking ship. Everybody go to eastern europe, where we can start over.

I know you're joking but I'm seriously considering moving from this country. Don't get me wrong, I love the US but I just can't stand the people here anymore. Our education is shit, jobs are leaving this country left and right. The horror stories of people getting accused of rape/molestation/pedo without any proof and getting jailed is appalling. Admittedly it is rare but still. All this black worship going on these days is really fucking creepy. I grew up around black people and I'm cool with them but everytime I log into my FB there's always some non black girl getting married to a black guy. Hell my cousin is obsessed over this black guy who cheats on her, sells drugs, and treats her like shit. I don't want this type of shit for me or my kids in the future. I can't take this shit anymore.

Talking on the phone actually makes you more vulnerable. Most people that are mugged are targeted for their phone. Flashing your phone like that is a bad idea and your just distracting yourself anyway.
> maybe it's a joke, really really really soft satire
>[ - ]
>Anonymous 07/12/12(Thu)0

why am i even caring anymore
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Maybe I could ask for some nudes?
i am watching

keep us updated

Straight Ablebodied White CiSgender Male
Tumblr: Where rich white women tell you how hard their life is and how you should live yours.

>>Disregard women acquire currency

>Trying to debate with feminists

Seriously don't waste your time. They are brainwashed.
what happened to these women? why are they like that? why are they devoid of logic? why won't they be calm and try to debate without resorting to personal insults or hyperbolic arguments?
You guys should see Tumblr's "i hate girls" and "i hate boys" tags.

Shit's gold.

People like that are sub-human to me.

I don't care what gender or race they are, if they blindly ignore all logic, I wouldn't give a fuck if they were tortured to death.
Women in general are incapable of debate.
Related to OPs pic: my school's mascot was a bulldog. Guess what? The term "lady bulldogs" was used every 5 fucking seconds when talking about female sports teams.
>if they blindly ignore all logic, I wouldn't give a fuck if they were tortured to death.
You must love 4chan.

Feminism and mainstream media truly indoctrinates girls from a young age to resent men, and divert all personal responsibility by endlessly portraying themselves as the victims.

They also are taught that women were oppressed throughout history, which couldn't be further from the truth.

>Male privilege is thinking that Muslim females are oppressed just because they choose to cover themselves while you think that all females should be dressed in high heels in mini skirts just to please you.
Holy fucking shit. Jesus christ what the fuck I can't.. I don't even
Please point out that the wage gap is a myth, and that single women under 30 make more than men. That rustles the shit out of my jimmies
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Can someone please message and say

"So in the field of sports what is it like knowing that men won the battle of the sexes tennis match 2/3 times thus proving that men ARE superior to women?

Also, explain why women can play in men's sports but men can't play in women's sports...oh wait, that's right. It is because men are better athletes."
How retarded. Did it never occur to those people that "bulldog" is just a breed, and not a male dog?
I don't think that's male privilege, that's just being an idiot and possibly anti-Islam.
Please do this
That argument just makes me so annoyed

Yeah, I used to argue with people on /v/ a few years ago, then I realised that it was an awful idea.

These days I just leave the thread. In an argument where one side blindly ignores the points that the other side makes, nobody wins.
That makes it only more and more retarded.
>I can use reddit images without being a redditor because I'm doing it ironically, even though it looks the same as doing it unironically.

You're fooling someone, but it isn't me.
Read the fucking post. It's not a reddit image, 4chan made that one making fun of reddit

>that username

The horror
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A new challenger appears.

I just threw some word vomit on this one, but I'm sure it will get to her.
Oh god, I did not notice until you pointed it out.
I know you guys are pseudo-trolling, but you realize you're not helping the case against feminism at all, right? If anything, you're making a mockery of it.

>believing that other men being good at things makes you any better just because you're male
Meh. You were better in the previous posts.

It's a different poster.
>Who controls the prostitution?
I don't know, who is it that usually uses sex as a bargaining chip?
>Not women, men
Oh, right, of course.
She's got a great website designer, you have to give her that.

There's so much free flowing technical wonder going on, I can't even get angry.
Someone make a new female privilege blog.
It just makes me feel proud about being a man.
These bitches are so jelly of my manhood.
I thought that was standard tumblr crap
Really? I see the name "dustatbest" in all of the images.


Wah wah wah, I suffer more, NO I DO!


What the fuck is with this generation?
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Are people getting enjoyment from reading these?

I just feel that it contributes to the thread in some way.

also it was cut off but she said

>Also, please tell me men have it as bad as/worse than women when they have had to deal with centuries of oppression, being treated as property, and denied basic democratic -- and in many cases, basic HUMAN -- rights. Tell me they have it as bad as women when they cannot walk down the street alone without fearing cat-calls and unwanted physical contact. Because otherwise, you have no idea what it's like, and it's ignorant and completely, utterly offensive.
Look around you. This is /r9k/. Are you really sure this is the right place to ask that question?
>Playing oppresion olympics

That shit doesn't fly in feminist spaces.


Ya blew it dot jpeg dude
ask her to define "centuries of oppression". if it's anything other than "being given the important job of staying at home and raising children while the fathers/brothers/sons were forced to work in horrible conditions or fight/die in war" then you can tell her she's wrong.

No offence but you aren't very seem very knowledgeable. You acknowledged her point about women being oppressed for centuries, when that is complete horseshit.

I'll post the link again.
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This one kept them quiet.

That one is pretty good again, but the one before that was shit-tier. I don't your argument against her point of view on the matter of cat-calls and unwanted physical contact is strong enough to make her shut up, though.

Enjoy the argument Elijah, I'm going to sleep now. Good luck.
the female term would be bullbitch

>aren't very seem very

holy shit i'm tired

Yeah, I'm dustatbest
>inb4 hipster tumblr normalfag trash

I have a shit load of feminazis messaging me and freaking out. Its kind of funny.
women's logic must be on another level of existence




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Thanks for the link, I sent it to her and am listening to it right now.

It is an interesting argument.
I must say, she's getting weaker.
Well done, Elijah.

she's not gonna watch the video
should have showed her that women now earn 8% more than men, that death at the work place is dominated by men (like 90% i don't remember), that women can opt out of being a parent, they can decide that any man is the father without the man being able to deny it, that the women and children first protocol is still in place, men still have no contraception pill, 70% of all divorces are initiated by women...

so on and so forth

these people literally just say "your logic is silly" and leave

feels like i'm on /v/
You know, the only thing that all this whining about white privilege, male privilege, cis privilege is doing to me is making me give less of a shit about the opinions and whining of the people making these retarded ass complaints.

Is "everyone" oppressed except for straight, white men?
Well she did not watch the video. Not surprised.
Also, one could argue that HER ideology is rooted in the "centuries of oppression", that is as a reaction against it. Her and all the other man-hating strong independent females.
it feels like they're trolling

it actually feels like when i'm on one of those feminist thread on /v/, where people there do satire of feminists by saying "enjoy your white privilege cis scum" in a laughing manner

i never knew feminists were actually serious saying shit like this
If you're a Straight White Ablebodied Cis Male, you are basically treated like a god amongst insects and it's only your own ego that won't let you see it that way

Can somebody post this on that tumblr?

Although the stupid bitch will probably try to find some excuse to call that male privilege again.
>Lots of woman chose to be sex workers and are happy. The problem is that it is illegal, driving prostitution underground where they can't receive benefits or protection. I don't understand why people find it hard to believe that a woman can enjoy sex while getting paid for it. A man saying that prostitution is the lowest of lows is shaming a women for using her body freely and that is wrong. Politicians are afraid of female empowerment and sexuality but the dont have a problem paying for it

>don't use statistics on me
>those are isolated cases
>those can't ever compare to the hardships and oppression women have faced over the millennia and every day

Pick your poison
Oh right, guys, follow the struggle of our reluctant hero, Elijah - Also known as: dustatbest - as he argues relentlessly against the hordes of angry misandrists.
yes, like military drafting and women and children first protocol

they call this a privilege
I sort of agree with her
not so much the empowering part
but the fact that making it ilegall doesn't help anyone.
just tell her that the monitor she is using have been invented by a man, the mouse she is using has been invented by a man, the keyboard she is using has be made by a man, the components in her computer have been made by a man, the internet infrastructure have been made by men, the website she browses has been made by a man, the characters she sees on the screen have been designed by a man, the software she uses in her computer have been made by men...
Sure, I agree with her on the illegal part. Same as drugs.

I was aiming at:
> A man saying that prostitution is the lowest of lows is shaming a women for using her body freely
Fuck off, really. It IS the lowest of the lowest.

>hiya there, I'd like to sell a limb
>wow you are really desperate for cash aren--

She might be trolling but she's right on something. Prostitution should be legalised asap.


There's a recently coined term, that I've forgotten, that basically sums up this dilemma. It's impossible to differentiate between a troll and an actual feminist because they behave so very much alike.
A complete refusal to engage in a logical debate, an abundance of ad hominem and plenty of incendiary remarks and tactics.
the reason it's been made illegal in the first place is because feminists were complaining about it that it's objectification of women and that it should be abolished in this day and age
Seriously I am aman and agree with 76% of these but some are just pure stupidity
>the reason it's been made illegal in the first place is because feminists were complaining about it that it's objectification of women and that it should be abolished in this day and age
It's obvious you know nothing about the history of legislation. Prostitution was illegal in the US long before that shit.
wait lol do you seriously think that prostitution shouldn't be legal? pro-prostitution isn't even really a very common feminist viewpoint, there's no reason for it to be illegal other than bullshit hang-ups about sex
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>Fuck off, really. It IS the lowest of the lowest.


The organ selling analogy is stupid, because safe sex doesn't change anything, except perhaps the first time, and it certainly doesn't lead to negative physiological effects.
gllob asked:
The reason why the average married man has a disadvantage when it comes to gaining custody of his children is also rooted in the sexist notion that women are naturally better care-takers and nurturers, and therefore it is their "job." Feminism wants to remove gender roles, so for you to use them as an argument against it is ignorant.

I think I answered this.

i've never seen a feminist speak up against this

why are feminists so stupid?
Not really. Social conservatives are behind that.

But it should be legalized. The government could even tax it and try to lower the national debt.
because of women whining about it

you are dumb

>there's no reason for it to be illegal other than bullshit hang-ups about sex

Shhhhhhhhhh! That logic leads to the idea that safe casual sex is okay and doesn't make you a slut, and that idea is frowned upon in these parts, buddy.
huh, yeah, being "promiscuous" makes you a slut

it's nothing new
It doesn't matter if it makes sense or not, it's just all about making sure the male is the bad guy.
Evidently I wasnt talking about the legal issue. I was aiming at the 'if a woman chooses to, she shouldnt be looked down on'.

It's because you degrade yourself to basically saying: 'I have no skills other than having a vagina'.

Which is pathetic.
Nope, men wrote and legislated those laws because they thought it was for the public good. Now those laws are outdated.

Seriously, sagefag, we don't need scum like you associating yourself with us, you drag us down to your level.
That doesn't make your analogy any less retarded.

I think all the stupid people in this thread should remove themselves for the sake of mens' rights, you really aren't helping at all.
>her response to the myth of female oppression being disproven
shhh, making people responsible of their actions is heavily frowned up around these parts, you can't tell them how it is buddy
You're dealing with white, most likely teenaged, relatively sheltered females on Tumblr. You can only go so far with them. Most people who identify as feminists like to ignore things like intersectionality and don't stop to think that the patriarchy drags on more than just women.
what you are thinking of is poe's law
which isn't about feminists its about religious fanatics.
in which its damn near impossible to differentiate between parodies of them and the genuine thing
feminists will not allow it

are you retarded? feminists are already preparing for the banishment of sex bots

The thing is you have to look at it a little more than skin deep.

At first you think,
>Well women and children get out first in a crisis, that's good for them isn't it?

But there's also the underlying implication,
>Women are the same as children, passive objects to be saved.

Or the draft,
>Women don't have to go fight and die for their country at the drop of a hat, that's good for them.

But the reasoning is,
>Women can't be trusted with fighting for their country. Only men are capable of defending themselves.

The point isn't whether what happens is physically good for women or not, but what it tells us about who women are and what they're capable of.

>Just staying in the kitchen is easy, why would women want to change that?

Why indeed?
Telling women that they have it easy is usually considered misogyny, but telling men that they have it easy is what feminism is all about.
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oh shit guys, I think I broke her down!

What do I say as the final blow?

>It's because you degrade yourself to basically saying: 'I have no skills other than having a vagina'. Which is pathetic.

Couple things wrong with this:

1. Sex takes a lot more than having a vagina. Especially if you are a professional in a (theoretically) legal, competitive market.

2. Many, many people have to take up menial jobs, so it's no less "degrading" than being a janitor or working at McDonald's.
My analogy was indeed not the greatest, it still makes prostitutes scum because they have no other skills than being born with a vagina, though.

You disagreed with that, in stead of attacking an older analogy I made to make your point, please try to make a coherent argument to the following.

Why is encouraging women to seek no other skills besides being born with a vagina an empowering thing?
personally, as long as she admits that men face issues and those issues are just as important as ones facing anyone else, i have nothing to argue with her about. it's up to you, dog.
Get your shit together and stop cherry-picking.


You fail to understand the many sects within feminism, and that sex-positive feminists (namely, the ones you shit on) are typically for legalization of prostitution.

>feminists are already preparing for the banishment of sex bots
That's nothing but a pipedream for the next 100 years, are you retarded?
are you a feminist? Only a feminist would talk like that.

What feminists want is all those special privilege (you NEVER see a feminist complain about the women and children first protocol, you NEVER hear feminists complain about the fact that they don't have to be drafted in case of war) on top of all the other privilege they now have (same jobs (not the hard ones) same pay, may societal stature) but not only do they have more privilege than men, they also still have the special stature that women enjoy so much (the whole reason why women and children first procedure exists in the first place)

feminists want it all

don't give me shit about "real" feminists
>But the reasoning is,
>>Women can't be trusted with fighting for their country. Only men are capable of defending themselves.
The reasoning is very much that a vast, vast majority of women would be a hindrance on a battlefield.
A team/platoon/whatever can only move as fast as its slowest unit.
those exact same arguments can be made about male privilege. are you trying to prove it's all subjective bullshit and rather useless to discuss?
>You disagreed with that
I didn't disagree with anything. I said your analogy was shit, because it was.
>That's nothing but a pipedream for the next 100 years, are you retarded
no the technology is closer than you think
I'm confident thats its going to be within our lifetime.
probably going to have to move to japan.
yeah, you need to have round boobs and a good looking ass

what a great achievement

i think you're just going out of your way here, stop being a retard

prostitution is the lowest of the low
>I'm confident thats its going to be within our lifetime.
of course you are

protip: if sexbots can fully replace a human for sex within your lifetime, they'll replace you as well
>bla bla bla different sects of feminism

the majority of feminists are against prostitution, that's what matter you fucking retard
There are different types of prostitutes.

There are the ugly crackhead prostitutes who fuck guys so they can get high, and then there are higher class escorts (well maybe not in the US), who don't JUST fuck people, and have to keep a lot of etiquette about them.
>the majority of feminists are against prostitution
[citation needed]
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I... what?

>1. Sex takes a lot more than having a vagina. Especially if you are a professional in a (theoretically) legal, competitive market.

You've ever been to a prostitute? That shit doesnt take any skill.

2. Many, many people have to take up menial jobs, so it's no less "degrading" than being a janitor or working at McDonald's.
If you actually believe this your perception of the reality is really off. A janitor and McDonalds atleast serve actual purposes. A janitor cleans shit so people wont get nasty diseases while walking through whatever you just cleaned and McDonalds feeds people(basic need) even though it's not the best food. The prostitution thing: it only serves to give men short-term pleasure. Often keeping them in their depressed, fake lives.

Prostitution is the lowest of the lowest.
>be straight, white male
>supposedly privileged
>supposed to have lots of prospects
>still unhappy

feminists don't see that men are just as unhappy as they are
>protip: if sexbots can fully replace a human for sex within your lifetime, they'll replace you as well

That's kind of the point. Him replacing real women for sex bots and other potential women replacing him for sex bots.
It's a win/win
there's certainly a difference between a high class slut prostitute and a crack whore slut prostitute

but they're still both practice the lowest job in the world
By your own retard logic, feminists are all misogynists who infantilize women by advocating for special protections and provisions for them all the time. They lobby for VAWA, mandatory arrest the man policies, and disproportionate funding for women's health care and domestic violence shelters. They also encourage the wage gap by fighting against any legislation that would make equal shared custody for children the default presumption, and making women reliant on the state for support by asking for strict enforcement of child support and alimony.

Feminists don't do absolutely fucking ANYTHING to dispel the notion that women are perpetual victims who always need special treatment. That's because their entire doctrine is based the belief that men are born with a natural advantage in life.
I'm not a prostitute do I'm not sure what you are going with this...
Yeah, I don't think she realises that a lot of her rhetorical questions can be answered with "yes, yes we can"
Include something like "Men are labelled as faggots if they are sexually inactive, if they are indifferent to women, if they are emotional or if they dress a certain way. Nowadays, our culture puts women on a pedestal. And makeup doesn't even matter, no one is forcing you to wear it, while men have to get ripped, act confident, etc. to be seen as attractive."

Phrase it your own way because my english sucks
You first quoted me:
>Fuck off, really. It IS the lowest of the lowest.

Then you asked:

This definitely implied you disagreed with me, especially after attacking my analogy. If you didnt disagree, you wouldnt care so much about my shitty analogy.
Then she will say women having to be put above men is a male privilege. There is no reasoning with this person who is probably and enraged hamplanet.
So prostitution is the lowest of the lowest because it requires no skill and only serves to give people short term pleasure?

Sounds just like working at McDonald's
>Him replacing real women for sex bots and other potential women replacing him for sex bots.
It's a win/win
I don't think you understand. A robot that can replace a human in sex will replace him in whatever shitty job he occupies when he's 50.

Meant to quote:




I fucking hate femnazi tumblr pinterest le reddit thundercunts. God damn.
I view everything objectively, which ultimately leads to me either winning or agreeing most debates because I base my shit on fact, but you CANNOT rationalize with those bitter hags.
oh jesus

and you guys say women exaggerate their victimhood

shoot me
it looks like those feminists think life is like a video game

just because they were told that white males have it better than anyone else means that all white men actually have it better than anyone else

this shit is social division and we are all having problems with the economic problems we have today

why are women so much against unity? oh is it because of the women and children first protocol? they don't like being privileged?
>short-term pleasure just like sex with a prostitute

Sure, buddy. Try to go a few months without sex and then try to go a few months without food. Guess which one you'll die faster from?

Your arguments are very troll-esque. I dont think you're trolling, though, so you might just be retarded.
The whole concept of cisgender is fucking retarded.
"Privilege" and "cis" is just a shitty internet meme. It's shared and evolved a fair lot in the shit cliques these people surround themselves with. Nothing spectacular, really.
mcdonalds requires being able to look at the steak and make sure it doesn't burn, also requires you to be presentable and arrive on time at work every day

a prostitute has it easy compared to a guy working at mcdonalds
I don't think McDonald's counts as "food"

But okay. How about a guy who sells games at Gamestop
They're not liberal. They're far, far worse than the bitterest neo-con you could imagine. No, even that person might listen and think about the opposing arguments, but these extremists won't.
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>someone posts about male privilage
>perfectly normal, and is just shedding light on an issue

>someone makes a tumblr about female privilage
>hurr nolife lol
Hey, got that source for me?


Oh, and this, too.

they need to know what they're selling
They're just more feminist buzzwords. it's how they work. When they fail to provide proper, rational arguments, as they so often do, they simply resort to their little list of buzzwords.
Yeah, I don't get that. They don't have a life because they made a tumblr, but she has a life even though she has one?

mfw amerifats have steak dinners at their mcfatassburgers now
If that guy offers blowjobs to every customer to buy the games, then yes, it's just as degrading.

Why are you trying to deny that sex is not supposed to be something that you just hand out for free to everyone that comes along? Why do you seem to think that this is 'empowering' rather than pathetic and disgusting behavior?


source for what faggot
McDonald's is robotic, you could teach a monkey to leave a burger on for X minutes. Properly pleasing a man is more skillful

I don't think it's empowering OR pathetic and disgusting. I'm a dude, I just don't understand why giving a blowjob is any different from any other kind of service.
I linked it for your convenience in the last post.
Now you're using unrealistic arguments to get your point across.

No you can't teach a monkey to flip burgers. That's too complex for them.

Come on feminist, just admit that prostitution is the lowest job ever possible.
Third-wave feminism is nothing worth helping. It is being run by extremists now.
you're selling your body to suck the dick of someone else

you think this isn't degrading? you think this is okay?

you're one special snowflake, so special people like you must be extremely rare
>I just don't understand why giving a blowjob is any different from any other kind of service.

I suspect you might have autism. Look outside. Do you see a fucking pile of people having sex? No you dont. It's because it's unnatural to do that with anyone.
"Selling your body?" You're using your body to perform a service. You use your hands to give a massage, you use your arms to lay brick, but those aren't a sale of your body? I don't get it.
Shh, it's just a social construct if we all wear clothes and don't have free sex with everyone the moment we step outside.

That dude sounds like a virgin who has public sex fetishes.
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Somebody say something like
"Privilege is something that has to be earned. It was the white male who forged the modern world, who invented the inventions, who discovered the science, who learned the knowledge, so it is justifiable that a white man is above a woman. What has a woman done to earn such a privilege."

The rage will be unbelievable.
I understand that I, regrettably, live in a society where people do not have public orgies all the time. I wouldn't go as far as to say that it's unnatural, though, and natural or not, that's not an explanation as to why prostitution is wrong.
You're not selling your body when you build a house. You're being paid to build a house.

When you're paid to suck a dick, you're being paid to suck a dick. You're selling your body, you're using your body to please someone. Your intimacy does not mean much.You have no self respect by performing sexual acts on random people. This is not a service comparable to building a house or flipping burger.

You're sucking a dick.
>I don't get it.

That's the autism talking. You REALLY can't figure out the difference between an act of intimacy and an act of building shit?
Intimacy is a social construct.
Yeah, cis is a LOT like our "u mad" from a while back.
Seriously dude, go masturbate to one of your public sex porn or hentai comic, don't spill bullshit everywhere. There are reasons why society works the way it works. You can't have public orgies everywhere. It would break the mold around which society is built today. Maybe you're one of those cool edgy kids who think doing whatever you want (including very stupid shit) is cool, but you're just being unproductive.

You're retarded if you think we will ever have open public orgies.
There we go. Go fuck yourself, faggot. Stop trolling or stop typing, whatever.

You're just a retard at this point.

women engage in prostitution all the time. hell, most modern dating is a man offering goods/services to a woman in exchange for sex. just so happens that the masseuse giving you a happy ending is much more attractive, skilled, and honest.
Yes it is. We wear clothes around other people ever since we were fucking cavemen. It's unnatural to be naked and especially unnatural to share that form of intimacy with anyone(especially for cash)

Yes it is. It's wrong because that's not the way it's supposed to be.
I know open public orgies are a bad idea, I was making a joke.

Prostitution? Different story
What is ancient Greece?
>It's unnatural to be naked

Oh boy.
Get a load of this edgy nerd.

>courting = prostitution lol xD
Annnnd here we go blurring the lines between prostitution and marital contracts...

People like you are fucked up.

humans have the capability to transcend their "nature"
Are there seriously a group of 30 or so women just waiting for the female privilege blog to post something, then refute it as fast as possible?
Oh lets see what happened to ancient greece:

>it got fucked up and their society collapsed on it's own

Gee i wonder why.
I meant to say 'around strangers'
They didn't have public orgies everywhere. They had the occasional religious orgy, or rich people sometimes had orgies in their houses.
You're honestly repudiating the fact that intimacy is a social construct?

Pretty rich that you call me retarded. Hypocrite much?
Now, I get it if you consider fellatio an intimate and sacred act, but if I do not that doesn't make me the "lowest of the low"
>It's unnatural to be naked
It's a social stigma that rose from our evolved abstract intelligence.

Prostitution is not "public orgies everywhere".
yep, it's unnatural

you need to protect yourself from the sun/the cold

you're such an edgy kid though
Oh my god, he's seriously arguing that Greece collapsed because of public orgies. You sound like a Catholic monk during the middle ages, friend
ITT: people making an argument, other people calling them retarded for making that argument, and the first people calling the other people retarded for calling them retarded for making that first argument

PS: you pro-stitution people are virgin nerds that want some mental justification for prostitution in which you previously engaged. Also you're wrong.
Oh look, you just continued the trend you described in your first half of the post, also you didn't provide a single argument
There's no hypocrisy. The reason why our society is able to function the way it does is because of all these constructs that allow us to evolve in a proper, civilized way.

Edgy kids like you would love to live in anarchist societies where public orgies happen every day.

You're just retarded.
It does. Deal with it.
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I agree.


Sounds like a plan.
I'm not sure how I feel about women. I wouldn't say I'm a misogynist but I really am against all of these man hating feminazis.
>buying someone drinks for sex
perfectly acceptable
>paying someone money for sex
i love the bullshit you spit
you're the retard who generalizes the few orgies only the rich and the religious had

there were no public orgies like you imagine them
And yet, prostitution does not cause society to "collapse" under its immoral weight, as history proves.
>We wear clothes around other people ever since we were fucking cavemen. It's unnatural to be naked
my sides have left the known universe

That's not unnatural either, dumb fuck. Humans wore clothes to protect themselves from the elements, they evolved into the hilarious and downright irrational social barrier they are now. What do you have against nudists?

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Oh man, what a well thought out argument. I sure got told.
Who said it does? All i said is that prostitution is the lowest job there is.
I think legalizing prostitution will allow all these losers to have sex legally, and will make the government be able to pay all that debt within a few years.
>The reason why our society is able to function the way it does is because of all these constructs that allow us to evolve in a proper, civilized way.
So now you are admitting intimacy is a social construct? Inconsistency much?

>legalizing prostitution would result in public orgies
Sweet slippery slope fallacy batman.

yeah no, you're still the retarded one here.
they're creeps
>my intimacy has a bigger dick than your intimacy
that sounds strangely similar to something a stupid bitch would say
And then I asked why it is the lowest, and then someone said that it provides short term pleasure and nothing else, and then I said that other things also provide only short term pleasure, and eventually we ended up at prostitution is bad because it's immoral (or anti-social).

So I once again challenge you. Prostitution is not any lower than, say, a massage.
Prostitution is legal in a lot of first world countries, eg Australia, which as a higher standard of living than the US. And ain't no public orgies happening there.

But male gender roles are also a consequence of the patriarchy as well brah

Nice try but it's still all your fault
No, but it's a slippery slope!
If we legalize prostitution we'll eventually have to legalize bestiality! and pedophilia!
I never admitted intimacy is a social construct, you're truly retarded. Intimacy is not a social construct. It's your private parts. The construct is to not show it to the public.

I am not expressing myself correctly, or perhaps you're just retarded.

Prostitution is the lowest job ever.
Correlation does not imply causation, mate.
I wasn't saying it does. I was saying that legalising prostitution wouldn't cause society to crumble.
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>people that belittle feminist causes should be sexual abused and eaten by dogs
Can someone remind in which way they are any different then the misogynists they claim to hate
Nuh huh, nobody said it's bad because it's immoral you dumb fuck.

It's the lowest job ever because it requires no skills and just to have a functioning mouth (for blowjobs). You're selling yourself out for a few bucks. You're using your body to suck the dick of someone.

You're the one who equated this to laying bricks.
I sincerely doubt he was implying that prostitution helped australia in having a higher standard of living than the US

You're just saying that because you read it somewhere and you thought it sounded smard, aren't you?
That's not the point of the argument dumb fuck.
and now we slip into strawmen arguments
It's bad because it's unskilled, but you say it's worse than any other unskilled jobs.
nobody said it would
If she had ever actually watched a game of WNBA, she'd know why they don't show it on tv.
You're just trolling at this point, right?
Anecdotal evidence. Doesn't prove shit.

Actually, I'm pretty sure one of the reasons for the decline of the Roman Empire was decadence and moral degeneracy, of which open prostitution is a major contributing factor.

Hold on, I'll get the source.
other 'unskilled' jobs are not unskilled jobs
flipping burgers require actual cooking skills
taking a dick requires no skills
no, nobody said it would make the society crumble

quote the post, link it please

>caring about the wnba

Reposting to /sp/
I don't know if too many people will agree with you on that one, Anon.
what people have been saying is that prostitution is the lowest job ever

you seem to be thinking that you're a victim of "religious" people who want to ban prostitution
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Fuck this, I'm out of here.
you've never seen those burger flipping people

you must be thinking it takes no skill and doesn't require you to react quickly to the incoming demands from customers

but hey "burger flipping" is seen as unskilled

>he disagrees with me
>he has a differing opinion
>must mean he's trolling

you're just a faggot

Depends on if you define the whole empire as being under Rome, or under Constantinople. Eastern Roman Empire lasted far longer than the western, as most of the bureaucrats jumped ship before it really fell apart. Between the pressure from the "barbarians" and fracture of the empire it is no small wonder Rome fell.
Actually I was referring to you suggesting that prostitution had a major role in the decline of the Roman Empire.
>blaming prostitution as the sole reason for the collapse of both ancient greece and ancient rome
>not retarded
huh, that's a fairly recent post

time posted: )04:15 No

time posted: )04:15 No

you're a faggot

nobody up until 833 talked about prostitution being the reason why societies crumbled

you're desperate, you're losing the discussion
I disagree with the assertion that prostitution does not take skill. There is such a thing as a bad blowjob, or a bad lay.
Most prostitutes are both of those things.
Did you seriously not see the second link, or are you literally retarded?
yeah, just to please your feelings, we'll pretend that fucking takes skills


though we both know it's still the lowest job ever, enjoy being a faggot
you understand some people exist in different time zones right its probably not 8:33 where he lives. also, have you ever been here? millions of us will stay up 24 hours debating whether fucking children is cool or not.
>one of the reasons for the decline of the Roman Empire
>one of the reasons
Nice reading comprehension you got there, mate.

Stay in school.
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>I wasn't forced to be scum
>I chose to be scum
This is rage porn. Why do I keep coming back to these stupid childish women and their stupid crying.
It's like I get a kick out of being mad at their sillyness.
Haha, no. That's not the angle I was going for. Anyone can flip a burger, just like anyone can suck a dick. But are you any good at it?





you're desperate enough to use posts that were posted AFTER your own

Only because prostitution is illegal, meaning consumers aren't as informed as to the quality of the workers
But if fucking takes skill then it's not the lowest job ever, by your own criteria. You're not pretending very well.
>mfw I get back after a game of LoL and see my post is the point of the entire thread

>good feel, man.
Even where it's legal, all but the most high class prostitutes hate their job and will generally be a bad lay.
>prostitution as the sole reason for

>one of the reasons

>sole reason
>one of the reasons

You should go back to school.



>implying the thread hasn't evolved
Show me the statistics that prove that. I'll wait.
the point is that it does not, i just wanted to appease your personal feelings

you seem upset at the fact that prostitution is a shit job
Not that guy, but it's not even one of the reasons.
You asked me to provide links to posts that implied promiscuity to be the downfall of ancient civilisations
So I did. I saw the more recent one first as it was right under my post, then scrolled up to find the other. What the fuck is wrong with you?
I gave you what you asked for
show me how prostitution takes skills
Said the virgin.

I know your point. You just happen to be wrong. There is such a thing as (relatively) bad sex.
Ok, I'll just go to ratemyprostitute.com
The difference in enjoyment between fucking a high class escort and some random slut from a club is astronomical

You get what you pay for is more true of sex than anything else
you're all retarded anyway
prostitution has never been, and will never be, anything other than the lowest job ever

fantasize all you want about this, it will never be anything other than the lowest job ever, lower than burger flipping and floor mopping
The fact that "sex advice women" gives me 318,000,000 hits on Google might be a hint
/r9k/ is STILL the easiest board to troll
>implying being a fluffer is higher than being a prostitute
Oh so you're a loser who must pay for copulation.


If copulation felt bad with the other woman, it could possibly mean it was because of you.

These things, they go both way.
The funny thing is, if prostitution were legal in enough places, websites like that would certainly exist
It's however a symptom. Degenerating morals cause prostitution.

Now what does that teach us?
Hah, now these things are hints. I see i debate with simplistic people.

Okay. Prostitution remains the lowest job ever.
You're the one who seems upset over the fact that someone on the internet disagrees with you.

Also, I'll be more inclined to listen to your opinion on prostitution after you take a dick.
it's more honorable
That you're full of shit?
Im not a faggot like you. Also prostitution is STILL the lowest job ever.
>Oh so you're a loser who must pay for copulation.

yes, because rich famous people who plenty of women would kill to have sex with (Robert Downey Jr., Charlie Sheen, etc) have NEVER used escorts/hookers

You're wrong, deal with it
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It is, mate. Trust me on this one. One of the reasons for the decline was moral degeneracy and widespread prostitution contributed significantly to that.

This is all very well explained in Gibbon's "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire". I highly recommned it to you, seeing as you still need some work on your Roman history.
What's wrong with prostitution? Someone has to do it. If you're safe about it and don't lie about it later in life, there's nothing wrong with it. It's an honest job. Y'all moralfags need to calm down.
>Im not a faggot like you
said the 12 year old.


Lower than working in a sewer?
>argument ad populum
try again, dear
>if I keep saying it it'll be true
>Degenerating morals cause prostitution

Prostitution has been around literally for as long as humanity has. There's a reason it's called "the oldest profession".

In fact, it's only in the past few decades that it's been illegal in western society.
>Someone has to do it
That's the point though, no they don't. Prostitution is one of, if not the most expendable profession there is. No society would be better off with whores than without.
>try again, dear

i have no idea what you're talking about, i didn't follow the post link or anything. i just want you to know that you're a faggot and/or a smug cunt. or you're young and don't understand why using "dear" like that makes you a horrible person.
>Degenerating morals cause prostitution.
No, silly goose. It's the other way around.
it can't go away. there will always be a market for it. why do you care so much? if you don't want to fuck hookers, don't. but don't pretend you know anything about them or the people who fuck them.
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>mfw a friend at uni works as an escort and most of her 'clients' are wealthy successful businessmen, doctors, and even a lot of (in her words) "ripped" guys

But hey as long as I'm not fucking her I'm better than all of them, right?
Just mad 'cause they can't afford even a low class prostitute. The buttmad in here on all of the internet is hilariously sad.
hey guys you do know that prostitution is still the lowest job ever right?
just making sure, i'll be out now

taking a peak just to tell you that prostitution is the lowest job ever
>No society would be better off with whores than without.
No society would be better off with conflict than without.

Do you see how stupid this sounds? It's unrealistic. Prostitution will always be around, there will always be a demand for it. It's not expendable at all. Coincidentally, it is much safer when it is legal.
Seriously feminists? You're getting offended by "dear", now?

You people always want more, don't you? It's never enough. Ever since women got properly emancipated during the 70's, you feminists have had to look for new things to complain about. So you bitch about how lego is sexist, or how slouching men on public transportation are subconcsiously oppressing women, or how 'dear' is so fucking offensive.

You sicken me.
yes, you're better than them

prostitution is the lowest job ever

you should be ashamed to not shame that slut "friend" of yours

i bet you white knight that cunt in order to try to fuck her

pathetic loser
I think there are much worse and more dishonest jobs than prostitution.
Every /r9k/ thread will eventually degenerate into one of the following topics:

>Men vs Women
>Cut vs Uncut

There is NO exception




jesus man, go outside
you forgot about the morals of pedophilia.
that's because you're a retard, faggot
You should try crying more, honey. Maybe then the evil anon will stop.
I dare you to name 3.
Unrelated anon, but it makes you stupid because it's something passive-aggressive cunts do.

The computer repairman in my small town that charges old people $70 to defragment their HDDs and run disk cleanup is a much bigger sleaze than an honest working prostitute.
I ALWAYS tip at least $2.

Why does she end every message to you with an aggressive tone? Smells like lack of argument to me.
that's because you're a faggot, retard
Tips are stupid, if they don't get paid enough they can get a different job.
trolls trolling troll
If I wanted to fuck her all I'd have to do is pay her.

Shit, she even said I can get mates rates.

I probably would if I wasn't in a relationship
I sense another subject the thread's going to degenerate into.
No, they become "men vs women", bitching about how "it's only because of women that we're not allowed to fuck 14 year olds!"
Why 3? Isn't one enough to not be the lowest?

Being a mercenary is loads lower than whoring.
That's the joke, buddy.

mute to the block
Loan Shark
Computer Repairman
Anything to do with EA
>Only a feminist would talk like that.
>you NEVER see a feminist complain about the women and children first protocol

Um...you just saw me do it. You disproved your own post.
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Don't forget lawyers.
Well then obviously you're not a real feminist. OR a true Scotsman, for that matter.
>only real feminists deny how male gender roles affect them in positive ways
Someone's got to do it (right?). And at least Hitman provides an actually contributing service to society.

>Loan Shark
If people are so stupid to fall for the loan shark's traps, then they deserve to be blackmailed. No dishonesty whatsoever, since it's all based on consent.

>Computer Repairman
That's a joke, right?

>Anything to do with EA
That's one.
Look up a what a true Scotsman fallacy is, and maybe you'll realize that I'm on your side.

>Contributing to society
Killing people contributes more to society than making people feel good?
Three jobs lower than prostitution:

Torturer, mercenary, executioner
I'm one silly motherfucker then.
Pretty sure anything involving being a politician is pretty reprehensible. Just saiyan.
Killing people that need to be killed does contribute more to society than whores having to suck dick for crack.

Someone has to do it

Again, as above.

Do you mean a PMC? They deal mainly in security work
Female privilege means not having to be good at your job to keep it; you're fine as long as you're "attractive."
>hurr durr im such an edgy teenager. everyone is so selfish and evil. i hate humanity! :'(
Nah I mean a straight up mercenary. Who said we're talking developed world here

And no, somebody does not need to do torture. Torture is not okay

You can't step from being a second class citizen to being a full citizen by pretending that you aren't a second class citizen and never were. Didn't work like that for blacks, Lincoln freed them and nothing changed for another century.

This is /r9k/, you all know "man up" is meaningless advice; not all grievances can be solved by just ignoring them.
You do know that without torture the US government would never have gotten the information required to catch Osama Bin Laden, right?

What am I saying, of course you don't.
Women were never under the same conditions as black people. Women were never chattel traded around. That's not a fair comparison.
If it is their job and legal then it is perfectly OK.
Terrorists won't crack by threatening them with 5-10 years in jail
Of course I know that. I don't think the torture of a single human being is worth a thousand OBLs.
>at least Hitman provides an actually contributing service to society.
How is being a hitman a contributing service, but prostitution is not? Prostitution is a universal demand.

>That's a joke, right?
See >>3054159
>comparing women to blacks
>acting like this is a fair and valid comparison

Please tell me you're trolling. You're not really that dumb, are you?
>And no, somebody does not need to do torture. Torture is not okay

And no, somebody does not need to be a whore. Prostitution is not okay.

See? I can pretend my baseless opinion is fact too.
If it's legal torture is perfectly okay... but GOD NO LEGAL PROSTITUTION IS THE LOWEST OF THE LOW
>inb4 feminazis comparing marriage to slavery
>which it is, actually, but for the male not the female
It's not my baseless opinion if it is something that is infringing on the rights of others. Torture is OBJECTIVELY bad because others suffer for it.
If they wan't to do it, w/e.

If guys wan't to pay for it, w/e.

But it is pathetic, for both parties.
He still hasn't explained how killing someone is better than solicitation of sex.
I think your subjective scoring of torture above prostitution on the patheticness scale disturbing.


Oh my you are serious
>Torture is OBJECTIVELY bad because others suffer for it.
So according to your oh-so elevated logic, self-defense would be OBJECTIVELY bad too since the attacker suffers for it.
Guys, prostitution and torturers need to exist. There is demand. The point is not WE DO NOT NEED THESE PROFESSIONS.

The point is that a being a prostitute or torturer is not a necessarily dishonest job. Sewing designer clothing labels onto cheap apparel and selling it on ebay for 10x the original price is a dishonest job.
One protects the American people

The other, uhh, a guy cums and the girl gets a small cut from her pimp
>I don't think the torture of a single human being is worth a thousand OBLs.
Then you are a naive, immoral person incapable of comprehensing even the basics of utilitarianism.
I remember when I was naive.

Then I found out how reality works.
Or maybe he's just not a utilitarian. That's an option, you know.
Sure the second one isn't protecting Amurka, but it's not harming anything. You've done nothing but blow smoke up everyone's ass and then demand that everyone else prove that prostitution ISN'T harmful. Torture and prostitution aren't even comparable.
The only other socio-political option that's left to defend anon's naivety, is plain anarchy. Whch means he's just trying to be an edgy douche.

Either way, he remains naive.
>The only options are utilitarianism and anarchy! Because I said so!

What about libertarianism?
Even Libertarians still have the common sense to realize being threatened by "a thousand OBL's" requires enhanced interrogation techniques on convicted terrorists.

Hey, I'm a marxist, bro. Don't you fucking insult me like that.

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