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Even if you don't use one, it's the closest thing I've written to a news post in 4 years and contains a lot of interesting statistics about the site.


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Hey robots, when did you become apprentice wizards?

For me it started as follow:
>Parents move in a dead, shitty town of 10.000 inhabitants in the middle of nowhere
>Get transfered in the middle of the last year of middle school, everybody has been friends for years
>Oh well, at least I have the internet
>I become a massive social retard and develop an unbearable social anxiety, I can't even walk without feeling awkward and clunky
>social anxiety
>anger problems
>recovering alcoholic
>half of face is scar tissue
>left leg gone
>it's not my fault that I don't have any friends guise! Feel sorry for me!
>Be born with CP (cerebral palsy)
>Eat junk food and become fat
I fixed the latter, the former has given me lone wolf status and can't do anything about it.
It was around the age of 10 and 11 when some family members died, we dissolved and went to separate corners of the planet and I was begrudgingly put into a secondary school I LOATHED. It wasn't as bad as what a lot of you on here describe but that was my path to disillusionment.

Unlike a lot of you, I don't pine for and wish I could have girls around me. It's rare that I'm attracted to one and I've been so let down and heartbroken by ones I thought would love me for who I was that I can't even bring myself to give it another chance with another girl. I always thought that ONE girl I liked the most was the only one I could fall for and I haven't been able to like one since.

Since beginning secondary school to leaving at 17, I always was more or less friends with everybody but I liked some people much more than others. I turned down their invitations to go and get drunk at pubs/house parties/whatever frequently, and it's not like my chances of getting laid there were enormous because I disliked everyone around me and even the "hot" girls were fucking gross and obnoxious.

I didn't take the normal path of going to college, I just took up a craft and am now working with it, but it's not a thing that allows me to meet women.

If I die a virgin, I won't care. The only concern I have is that I'm not putting myself in situations where I MIGHT meet a girl that I can tolerate and who will like me back, but good luck with that. Those sorts of girls get snatched up in their teens and their boyfriends aren't stupid enough to let them go.
Just get one of those electric scooters that old people and fat-asses use and you'll be swimming in pussy.
Holy shit crunching mother of tl;dr, sorry dudes. I know my life's not that interesting but I guess you asked and I had to tell a bunch of strangers my life story
I've got a secret for you bro. If you aren't attracted to women it means your gay. Let your fag flag fly and find a nice black man to settle down with.
I've always been kind of a robot but I moved in to parents in something that's not even a village. We have literally 5 neighbours (counting people, not houses) and no one is below 50 except me. Try that shit for making friends.
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On my first day of middle school when I walked in and realized everyone became trendy zombies.
Your tldr post gave me feels, at least.
> Be 19 reading national geographic article on teenagers
> Suddenly realise I've missed out on everything
> Too late to learn now
> Noticed I've fallen into same patterns in university
> How the fuck did that happen?

Wizard from birth.
>be 4 years old
>parents get divorced
>4 year old brain does not understand
>assume everyone who loves you is only pretending and is going to leave you
>never get close to anyone emotionally ever again

I have never told anyone this. They assume I'm just an aloof, quiet person. I'm dying on this inside! 2 years until wizardhood! Good times!
I don't want to be THAT scholar, but I guess it was an innate matter in me.
>Naturally passive and sensitive
>Fearful of nearly everything
>Father ignores me, mother shelters me causing further development of those traits
>Have all sorts of quirks and disorders resulting from it
>By middle school I'm an outcast, family problems begin
>Become shut-in to avoid being consumed by the cold cynical world
>Works until I have to move out
>Finally face the world
>Can't integrate, on the verge of suicide from existential depression
>Reenter my dungeon and resume study of the arcane arts
>Summon a hound familiar to dissuade mortals from interrupting my introspection
What if you don't like guys either?

What does that make you?
In some circles, they would call you a prodigy.

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