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    File :1233756197.jpg-(15 KB, 354x199, China_top.jpg)
    15 KB Chinks baaawing like a bunch of Jews Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)09:03:17 No.3023755  
    Apparently the government is calling the shoe-throwing a "disgrace" and apparently there are the usual calls for boycotts and so on.

    Why are the Chinese such faggots /r9k/? Why couldn't Wen Jiabao laugh it off like Bush did instead of crying about it like a big baby? It's not even as if the shoe the Kraut threw came close to hitting him. He should have laughed at him and told him he throws like a girl.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)09:04:28 No.3023762
    Slowpoke.jpg, cocks, etc
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)09:04:33 No.3023763
    This made me lol. The usual CHINA WILL GROW LARGER, fuck your freedoms, etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)09:04:53 No.3023764
    putin would have torn the man limb from limb

    or at least the russian press would have reported as much
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)09:05:03 No.3023766
    It took them a day to actually issue a formal protest though.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)09:05:36 No.3023769
    Because they are paid to blog pro china.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)09:05:42 No.3023772
    You can pick your nose.
    You can pick your presidents.
    But you can't pick your commies.

    I suggest an assasination, to remove the baby from bawfice.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)09:06:40 No.3023784
    There are few things Bush has done right, but his reaction when that sandnigger threw a shoe at him was perfect. He was grinning at him like "HAHA YOU MISSED"
    >> Smash 02/04/09(Wed)09:07:42 No.3023790
    Yeah, Bush was kind of cool afterwards when he joked about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)09:08:03 No.3023792
    Because they're butthurt Chinks who want everyone to worship the ground they walk on. Thankfully, we can see them for the faggots they truly are.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)09:10:10 No.3023803
    Wen Jiabao is actually well-liked unlike Bush, that's the difference.
    Wen's still a faggot for getting all butthurt about it, though.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)09:11:59 No.3023817
    >Wen Jiabao is actually well-liked

    Enjoy your money from the Chinese government.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)09:13:26 No.3023826
    Chinese consider feet/shoes a taboo subject. For example, putting shoes on a table is considered rude and unlucky. Different cultures have different views, its just a matter of how much you respect it
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)09:16:21 No.3023841
    But wait, aren't the Chinese all into foot-binding and shit? I thought they had a sort of collective mass foot fetish.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)09:19:03 No.3023862
    If they liked feet, why would they have spent centuries trying to minimize footsize :3
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)09:21:47 No.3023884
    He should of thrown a dripping, rotting dog's dick at the premier just to see if they would fry it up and thank him.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)09:52:03 No.3024037

    You blew my mind, good anon.

    But really, is there any culture you can think of where throwing a shoe at someone is actually a positive gesture? Even Sir Bush felt it was necessary to dodge the incoming footwear, so it would seem that he too had a fetish for not getting hit in the face with shoes.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)10:12:49 No.3024129
    Oh god, the comments at the bottom.

    My sides hurt.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)10:25:38 No.3024230

    Note that the Chinese media laughed and laughed when Bush got shoes thrown at him. They accused the few Americans who were upset of overreacting.

    Now that it's happened to them, the Chinese media is practically screaming for war.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)10:31:21 No.3024268

    Jews baw because they deal with rocket attacks and terror attacks every single day.
    Chinese baw because someone tossed a shoe at their dictator.
    Really equivalent.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)10:38:38 No.3024313
    I find the comments deeply troubling. I hope they're the equivalent of "LOLOL xD LOVE LIVE AMERICA"

    ... but I'm really not so sure anymore.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)10:40:07 No.3024320
    >Grandpa Wen always looks so kind~~!!! China jia you!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)10:47:35 No.3024354
    that's the equivalent of "Grandpa Obama" for clarification
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)10:51:45 No.3024377
    Damn, you beat me to the chase. But yeah, the Chinese have nothing on the US as regards the whole worshipping their leaders thing now.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)10:54:08 No.3024387
    Why do the chinese get so fucking butthurt over this? If you hate Tibet so much then cut that shit away. Its not like any of them like going there. All they do is talk shit about it and say how stupid and ugly they are.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)10:56:27 No.3024395
    I think bush would be a cool guy when he didn't control the entire country. Like someone you could shit around with at a bar but leave him in the ditch you found him in later.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)10:56:57 No.3024397
    He's right, the Chinese do like Wen. He got very overtly involved in the disaster-relief effort when that earthquake hit China a while back. It was a better response than New Orleans got after Katrina, for sure.

    Of course, if you want to be cynical (or perhaps realistic), he could well have just been posing for the cameras - but none the less, he is genuinely popular.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)11:00:51 No.3024416
    Who cares about the jews anyway? They aren't human.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)11:03:29 No.3024423
    Because the Chinese are deluded. They know that their country is fucked up with communism and censorship but too proud to admit it.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)11:17:25 No.3024467
    Communist societies are such a sad reminder of the 20th century. Everyone scrambling to show their unexceptionality and willingness to be the government's cronies.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)11:44:34 No.3024594
    The combination of nationalism and confucionism really infuriates me: there's always some party stooge somewhere with a big grin on his face swearing up and down that shit tastes like chocolate (socialism), and that eating shit brings greater harmony to the world (confucionism).
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)11:53:17 No.3024634
    Wait, do people here still think that China is communist? Oh lawd.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)11:59:18 No.3024669
    It has a planned economy, barriers in place to protect its massive state-owned industry from foreign competition. It has a ruling Communist Party. What would you call it?

    Personally, I think its official designation "socialism with Chinese characteristics" is pretty accurate.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)12:04:18 No.3024701
         File :1233767058.jpg-(111 KB, 300x250, xin_542030405090557838984.jpg)
    111 KB
    Yes, it's still communist
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)12:06:02 No.3024710
    critical definition failure
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)12:07:41 No.3024716

    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)12:30:15 No.3024830
    The main cause of concern is that most Chinese will never, ever understand why that protester disrespected "Grandfather Wen".
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)12:30:55 No.3024834
    "Not a true Scotsman" fallacy approaching.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)12:32:03 No.3024846
    Failure at understanding logical fallacies approaching.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)12:49:31 No.3024976
    You're probably one of those guys who claims that there are no real Christians, and that communism was never implemented in practice.

    Chinese authoritarianism is still very much surrounded by communist iconography, and that's sufficient to call the country communist, since this label doesn't denote the actual economic system, but rather a related set of governmental practices that have been recognized as communist over the years. The chauvinist responses that this incident inspired (and were orchestrated from the top) are very much communist fare - believe me, I come from the former eastern bloc.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)12:54:03 No.3025018
    Are you suggesting the real reason was not attention-whorishness and general student "my way or the highway" snobbery? Or is Wen as a person responsible for every single thing China has done wrong while getting no credit for anything she has done right?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)12:58:31 No.3025036
    Wen Jiabao has been personally baawing about this like a fag.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)13:00:05 No.3025041
    Oh god, i laughed so much at the irony of it.

    >Throw a show
    >Bad character
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)13:02:26 No.3025058
    Wut? The only official thing I've heard from Wen is that basically the shoe-thrower was a dick but it wouldn't affect UK-China relations. Which is a true statement.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)13:05:36 No.3025072
    I think the point was that uni is no place for common propaganda. Of course this isn't true, as many more liberal and indirect forms of propaganda are heard on campuses daily.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)13:07:23 No.3025086
    I also love the Germfag's logic. "He's a dictator who doesn't let people speak their minds! I will try to stop him from speaking his mind!". Not that I'd expect a Teuton to understand complex things like diplomacy. Or aim.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)13:15:45 No.3025127
    Are you shitting me? Let's pretend that we're talking about the Bush shoe-throwing, and see if your statement still makes sense to you:
    >Are you suggesting the real reason was not attention-whorishness and general journalist "my way or the highway" snobbery? Or is Bush as a person responsible for every single thing American has done wrong while getting no credit for anything she has done right?
    Yes, yes I am suggesting that the student was right on many accounts, and that Wen has done great ill to China by participating and working for the authoritarian regime.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)13:16:34 No.3025131
    >Of course this isn't true, as many more liberal and indirect forms of propaganda are heard on campuses daily.
    Bullllllshit. This is utter crap spouted off by talk show hosts in order to feel better about dropping out.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)13:19:30 No.3025140
    1. Freedom of speech protects individuals from the government, not individuals from individuals.
    2. The germfag meant to miss, and wasn't trying to silence anybody, but instead get the opportunity to make his own statement.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)13:21:10 No.3025146
    OK? No point debating this. You think throwing things is an appropriate reaction to people whose policies you do not like. I think that the situation is much more complicated than that, and that change will only come with full participation from all parties, east and west. Wen is seen as a very popular figure in China. He is seen as often a representative of the people, unlike many of the higher-ups of the CPC. He spoke to the students at Tienanmen instead of just ordering tanks and guns to the square. Thus an insult directed at him is perceived as insult directed to the Chinese people themselves by many. So really, the German was insulting the very people he so arrogantly wants to "protect" from Wen. But you are a collegefag who feels comfortable using 20 years of experience deciding the fate of 1.3 billion people, so I did not expect that much.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)13:23:21 No.3025153
    I don't care, he's a commie and a Chink.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)13:24:59 No.3025160
    >insult directed to the Chinese people themselves
    Oh baaw the fuck moar, if Bush can laugh it off the Chinks should too. I know Bush is less popular, but to be honest, if someone threw a shoe at Obama and the libfags got too butthurt, I'd facepalm as well.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)13:26:51 No.3025172
    Right. I agree that getting butthurt is pointless. But that doesn't mean you can't understand that people are going to do it. And that it's a worldwide phenomenon (as I'm sure there would many hurt butts if Obama had a shoe thrown at him), so it shouldn't just labeled under DER BUTTHURT COMMUCHINKS

    uh oh guys I think ISM can hear a thread about China I hope this doesn't wake him from his crusty slumber
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)13:28:07 No.3025179
    Obamatards are actually a lot like Chinks.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)13:36:05 No.3025220

    I can testify to that. I went to Beijing this winter with my Chinese girlfriend to visit her family, and it pretty much dispelled any standing belief that the people felt as if they were being oppressed. Their society is more oriented on unity as a mass rather than of how individuals stand out. So when you approach it that way, it makes sense to see why their authoritarian government is popular to them. What we're doing in the west is looking at them through the lens of our society, and there's a stark contrast that people are oblivious to. Hence the self assured protestfags. Not that the Chinese don't do it either, because they totally do.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)13:36:34 No.3025226
    >is perceived as insult directed to the Chinese people themselves by many

    This is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid.

    It's this whole dumb nationalism and cultural pride thing. If an insult or incident has nothing to do with you, you shouldn't feel "insulted" or "offended" by it, and even then, if the person is an ideological opponent it's to be expected. You don't believe what they're saying? You dismiss it.

    Collective pride is the dumbest thing ever, full stop.

    >You think throwing things is an appropriate reaction to people whose policies you do not like

    Protest and provocation are always valuable. Problems do not get solved by smoothing over differences; you look through history and there is not a single issue of justice that was solved by people being quiet and passive and accommodating. Usually it actually happened through war, but fortunately that's often not the case any more. Other forms of conflict are usually more effective now.

    But conflict itself remains, and anything to provoke it is good, especially when it consists of bringing down sacred cows and politicians to size.

    No harm came of this, did it, so what's your problem?

    >he so arrogantly wants to "protect" from Wen

    Can you mount any moral defense of the policies of the Chinese oligarchy? It doesn't matter how much they've been led and manipulated into buying the Party bullshit, they oughtn't to be treated this way.

    Also, your general reformism can go fuck itself in hell.

    (Differentfag than you're responding to here.)
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)13:42:28 No.3025260
    It isn't pride, it's fear and self-loathing. Of course they know they aren't being given the chance to live like human beings, but the only way to avoid being sent to labour camp there is cheering for Hitler. To say that the Chinese possess a distinct identity which makes them crave authoritarian leadership is ridiculous in itself.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)13:46:14 No.3025284
    throwing a shoe isnt a form of protest... it just makes you seem like a douchebag. if he had started making a fuss by shouting serious questions then he woulda been more in the right.

    also stop with the protest bullshit. even in a democratic society protestfags accomplish very little relative to the effort they expend. its always more effective to change something from within. of course the current chinese oligarchy seems like shit next to the average western democracy, but you cant compare them like that. you compare it to what it was a decade ago, two decades ago, etc etc. change doesnt happen overnight in real like, especially in a nation of over a billion people. the generation of chinese that grew up during china's initial forays into reform are now the generation in power, and they are making progress.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)13:47:56 No.3025295

    Well, they HAVE had thousands of years of authoritarian figures. Like the emperors.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)13:48:12 No.3025298
    So, they won't say anymore that french are nazis, it's the whole Europe now.

    Hahahahaha. Faggots.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)13:54:31 No.3025341
    Chink government has always been corrupt and authoritarian. They're smarter than whitefags, but for some reason, the whole government thing is something they've never got a handle on.

    They need Western imperialism IMHO. They were by themselves for hundreds and hundreds of years, and their society stayed shitty and totalitarian and their most innovative and free-thinking people escaped elsewhere. We need to break them out of their cycle by taking over their society and remaking it in our image. I mean they obviously don't like it, or else they wouldn't be so desperate to escape to our countries.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)13:59:13 No.3025358
    >shitty and totalitarian

    only totalitarian is right. shitty was dependent on the era but for centuries china was generally a better place to live than europe.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:00:19 No.3025362
    you don't know anything about confucianism do you
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:01:27 No.3025368
    You don't know how to use commas and question marks, do you?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:02:58 No.3025381
    hurr durrr, a hurrdurr HERP DERP
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:03:03 No.3025382


    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:03:26 No.3025383
    Hurr durr, to you, too.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:04:21 No.3025390
    I've got something for you, you uneducated American!
    Take a look - http://www.mantex.co.uk/samples/commas.htm
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:06:31 No.3025402
    I think I prefer our version's lack of overly choppy sentances.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:07:39 No.3025413
    Hmm, OK, but maybe you should sort your spelling out too, you uneducated American.
    Take a look - http://www.dictionary.com
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:10:06 No.3025430
    >throwing a shoe isnt a form of protest... it just makes you seem like a douchebag. if he had started making a fuss by shouting serious questions then he woulda been more in the right.

    I agree that would've been much, much better, but a shoe is better than nothing.

    >also stop with the protest bullshit. even in a democratic society protestfags accomplish very little relative to the effort they expend

    Don't confuse a bunch of grandmothers standing on a street yelling about DA WAR and being ignored with what I'm talking about: forcing the people in power to stop putting off dealing with issues by forcing an ideological confrontation. The Chinese themselves did it in 1989. The oligarchy won provisionally by invading the square, but in the process they exposed themselves as the tyrants, in a literal sense, I'm not meaning this solely as a pejorative, they are. It was like 1954 or 1968 in Hungary and Czechoslovakia, respectively. The dissidents continued to provoke shit, and ultimately exposed the regimes there for the sick farces they were. China will be no different.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:10:09 No.3025431
    lol fuck you I'm and engineering major. Nothing over a paragraph I've written in over 3 years has been off a computer without a spellcheck.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:10:38 No.3025436
    Many of China's problems are the result of Eurofag imperialism. BROTIP: benevolent imperialism is a myth.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:13:51 No.3025462
    The best part about using communism to defeat imperialists isn't liberating the country from foreign powers, it's showing everyone on the world stage that I am. I love uppity collegefags thinking they are making a difference it is so adorable ;3

    Do people really not understand that western style democracy is never ever ever coming to China and bawwwing about it will not fix anything? Silly humanist value on individual life.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:15:10 No.3025475
    Funny that Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao are the richest parts of China.

    Makes you think that putting China in more responsible hands would be a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:15:12 No.3025476
    Fuck you, too, pig disgusting engineer.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:15:32 No.3025478

    i would argue that the opposite is true. western politicians, the self selecting group of authoritarian wannabes that they are, would give their collective left nut to exercise the type of power that the chinese communist party weilds. they already have to grease their way up their respective party apparatus and would not be in politics if they didn't desire to bend the world around them to their will. if they had the opportunity to dispense with the ritual humiliation of the hustings and the ballot box, they do it tomorrow.

    only party competition and the fear of the response from the other institutions of state, not to mention the mob, stops this from happening, at least overnight. thank's to the drip-drip-drip erosion of our civil liberties, we'll probably be living in a very similar society to the chinese as they are now within a generation.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:17:24 No.3025496
    Not really, there will be a revolt, the current elite will be replaced by governments that are xenophobic and protectionist but less elitist and authoritarian than our current leaders.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:18:59 No.3025501
    Fucking mutes on original content need to stop.
    Protest is actually more effective in authoritarian states than anywhere else; democratic leaders are legitimized by election, even when they're just as ridiculous as dictators, and democratic political cultures, no matter how ossified, tend to be more self-consistent and with more stable mental power structures (usually, they don't need to use guns, in other words), whereas most hardcore totalitarian leaders are past giving a fuck about international opinion and will usually just shoot any dissidents right away. Basically democracies marginalize radicals, the hardcore totalitarian states just shoot them. States falling somewhere inbetween- from post-Stalinist USSR and satellite states to the South African apartheid regime- can't do either of those, at least not as fast or as easily.

    Where foreign protest fits into this I'm not exactly sure, but it can't hurt.

    >change doesnt happen overnight in real like

    Not often, but it does, and it should. Not literally overnight, of course, but there's no reason why China today couldn't lift all restrictions on free expression and so on and begin laying plans for free elections sometime in the next few years.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:20:39 No.3025513
    Right. They are rich because of a vast influx of wealth that came with foreign control. Much of that wealth was taken through various means from the rest of China. So it's like if I robbed all the apartments in my building of their furniture and then said "But hey, look how nice my room is! My higher standard of living justifies my methods."

    Besides, Maco isn't anything special, Taiwan only got rich long after foreign control was gone, and Hong Kong's wealth was not entirely a result of British policy.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:20:44 No.3025515
    Apartheid was a unique case, it was essentially the equivalent of a racially-defined republican European republic exerting power over a black country.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:21:29 No.3025523
    Macao is very special, even now the average standard of living there is higher than Shanghai.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:23:02 No.3025534
    >Not often, but it does, and it should. Not literally overnight, of course, but there's no reason why China today couldn't lift all restrictions on free expression and so on and begin laying plans for free elections sometime in the next few years.

    Do you study history at all, or do you just enjoy making up absurd scenarios? China has had a revolution like that before. Elections were held. Do you know what happened? The semi-legitimate president was assassinated, and the country plunged into the bloodiest century it had ever seen. Congrats bro, your suggestion just killed 100 million people. But oh wait, it's all done so that the GLORIOUS WESTERN VALUES OF HUMANISM AND DEMOCRACY can shine shine shine forever, so it's all justified. Seriously, fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:24:06 No.3025538


    That's all I've heard.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:24:15 No.3025539
    But it's not actually as though wealth was actually carted away from the rest of China and concentrated in the foreign enclaves. It's rather that the enclaves pursued pro-business policies, allowed free speech (in Taiwan that was admittedly rather relative) and made their areas attractive for high-wealth and educated individuals. If you want to go ahead and keep making excuses for the failure of Chink society to make itself attractive, go ahead. But the figures don't lie, China's brightest and best prefer not being ruled by their central government.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:24:42 No.3025540
    If you read more about the Tiananmen Square shitstorm you realize that there is more than one side to the Communist party there. The hardliners are the ones that ordered the troops in when the ones that sympathized with the students couldn't solve the problem in a "reasonable" amount of time. Those hardliners were also mostly older generation types that by now are dieing off. The effects of that protest ARE being seen, they're just slowly trickling through the corrupt bureaucracy that is the main problem with China today.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:27:33 No.3025563

    Yes it fucking was. The Opium Wars and the policies resulting from them caused money to flow to the cities that Europeans invaded, establishing centers of trade that were phenomenally wealthy at the expense of the rest of China. The more liberal laws came after the money, not the other way around.



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