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    File :1233721206.gif-(182 KB, 768x523, handcuffs.gif)
    182 KB ask a career criminal anything Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:20:06 No.3019689  
    qualifying statement: I'm trying to go straight. It's pretty fucking difficult, but I'm really trying.

    Also: I wouldn't recommend my life to anyone.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:22:16 No.3019716
    So what crimes did you commit?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:24:25 No.3019739

    lied on my CV on multiple occaisons
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:25:15 No.3019752

    So, fraud then.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:25:50 No.3019762

    Fraud? That's it?

    Fuckin pussy
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:26:32 No.3019769
    Mostly contraband. Drugs, guns, stolen property. I did sell a shitload of RPGs to a bunch of white supremacists though. that always makes me smile because I know that they wont ever actually have the guts to fire them, in spite of what they cost.

    The british government would probably have an issue with my relationship with the provos, but that was a long time ago.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:27:57 No.3019783
    I used to sell weed in high school. I was so cool.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:28:42 No.3019791
    I'm more of a criminal than you.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:29:20 No.3019797
    Thread failure : OP needed trip.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:29:43 No.3019803
    are you a nigger?

    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:30:19 No.3019813
    So did you kill someone? Is your head shaven? Do you have a leather jacket?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:30:55 No.3019820
    i'm assuming you're the OP.

    how much did you make, money-wise?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:32:08 No.3019831

    About $500 a week. It was enough for weed and stuff, so 'sall good.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:32:29 No.3019837
    A few thoasand, give or take.

    I was a middle man for many different deals, only to return to my 'old idenity' with the loot.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:32:45 No.3019841
    obv trols r obv
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:33:24 No.3019852
    As much as I dont want to view certa9in people as lower than me. It does take a certain kind of person to live a life of crime.
    Sure I speed, smoke pot, and contribute to the deliquantcy of minors but I never stole anything. Although I am not about to take that money on the ground to the police station.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:33:26 No.3019853
    shit, i make that legitimately with the high-school education job i have. no thanks.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:33:38 No.3019858
    I have a leather jacket. It's very nice: Andrew Mark with a tab collar.

    I've never killed anyone directly. It could be construed in court that I was an accomplice.

    I never shaved my head. I have hired skinheads - that doesn't make me one.
    >> Crim !bFexis/Pdg 02/03/09(Tue)23:33:57 No.3019863
    I'm putting up a tripcode so people stop trying to impersonate me.


    Only posts of mine so far.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:34:39 No.3019870
    Where did the RPGs come from?
    >> Crim !bFexis/Pdg 02/03/09(Tue)23:35:19 No.3019878

    It's a long story.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:36:16 No.3019887

    If you were OP, then your choice of posts doesn't make much sense.

    OP here. It's not that guy.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:36:21 No.3019888
    I'm more of a "criminal" than anyone in this thread. Although, the "crimes" committed were not immoral in nature.
    >> Crim !bFexis/Pdg 02/03/09(Tue)23:37:19 No.3019904

    OP here, these are imposters.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:37:34 No.3019907
    Like you don't have time to tell your long story in your own thread. Yourdoinitwrong
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:38:03 No.3019911
    He obviously meant:
    instead of the one before it
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:38:22 No.3019917
    They weren't RPGs, but I wasn't sure if people here would know what a MANPAD was.

    They came from mexico. I don't know where they were made, I never asked.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:38:36 No.3019919
    I'm the real OP. Ignore the douches.


    I know a guy.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:38:46 No.3019920
    Hey streetwise, so, I used to do some shit I wasn't proud of when I was younger.

    I'm looking into picking locks. You know anything about lock-picking, because the fucking security pins on most any lock fuck me up.

    How do you get past those fuckers? or is it not even worth the effort?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:39:18 No.3019930
    I steal shit. So much shit.
    >> Crim !x4TXHIenAI 02/03/09(Tue)23:39:55 No.3019940
    THIS IS NOT ME. his indication of which posts were mine was correct except for >>3019820

    Be sure to look at the actual code from now on to verify.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:41:02 No.3019958

    Hijacked thread is hijacked

    GTFO my 4* you convicts
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:41:06 No.3019960
    way to:

    1) be fucking dumb enough to think this guy is a career criminal for lying on a resume.

    2) ruin a fucking decent thread with impersonation.

    >> anonymoose 02/03/09(Tue)23:41:08 No.3019961
    First of all, I thought /r9k/ was better than such childish trolling.

    Now back to the question at hand. I have a few inquiries. OP, how does your family and friends react to your crime life, if they even know? Also, do you have normal friends, or do you befriend other criminals? Lastly, is there, or was there, ever a sense of guilt with what you do?
    >> Crim !x4TXHIenAI 02/03/09(Tue)23:42:56 No.3019985
    I knew a guy who could pick and he was a big proponent of it, but honestly, I can't think of one situation where it would have helped me. It's stupid to engage in any sort of high-pressure crime where you're actively engaging against people who hate you and might try to hurt you. I do benefit from interacting with those people, though.

    I've busted a few locks in my day anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:50:04 No.3020081
    1) My family and friends tolerate me. The charges are getting heavier, so while my best friend was able to make bail 3 years ago, my mom had to put up her house to get me out last year. she wasn't too cool with that, but she did it anyway.

    I left my phone in the car today at work and my girl reacted by calling city jail to see if I was incarcerated. that kind of sucks.

    2) I don't know if my friends are "normal". I have many friends who I care about, who are just stupid hippies and don't want to hurt anyone. I haven't seen one of them for 10 days and I'm really worried about him.

    3) My main reason for living is to prepare myself to meet god. I don't expect to be forgiven, but I'm hoping that I can do enough good to offset the bad.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:53:08 No.3020127
    YEah, I get that.

    I started picking locks at home as sort of a hobby. The cheap locks and the tools you need are legal and cheap, but I can't see myself fucking with a masterlock on a toolshed for 20 minutes picking the fucking thing to steal his garden tools and shit.

    Its so much easier to break open a lock, and just sheer the pins level. Those pins are hella weak and it just takes something inserted in there and a bit of muscle and you are in in an instant.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:55:06 No.3020156
    OP here - why anyone would want to impersonate me escapes me completely.

    Anyway - anything over 5 pins is going to be a bitch. I use Schlage on my own locks because they're cost effective and pretty hard to mess with. Kwickset and friends are a joke. anything with the holes in the side of the key is pretty much impossible.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)00:01:15 No.3020219
    For OP and, well, anyone else who has a useful answer:

    How does your history interfere with your daily life? What sort of extra hassles do you have to deal with when you've got a record?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)00:01:54 No.3020226
    > where you're actively engaging against people who hate you and might try to hurt you. I do benefit from interacting with those people, though.

    There's also the point where they find your body in a dumpster. You can be all kinds of narcissistic about it, but no matter how retarded you are, somebody is likely to cry at your funeral and that's not too cool.

    I've got a kid and he loves me to death. He knows what I am and while he loves that his dad is badass, he also worries about me. Thats not fair and it's not right. He's the main reason that I'm cleaning up.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)00:04:06 No.3020254
    I forget the shows name but its on discovery & has 2 guys break into peoples house & they upgrade it for them.

    Is the shit they do to break into the house actually used by burglars?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)00:04:27 No.3020259
    A felony conviction makes you effectively unemployable.

    Other things might mean that you don't ever get to really sleep without massive amounts of alcohol.

    Personally, I fall into the later category.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:08:49 No.3021739

    In the US, a misdemeanor (think posession if CDS, assault 2, etc) isn't a big deal.

    A felony (think distribution, manufacturing or anything to do with weapons) means you cant get employed at macdonalds.

    As far as the mental shit, it's up to you.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:09:33 No.3021743

    seriously dont call yourself a "career" criminal unless you are Lex Luthor.

    I mean come on!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:11:11 No.3021756
    protip: neither one was OP
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:15:02 No.3021797
    I think that I qualify. I was talking to my mom a while back. neither one of us could count the number of times that I've been arrested.

    I've been arrested in oregon, california, maryland and the UK. I've been deported and I have a file at interpol. I have an open case in my current state. My last arrest was for 16 counts - at least 8 felony charges.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:18:19 No.3021824

    so you plan to take over the world everyday and try to kill superman?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:22:05 No.3021857
    My plan is to become a really good manager of a software team, stay out of the business, and live a happy life with my fiancee and my son. you'ld think that would be easy, but there is the very real possibility that I may have to kill someone this year. it's all in the details.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:46:15 No.3022056
    OP here - the real one.

    I've been rereading this thread, and it blows me away. I'm being self indulgent and using r9k as my therapist. Don't worry - I have a real therapist who can really help me.

    But you assholes actually want to be me. you're fucking stupid, and I mean that. All you internet tough guys are that gayest thing imaginable.

    For real - you can push a glock against someone's head and you will definitely get the reaction that your looking for. The catch is that it never leaves you. never. it comes back in your dreams, it comes back in your reactions, but it never goes away. why that fuck would you want that?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)06:40:11 No.3023218
    don't care if you're fake op, you're more interesting than the other guys.

    What's the situation whereby you're going to 'have' to kill someone this year?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)06:49:37 No.3023261

    to relive that moment obviously
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)07:05:49 No.3023319
    yeah, well imagine how the guy who was threatened with the gun feels
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)07:16:41 No.3023368

    What sort of shoes do you wear?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)08:20:13 No.3023607
         File :1233753613.jpg-(16 KB, 252x320, grandpa+simpson.jpg)
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    Sneakers... for sneaking!

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