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    File :1233719618.jpg-(45 KB, 300x450, 1229631473408.jpg)
    45 KB Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:53:38 No.3019371  
    Middle school FUCKING rocked, /r9k/. Don't lie.

    No! No bawwing about how you couldn't get a date due to your acne and your lard and your shitty introverted personality. No bawwing at all. Middle school was fuckawesome and you know it.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:54:21 No.3019380
    Middle school fucking sucked. High school was ok.
    >> LR !WaifuNA2zo 02/03/09(Tue)22:54:59 No.3019386
    Middle school was absolutely horrible and I wish never to relive it.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:55:01 No.3019387
    I would always envy these kinds of people.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:56:11 No.3019405
    Look at that motherfucker, hot shit he is.

    Goddamn I am so fucking envious.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:56:53 No.3019417
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:57:09 No.3019424
    I remember middle school fondly, too. Playing Pokemon all fucking day. SNES all night. God damn I actually remember thinking "life doesn't get any better than this".

    High school? All those fuckers stopped talking to me because I was a blasphemer. Are you fucking serious? I called the damn Jesus character in some Street Fighter game a faggot and they stop talking to me. When the fuck have we ever been christfaggy? Ever talk about religion even, fuck. I'm glad you faggots all have kids or work at IHOP.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:57:57 No.3019435
    what the shit is middle school? another american bullshit?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:59:39 No.3019459
    6th and 8th grade were bad ass imo.

    6th knew everyone from elementary school and even the kids I didn't were cool. We all got along. On a "track system"

    7th - horrible. switched to year round very few friends in each class. Picked on, shitty year, shitty teachers.

    8th - not bad friends with mostly everyone, cool teachers, relaxed year.

    Never had a girlfriend or even a kiss/hug in Middle school or even now, but middle school was kick ass.

    Hated HS though, 11th grade was my favorite. Got a stable circle of friends finally who all were about the same. 12th sucked they started dating and getting girlfriends and flirting with chicks all day. I didn't fit it in any more, sucked.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:00:27 No.3019471
    I was actually pretty handsome and "popular" in middle school so I look back on that time fondly. But after 8th grade...things just went to shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:00:39 No.3019474
    The only good thing about middle school was watching daddies little whores cry a river when the drug dogs came

    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:01:32 No.3019486
    I wore a black jacket in middle school because it rained a lot and I was new in town and everyone thought I was a Columbine kid and everyone made fun of me and I played sick throughout all of eighth grade even staging realistic impromptu-seeming vomiting scenes and I ended up getting sent to a shrink.

    High school was pretty cool, though. Made a lot of friends.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:01:33 No.3019488
    I skateboarded or was at the arcade all the time in middle school. I was also good enough to be on the school basketball team at that point (only made JV in high school).

    So yeah, it was pretty cool. I liked high school better though.
    >> Nervous Rex !!umBdlsLZNdJ 02/03/09(Tue)23:03:21 No.3019510
    Middle school was easily the worst 3 years of my life, and I've had a fucking difficult and shitty life.

    We had to eat lunch in silence, we weren't allowed to carry backpacks, and there was a line of tape down the middle of the hall, traffic on one side went in one direction and the other side went in the opposite direction. Walking the wrong way on whatever side of the tape you were on was punishable by a days suspension.

    God that place was bullshit
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:04:02 No.3019521
    yes middle school was cool, i was small and cut, had a bunch of older girl friends(not actual girl friends but girl friends>.>)...then i got taller and uglier
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:04:50 No.3019532
    Holy Shit!.

    OP's pic hella reminds me of middle school and one fat white kid I played Magic the Gathering with.

    My best friend was a skinny black kid, unlike any other black kid I've ever met, I used to play Battletech with him.

    He had a sick fascination with nuclear weapons and densely populated cities. I hope he is not working with DARPA like he said he wanted to do.

    Aw, shit, middle school was fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:05:03 No.3019536
    gah, i ment cute, stupid hands
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:06:29 No.3019551

    This reminds me

    The only real good thing that came from middle school was having all the girls tits in your face because they were all a foot taller hahahaha
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:10:26 No.3019586
    Middle school was absolute shit. It is a cesspool of every STD, drug, type of dumbass. Middle school is like /b/, which isn't surprising considering that most of those dipshits are probably in middle school themselves.

    High school was much better, but I will admit that 8th grade wasn't that bad because I met this fuckawesome girl who basically introduced me to most of my friends and started my sociability. I miss her now though.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:11:22 No.3019591
    Holy Mother of God no.

    Middle School was a hellhole where everyone suddenly became an asshole. I didn't talk to anyone and because of this, was horribly bullied. I quickly became depressed and ridden with anxiety. I was also at a loss on how to improve myself.

    High School was better because people finally stopped picking on me and I eventually gained a circle of friends as I got some advice on how to improve my social skills. Still didn't get a girlfriend till college, but whatever.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:11:30 No.3019592
    8th grade was amazing
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:13:33 No.3019616
    Middle school is when all of the social groups really start to cement. You have to try to force yourself into a clique or be an outsider for a long time, I managed to make some friends just in time for HS so it all worked out in the end.
    >> Edward Cullen 02/03/09(Tue)23:15:21 No.3019633
    this. thank god.

    i loved my middle school years, man. i actually started to talk to people.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:18:35 No.3019666



    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:19:59 No.3019687
    Hmm, this sounds exactly like me, except I eventually got a girlfriend later on in high school.
    >> Zetto San 02/03/09(Tue)23:20:41 No.3019696
    Middle school was horrible for me. I learned nothing except hate.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:20:46 No.3019699

    What the hell is wrong with you OP?
    Middle school was complete and utter shit, and high school was like diet middle school, still shit. Nothing like walking to class with a binder under your arm and WHOOPS, looks like that normal fag knocked all your shit everywhere, just like yesterday.
    Or how about finally telling a black asshole to shut the fuck up and get some class, only to be punished for racism?

    Good fucking times middle school, good god damn fucking times.
    >> TROLL TROLL LOL !itrOLuJz3Q 02/03/09(Tue)23:23:52 No.3019729
    Middle School is pretty shitty because usually you and your friends split off in different directions, clique-wise.
    I had a bud of mine who was practically my best friend through Elementary School, but as soon as we hit Middle School he quickly turned into a skater punk, playing around with those shitty tech decks and wearing shark-toothed necklaces or whatever. Shitsux.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:24:23 No.3019738
    Middle school was great, I was on a "team" of kids from the gifted program who didn't play school football. We would play the school team every lunch break.

    We won every time.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:25:10 No.3019749
    I hated Middle School, not because I got bullied or anything but that was when puberty really kicked in. It's when everyone starts dating and the ones who came in as flat chested little girls come out as smoking hot women (at least in my eyes back then, now they're just little pre-pubescent sluts to me). Go figure, I was a total nobody, I wasn't even worth getting beaten up for.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:25:28 No.3019755
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:32:27 No.3019836
    It taught me to be super self conscience about everything I did.

    Fuck you, middle school.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:33:01 No.3019845
         File :1233721981.jpg-(72 KB, 800x400, SchoolBus.jpg)
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    If you ever rode it, you can't deny it, this was the best part of Middle School. We felt like motherfucking pirates, we were bombarding everything in that passed us by in the street, dogs, police cars, babies, other buses especially. Besides, the rules went to go fuck themselves on my bus, we did whatever we wanted since the bus driver couldn't give a rat's ass about what happened. Anything that could be thrown out was thrown out, books, seats that weren't nailed down, food, hand grenades, even the 5th graders were shown no mercy when the time called for it. Strangely enough, the bus hierarchy collapsed by the end of 7th grade and we found ourselves sitting in the front and the 5th and 6th graders sitting in the back.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:34:57 No.3019873
    What I noticed was that all of the high school stereotypes you find in the Media never apply to high school, they really only apply to Middle School. In High School (at least in mine) people were kind enough to mind their own fucking business.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:35:59 No.3019884
    Late middleschool was great for me, we would just put all the desks together and play cards for the entire second semester in almost every class. We even got a few teachers playing, god I miss those years.
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 02/03/09(Tue)23:36:43 No.3019893
    Oh god no. Every time I rode on a bus it took all of my strength not to snap the necks of every child on it. They just kept screaming and moving around.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:38:17 No.3019915
    I was one of those screaming kids, it was awesome. One time we started passing around helium balloons like a bong so we could hear ourselves as chipmunks, it was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:39:08 No.3019928
    i'm senior in high school now and i see stereotypes are more true now then ever. I also see that just about everyone drinks, smokes, and smoke pot, it's sad that these people need to impair themselves to have any fun at all
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 02/03/09(Tue)23:39:26 No.3019932
    Do you hear that noise?

    That is the sound of me trying to strangle a laptop.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:41:15 No.3019962
    Middle school was fucking sweet. I actually had friends.

    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:41:26 No.3019967
    I always just slept on the bus. I could doze off no matter how loud it was. Somehow, I always woke up right before we got to school or my house.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:41:36 No.3019971
    I meant more along the lines of the stereotypes being Jocks, nerds, preppies, criminals, mind bogglingly dumb cheerleaders, etc. I found nearly all of those to be more prevalent in Middle School than in High School. But then again, I went to one of the specialized high schools for the supposedly smart people.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:44:06 No.3020004
    Fond memories of 7th grade. Just playing MtG during breaks, attempting to flirt with girls, I was pretty well-balanced back then.
    Moved to a different school in 8th grade, totally fucked up my social development, I think.
    >> Edward Cullen 02/03/09(Tue)23:44:51 No.3020016
    loosen up mang. i doubt you're having fun with us miserable 4channers.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:46:09 No.3020031
    My middle school was terrible just because the building was so old and basically falling apart. There was always a rumor that if a ceiling tile fell, everybody would have to evacuate the building because there was still asbestos up there.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:48:00 No.3020056
    >I also see that just about everyone drinks, smokes, and smoke pot, it's sad that these people need to impair themselves to have any fun at all
    Not true. They can probably have boatloads of fun with none of that shit. Their minds just happen to be open enough to not be afraid to try something new. I bet you're a boring, unadventurous person. Keep in mind that I say this not because you don't smoke weed/drink, but because you persecute others for doing so. Loosen up... life's a lot better that way.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:48:06 No.3020057
    well i went to plain ol public middle school seemed to me that everyone was still childish in middle school, just discovering drugs and such. then in highschool everyone slowly divided up and floated into their generic stereotypes. You can stick me in the goth stereotype but im usually in a very good mood and interact with whoever i feel like. most people dont give me shit but that may just be because they think im *scary* (someone in my english class this year said i looked scary, kinda confused me. I'm really passive and friendly most of the time)
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:51:29 No.3020103
    Hell no, middle school sucked. I only had two real friends, the rest just were just accumulated through my persona of the cool, alternative girl. I had a major problem with anger towards anyone and everyone, too. And I was in and out of psychiatric treatment for major depressive disorder.

    High school was awesome though.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:52:02 No.3020110
    i dont persecute them for doing it, thats all they ever talk to eachother about when discussing what they are going to be doing after school or during the weekends. I can't see the fun in it but dont really care at the same time
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:52:47 No.3020120
    Middle school was pretty boss. Easy classes, decent friends. Got to wear pj pants all day and no one gave a shit because they were equally as idiotic about fashion.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:53:16 No.3020130
    Middle school sucked, everyone including myself was a giant pre-teen faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:57:42 No.3020178
    8th grade of middle school was some of the best times of my life


    i didn't give a shit about girls, i just wanted to hang with my friends and fuck around at the mall
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 02/03/09(Tue)23:57:45 No.3020179
    Middle school sucked: I experienced persistent bullying by half the school because of a certain bookbag. It continued until I got out of the public school system at the end of the 9th grade.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)00:00:41 No.3020214
    I fucking HATED middle school.


    High school was way fucking superior.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)00:02:14 No.3020232
    Middle school was the best.

    Too bad I was such a complete fuck up that I ruined it for myself.
    >> Edward Cullen 02/04/09(Wed)00:02:55 No.3020241
    certain bookbag? you leave us with only this tantalizing detail?

    tell me it is no anime bag or so.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)00:04:31 No.3020260
    Let me guess, you've never tried any of these substances (booze/weed) which you "can't see the fun in"?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)00:05:17 No.3020269
    I went to a private school which had mixed middle school and high school, grades 7 through 12.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 02/04/09(Wed)00:08:49 No.3020308
    It was a pokemon bookbag, it had a pikachu on the back. At that time I didn't care about middle school fads. Even when I stopped wearing the bookbag, it wouldn't made any difference.
    >> LucariBRo !7iDLucario 02/04/09(Wed)00:09:40 No.3020325
    Middle school was shit, everyone was so immature and the administration at my school was fucking terrible. High school, however, was pretty good. College even better.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)00:09:53 No.3020329
    I think that I've mostly blocked jr. high (not middle school--my city is weird and still does it k-6, 7-9, 10-12) out of my memory. not because anything particularly traumatic happened, but it was just so awfully boring. I didn't learn anything, I didn't do anything, puberty was hitting me hard, and I turned mostly reclusive. things barely started looking up around ninth grade, only to get torn down again by starting high school.

    bawww teenage years
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)00:11:05 No.3020344
    tried booze, it all burns to me, ben at parties where the weed comes out and everyone just sits around and giggles at random shit
    >> The Red Barron 02/04/09(Wed)00:11:21 No.3020350
    Uh, no. 8th grade was total win because for some reason the Mexicans loved me, but 6th and 7th... I would never do that shit again.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)00:17:34 No.3020438
    Middle school sucked, highschool was badass though

    Mewtcoxx just in case
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)00:21:18 No.3020505
    For a second I thought "Yeah, it DID rock, I had a few actual friends and we played Pokemon and other stuff every day" but then I remembered that aside from those 5 friends, everyone bullied me horribly, and most days the only reason I went to school was to avoid my abusive mother
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)00:29:13 No.3020636
    Fuck no, middle school.

    Three years of boring useless shit interpuncted by one of my friends doing a complete 180 from bro to douchebag.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)00:29:45 No.3020642
    Middle school was the worst two years of my life.

    The bullies and nasty fuckups ran amok because the administration was too weak to control them, and took out their impotent rage on the weak, defenseless kids.

    Every single thing was covered in stifling red tape - there was absolutely no freedom and even small steps out of line were met with dire consequences.

    The teachers were either incredibly stupid, extraordinarily shitty, or bitter and mean. They also assigned preposterous amounts of homework - I'm a sophomore in college now - I have never had as much homework as I did in 8th grade. Not even when I took 4 AP courses my senior year of high school.

    I was super extroverted up until the beginning of 7th grade. Middle school changed all that. Everyone was against me, and I just turned in on myself until about 11th grade, or so. I think I'm still working off some of the psychological damage I sustained.

    So yeah, middle school licked dicks.
    >> Sanchez !IS3gM5D.kI 02/04/09(Wed)00:31:04 No.3020660
    People actually liked middle school?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)00:41:38 No.3020766
    I feel like I'm the only one who actually agrees with OP...

    I fucking ruled my middle school - it was a great place with funny, laid-back teachers, no real strenuous work, awesome kids and great... everything, dude.

    I had a badass group of friends, all with cool, original personalities. We traded pokemans (the cards and gameboy versions), we played 4-square fucking hardcore and we murdered roly-polys like you wouldn't believe. I got my first kiss there, I had the best friends I'll ever have, and I basically sat on my ass and enjoyed 3 years of pure awesomeness (and Bill Nye)...

    >> Rostran !DhEB6uKYyE 02/04/09(Wed)00:56:49 No.3020912
         File :1233727009.gif-(608 KB, 356x200, 1213412038495.gif)
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    Middle school fucking sucked. In 6th grade I was the odd new kid that everyone picked on and the administration thought I was going to pull a columbine at one point. Had to go see a psychologist because of that. 7th and 8th grade weren't much better either.

    So yeah, fuck you OP. You were probably one of those shitbags that I had to deal with.

    pic unrelated, got mootblocked for trying to post the image I wanted to use
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)01:02:08 No.3020947
    I hated Middleschool
    Middleschool hated me back
    I didn't give a shit
    Neither did it
    It seems we agreed to disagree.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)01:04:57 No.3020982
    Middle school was hard for me, work-wise. I took full AP classes senior year, went for the IB diploma, and it was comparable to middle school work. I had to write like a 15-page paper for my social studies class, in 8th grade! I mean, damn!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)01:06:10 No.3020995
    Three Fuckepic things happened while I was suffering through middleschool
    1: I got one lunch worth of detention for lighting a fire at school
    2: there was an eathquake my 8th grade year that made them close half of the school cutting us to 1/2 days until the end of the year.
    3: My english teacher became my history teacher and offered 4 times the maximum number of points in the class if one of us could explain Bicamberal legislation (second summester histor was easy as fuck after i cot that points.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)01:14:35 No.3021077
    it was alright. I do miss playing pokemon cards.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)01:18:30 No.3021123
    middle school fucking sucked. i sadly remember every detail of it.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)05:24:48 No.3022931
    geh, after graduating it doesn't seem that bad, had a blast in grade 9 ^_^
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)05:28:11 No.3022944
    Middle school was not fun for me. Ruptured appendix and third degree burns. Within about 2 months of each other, too. Now I've got a horrible case of red scarred mutant foot ;__;
    >> ArcadiaExpress !3GqYIJ3Obs 02/04/09(Wed)05:30:29 No.3022948
    Yeah, it fucking rocked. I got suspended for half a year for starting a food fight on the last day though.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)05:32:59 No.3022955
    middle school sucked cock for me, not for any specific reason, i just had more fun before and after it
    >> ArcadiaExpress !3GqYIJ3Obs 02/04/09(Wed)05:34:05 No.3022961
    Now I'm in high school and it sucs ass. In Middle School, I could cause havoc, it's so much harder nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)05:37:27 No.3022971
    6th grade is a haze. 7th grade rocked. 8th grade was the second worst year of my entire life.

    So no.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)05:45:16 No.3022992

    You have 7th and 8th mixed up. 8th is like 12th for kids.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)05:46:41 No.3022996
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)05:59:05 No.3023048
    I hated middle school, because it was an awkward stage where all my friends either moved away or hanging out with different people (my best friend since third grade became a drug addict whore and I didn't want to associate with her.)

    That and I discovered the internet and my sleeping disorder sprung up. So not only was I antisocial and friendless, I also couldn't sleep and was exhausted ALL the goddamn time. I stopped caring about school and got piled under stress and bad grades...


    Fortunately, I got over my mandatory teenage depression in middle school, and high school was much better.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)06:06:02 No.3023069
    MIddle school was bittersweet, it started mediocre, had a blast most of the time, but had a falling out with a few friends towards the end of 8th grade.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)06:14:51 No.3023108
    I was super into Marvel and was labeled a humongous fucking nerd. I showed them in high school. They all jumped on the bandwagon when those fucking movies started coming out.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)06:19:44 No.3023131
    Middle school was actually, unfortunate to admit now, the better times of my life. Entering high school everything went down hill, and then exponentially, and then finally shit hit the fan several times only to get morbidly better out of HSnow this is a story how my life got flipped turn upside down

    god damnit it's 4 AM
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)06:28:46 No.3023164
    7th grade was sort of awkward and insignificant.

    8th grade however was awesome. I started playing guitar the year before, but I got into some bands in 8th grade so I became pretty popular for that, which was fun. I also tried smoking weed and drinking, I didn't do it often, but it was fun while it lasted. I played some good PS1 games and for some reason my acne cleared up that year completely. (It came back again in 9th grade.) A lot of girls liked me, though I didn't entirely realize it then, still made it cool to have people want to talk to me. And I was pretty much able to hang out with all my groups of friends with nobody ever asking me "Why are you hanging out with those guys?" I could spend lunch 1 day with my nerdy friends, or with my skater-bro friends, or with my punker/music friends.

    I look back at my 8th grade self and realize I was kind of a douchebag for trying to be everything at once, but I'll be damned if it wasn't fun at the time.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)06:34:44 No.3023197
    Lol @ all those who said middle school sucked.

    But then again it really did suck. Bullying, being forced into classes full of morons etc. High school was far better since I was too big to be bullied and I could make better friends.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)06:49:22 No.3023259
    Oh yeah, being the most bullied kid in school, had my byke tires pierced like 30 times just the last year and someone cut my breaks once which almost ended in me dying. Yeah, fun times.

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