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    28 KB Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:19:09 No.3019001  
    So how many anons here are pissed by the fact that pretty soon we'll be living in post WWII America P.2?

    Once you start to see these sings:
    1. The universal feeling of economic safety after an economic crisis
    2. Naivety towards victory in the middle east
    3. Films celebrating the "new found freedom" in America
    4. A substantial increase in government officials
    5. The vast majority of Americans feel national pride and support industrial growth

    You better brace for impact cuz the entire make-up of society's gonna change. And not necessarily for the betterment of mankind.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:21:36 No.3019024
    repbulican obstructionst talking points

    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:22:43 No.3019031
    Post WWII was scarier because our enemies could actually destroy us. Now its just a bunch of stinky rag-tag muslims.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:25:03 No.3019057
    Meh.. who knows when thats gonna heppen anyway.

    The economy doesnt seem like its going to go back up pretty soon.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:27:51 No.3019087
    you can't just drop a bomb on terrorists,
    more will sprout up.

    you have to kill them like weeds,
    with chemical spray
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:28:02 No.3019089
    What if this ends up happening for real what would you guys do?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:29:10 No.3019100

    Um...I may be off base here, but wasn't post WWII American society pretty much the most productive ever?

    I mean, in terms of technological innovation, economic growth and worldwide influence we just stomped fucking ass.

    Now that we're finally losing all that awkward social baggage and the last few glass ceilings are cracking, isn't this (our many current issues aside) the dawning of a potential second Greatest Generation?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:29:52 No.3019107

    you mean hitler? I'd wait it out until he went away.

    As for car-sharing clubs, fuck it whatever I make enough money to drive my own shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:31:13 No.3019122
    Everything started to go downhill in the 80s. Fucking Gen X and their greedy fucking parents. Greed sucks.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:31:56 No.3019126

    spoilers: we started being most productive ever well before the world wars
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:33:14 No.3019138
    Post-WWII America is a pretty cool guy. eh rebuilds the rest of the world while still maintaining massive domestic growth and doesn't afraid of anything.

    I would claim that the worst parts about that period were abuses of blacks and McCartheyism... and I don't see that being as likely as other stuff.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:35:04 No.3019154

    Right on, bro; slavery was nothing compared to that shit.
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 02/03/09(Tue)22:35:56 No.3019160
    No, America only started to stand out when all its competitors fought to death. Twice.
    >> Gran Torino is Fine Too 02/03/09(Tue)22:36:53 No.3019165
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    >how many anons here are pissed by the fact that pretty soon we'll be living in post WWII America P.2?

    I dunno man, the peeps from the 1950's were pretty badass and self sufficient.

    I can only hope to be just like Walt Kowalski when I grow old.

    >Take these three items, some WD-40, a vice grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone.
    >I once fixed a door that wasn't even broken yet.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:38:57 No.3019187
    >slavery was nothing compared to that shit
    Uh... what? What's your point, exactly?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:41:01 No.3019211
    Hey a tip of the hat to you, sir.
    For reminding me of such an awesome character.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:41:30 No.3019219

    You're right. To start with, I don't know why anybody even bothers to remember how we came in to being by sticking it to the Brittish empire.

    Not that anybody these days would remember why anybody should give a shit about the Brittish empire anyway.
    >> Mike ­ 02/03/09(Tue)22:44:10 No.3019247
    >Keep your hands off my dog
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:45:01 No.3019254

    I'm trying to agree with you. When I think about the worst parts of the latter half of the last century, I immediately think of how horrible it was that we had all that civil rights movement stuff. Hell, I'd cite Womens' rights as the great failure of today if international tolerance hadn't upstaged them.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:46:14 No.3019270
    So, I'm going to take a shot in the dark and guess some of OP's opinions that caused him to make this shitty, vague thread:
    1. OP's a small-governmentist who's afraid that any government action re: the recession will RUIN EVERYTHING... and the economy "is already on the way to a speedy recovery".
    2. OP's one of those fucktards who thinks that terrorism poses a legitimate threat to the US.
    3. OP's a Paultard who thinks that Hollywood is trying to indoctrinate everyone... contradictory to his pro-market views.
    4. OP's a small-governmentist who thinks that the only cause of sorrow in the world is government beurocracy.
    5. OP's a Paultard who thinks that he's not conservative because he can occaisionally say something negative about America.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:46:50 No.3019278
    Sounds pretty great to me. What's your beef?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:47:44 No.3019287

    I think you forgot to post some che with that
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:49:19 No.3019310

    In all seriousness, I was reading about the rise of Hitler Germany the other weekend and I got to thinking that I'd appreciate living in a place like that even though I know full well it would lead hell on earth for anybody worthwhile.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:51:18 No.3019341
    You idiots have no clue how bad this recession is, and about half of the country is going to hate Obama in four years.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:52:10 No.3019352
    Surely you're joking.

    Do you really think that most of the problems in the world today were caused by too much government? If so, please headdesk.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:53:30 No.3019370
    But guys, WWII ended 60 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:54:02 No.3019376
    Uh, the OP was talking about the period AFTER the recession. Sounds pretty nice to me!
    >> Fine Too 02/03/09(Tue)22:55:45 No.3019400
    Fuck, I read that as
    >I would claim that the worst parts about that period were blacks
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:55:58 No.3019403
    Difference is, OP said "pretty soon". I don't think it's going to be "pretty soon" that we're out of the recession, and I think that's an important article for OP's complaint.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:56:59 No.3019419

    You mean like the race riots? Or the gas lines?

    Wait, it's all about disco and 'luudes, rite? I'm down with that shit, brah. Fuck yeah, and then COKE!

    Hmmm, maybe we can come up with something better than crack that will cause our "urban" populations to die out completely, and then play some mad crunk lazer tag in all the post-apocolyptic cities!
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:57:41 No.3019430
    wow, Op. I rode with Hitler today and I didn't even know it.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:59:05 No.3019449

    Dude, get a sports car. You can fucking dorifto around the corners with hitler!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:00:01 No.3019462
    And remember, all of the problems you just named were the fault of BIG GOVERNMENT!!!
    >> Matthew !FzAyW.Rdbg 02/03/09(Tue)23:08:15 No.3019570

    That sounds fucking awesome.

    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:17:04 No.3019650
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    I get this feeling like you're wrong even if you're right.


    For you, I post the inspiration of furhter awe
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:18:43 No.3019669
    This thread is pretty fucking GAY. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT. NEO CON GAYFEST?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:21:20 No.3019710
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    moar liek THE HOT BANG THE PUSSY PORN amirite?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:26:45 No.3019773
    You need to have World War III before you have post-World War III.

    BTW: World War III isn't and won't be against a bunch of terrorists. It's the Han nihilists. When their economy goes to hell, they'll need an enemy to go to war with for a little stimulus. Just wait for them to invade India (aka. "Eastern Tibet") and Siberia (aka. the "Northern Manchuria Resource Area".) It's inevitable. They will do it.

    And we'll have to stop them. Not alone - but it'll be one hell of a fight.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:29:59 No.3019809

    Why not just go with the khazar empire and arguing that death to isreal is correct and not antisemetic because they are not decendents of the original tribes? It's even got a cool story about a rabbi jewing the king into enforcing judaism on his better-than-viking-and-gengiskahn warrior empire.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:48:36 No.3020064
    if those 5 things happen...our country will be soo...sooooo much better

    Now I'm not gonna say that everything that comes out of the republican party is terrible, but right now republicans are just pissed cause the worst possible representation of them was put out in front of the world for the last 8 years, and now the best possible representation of the democratic party is being put out in front of the world for the next 8 years. Just get your shit together and get ready for 2016, and get ready to inherit a much much stronger country. Although honestly you probably won't be inheriting it until 2032 or so.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)23:53:04 No.3020126

    yesterday: "il duce"

    today: "too big to fail"

    (p.s. yes, that applies to both parties *gasp*)
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)00:03:50 No.3020248
    dudes - you're forgetting - post-World War II came about after World War II - the most destructive war in human history.

    I'm predicting that - yes - America will still be on top after the Third War (which - if today is 1933, will start in around 6 years) - but it'll be a hell of a fight. That is, we'll be on top at the end if we are still as adaptable as we believe ourselves to be. i think we are.

    sometimes it takes destroying everything in order to allow it to be put back together again. that's a scary thought - but it'll be a cool time to be alive.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)00:15:21 No.3020407
    We all know that war is nothing but a capitalist ploy meant to replenish the economy ever so often.
    >> The Last Crusade is Fine Too 02/04/09(Wed)00:33:10 No.3020686
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    >I rode with Hitler today and I didn't even know it.
    You fool!
    At the very least you could have gotten his autograph!
    >> Green Red 02/04/09(Wed)00:41:52 No.3020769
    LOL. the US is in a terminal downward spiral. It's falling apart and nobody can stop its collapse. Enjoy China and India ruling the world.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)00:48:15 No.3020830


    unless by that you mean some small, powerless, incapable government that will implode with less grandeur than the USSR and more total failure.

    I'm sure no other countries in the world would be able to compete with china and india! and they'd all just sit there like a bunch of african buttfuck lines on a map as if there were no other players in the world.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)00:54:55 No.3020893
    Europe, Russia, South America & the rest of the Pacific have an interest in China not being the dominant player, so they'll back up the US as long as the US holds them down.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)01:02:23 No.3020954
    Post WWII America was the best America.

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