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    File :1233583461.jpg-(29 KB, 280x496, garfeld.jpg)
    29 KB Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:04:21 No.3000000  
    sorry couldnt stop myself
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:05:07 No.3000010
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:05:09 No.3000011
    You're forgiven
    >> patachu666 !LULZISTwQI 02/02/09(Mon)09:05:09 No.3000012
         File :1233583509.png-(20 KB, 575x560, DGGFQSF.png)
    20 KB
    bastard. well played
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:05:50 No.3000018
    It could've been better man.
    >> Butterfly !xlgRMYva6s 02/02/09(Mon)09:06:19 No.3000022
    You fucking faggot!

    damnit i keep forgetting this is some robot board.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:06:31 No.3000024
    You can't see me, but I am facepalming in real life.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:06:38 No.3000026
    adds nothing to the /b/oard except what i've just implied.
    >> Jellied Anxiety !!P2JrlYUWqxH 02/02/09(Mon)09:07:03 No.3000029
    i am greatly disappointed with whoever drew that pic.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:09:16 No.3000040
         File :1233583756.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, EPniR.gif)
    4 KB

    1. Open this image. You will see a blank image or an error message.
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    5. Shit bricks.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:09:26 No.3000042
    i am also greatly disappointed and regret that i have no other means of expression than these words at my disposal
    >> FRAU DOKTOR !!FIKs9rk6k0M 02/02/09(Mon)09:10:21 No.3000048
    I wish I could say I was disappointed, but honestly this GET appears to be par for the course.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:10:22 No.3000050
    poasting in epik thread!~!~!~!!~!~11ONE ONE ELEVENTY FIVE

    lol s0 r4nd0m xD eCkS DeE
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:11:37 No.3000055
    You are a fucking faggot and I hope you die.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:12:04 No.3000059
    Just in case this was really good, but it's most likely some b&worthy js spam.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:13:31 No.3000068
    it's worse than js spam
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:13:32 No.3000069

    Toasting in epic bread

    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:14:52 No.3000075
    worse, it's just some kid saying that courage wolf is XD
    direct quote
    >This and Courage Wolf are xD

    i think the this he's referring to are pokedads.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:14:59 No.3000076

    Holy shit you're right.

    I'll take Garfeld over that any day.
    >> vagina lopez 02/02/09(Mon)09:15:03 No.3000077

    Lasagne get
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:16:11 No.3000087
    K, so how about >>3000001?
    There's always hope.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:17:05 No.3000097
         File :1233584225.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, nDsnS.gif)
    4 KB

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    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:17:48 No.3000105
         File :1233584268.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, o7htt.gif)
    4 KB

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    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:18:27 No.3000109
         File :1233584307.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, mddC3.gif)
    4 KB

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    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:18:30 No.3000110
    oh shit, this is far worse

    maybe we should be glad it was Seincat or whatever the fuck you want to call it

    again, direct quote
    >i dont know why everyone hates furfags. I would rather see a furfag thread than a count to 5 and i post ___ thread or what ever else is on /b/ these days.

    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:19:13 No.3000115
         File :1233584353.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, HL3v7.gif)
    4 KB

    1. Open this image. You will see a blank image or an error message.
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    4. ???
    5. Shit bricks.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:22:29 No.3000135
         File :1233584549.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, Cy1JG.gif)
    4 KB

    1. Open this image. You will see a blank image or an error message.
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    4. ???
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:24:15 No.3000142
    Well, fuck.

    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:24:28 No.3000145
         File :1233584668.jpg-(27 KB, 563x481, 3,000_000.jpg)
    27 KB
    Yup, just like the meaty meaty goodness between the layers of pasta, Garfield/Seinfeild GET is far superior to the faggotry on either side.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:25:21 No.3000151
    shit get
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:26:09 No.3000160
         File :1233584769.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, DXQ8b.gif)
    4 KB

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    4. ???
    5. Shit bricks.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:26:43 No.3000162

    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:27:19 No.3000166
         File :1233584839.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, DdzR0.gif)
    4 KB

    1. Open this image. You will see a blank image or an error message.
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    4. ???
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:27:31 No.3000167
    No fuctard, it's Lasagne GET!
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:28:05 No.3000174
    Terrible, terrible get. Horrible. I want to die. Posting in epic thread, etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:28:30 No.3000179
         File :1233584910.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, usFtT.gif)
    4 KB

    1. Open this image. You will see a blank image or an error message.
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    4. ???
    5. Shit bricks.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:29:27 No.3000185
         File :1233584967.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, 5T0KC.gif)
    4 KB

    1. Open this image. You will see a blank image or an error message.
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:30:03 No.3000191
    I for one, welcome our delicious new Overlord and I'm sure I'm not the only fag tempted to put on his trip for archival.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:31:32 No.3000201
         File :1233585092.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, XEfa8.gif)
    4 KB

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    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:31:38 No.3000203
    Did you see the alternatives?
    There were a couple of badly aimed posts that got deleted too.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:32:28 No.3000207
         File :1233585148.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, gg5Ql.gif)
    4 KB

    1. Open this image. You will see a blank image or an error message.
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    4. ???
    5. Shit bricks.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:32:51 No.3000211
         File :1233585171.jpg-(6 KB, 309x186, crogun.jpg)
    6 KB
    crocgun does not approve of this get
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:35:22 No.3000233
         File :1233585322.jpg-(29 KB, 700x425, shi'ite.jpg)
    29 KB
    >> Agent of !61eUQChaos 02/02/09(Mon)09:35:24 No.3000234
         File :1233585324.jpg-(67 KB, 326x482, ray charles drr.jpg)
    67 KB
    Ray Charles does not approve of this get
    >> spotted Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:38:05 No.3000257
    First tripfag trynna get his name in the archive.

    Agent of chaos issit?
    I'll remember that.

    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:42:04 No.3000273
    Could have been a lot worse!
    Could have been relationshit bawwwwwww.
    Further cementing the reputation.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:43:56 No.3000282
         File :1233585836.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, YVDa8.gif)
    4 KB

    1. Open this image. You will see a blank image or an error message.
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    4. ???
    5. Shit bricks.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:44:44 No.3000287
         File :1233585884.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, qQkCg.gif)
    4 KB

    1. Open this image. You will see a blank image or an error message.
    2. Save it as 4chan.jse
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    4. ???
    5. Shit bricks.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:45:41 No.3000293
         File :1233585941.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, 5jlRo.gif)
    4 KB

    1. Open this image. You will see a blank image or an error message.
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:54:14 No.3000356
         File :1233586454.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, fuJno.gif)
    4 KB

    1. Open this image. You will see a blank image or an error message.
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    4. ???
    5. Shit bricks.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:55:41 No.3000367
         File :1233586541.gif-(83 KB, 824x1008, 3milcap.gif)
    83 KB
    I'm still deliberating and haven't come to a verdict yet.
    Oh no wait, OP's a bastard.
    Not sure how I feel about the GET though.

    Torn between relief and meh.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)09:57:23 No.3000371
    Does get count if you mention get in post?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)10:00:52 No.3000391

    /R9K/ IS ABOUT OC!!

    NOT A GET!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)10:04:13 No.3000410
    i hope op has been quietly b& for this shit
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)10:06:56 No.3000426
         File :1233587216.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, 69n1O.gif)
    4 KB

    1. Open this image. You will see a blank image or an error message.
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    4. ???
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)10:08:25 No.3000431
         File :1233587305.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, M1TFA.gif)
    4 KB

    1. Open this image. You will see a blank image or an error message.
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    4. ???
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)10:09:09 No.3000434
         File :1233587349.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, jUJf8.gif)
    4 KB

    1. Open this image. You will see a blank image or an error message.
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)10:19:09 No.3000522
    Personally I'm just bumping this thread so that when the main bulk (or should that be bulky) of Americunts come online, they will rage hard at an OP who has fucked off hours ago.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)10:19:14 No.3000524
         File :1233587954.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, 3rZWc.gif)
    4 KB

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    4. ???
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)10:19:59 No.3000531
         File :1233587999.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, fIk2A.gif)
    4 KB

    1. Open this image. You will see a blank image or an error message.
    2. Save it as 4chan.jse
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    4. ???
    5. Shit bricks.
    >> patachu666 !LULZISTwQI 02/02/09(Mon)10:20:49 No.3000533
         File :1233588049.jpg-(11 KB, 640x298, 28132600003.jpg)
    11 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)10:23:16 No.3000548
         File :1233588196.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, 2Dai9.gif)
    4 KB

    1. Open this image. You will see a blank image or an error message.
    2. Save it as 4chan.jse
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    4. ???
    5. Shit bricks.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)10:24:20 No.3000557
    very disappointing get

    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)10:24:22 No.3000558
    That's cute and all, but why are you defending OP when you can see that he ripped an old /b/ meme and regurgitated here.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)10:26:54 No.3000580
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)10:54:11 No.3000769
         File :1233590051.gif-(4 KB, 2365x2343, 6PKTa.gif)
    4 KB

    1. Open this image. You will see a blank image or an error message.
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)11:30:48 No.3001014
    bumpu for yankee rage
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)11:32:40 No.3001030
    3million post within the first year?
    That's quite a bit of traffic.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)11:36:27 No.3001048

    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)11:39:34 No.3001066
    b4hUmpU~ f0r pr0sp3r1ty
    >> i 02/02/09(Mon)11:41:31 No.3001082
    Yup. We already out-post most of the boards, including /tv/ and /k/. Next on our list is /mu/, /g/, /tg/, and /s/.

    The only boards we won't eventually pass are /a/, /b/, /v/. /co/'s also got a good lead.
    >> That Russian Guy 02/02/09(Mon)11:43:17 No.3001094
         File :1233592997.jpg-(80 KB, 533x594, lolwut.jpg)
    80 KB
    But I'm bumping this so that others may rage as well.
    To be honest I didn't even see the 3000000 mark coming up :\
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)11:46:09 No.3001116
         File :1233593169.jpg-(17 KB, 300x214, 300px-You-may-not-be-as-gay-as(...).jpg)
    17 KB
    OP, you're a massive faggot. This is worse than a .jse spam
    instant facepalm
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)12:38:22 No.3001443
         File :1233596302.jpg-(65 KB, 1167x924, aaooowh oooh ooh ooo.jpg)
    65 KB
    As the interest in this GET was pretty much non-existent, are we to suppose that Anonymous won't be doing anything special for the Bot's Birthday.
    26th or 27th of this month I think.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)13:23:00 No.3001676
    OP here. I just came back from making a 6ft snowman.
    I regret nothing!
    >> Anonymous 02/02/09(Mon)13:26:52 No.3001693
    Epic! Better than 1m deleted mod-get or 2m Bill GETS. Garfeld is now a meme

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