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    File :1233489011.jpg-(23 KB, 265x335, Stalin_LH_100907.jpg)
    23 KB Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)06:50:11 No.2985098  
    Hey /r9k/ why is this man not as widely hated and despised as hitler when he was arguably far worse? conservative estimates put the deaths caused to his own people at 20 million

    also its hard to find an unblocked stalin picutre
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)06:51:40 No.2985103
    It's easier to focus your rage onto one person, or group of people.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)06:51:58 No.2985106
    Because no one gives a fuck about Russians.?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)06:52:14 No.2985107
    because he was a true communist. he killed everyone equally, and didn't discriminate against jews.

    but srsly, he didn't kill jews. And he was on the winning side. the defeated don't write the history books.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)06:52:50 No.2985111
    Because the world is run by communist Jews.

    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)06:53:19 No.2985114
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    Because young Stalin was one sexy son of a gun.

    That and he was on our side in WWII.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)06:53:34 No.2985115

    Because people only care about genocide when you do it to other countries.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)06:53:47 No.2985117
    Because the media is run by the Jews. Hitler almost exterminated the Jews in Europe, and Stalin prevented this. It doesn't matter than Stalin killed more gentiles.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)06:54:41 No.2985124
    woah. i'd go gay for young stalin. He's fucking amazing looking.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)06:55:49 No.2985129

    Goddamn, if only my hair could do that.
    How did he achieve this? Not even /fa/ could have the answers.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)06:56:43 No.2985132
    Secretly most other goverments wish they had the balls to sterilise there own country.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)06:58:05 No.2985139
    this man speaks the truth
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:01:41 No.2985156
    Got some news for you, in his final years Stalin was preparing jews extermination in Soviet Union as well, that was stopped only by his death.
    There is historical proof of that, after the kremlin papers of the time became public.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:04:04 No.2985169
    Hitler was an enemy, that's mostly it.
    And >>2985107
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:04:27 No.2985171
    I thought the Russians went pogrom crazy against the jews?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:05:16 No.2985177
    They were in Tsarist Russia before the communist Jews came to power.
    >> Trappan Gaems !O42zslyatY 02/01/09(Sun)07:08:18 No.2985193
    Holy shit.

    Hol-ee shit.

    Wanna meet that dictator
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:11:31 No.2985204
    Dictator? More like DICK-TAKER

    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:13:24 No.2985215
    We need a russian anon in here. Or maybe the outside world knows more about russia than they do?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:23:03 No.2985269
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    Stalin is a civ leader dumbass

    i.e approved by sid meirs, therefore a great guy
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:24:39 No.2985278
    go to /k/, post a picture of stalin, and ask for yattuwort. I think he's still active, i haven't been to /k/ in a long time.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:26:03 No.2985285
    Fun fact: Stalin kind of saved Poland in 1920. He convinced Budyonny to not go and help Tukhachevsky with his 1st Cavalry Army and so Poles won battle of Warsaw.

    Also, many Polish underground forces stopped fighting Wehrmacht and started fighting Red Army in 1944/1945 when fall of Third Reich was obvious.

    He was kind of dick.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:27:14 No.2985287
    It's fun that in Civ4 he was replaced with Catarina II and Peter the Great but Mao still was a leader for China.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:29:35 No.2985296
    What? Damn, I just noticed that
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:31:15 No.2985302
    I like Civ6. It's a awesome game.
    >> ­Anomymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:31:36 No.2985304
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    All my friends were vampires
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:34:37 No.2985310

    The Polish fucked the Russians over in the 20s.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:34:59 No.2985312
    Do you want to get 4chan banned in Aus by Rudd..?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:38:31 No.2985332
    The best thing I've seen on 4chan ever.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:40:42 No.2985340
    Dude, not cool. I'm still paralysed by the thought of how awesome civ 5 will be, don't get me thinking of civ 6
    >> Fritzl's basement dweller !xi8/JKFwzo 02/01/09(Sun)07:41:36 No.2985347
    Lol, OP, it's because of the Jews
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:43:33 No.2985352
    He wasn't ever defeated like Hitler was, some old ass russian people live on under his crazy propoganda spell. Educated people can certainly tell you he was no better.

    Why oh why couldn't trotsky get in...
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:44:18 No.2985355
    Civ5 still has Mao for China. I'd put Kai-shek just to troll China.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:45:46 No.2985360
    >>Why oh why couldn't trotsky get in...
    I think Stalin was better then Leon "lol permament revolution" Trotsky. But it's like saying diarrhea is better than aids.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:56:11 No.2985399
    >diarrhea is better than aids
    It totally is. Do you think diarrhea is even close to being as bad as aids?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:58:01 No.2985406
    Bro, diarrhea would kill way more I bet
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:58:23 No.2985407

    AIDS causes diarrhoea :/
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:58:52 No.2985410
    Well, of course it's better. Still, you want neither of these.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:08:51 No.2986125
    Yes, that is why he is idolized on state television, takes 1st place in a show where they elect the best russian and gets his own soap-opera which potrays him as a silent thinker who single-handedly saves the motherland.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:10:35 No.2986146
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:10:59 No.2986150
    Because stalin is incredibly awesome. After he banned religion in the USSR, he basically became the idea of god to his people.
    >> lol i trol u !M1eegZK7Qg 02/01/09(Sun)10:12:27 No.2986165


    Also, Stalin himself might have been Jewish. His real last name, Djugashvili, translates to "son of Jew"
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:13:43 No.2986178
    It's because sheep love hearing about Communists and their slaughter of 20 million or even 100 million+, but if it's some fascist nazi, then they shit themselves BAWWWWing. Just another double standard of the uneducated masses.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:19:49 No.2986229
    Same reason we have Israel. Jews BAWWW louder than anyone.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:23:08 No.2986259
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:23:58 No.2986266
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:24:18 No.2986273
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:26:16 No.2986290
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:26:24 No.2986294
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:29:33 No.2986324
    Plus, the crimes of the Japanese occupation forces far outweigh those of the Nazis, and arguably those of the Russians. Heck, as far as WW2 evil goes, the Nazis weren't even 1st place. But Britain and France wanted delicious unbalanced war treaties (yes, which led to Israel's creation, tinfoilfags), so they had to be painted as the spawn of satan.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:29:59 No.2986327
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:35:04 No.2986373
    The deaths attributed to Stalin were a side-effect of his industrialization policies, they were not the result of a systematic campaign of genocide as employed by the Nazis. Some would argue that he was successful in his aims - Russia's victory against Germany in World War II was a testament to the rapid industralisation it had managed to undergo, especially when compared to it's abysmal performance in World War I.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:35:13 No.2986378
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:35:44 No.2986384
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    >> lol i trol u !M1eegZK7Qg 02/01/09(Sun)10:36:10 No.2986388

    er, the Ukrainians and kulaks would like to have a word with you. But they can't, because Stalin killed them by the MILLIONS, very deliberately.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:36:22 No.2986391
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:37:42 No.2986399
    >they were not the result of a systematic campaign of genocide as employed by the Nazis

    Go google "Stalin purges". Go on, I dare you.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:38:07 No.2986403
    I don't deny that Stalin killed many people directly, but his toll in that respect does not come close to the Nazis. Can you prove otherwise?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:40:35 No.2986426
    It's because Stalin killed those people in his own country (which, btw, is the largest country in the world) over the course of decades. Hitler killed 11 million people, 6 million of which were jews, in just under a decade on a significantly smaller landmass.

    Proportionally, Hitler was a LOT worse.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:42:22 No.2986442
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    >> lol i trol u !M1eegZK7Qg 02/01/09(Sun)10:43:24 No.2986450

    Well, yeah.


    GULAG was the system of death camps and labor camps operated by Stalin. Conservative estimates are 10 million victims. It's probably closer to 20.

    That's from GULAG, not from starvation and war. That's just the number of people who got thrown into the camps and were worked to death or murdered there.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:44:11 No.2986457
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:44:54 No.2986463
    >Estimates of the number of deaths associated with the Great Purge run from the official figure of 681,692 to nearly 2 million.

    You'll need a lot more than that to reach the Holocaust's figure of 11 million.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:45:51 No.2986467
    Actually the most conservative estimates put that number around 5 millions.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:46:53 No.2986474
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:47:16 No.2986478
    because purges weren't against political opponents, but were against an ethnic/linguistic group as the definition of genocide, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:48:30 No.2986491
    by the way the stalin was a paranoid fuck, but citing numbers like 20 million is repeating retarded cold war-era propaganda, seriously, you should have at least enough intelligence to filter bullshit of that grade.
    >> lol i trol u !M1eegZK7Qg 02/01/09(Sun)10:48:52 No.2986493

    Well, the 7,000,000 Ukrainians Stalin killed over 1932-1933 probably felt that there was some sort of genocide going on.
    >> lol i trol u !M1eegZK7Qg 02/01/09(Sun)10:49:47 No.2986503

    No, that's what historians believe, having looked at the evidence.

    By the same token the Holocaust is just World War II propaganda.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:49:52 No.2986505
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:50:37 No.2986513
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:50:42 No.2986514
    Welcome to life. Life is full of double standards.

    Now, stop bawwing, and get on with it.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:51:16 No.2986518
    Fun thing about Stalin was that he would throw the very people who perpetrated the killings into the very fire they started, then bring in new officials to oversee more purges.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:51:28 No.2986522
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:52:03 No.2986529
    Oh wow, HISTORIANS believe that! Because surely history is an exact science, and there are no ideological interests in proclaiming such things, ironically holocaust denying "historians" is yet another proof of this - thanks for proving my allegation that you were a retard. Now we may go on.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:53:57 No.2986543
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:55:11 No.2986553
    The faggot ruined socialism, killed every original bolshevik other than kollontai, succeded lenin with pure intrigue, and proved to be a paranoid fuck when he got the power. If Trotsky had ruled, the world would be a so much better place now.

    But, cast unto caesar what is caesars - while he was a paranoid mass-murdering dictator, he wasn't incompetent like almost all of his counterparts. His economic programmes lifted the Soviet Union from a third-world shithole to the level of the second superpower with the best heavy industry, and it kept this position until Gorbachev decided it would be soo much better to introduce private business back.
    >> lol i trol u !M1eegZK7Qg 02/01/09(Sun)10:55:48 No.2986558

    ... who claims that the number of 10-20 million is too high, other than stupid Russian dupes of Jews, who are being told to idolize a guy who murdered their intellectual and scientific cream, trying to turn them into a brain-dead slave race?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:58:07 No.2986584
    No one ever talks about Mao Zedong either, and he killed more people than hitler and stalin combined.

    Unless you count military deaths in ww2, then it comes close.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:59:09 No.2986592

    I don't see your point now that you've already proven you were a retarded loser, but repeating the point of reactionary "historians" which no one outside AMERIKKA and butthurt slav kiddies in eastern europe believe as the defining, academic view AFTER recognizing that views do vary? You truly are a sad example of what happens when an extremely ignorant moron tries to have an opinion.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)11:00:38 No.2986605
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)11:01:03 No.2986613
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)11:01:29 No.2986618
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)11:02:39 No.2986635
    Mao didn't kill them intentionally, it was more of a result of his failed farming policies that killed so many people, not him directly ordering people to their deaths.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)11:03:29 No.2986650
    I love this "counting system" where people dying in civil wars etc. are the responsibility of the commies. I guess if we inflate arbitrary numbers, then we prove communism is not about equality and freedom, but about killing people, yeah that's right. Open up the Capital - for a thousand pages it repeats capitalism is good, but you must institute KOMMUNISM and mass-murder millions, in all three volumes. In the appendix it also describes that all genocides and killings under the rule of capitalism was actually done by secret communists sacrificing people to wotan, and to the argument "saying that is equal to claiming jesus is responsible for the crusades", it replies "shut it, bitch"
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)11:05:07 No.2986670
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)11:06:15 No.2986684
    Well, not his agricultural policies. More like he had a bad idea for industrialization, and the sycophants around not only didn't object to it, but actively tried to show him it actually worked. To catch US and USSR in steel production, he decided there should be a mini steel mill in every village, where the villagers would convert their iron to steel - and they did throw their agricultural tools in but the result was utter shit. When Mao travelled to the countryside, a train was sent before him carrying steel so that he'd think it was working.

    Anyways, when the crop season came the reality was there were no tools, and hand-picking was not enough, hence the starvation.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)11:21:22 No.2986893

    Stalin did not try to invade other countries, at least not directly. Therefore he abode by the laws of international conduct, for the most part, and most of the peasants that could have railed against him are dead.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)11:23:35 No.2986910
    It's OK to kill millions as long as you do it under the guise of an extremely idealist system like communism. Plus, leftists are just as bloodthirsty as any right-wing fundie.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)11:25:25 No.2986924

    Because Stalin was hot.

    And he had an awesome mustache.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)11:27:09 No.2986943
    Stalin, even at his worst, still felt sick at the action of war. If you read his notes, despite his psychotic paranoia and greed, he was still motivated by self interest.

    Hitler, however, loved war and wanted as much as he could, and could definitely be considered more evil than Stalin.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)11:27:42 No.2986945
    whoever started that is a genius though
    >> lol i trol u !M1eegZK7Qg 02/01/09(Sun)11:28:05 No.2986947

    Manchuoko, China, Korea, and Vietnam would like to have a word with you.
    >> lol i trol u !M1eegZK7Qg 02/01/09(Sun)11:31:08 No.2986975

    Also, the USSR was about to invade Germany when Hitler invaded.

    There's a reason why the Germans captured millions of Russians, supply depots, etc, and shot down the entire Red Air Force on the ground in the first few weeks of Barbarossa -- they were all massed on the border.

    If you want to fight a defensive war, your airfields and supply depots are far back from the front, because you're going to be fighting on your own turf and withdrawing to shorten your lines of supply. The only reason to have your air bases and supplies at the border are when you're expecting to invade and be fighting on the other guy's soil.


    k lol
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)11:32:47 No.2986990
    Uncle Joe wasn't anti-semitic !
    He married 2 of them , that's why American Jews gave him Atom Bomb technology from the Jew Oppenheimer.FACT !
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)11:40:01 No.2987037
    Stalin moved jews into camps specifically for being jewish.
    >> lol i trol u !M1eegZK7Qg 02/01/09(Sun)11:40:57 No.2987044

    Yep. But then he turned on the Jews, getting a good old-fashioned purge going. Whereupon Beria, a Jew, had him murdered by his doctors.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)11:41:52 No.2987052
    Zionist bullshit .
    Show me the transport documents !

    You can't , Jewish lie-monger.
    Fuck off and kill some Palestinians .
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)11:43:36 No.2987066
    >>My father raped me.

    That is unfortunate. Also, I'm not even remotely jewish.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)11:56:49 No.2987155
    Quite simply, because Stalin killed his own people, and we don't mind what you do, as long as you leave your neighbors alone. Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge killed 3 million people (out of a country that only has like 13 million), but they left everyone else alone, so nobody cares.

    I really cannot fathom how anyone can call themselves a communist these days. We can argue about whether or not the USSR was a "true /pure" example of communism but the fact remains, that every single communist experiment has led to totalitarianism, oppression, and mass killings.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:03:31 No.2987205
    The Native Americans were communist. They seemed to do alright until we came. Corporate Fascist American government policies are just as worse, if not far worse than any of the genocides. They are committing mass extermination on a grand scale with more subtle ways and killing us softly.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:05:28 No.2987221
    >he was on the winning side. the defeated don't write the history books.
    /thread. Also, yurrite, he was FAR worse than Hitler.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:06:27 No.2987231

    Don't go for the obvious butthurt apologist troll next time. 0/10
    >> lol i trol u !M1eegZK7Qg 02/01/09(Sun)12:06:51 No.2987235

    Er, as far as being illiterate savages with no medicine or farming's, or any technology beyond the Stone Age concerned, yeah, they were great.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:12:11 No.2987293
    >I really cannot fathom how anyone can call themselves a communist these days. We can argue about whether or not the USSR was a "true /pure" example of communism but the fact remains, that every single communist experiment has led to totalitarianism, oppression, and mass killings.

    I think it's very relevant whether these states were communist or not, because if they weren't it invalidates your whole point. You cannot argue that communism does not work based on examples of past communist states because there has never been a communist state. To argue that civil war in impoverished, unstable nations results in dictatorships is not a phenomenon unique to communism.

    Whether communism would work in a stable first-world country is not something we'll ever find out, because people fail to realise that the USSR and other such states were. not. communist.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:14:08 No.2987310

    If the Natives told the settlers to go fuck themselves, I and many others like me wouldn't be here now. Many (3/4ths) of the things we have today came from things cultivated by the Native Americans.

    But enjoy your ignorance, brah.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:16:52 No.2987333
    While I agree that for someone to call themselves a communist these days is just flat out ridiculous; I do fully believe that one can embrace many of the ideals of it and try to incorporate it in to their day to day lives. True communism will never exist, but the ideas are, in many ways, something that can be shaped and applied to every day life
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:17:37 No.2987337
    Stalin killed his own people
    Hitler killed his own + people he gathered from other countries + started a world war.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:17:41 No.2987339
    hmm... he did some right things . some wrong ,
    all was massive and epic allbecause he had the power to do big things at once.
    still a fag though .
    >> lol i trol u !M1eegZK7Qg 02/01/09(Sun)12:18:03 No.2987340

    Lol. Stone Age technology in the 16th Century, no literacy, etc. I think I'll stick with my science.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:19:07 No.2987348

    Why don't you go live with the Natives instead of whining about the past on 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:19:43 No.2987351
    By that retarded logic, we can say capitalism fails because of African dictatorships practicing it.

    You cannot have an opinion without having knowledge, and such bullshit is fed to prevent people from actually going out and learning things.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:20:58 No.2987360

    Try collectivist NOT communist.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:23:50 No.2987377
    10/10 I raged.
    Pulled out of there, China owned the place before Jap. Invasion
    Commie movement existed long before Stalin had its fingers in, in fact he even urged them to reconcile with the Kuomintang - which was actively supported by the US.
    Same, indigenous partisan movement was almost exclusively commie, South Korea was actually set up as an arbitrary puppet.
    Now this is pure ignorance. Not only the commies weren't the invaders, it was after Stalin's death.

    Enjoy your ignorance. Thanks for showing once again to be a butthurt anti-communist you have to know nearly nothing about the world.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:25:13 No.2987384
    He also set up an autonomous jewish oblast somewhere in the far east
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:25:39 No.2987386
    There's at least more than zero successful capitalist countries, not true with communism (If commies were smart they'd embrace china, but noooo markets are horrible)
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:27:06 No.2987395
    There have been zero successful communist states because there have been zero communist states. This isn't hard to grasp.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:27:15 No.2987397
    Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland and Rumunia too.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:28:23 No.2987402
    Oh god I know being a tripfag pretty much guarantees retardation but you open up a whole new level - I mean, they don't even manage to follow a fallacious logic chain. I mean, do you happen to be very imaginative despite your retardation, or did you happen to collect the shittiest misinformation from everywhere and repeat it like a parrot. How can a person express a profound ignorance in every fucking field they touch? You people make me want to kill all communists.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:29:18 No.2987411
    if you didn't include too, you'd have at least pretended to have a position.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:32:07 No.2987432
    Generally you're right >>2987377
    >>Same, indigenous partisan movement was almost exclusively commie, South Korea was actually set up as an arbitrary puppet.
    lol that's why USSR's Air Force fought in this war?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:33:09 No.2987442

    Rusfag here. Stalin is our hero. I'm fucking serious too, he won 3rd place in the "Name of Russia" contest that 48 million citizens participated in. and he was only not 1st because of the fagmods.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:33:10 No.2987443
    Eh, that's the retarded kind of logic you people use "embracing" something regardless of content. China follows a state capitalist mode of production, and no matter how much anyone whines this is the reality, hence why "commies" don't embrace it. On the other hand, retarded capitalist shills tend to classify things as successful = capitalist, and if it fails it must have been secretly communist.

    For example, if you weren't an ignorant retard you'd know that the Soviet Union was #2 in GDP, #1 in Heavy Industry, started fucking space age, and ranked among high-income countries with nearly no income disparity for more than 40 years (until Gorbachev decided switching to state capitalism would be better, and the economy collapsed) - oh my socialist mode of production fails too hard. Compare Cuba with Haiti too - oh waiit...
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:33:41 No.2987452
    Because he had an awesome moustache.

    His moustache only was the main reason why Russia beat Germany in WWII.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:34:07 No.2987454
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:34:13 No.2987455
    If Stalin, as a young man, had been able to see what kind of regime he'd ultimately preside over, he'd have been horrified, and would have changed course.

    If Hitler, as a young man, had been able to see what kind of regime he'd ultimately preside over, he'd have been delighted.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:34:44 No.2987458
    The only true communist states are the ones run by true scotsmen.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:34:53 No.2987461

    True. Hitler's mustache was very shitty in comparison.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:35:24 No.2987467

    China is a traitor to the proletarian class, it's communist only in name. capitalist countries are more "successful" because they're taking advantage of the undeveloped countries and keeping them that way. Also, it's harder to make communism work than capitalism because communism has set high goals, while capitalism's only goal is to keep poor countries poor so they can continue to be exploited.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:37:52 No.2987486
    Only thing you've managed to do is expose your retardation in the field of socioceonomics.

    In communism, there is no state, therefore there cannot be a communist state - they can be socialist, and then it goes on to deeper definitions. All the classifications are made according to economics. And, of course by your retarded logic, DPRK must be very democratic.

    Enjoy not being able to understand the proper application of even the no true scotsman fallacy
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:38:39 No.2987489
    Polfag here. Stalin was a fag and my grandmother was put in prison because she didn't cry during his mourning.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:39:29 No.2987496
    Pretty much.

    Also, I believe Socialism can only succeed capitalism, while China was feudal/asiatic before.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:40:42 No.2987508



    anyways, I'm not denying that Stalin was a faggot, it's just that almost all of the criticisms are exaggerated cold-war remnant bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:45:20 No.2987543
    >Soviet Union was #2 in GDP, #1 in Heavy Industry
    Yes, truly their workers were liberated from the exploitative wage slavery in their labour camps

    >started fucking space age,
    The space age was a great use of public money
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:47:23 No.2987566
    People hate fascists more than communists, because commies have a few figureheads with intellectual legitimacy.

    People don't hate Stalin because they view him through the lense of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, people who aren't so reviled as he should be.
    >> ­Anomymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:47:37 No.2987570
    >The space age was a great use of public MONEY
    Resources, not money.
    Money plays a minimal role in all forms of socialism
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:48:28 No.2987574
    True story. She was released after 24 hours, though.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:48:51 No.2987579
    Fuck Che Guevara, that dude should be the one on t-shirts.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:50:59 No.2987597
    Capitalism is abstract mimicry of nature - effort begets reward, hoarding is paramount.

    Socialism will come about when we have infinitely renewable resources. Limited resources are the only reason for retaining some measure of social hierarchy and forcing people to contribute to society if they want to take from it.

    This is why governments need to stop fighting and start researching renewable energy sources/mechanization of production. So I can stop working and spend my time on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:56:31 No.2987640
    China is the most capitalistic country on earth. It's the market that rules large parts of the country (why do you think everyone and their mother can even outsource there? A commie country would have none of that shit). The only time their "communism" interferes is when it's time to suck up to them. Being a "friend" of the communist party (ie. paying people off and/or have special arrangements to promote the local comminist leaders to the leaders of your country) is the way to go and grants you special deals and benefits.. A great example is when one of the Danish princes went to China recently. The Danish company that was about to open an office there saw that the prince was going to China around the time they had planned to open it, so they quickly invited the prince to show up and used this royal connection to whore him out to the mayor of the city it was in (I think Shanghai or something, so it's a major player in the commie party). So China = raging capitalistic and only commie when it suits them.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:56:52 No.2987647
    wrong you fool, you ignore that fact that knowledge and skills will always be in demand, regardless of what material needs we meet.
    Man does not live on bread alone.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)12:59:33 No.2987672
    But it's hard to control intelligent people :(
    >> ­Anomymous 02/01/09(Sun)13:03:53 No.2987697
    Offer them a tolerable society, and you wont need to control them.

    A comfortable, intelligent person has no need to rebel
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)13:05:37 No.2987712
    The way capitalism provides this is by taking it away from an overwhelming majority of the rest of the world population. That's why it's wrong.

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