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    File :1233484574.jpg-(43 KB, 400x599, zomgtehchineserei.jpg)
    43 KB Porn Banning/Censorship... But what about violence? †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth. Can't handle it? Then fuck off. !!I9XpXfP4okU 02/01/09(Sun)05:36:14 No.2984538  
    "Censor internet porn"
    "Ban porn on TV"
    "Ban public nudity"
    "Will somebody please think of the children"
    "The human body is disgusting, cover it up!"

    So while all these faggots find porn/nudity so offensive and do everything they can to lobby the government to ban/censor it, where are the fucking outrage over violence?

    I'm not talking about violent video games like GTA or movies, both of which are fictional.

    I'm talking about things like America's Funniest Home Videos where we are encouraged to laugh at someone else's pain and misfortune.

    I'm talking about things like school bullying, a topic that parents, teachers, and the government (both federal and local) doesn't want to touch.

    I'm talking about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan where we are encouraged to support the actions of our troops and groups like Blackwater who kill entire familes and rape the surviving daughters. Then kill them. They do this while we chant "GOD BLESS AMURRIKA!"

    Funniest home videos trivialize violence.
    School bullying gives violence a real life application.
    The war in Iraq (and any other countries) gives violence credibility while we spread the "FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY!" rhetoric while conveniently ignoring both the American and Iraqi (or any other country) lives lost.

    Any harmful effects of porn, nudity and the bare natural human fucking body is nothing in comparison to the effects of violence and war.

    It's funny how religious groups always discourage casual sex, porn and nudity yet you never hear a word of them denouncing violence.

    And that's understandable, seeing as how christianity and islam were forcibly spread "by the sword"
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)05:39:21 No.2984558
    "The human body is disgusting, cover it up!"

    the irony of the people who think that way is that they are married and have 3 kids!
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)05:40:59 No.2984582
    Dude, who cares.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)05:43:53 No.2984611

    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)05:44:09 No.2984613
    I found that video kinda hot, OP.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)05:46:10 No.2984632
    Fuck you bitch.
    Op you are right!
    >> An Open Letter To The Guvment †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth. Can't handle it? Then fuck off. !!I9XpXfP4okU 02/01/09(Sun)05:47:45 No.2984645
    Dear Government,

    No, don't worry, this isn't yet another request to ban some random porn website.

    Actually, I like the natural human body, whether man or woman and dare I say it, a child. Yes, I like the human form and I don't find it offensive.

    However, I find violence offensive. Fictional violence? I don't mind it.

    Real life violence on TV? It is disgusting.

    I don't want to ban TV news shows from showing real life violence. If I did so, then I am only attacking the symptom of the problem, not the source.

    I want to attack the source. So this is why I am requesting you to ban the war in Iraq. If you ban the war in Iraq, then we can stop killing people and adding to the death toll. Then that means the TV news networks can stop showing violence in Iraq, because we stop killing them and them killing us.

    So guvment, ban the Iraq War.

    Will you think of the children?


    A concerned citizen
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)05:51:12 No.2984669
    ISM, you obviously think you are some kind of pariah of wisdom but you obvious

    Funniest homes videos = someone's chair collapsing isn't exactly an act of violence, neither is it a form of bigotry
    school bullying = an actual issue that is addressed, maybe addressed in a poor manner by deluded soccer moms but addressed nonetheless
    The war in iraq = if "these faggots" don't want to censor violence in iraq, thus revealing the true horror of war, what's your problem?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)05:51:31 No.2984673
    I think ops a good guy, eh writes posts and shit, doesnt afraid of anything...
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)05:51:51 No.2984677
    you obviously just have a case of narcissistic personality disorder*

    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)05:55:10 No.2984702
    Not op, but you failed hard...

    its not violence, its laughing at other peoples misforune..

    bullying comes about because in todays society, its all about how otheres are different from us, rather than what we have in common..
    "dont go near the weird goth kid"

    Its not the war being put on tv... its goverments killing hundreds of people like its a sport... murder is still murder..
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)05:55:30 No.2984704
    >and dare I say it, a child
    So you not only have narcissistic personality disorder but are also guilty of child molestation. That figures, pedophiles are often attracted to the apparent weakness and submissiveness of adolescants and children as this makes them feel secure, this is the result of a need for security caused by an anxiety disorder, which incidentally is also a cause of narcissistic personality disorder as the individual seeks ways to overcompensate for their angst.

    Your mental illness is beyond recovery. I suggest suicide.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)05:56:53 No.2984712

    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)05:57:41 No.2984718
    moar of OP please
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth. Can't handle it? Then fuck off. !!I9XpXfP4okU 02/01/09(Sun)05:59:45 No.2984743
    fuck you moot

    >ISM, you obviously think you are some kind of pariah of wisdom

    >Funniest homes videos = someone's chair collapsing isn't exactly an act of violence, neither is it a form of bigotry
    Funniest Home Videos = The beginning of trivializing someone else's pain and suffering as well as encouraging us to laugh at them.

    Key word: Empathy.

    Does anyone give a shit about the dead Iraqis? No. We don't have any empathy for them. Which allows our governments an easier job of convincing us that the Iraq war is just.

    >school bullying = an actual issue that is addressed, maybe addressed in a poor manner by deluded soccer moms but addressed nonetheless
    Very badly addressed and:
    -ignored by schools because they don't want to tarnish their image
    -ignored by parents because obviously there children are innocent little angels who can do no wrong
    -ignored by all levels of government: because they simply don't give a shit

    >The war in iraq = if "these faggots" don't want to censor violence in iraq, thus revealing the true horror of war, what's your problem?
    Well I have 2 arguments for this:
    -I find violence offensive but I have no problem with the news media reporting the true horrors of war. This is why I want to ban the war on Iraq. That is the source of the problem. The reporting of violence is a symptom. No war in Iraq means no reporting of violence.
    -There is 1 problem however with corporate news media. They don't report news and facts. They TROLL the public, selectively using facts and ommitting others to incite the greatest emotional response in its viewers. But this is another topic.
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth. Can't handle it? Then fuck off. !!I9XpXfP4okU 02/01/09(Sun)06:07:07 No.2984813
    fuck you moot
    >So you not only have narcissistic personality disorder but are also guilty of child molestation.
    And here come the ignorant dumb fuck sheeps.

    I said I like the human body in the sense that it is nothing to be ashamed of. Whether it is a man, woman, or child, it is just a body. It neither offends or doesn't offend.

    Who said anything about child raping? Are you sure you're not a pedophile yourself?

    >That figures, pedophiles are often attracted to the apparent weakness and submissiveness of adolescants and children as this makes them feel secure, this is the result of a need for security caused by an anxiety disorder, which incidentally is also a cause of narcissistic personality disorder as the individual seeks ways to overcompensate for their angst.

    >Your mental illness is beyond recovery. I suggest suicide.

    You're reading too much into it, and I've read this fucking copypasta before to boot.

    Are you some faggot aspiring child psychologist or something? Take your stupidass personality profiles elsewhere nimrod, the world is a lot more complex than that.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)06:08:42 No.2984828
    No one cares when they see a goth, no one finds goths shocking, it's more depressing to see someone dress to shock and to go around acting like they are cutting edge free spirits when absolutely no one cares. That quote alone sums up your entire post, you obviously have little idea about what people think when they bully or see war on the news.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)06:09:51 No.2984838
    Im not op, and i really think Op meant that as an example stupid cunt.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)06:12:31 No.2984857
    I wasnt OP

    that was op

    But yes your rite and
    is still a stupid cunt...
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)06:21:54 No.2984922
    does anyone have source on the op picture?
    very very hot
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)06:21:56 No.2984923
    Oh no. Some kid's ice cream was eaten by a goat at a petting zoo when he wasn't looking. Pass the kleenex.

    -schools take a draconian stance against bullying because they don't want to tarnish their image
    -parents usually start a shit storm and try to drag every teacher in with them when they find out their little angel is being bullied
    -politicians are always looking for little causes to whip up support, they literally jerk off over newspaper clippings of themselves at charity events

    Pretty much everyone can get al jazeera and bbc news 24 nowadays, you sound like an enormous neckbearded troofer faggot with your constant whining and "OMG U DISAGREE WITH ME UR A SHEEPLE" talk.

    There is not much difference between child pornography as child molestation, you're just splitting hairs.

    >the world is a lot more complex than that.
    If that is not why you are a pedophile perhaps you could explain why?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)06:23:39 No.2984940
    Wow, butthurt goths in my /r9k/. I guess you got all those piercings and AZN tattoos for nothing huh.
    >> Peanut Butter of plus4chan /n/ - News !JkT8q4gSdA 02/01/09(Sun)06:28:37 No.2984981
    ISM I salute you, you really are an epic troll. Also keep raging robots, you're only feeding his ego.
    In b4 248 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)06:29:04 No.2984983
    A brief note on porn in general;

    Without any porn or consensual sexual outlet, rape occurs.

    Same principle applies to fetishes. Who's going to bottle up enough steam to go nuts and do something horrendously illegal when there's Ms. Hand and a stack of mags right there?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)06:30:31 No.2984994

    Some of Funniest Videos are violence based, some just random misfortune. Big difference.
    >> †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth. Can't handle it? Then fuck off. !!I9XpXfP4okU 02/01/09(Sun)06:32:42 No.2985007
    fuck you moot
    >-schools take a draconian stance against bullying because they don't want to tarnish their image
    But when the bullying occurs, they don't want to touch it. Besides, most bullying are the ones that are unreported.
    >-parents usually start a shit storm and try to drag every teacher in with them when they find out their little angel is being bullied
    And the bully's parents think the bully is a little angel and the school still doesn't want anything to do with it..
    >-politicians are always looking for little causes to whip up support, they literally jerk off over newspaper clippings of themselves at charity events
    Like I said, the politicians don't give a shit.

    >Pretty much everyone can get al jazeera and bbc news 24 nowadays, you sound like an enormous neckbearded troofer faggot with your constant whining and "OMG U DISAGREE WITH ME UR A SHEEPLE" talk.
    I can't help it if the majority of the population of any country are in fact stupid sheeple. George Bush got voted in twice, I rest my fucking case.

    >There is not much difference between child pornography as child molestation, you're just splitting hairs.
    That depends on your definition of child porn. I don't consider a simple innocent picture of a nude child "child porn"

    >If that is not why you are a pedophile perhaps you could explain why?
    Your arguments are making the assumption that I am a pedophile. That's a pretty good ad hominem and it'd be hard for me to top that.

    Can I assume you like wearing women's panties on your head and that you have a foot fetish?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)06:52:39 No.2985108
         File :1233489159.jpg-(11 KB, 320x240, snapshot20090201035214.jpg)
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    So so so brutal :(((((((((((((((((((((
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:03:49 No.2985166
    moar sexy thin asian girl surrounded by clothed girls who're laughing at her for some reason!
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:11:11 No.2985202
    They won't ever ban porn as that is one of the things keeping people under control. Were the libido to be directed in some other way, such as protesting the criminal policies of the government (people doing so en masse) then they'd be in real trouble.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)07:13:49 No.2985218
    sauce/rapidshit link, plz?
    >> http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2008/07/13/girls-preside-over-classmate’s-gang-violation/ †Invisible Sky Magician† Teller of Truth. Can't handle it? Then fuck off. !!I9XpXfP4okU 02/01/09(Sun)09:23:12 No.2985803
    Source and rapidshare link in the url above
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)09:26:13 No.2985817
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)09:39:40 No.2985890
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)09:40:06 No.2985892
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)09:40:17 No.2985893
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)09:46:44 No.2985948
    A.you can thank christianity for associating shameful feelings with a naked body.
    B.Dont ban violence on tv/interwebs because it doesnt work and its not harmful anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)09:47:42 No.2985960
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)09:48:58 No.2985970
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)09:50:54 No.2985987
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)09:51:29 No.2985991
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)09:51:31 No.2985992
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)09:52:33 No.2986001
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)09:55:12 No.2986020
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)09:56:29 No.2986029
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)09:57:24 No.2986034
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)09:57:57 No.2986039
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)09:59:43 No.2986051
    I wish that this thread was made by someone other than ISM, because I agree with him. The nudity taboo is stupid, especially in combination with pedoparanoia.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)09:59:47 No.2986052
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:02:56 No.2986075
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:05:53 No.2986099
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:07:02 No.2986111
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:07:11 No.2986112
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:08:58 No.2986126
    OP, that only happens in america, and that's because americans are stupid pieces of shit. Europe is the exact opposite, nudity is pretty much normal, and violence is heavily censored. To the point where GTA games were forced to have green blood.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:10:22 No.2986144
    Looks like your little BAWWWWW thread failed ISM.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:10:45 No.2986147
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    >> EeelEeet !!hN3cVk7VMv6 02/01/09(Sun)10:12:55 No.2986173
    >Teller of Truth. Can't handle it? Then fuck off

    Stopped reading there.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:13:45 No.2986179
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:13:59 No.2986181
    >To the point where GTA games were forced to have green blood.

    That's just fail though.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:16:02 No.2986192
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)10:16:31 No.2986197
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