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    File :1233419052.png-(34 KB, 1440x900, 1228994631664.png)
    34 KB Finding a job Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)11:24:12 No.2973749  
    Are there any other anons out there having trouble finding a job. It seems like no one is hiring, and every time i do get a job interview and they say "Oh yeah we can get you working by wednesday" or something.
    I have dreads and most employers seem cool with that, but i seem to get to the point where they say just give me a call back later then they tell me i didnt get the job.

    anyone have any interesting stories about looking for jobs.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)11:25:23 No.2973758
    >"Oh yeah we can get you working by wednesday"

    And that means "You are not hired" in CRAZY LAND?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)11:25:49 No.2973763
    pretend to be motivated.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)11:26:35 No.2973768
    yeah i'm quite confused by that statement too - sounds like they gave him the job.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)11:27:02 No.2973774
    yeah actually, they tell me to call back later that day or in a couple of days after they explicitly tell me i need to come back in a week to start working.
    crazyland is apparently tulsa oklahoma.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)11:27:57 No.2973782
    CONTINUED: then i call back and they say i'm not hired.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)11:28:01 No.2973783
    I've applied for fuckton of graduate jobs/training schemes, and got rejected for most of them.

    I did have a interview for one though, but I think I fucked up, so I'm just waiting on the rejection letter -_- 14,000 applied, and they only interviewed 1000, so I can be that shit :/
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)11:29:40 No.2973793
    that sounds pretty intense.

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