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    File :1233381129.gif-(12 KB, 800x505, poor.gif)
    12 KB God !!2jzzbcQSYhC 01/31/09(Sat)00:52:09 No.2970216  
    I have some questions for poor people (itt poor is defined as living paycheck-to-paycheck or slightly better but not by much).

    1) Are you content with your economic status or do you have the motivation to leave your social class asap?

    2) Do you believe in communism, socialism, or capitalism? Give justification.

    3) Is it possible that you're poor because your parents were poor or is it completely your fault?

    If you're a richfag:

    1) Is poverty the fault of the individual or not?

    2) Money = happiness amirite?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)00:53:34 No.2970234
    I don't work and I am poor.

    I love not working.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)00:55:51 No.2970258
    Poor people don't think anything about anything.

    Socialism/communism is the domain of bourgeois college students only.
    >> ◕◡◕ !!OzdsBbsHxbs 01/31/09(Sat)00:58:34 No.2970291
    i'm in the middle, so i'll answer both sets

    1 yes
    2 need a bit of all 3 - extremes must be balanced by other extremes
    3 no idea.

    1 sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't
    2 sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)00:59:17 No.2970301
    I'm a richfag.

    1) Poverty is usually about 60% the individual's fault, 40% their parents' or I suppose "society's" fault. This only applies to middle class people who become poor. With pure-blood poorfags, it's 100% their parents' fault for being poorscum and breeding.

    2) Money does = happiness. Being able to go anywhere in the world for a vacation every year plus two trips a year to China and California (Chicagofag here) sounds like happiness to me.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)00:59:28 No.2970302
    poorfag here:
    1) I chose my economic situation when I chose my career. Having more stuff only means more responsibilities anyway. I am content.
    2) In America I'm considered a socialist, because I feel that education and healthcare should be freely provided to everyone.
    3) No, my parents are comfortably middle class. I'm poor through my own decisions.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)00:59:51 No.2970305
    1) Complex issue: could just be unlucky (for example, inheriting debt).
    2) How do you define happiness? There is no such thing as complete contentment. But it makes things a fuck of a lot better to not have to worry about dying of starvation or finding shelter, yes.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:00:15 No.2970313
    If you're a richfag:

    1) Is poverty the fault of the individual or not?
    Often times it is not

    2) Money = happiness amirite?
    Rich people can be just as miserable as poor people, our problems are just not nearly as bad in comparison
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:00:36 No.2970315
    poverty is always 99% parents fault since parents paying for higher education + parents business connections make getting a richfag job damn easy.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:01:20 No.2970320
    1. I'm basically content because I have no desire to go to college or technical school. If I could magically have a job that pays over $16/hr without a higher education, then I'd certainly take it. But at the moment I have completely given up on finding a career that I would enjoy for the rest of my life.

    2. I believe in capitalism. Just because it hasn't worked too well for me doesn't mean it doesn't work.

    3. If I had gone to college, I would still be in college and thus would still be poor, but on my way to a higher state of living. But the fact I'm not in college was entirely my fault. I could have gotten full scholarship to my state uni if I wasn't a lazy bastard in high school. I barely graduated because I never did any of my work.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:02:33 No.2970330
    rich fags often don't do their school work.

    mommy and daddy hire 'tutors' who write their papers for them.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:02:50 No.2970331
    >1) Are you content with your economic status or do you have the motivation to leave your social class asap?
    Once I finish my degree this will all be over. Im not playing life to participate, Im playing to win.

    >2) Do you believe in communism, socialism, or capitalism? Give justification.
    Social liberalism as defined by wikipedia. Because I believe in freedom, both from law and government, and corporations and debt.

    >3) Is it possible that you're poor because your parents were poor or is it completely your fault?
    Had a single parent. She was and is very poor.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:03:18 No.2970337
    1) fuck no i'm not, it's bad enough trying to get by, but as a white male i don't get hand fed assistance left and right like everyone else that isn't white and male. recently i inquired about joining an electrician's guild; one of the first things they asked me was if i was black or a woman for christ sakes! I'm all for equality and all, but come fucking on, it's not my fault women and blacks let themselves get fucked over for centuries.

    2) no, those are all utopias.

    3)yes and yes, when i first started out on my own i did the right thing and started to put myself through college, i hit one little financial snag (an unexpected car accident and hospitalization) and everything came tumbling down. I had no safety, i.e. a rich family, to help me get back on my feet. Oh did i mention I'm a white male?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:03:45 No.2970344
    Chicago richfag here. EXACTLY.

    Poorfag parents can't complain their idiot lower-class babies aren't given any opportunities. That's your responsibility, fucktard, even if it only goes as far as introducing them to books at a young age and encouraging them in school so they can better themselves and get a richfag job.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:04:34 No.2970354
    Americans have the premise that communism and socialism are horrible things. Why? Because our society was built on capitalism.

    Capitalism? What the fuck is that? Well, making a profit, or in layman's terms, capitalizing on opportunities, people's misfortunes, fuck-ups, etc.

    Sounds pretty fucked up right? Well, everyone in America's trying to get over on people, which is why we have this perpetuation of poor, middle-class (if there is one anymore), and the upper-class.

    People get all butthurt over socialism is because they don't want to give up their amassed wealth to spread amongst other people. It worked for Canada, but y'know, no one really cares about Canada, so no. Communism didn't work because the central government always ended up as a corrupt shitstorm, except for China maybe, because China's just China.

    So in general, socialism is bad because the rich are assholes. /thread.

    PS: Capitalism's only good when it's working in your favor. Socialism is only good when you want everyone to be on the same level -- but with how people are today, you always need to have someone lower than you. And there's our dilemma.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:07:26 No.2970385
    1. Depends on the country you live in and the circumstances your parents/guardians brought you up in. If your middle class and end up becoming poor through poor decisions (IE dropping out of school, drugs), then its your fault. If youre born poor then of course its more difficult to get out of the class but if you find a job, save up money to go to a community college and work from there then you really have no excuses.

    2. Content = yes. Happy = no. Money brings comfort knowing that I will have shelter, food, good health, luxuries but it does not give you comfort from friends and other social interactions.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:07:57 No.2970394
    1) fuck no, I'm not content. That is why I bust my ass in school, stay at a job I hate, and save all the money I can.

    2) I don't think they would work. There will be poor people no matter what. At least I have a chance to get out of the hell hole I'm in now. I can't say whether I would be better off with a different government or not.

    3) I am poor because that is all there is where I live. I had no college savings waiting for me when I graduated high school. There were no good jobs waiting for me. I went to the school I could afford. My parents couldn't afford to keep supporting me so I support myself working a part time job and going to school.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:08:50 No.2970405
    Poorfag here.

    1) I'm somewhat content. I'm warm, well fed, and I can keep myself amused with my income. I would like to go on vacation whenever I feel like doing so, and have a nicer home, but that's the extent of my desire to climb the social ladder.

    2) Reality doesn't fit into neat categories that a bunch of politifags cooked up to give them something to yell about.

    3) 50/50. My parents were poor when I was born, but are doing okay for themselves now. I chose to be a slacker. And right now, I'm considering choosing to be a successful writer.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:10:23 No.2970422
    I come from a middle class family, but they're forced to live paycheck to paycheck because of their perceived minimum standard of living. Such as paying for my little brother to attend private school since the public schools have a drop out rate of 75%. They also help me with University, although very little and I have to pay for almost everything with the extra money I make helping grad students in their mech. labs.

    I'm currently living the life of a poor student. I live off Ramen, white rice and cheese sandwiches. twice a week I'll splurge and make some white rice with chicken, curry, and vegetables with some fruit for dessert.


    1: I'm not content with being dirt poor, and I wasn't content with just being middle class. I'm studying Aerospace engineering and physics, plus I'm minoring in economics. After I graduate, I hope to find a halfway decent job and begin saving for long and short term. I'm hoping by the time I'm 40 I could retire comfortably if I wanted.

    I believe in Capitalism but not pure Laissez-faire. I do believe there should be some regulation, just very little. I think that capitalism helps the willing, smart, and intelligent. I work hard today hoping to be rewarded tomorrow (figuratively).

    Although my folks aren't poor, I don't believe that being poor is something that has to be passed down. My father's family was extraordinary poor. My father worked his ass off, getting a full ride scholarship to University of Wisconsin, then he graduated with a double major in Econ. and Business. Now he works as an asset manager in a fairly large company. He may not be stinking rich but he makes pretty good money.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:11:48 No.2970435
    1)Yes. Sure there's plenty of shit I want but can't afford, but that's the fucking human condition. Even if I had that stuff, I'd just find new stuff to lust after. What I need to do is learn to be satisfied with what I have.

    2)Whatever. I don't think my life would be any worse under any other system, so I don't care.

    3) Well, I was raised by a single mom in a low-income household, so I was pretty poorly socialized. But I'm lazy as fuck, and I actually think that it's kind of my own fault.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:15:14 No.2970466
    fuck you. Just fuck you. If only you realized how much your social status dictates your stupid opinion. Do you think that poor people are just oblivious the the struggles their children will have? THEY WENT THROUGH IT THEMSELVES. Nobody understands it more than they do. The fact that you assume that they are too stupid to realize this is just incredible. Life is not about ease and money and pleasure. You can not call it irresponsible for them to want the same things you want (i.e. a family and children for whom they do their best).
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:16:43 No.2970484
    Richfag here

    1. Well, poverty is pretty much the fault of society AND the parents for not seeing through the lies therein.

    2. Money isn't happiness at all, wealth can be helpful and indeed it attracts cump dumpsters, but you'll find that you don't want them because they're primarily attracted to it not you.

    That said, lack of money is pure misery.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:17:11 No.2970492
    Money doesn't equal happiness, but it can enhance happiness and make unhappiness less miserable.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:18:15 No.2970502
    Bwaaa poorfag does cry too much. Don't worry I need someone to wash my car.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:18:22 No.2970506
    1) I am content. While some of the things rich people I know are cool they really arent what I need. I have junk also, they have more expensive junk. It is still junk.

    2) I am not sure. I think utilities should be government owned but I dont know where to draw the line. I consider Internet a utility but I am squeemish about the goverment owning my ISP even though I think just as highly of my ISP as my government.

    3) My parents were my stepping stone. What I choose to do after I leave the nest is up to me. The worse the stepping stone the harder I would have to work when I leave.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:19:04 No.2970511
    Poorfag here

    I'm dirt poor, my girlfriend is dirt poor. We both waited to go to university, we're both in our mid 20's and only sophomores working 30+ hours a week and we're both taking at least 12 units. I'm taking 14 she's taking 16.

    We've been together 5 years. We could have gotten married, had kids, etc... but instead we decided to wait until we're financially secure enough and we don't have to depend on the state for foodstamps or depend on WIC to help pay for our kids. We want our kids to have it better than we did.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:19:37 No.2970518
    1) I'm pretty content with my economic status, even though I'm poor. I have everything I want, so its not like I need more money.

    2) Mixed economy. Capitalistic base with social forms as a safety net imo.

    richfgt (even though I'm not rich, w/e)
    1) 33% individual 33% parents 33% society. My family wasn't rich growing up, but I still got a good job when I got out of high school, so I wasn't hurting or anything. Economics made me unemployed for a bit, so now I'm in "poverty" pretty much.

    2) Yes and no. I would rather have a few certain things to be happy, but you need money to buy those things. Unlimited/large sums of money aren't needed for happiness
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:21:17 No.2970533
    My offer for the carwash job is also open to toddlers.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:23:59 No.2970573
    You sound like you are interesting. Like you were a New York hipster who is now in his late 20s and has some sort of web 2.0 related career.

    I'm really not being sarcastic.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:24:02 No.2970574
    Yeah, VERY similar situation here. One of the shittiest things about being poor is not being able to do simple things like get married when you want to, or go to the doctor when you need it. We fear getting pregnant like we fear death. One little thing, a car accident, getting sick, getting pregnant, losing a job, would send us into the "no getting out now" zone. Rich people have no idea of the freedom they have. They could take all their expensive shit and throw it in a lake. I don't want to nice cars, I don't want the huge house, I don't want the new clothes or exotic foods. I just want to freedom to marry, go to the doctor when I'm sick, have a home, have children.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:25:50 No.2970606
    Poorfag here,

    1) I'm not content that the entire world is controlled by a few "business men" and bankers. I don't want to be a wage slave so I choose to remain "poor".

    2) Communism/Socialism/Capitalism are all the same shit in different packaging. Communism/Socialism is particularly flawed because there no way to price things without having internal manipulation. So capitalism or anarchism is all we have to contend with until someone thinks of something better. But whatever it is, without broad education, we'll return to the same situation we are now.

    3) Completely my own fault.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:26:18 No.2970611
    You know, if you troll the wrong poor fuck, you're gonna get yourself raped and beat the fuck in. You have no idea how much rage some people can have when you rub in their faces everything that they don't have and you could care less about. I'm totally serious. Just a heads up.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:27:03 No.2970620
    >>2970484 cump dumpsters

    I do love the cump dumpsters.

    Chicago richfag here again... uh yeah. Stop raging. Stop. There you go. Now, most poor people seem pretty apathetic, especially the ones with the huge fucking families they know they couldn't support. Whether the self-control poorfags obviously lack is genetic or a result of their environment is up to debate - but let me say this. Poverty is largely caused by:

    1) Rank at birth
    2) Stupidity and laziness/apathy.

    Apathy and the general ''I don't give a fuck'' attitute has been proven to be at least somewhat hereditary; is it so hard for us to take the next logical step and say that the ancestors of the poorest of the poor bred with others who shared their social status, a condition caused in part by their attitude and intelligence. The ones with ''smart'' genes got out and met/married other smart people in Universities, while to retards stayed in the ghettos and bred exclusively with each other, keeping those jerk-off genes dominant.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:27:42 No.2970623
    1. i am not content
    2. i'll believe in anything if it fucking pulls my ass back to one job and 70 hours a week
    3. i think society hates me because i fucked around with heroin a TINY bit in my youth, got in HARDLY any trouble.

    shit ruins your life
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:28:41 No.2970634

    Pretty much nailed it. Except for the NY'er thing. I'm still not sure if I'm a hipster or not. I don't really like anything mainstream, but I don't own a Mac, and I don't have any friends. I think part of being a hipster is having other people with which to talk shit about how much everything sucks.

    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:28:51 No.2970638
    I make roughly $90000/yr and I honestly don't know what to do with my money. When I first started working, I couldn't save for shit, everything went to furnature, better clothes, better appliances, but once I was all settled in it's just accumulating with nothing to use it for. I used to imagine myself traveling around the world, but everywhere I've gone so far hasn't been really worth the hassle.

    I live in NYC and I'm in my late twenties so 90k doesn't make me a richfag, more like upper-lower-middle class.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:29:21 No.2970644
    But we're doing something to change our situation. We're working our asses off. If we do finally get married and have kids, it still probably won't be for almost another 10 years. We'll both have so much debt and it will take long to get to that point, but for us it's worth it.

    I don't blame the richfags for having it easier. I've accepted that some of us get shitty rolls from fate. Well fuck fate, if your lot in life is shitty initially, you just have to work harder and smarter to get what you want.

    I actually agree with the richfag >>2970344 to some extent. It's our responsibility to make sure our children have a better life than we did.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:31:12 No.2970661
    1) Eh, personally I think there should be more opportunities for decent enough income jobs. Police Officers, Firemen, Teachers, Doctors and the like should get paid more (yes, Doctors should get paid more, unlike every other job they're fucked if they mess up).

    It really should depend on your major, the way human production in all fields is progressing, people are going to need to be serious specialists. If your major is infamous for not giving a good job, but you take it anyway because you have a PASSION and to HELL with money then you don't have my sympathy. The idea of a starving artist is not an exception to reality you twat.

    Education, in particular, should pay more. Increase the pay of the average teacher and you'll suddenly be able to hire the teachers that are very educated, which is particularly necessary in a Democracy. Ironically, the standards for education are fucked. No Child Left Behind + keeping the status quo for affirmative action students + keeping the athletes for your school have absolutely nothing to do with how much a student deserves to pass and far too much to do with passing students.

    2) Eh. Not having money certainly isn't happiness.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:31:42 No.2970667
    Moderately well off fag here, its odd because everyone in my family has been to university (except for a single family ditz). It couldn't be by accident right?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:32:24 No.2970673
    his is exactly what I mean. You basically believe that you are rich because you are morally better/ a harder worker/ more worthy, whatever. That is not true. It is just random chance. What you describe as apathy/laziness, I see as despair and hopelessness. Why work yourself insane if you know you will never get out? Why not just contend yourself with what you have and say fuck it all the the rest when you finally realize that there is no way for you to not be poor? You have no idea how true this is for so many people.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:33:19 No.2970681
    Sort-of-Richfag here

    1. Sometimes it is, sometimes it was, but now it's too far out of control, sometimes they just got shat on.
    2. Money = security, which helps people feel happy.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:33:28 No.2970686
    Engineer fag here,

    I've fucked up your oil rig just for you so that your hospital can run out of power just in time for your operation.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:36:20 No.2970719
    My post says that good genes and attentive, loving parents make me a morally better, more deserving person?

    I can tell someone went to a public school. You reading comprehension is laughable.


    Not me by the way. An obvious pointer would be his poor punctuation. That and my trolling has been much more subtle.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:37:01 No.2970725
    Not a richfag yet, but parents are(2 million+), and can get 200,000 by the time I'm 25 if I do what they want(education).

    I wouldn't fault an individual for poverty, unless they weren't impoverished and then entered it. Yes there are chances for upward mobility they might pass on, but so much of your life is determined before you're 18. I personally owe almost everything to my parents.

    Money=/=Happiness. Yes, it does remove certain problems from life. But more money can just be more money to worry about. Studies have said after 60,000 dollars annually there is little to no gain in happiness with more money.

    From personal experience, my family was happiest at our poorest, and richest when we were doing our worst. Money should not change you, it changes how others see you. I've gone from thrift stores to $500 suits, I'm still me, and my wallet doesn't change that.

    Yes, I haven't earned my wealth, I acknowledge that, and you can disregard my statement if you want.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:38:43 No.2970742
    And that is why I do it. Even if I don't get what I want in life, my kids might. But I cant blame my parents for being poor. It's not their fault. My grandma was married to one of the richest men in California, but she left him when he went homicidal on them. So my mom grew up poor. She did what she could. My dad became seriously ill (schizo) after they got married, so she raised us alone. Sometimes it's nobody's fault. Sometimes people are just fucking poor and have nobody to come in and save them.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:39:35 No.2970753
    I seriously doubt there are more than 5 richfags on all of 4chan who've earned their own wealth. No one holds it against you.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:40:02 No.2970756
    your post says that poor people DON"T have "good genes" (smarter) or attentive parents. That is such arrogant bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:41:04 No.2970772
    Your grandmother sounds incredibly stupid. >>2970620 perhaps?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:42:21 No.2970789
    Because money is better than being alive? It's worth letting your six month old baby be beaten for?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:42:44 No.2970794
    Prove me wrong then. Go to an Ivy League school, and become a politician who changes (or at least challenges) the status quo.

    Or keep being a neckbeard on 4chan, whatever.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:44:07 No.2970805
    Right, because I can afford an Ivy League school? And one politician with a heart of gold can right all the wrongs in this country?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:44:46 No.2970811
    ... I would consider extending my car wash offer to you as well, but I'm not sure you need it (check your punctuation as well, before you criticise mine).

    That's about the time they should become an hero.

    And no, I didn't earn it, so what?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:45:30 No.2970823
    Depends. Was the little thing constantly crying and being generally annoying?

    By the way, your story doesn't add up. Assuming your grandmother is 60-80 right now, she was married in the 50's-70's. There was such thing as alimony and spousal recompensation then... but cool story bro.
    >> sage sage 01/31/09(Sat)01:46:44 No.2970838
    sage goes in all fields

    saging a giant trollfest
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:46:44 No.2970839
    Kevin, is that you!?!?!?!

    moot blocks
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:47:20 No.2970844
    Hey you might be rich, but you're certainly not very intelligent. Do you think you can gain any political clout due to a degree? You won't make any friends in an Ivy League college if you're a poorfag.

    Take my word for it, I wouldn't want to be seen hanging around them.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:47:50 No.2970849
    Somewhere in the middle here. My parents are wealthy enough and I could probably get quite a good deal more than I do from them if I wanted, but I'm just happy with rent, tuition, and insurance.

    So, I can't exactly go buy a shitload of expensive stuff, because that's all my money. On the bright side, I don't have to worry about a illness or accident ruining my entire life financially.

    1. I'm happy, but wouldn't mind having a place of my own to live in, but I'm more worried about just finishing school right now.
    2. Capitalism is the superior of the three systems listed, but it has the downside of punishing people for their parent's mistakes and successes. I'm sure there's a couple of ghetto kids, that with the right resources would have started companies and a bunch of trust-fund kids who can't wipe their own asses. Uh, I'll just go with capitalism and socialized medicine.
    3. See above. Everyone has the chance to make their own way, but some people get handicaps and some get head-starts. Depends on their age. Not much an impoverished 13 year old can do, right?

    1. See above.
    2. Not at all. There are plenty of people who have family and friends and are happy. Maybe they could be happier with money. There's also plenty of lonely wealthy people who have no friends and lives full of stress.
    >> sage sage 01/31/09(Sat)01:48:15 No.2970851
    sage sage sagey sage
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:48:34 No.2970856

    Yeah, I've flat out told the poor bastard (no pun intended) I was trolling him about 20 minutes ago... but all to no avail. I guess it's thum thar stoopid jeans, yarrp.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:49:04 No.2970861
    I guess I'm poor by your definition.
    1) I'd rather not be poor. I'm getting my master's this year, so sometime in the future I probably won't have such a shitty job. Also, my girlfriend's family is loaded (I'm living with her right now).
    2) I like a bit of capitalism, but not the stab-you-in-the-back American-style of it. You need to have a socialist government to ensure people all meet some basic living standards (minimum wage, healthcare, education, etc). US capitalism doesn't bother with those.
    3) My parents were pretty poor (and still are), and I spent a lot of my student loans getting them out of debt (which is why I have no savings now). But I don't see how it's their fault. I could've started working right out of high school, never traveled anywhere and I would have money by now.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:50:26 No.2970873
    Good for you man. This is coming from the troll, by the way. :)
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:51:48 No.2970886
    I reply as a richfag, with a twist. I receive extensive financial aid from my university, but the state overestimates my costs and underestimates my resources. I have nearly 20K in the bank, which appears to be, bizarrely, growing.

    1. Sometimes. Try asking better questions.

    2. No.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)01:54:32 No.2970911
    1. I don't mind not having too much extra money, keeps me from spending on stupid stuff.
    2. Capitalism because I like to work for what I earn. No handouts for me.
    3. I'm poor because people aren't investing anything to my business.

    When I was rich however,
    1. Poverty can be caused by a number of things. People who become relatively self sufficient tend to succeed.
    2. True, but you can happy and poor. It depends on whether your needs are met or not.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)02:00:28 No.2970968
    Poorfag here.

    1) Of course I want to not be poor. What the fuck kind of question is that?

    2) Ideologies aren't nearly as important as the politicians and ideologues who interpret them into policy. I'd stand behind an altruistically-motivated capitalist before an ineffectual communist any day, though I would prefer mild, Roosevelt-style socialism.

    3) Poor because my parents are poor, but also because I've got little skill at making money (which comes indirectly from having parents that are poor and can't provide real-life examples and advice).
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)02:02:24 No.2970990
    College, man. You should try it.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)02:16:30 No.2971137
    Hmm, don't know if I am poor or not. I only have 2k, but no debt. That isn't much, but I have high income, but no furniture in my apartment. I guess I would say I am in the middle.

    I am very content atm. I do wish to be in a wealthier class and am positioning myself to do that.

    Capitalism. Socialism in almost all forms does not work. I like seeing the fruits of my own labor. I work hard to get where I am. While you were partying, I was studying. While you bought frivolous things, I saved for college. I see no need to redistribute my wealth for your short-term judgement.

    I would say my parents were poor, but pulled themselves out of poverty. Essentially move up to the middle class. I don't think it is hard for a person to move up to lower->middle or middle->upper on their own accord. Now it is dang near impossible to make that large leap without a brilliant mind and luck.

    Money makes a signifigant difference in happiness. You just need to be out of debt to be happy without it.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)02:18:58 No.2971158
    I'm in college. I'm pretty smart, and I've had a really weird life; I'm not just bitching. :(
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)02:31:51 No.2971277
    poorfag here

    1) no, I'm doing everything I can to claw my way out
    2) I believe in socialism to some extent. I was big on capitalism for a while...but it leads to nepotism and cronysim as well as entrenched interests, blocking change....all of which impede progress
    3) possible? yes. My dad's rich, but he refused to give me any help...he thought I should build myself up or some shit...idk (he got rich by marrying a rich woman)...I was raised by my mom, she's poor. I had to drop out of college because I couldn't get any more loans....now I'm $37,000 in debt, with no degree. w/e
    poor people are getting more pissed off...more desperate...I can see a violent uprising where we kill the rich fuckers in the near future
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)02:54:34 No.2971479
    i'm only gonna answer one question because i'm not really knowledgeable in terms of the economy.

    i'm not poor...middle class, i guess, but i live in a suburb where everyone has iphones, designer bags, and uggs, and we can't afford stuff like that because my dad hasn't had a job in eight years and my mom's a teacher. people make fun of my cellphone because it's shitty compared to everyone else's, LOL. but i'd say we live pretty comfortably.

    anyway, i don't think money = happiness because, well, the kids who live here? they're all neglected, screwed-up alcoholic or over-medicated teenagers by the age of 14. most of the girls are slutty attention whores, hell, my high school spawned four well-known chansluts (seriously). one of them lives in a neighborhood called the fucking "estates" and has a MAID, okay? she's batshit insane, and i bet some of you have seen her tits and would know who i'm talking about if i said her chan name. HAHA.

    so, yeah, rich kids have iphones but i wouldn't trade my sanity for one. not that all rich kids are messed up, but enough are that it's clearly not something that would make my life awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)04:17:07 No.2971923
    i think im rich...? only because i think like a poor man... i mean, life to me isnt about a shit ton of possesions, its more about aquiring a few really good 'things'. the less things the better. ive traveled the world with this philosophy and about to go again next month.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)04:28:46 No.2971972
    Is one of them Up-Chan? Just wondering.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)04:31:26 No.2971986
    I'm poor (200 dorrars a month for spending) but
    i could be poorer.
    I have warm water, a home and internet.
    veggies and buckwheat cost next to nothing, sure wish i could eat more meat and sweets but it's healthier without them.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/09(Sat)04:43:01 No.2972049

    lol, negative. they're not as well-known as up-chan, but people seem to know who they are....i live in new jersey for the record. scummiest place ever apparently.

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