01/31/09(Sat)12:14:00 No. 2974164 File :1233422040.jpg -(29 KB, 380x380, milk.jpg ) Are
you one of the millions of older Americans with failing eyesight, your
fading senses an inescapable reminder of your mortality and the lack of
accomplishment in your life? Do you use a magnifying glass, but wish it
were more complicated? Well we have the product for you! The
Portable Electronic Magnifier is an electronic replacement for that
old, functional glass magnifier, letting yourself believe that you're
part of the new, tech-savvy generation, where the prospect of an
unmourned death is still beyond the horizon. And with its 3-hour
battery life, you can have fun recharging it again and again, feeling
connected and "wired" like the kids today, as the batteries slowly
charge less and less until finally they give out, a painful reminder of
your own body's deteriorating condition as you sit alone and
unremembered in a dark house full of books you can no longer read and
portraits of family whose names you can't quite remember. Only $199.00.