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    13 KB Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:35:21 No.2964654  
    What do you say to someone who's suicidal? And how the fuck do you deal with being told that when you're positive the person's being genuine?

    Or, better yet, has anyone here been suicidal? What did you want the people around you to do or say? Any experiences at all?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:36:04 No.2964661
    You tell them that you love them. You tell them that you want them around.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:36:40 No.2964672
    >has anyone here been suicidal?

    owww, you made me laugh
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:37:15 No.2964678
    Has anyone on r9k been suicidal??? Has anyone on r9k NOT been suicidal is more like it
    >> Loserbernd !!U9j3G3j0Qi5 01/30/09(Fri)15:37:58 No.2964685
    Buy a grill i would say ^_^
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:38:26 No.2964692
    let them off themselves, the world does not need weak minded individuals.
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 01/30/09(Fri)15:39:56 No.2964706
    >anyone here been suicidal?

    The weekly "Hey guys how do I kill myself" threads point to yes.

    Anyway, I just wanted people to act normally.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:41:47 No.2964724
    when i've been suicidal, i try to remind myself that even if i feel like shit right now, if i kill myself that will be the end. as long as i'm alive i have a chance that things will be good and i'll be happy. if you kill yourself, you take away that chance. i dont think most people want to kill themselves. they want to be happy
    >> ANGRY 01/30/09(Fri)15:42:06 No.2964728
    Tell them that they aren't uniquely pained and if they off themselves we won't be sorry and no one will miss them. Tell them that we all die eventually and to continue to tread through the muddy body laden battlefield of life is utterly pointless. Tell them that they will never accomplish anything; bring this person (or people) to the realization that you are nothing more than a decaying machine sniffing through the ruins of the Earth for pleasure and nothing more. Tell them that all of our dreams and fantasies are nothing more than fleeting hopes for something better; opiates to silence the screams of the stark and grinning pain that is reality. Let them have it.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:42:46 No.2964735
    Don't try to act like you're their psychiatrist and say stuff like "tell me how you feel", "you can talk to me", etc.

    It's not really helping.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:43:08 No.2964739

    What would you do if I told you what you just told me?

    This led to a short conversation that made her think the entire ordeal over. Don't know how it'll turn out if OP's suicidal too tho...
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:45:50 No.2964763
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:46:18 No.2964769
    I know I'd want everyone to leave me the fuck alone and let me sort myself out, but a lot of people might need the opposite.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:47:15 No.2964777
    IF someone is suicidal then you either: respect their position on the subject and help them kill themselves as quickly and painlessly as possible (it's called euthanasia); or, you force them to live against their will by calling the suicide help line and getting them institutionalised. Your call, OP.
    >> OKCupidsexaddict !2rKsAyHa1U 01/30/09(Fri)15:48:06 No.2964785
    don't indulge them. telling them how great they are just makes them deny it.

    being suicidal is hating your life. talking about it is an unintentional cry for help. it's just like crying, it means "i can't handle my life and i need support". spend time with these people if you care enough about them. talk to them on the phone, give them company, buy them a small gift like a snack or a bottle or a CD you can listen to together.

    all the times i was most depressed and suicidal i wanted someone to come be with me. not just anyone though usually close friends or female attention. being alone to stew in it is the worst.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:48:23 No.2964786
    If they want to kill themselves, it's their own choice. Why should I stop them?
    I'd just ask them to please not make a huge mess or set it up so the body won't be discovered until it's been rotting away for weeks.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:49:41 No.2964798
    KilI them.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:50:39 No.2964807
    Prove to me that you're a pussy and can't hold out longer like everyone else on the earth

    If they're a male the TESTOSTERONE will come into play. IF it's a female they don't want you to be right.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:56:33 No.2964858
    I agree with this post.

    I think having a friend around really would have helped me through the tough times. When I had problems, my "friends" ditched me. Whether they think they want to be alone or not, spend quality time with that person once in a while. When you're with them, focus on the things they like. It will help them realize there's more to life than the ditch they're in. If they need to vent, let them. Just listen. You aren't required to give them a solution, because that just can't happen. If you care, that's all you need to do.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)16:04:15 No.2964935
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    As someone who's depressed, that wouldn't deter me one bit. Unless your intention was to encourage suicide.

    The only reason I want to kill myself sometimes is to end the pain, the agony, the lonliness. Even though I know there are other people out there like me, I can never find them, for they probably don't talk about it, as I don't either. So we're the minority, and we suffer our pain alone out of fear of being ostracized. There's a stigma with suicidalness. If you say you want to die, people will think you're crazy or "that weird guy" and they'll avoid you even further. But the thing about being sucidal is that I don't think anyone ever actually wants to kill themself - they just want a release from the suffering. If I could live a normal life with its normal ups and downs, then the thought would never cross my mind. However, I'm not normal. My life is relatively good compared to most people in the world, but when I wake up, I feel sad. When I go to school, I feel sad. When I go to work, I feel sad. When I feel happy, I quickly get sad again. Nothing gives me any enjoyment anymore. It's been this way for almost 8 years. How long can one go without ever enjoying life? I feel like my life as just an empty shell of what it's supposed to be. I only do anything because that's what's expected of me. But I know I can't go on this way for 50-60 more years. If nothing changes soon, I doubt I'll last 5 years.

    If you really want to help this person, the best thing you can do (aside from suggesting therapy) is just listen them. Tell them they can trust you and never betray that trust so that they'll open up to you. Listen to anything they tell you, even if you don't know how to respond. They're probably holding a lot deep down inside, and they want to bring it up, but they're afraid of what will happen if they do. Convince them it will be ok.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)16:06:52 No.2964957
    Ha ha ha. Yeah, institutionalized. That forces them to live for an extra month, at most.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)16:08:05 No.2964969

    Tell them to be considerate of morticians and not kill themselves by getting hit by a train. That leaves a big mess and someone has to clear it up. Always tell people to use poisons such as potasium sodium cyanide. Remember, a cyanide a day makes a mortician's work play!
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)16:12:52 No.2965014

    But for some, years. They won't be let out until they are no longer considered suicidal.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)16:14:49 No.2965024

    any semi-intelligent person can convince someone they're not suicidal.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)16:18:24 No.2965060
    >And how the fuck do you deal with being told that when you're positive the person's being genuine?

    he's not genuine, people who genuinely want to kill themselves do it, and they do it without trying to get the attention of others or make a big emotional production out of everything

    your friend just wants attention, so treat him like the attention whore he is and give him some positive feedback or whatever then maybe he will shut up
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)16:22:13 No.2965095
    I tell them to DO IT FAGGOT.
    Also, everybody is suicidal, at least those that visit 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)16:27:03 No.2965136
    so who's going to reply to this guy
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)16:27:30 No.2965141

    that's another thing. some people will just do it for attention, so that makes the people who are actually considering it even less likely to tell anyone. As said before, no one really wants to die - that goes against human nature. If someone's actually serious about it and they say it, then that means they're crying out for one more chance to stay alive. Killing yourself isn't something you do lightly, so a suicidal person will probably try to exaust all options before coming to that point.
    >> ANGRY 01/30/09(Fri)16:28:32 No.2965148
    I'm like that too dude just become angry like me
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)16:35:37 No.2965204

    Many of history's most revered and intelligent people commited suicide.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)16:38:24 No.2965233
    Been suicidal, recently had a best friend who was, It was kinda hard for me to deal with cos I hadn't known her for long. I don't think there is a right thing to say, especially no thing to say that will help everyone, I think it's just really important to be there for them.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)16:38:58 No.2965238

    Yes but most of them did it when they lived in a time where suicide wasn't so taboo.

    Socrates lawl

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