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    File :1233148795.jpg-(1.39 MB, 3264x2448, DSCN0543.jpg)
    1.39 MB Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:19:55 No.2939375  
    sup robotz,
    i am a 20 years italian male. next tuesday i will move to london without family or friends.
    I want to start a new life there because here in Italy things are becoming real shit: the politicians are mafians, our president is a dumbass and the pope is a faggot.
    I have no intention to do the university and i want to start to work immediately.
    can any englishfag give me any suggestion on where to live and what kind of work would be easy to start with?

    pic releated: i must fuking leave all my consoles and games here!
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:24:09 No.2939392
    Sell your consoles and games. You'll need the money where you're going.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:24:14 No.2939394
    Dude, are you serious? Have you actually got a visa and all that shit sorted? Just moving to London without any documents, plans, and the like is not a great idea.

    But hell, you like PRO EVO! That makes you A-OK in my book. Once you're settled in England, I'll give you a game.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:27:07 No.2939406
    Not a great idea to emigrate at the beginning of an economic depression, especially one wich is going to hit the UK pretty hard.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:27:35 No.2939409
    OP here
    actually i am going in London with documents and enaught money to live for 1 week (sleeping in a hostel).
    During that week i think i will find a job (an easy one to start) and i will find someone that sublets
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:28:49 No.2939413

    I'm going to say maybe you should reconsider. It's a tough city and it might be hard to find a job, London is swamped with immigrant labour.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:32:10 No.2939434
    Save up at least for a month or two before you go..

    sounds like you didnt think this thru
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:32:43 No.2939439

    In the European Union, EU nationals are free to move between countires. All you'll need is your passport or identiy card and to let the authorities know that you'll need a social security/national insurance number.

    That's it

    wow, I love Europe
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:33:45 No.2939448
    1 week to find a job? Good luck with that
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:34:23 No.2939451

    >during that week I think I will find a job

    jesus christ. you're a fucking idiot. or a troll.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:34:41 No.2939454

    One week?!?

    No way dude, not even a month saved up.

    Stay in crappy Italy for a bit and just work and save money. When you can reliably live for a few months, only then should you try your luck and its still no guarantee.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:35:03 No.2939459
    OP here
    i think its easy to find an easy job, like in an a restaurant. maybe an italian one.
    i think it would be easy if i go now. usually people travel and works in summer.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:36:19 No.2939469
    Well, I got two things for you:
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:39:27 No.2939478
    >crappy Italy
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:42:47 No.2939500
    OP here
    im just gonna try. i've already booked an hostel in Hammersmith, Fulham. and i have the airplain tiket.
    if i will not find any job in 1 week i will go back to italy of corse and i will try again maybe next year.
    but now it would be the best
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:43:05 No.2939502
    next time get a 360. it's like a PS3 but with more games and less bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:44:04 No.2939510
    fukken troll
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:44:18 No.2939512
    enjoy your week long holiday, OP
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:46:26 No.2939521
    Don't move to London, it's really expensive.

    Try some of the other major cities like Manchester or Birmingham.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:49:40 No.2939537
         File :1233150580.jpg-(13 KB, 250x212, berlusconi_corna_small.jpg)
    13 KB
    "Obama is young, handsome, and suntanned too"

    I can see where you're coming from, OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:49:50 No.2939539
    OP here

    u are a troll.
    but of corse if i will live in england i will become an X-bot like all of you guyz
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:50:10 No.2939542
    Norwich is the winnest city in the UK.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:58:58 No.2939587
    seconded,also cost of living is really high.best you can try is to work in a pub

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