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    File :1233129171.jpg-(117 KB, 425x388, gen-y-subculture-slide.jpg)
    117 KB OP!Mist 01/28/09(Wed)02:52:51 No.2937825  
    Hey r9k,
    How do i join a subculture?
    I'm aware most people become goths or punks by hanging out with punks.

    But i know no subcultured people (except Metal).

    What subculture is nice and easy to access?
    Will i find friends?

    How do i rave?
    >> Trappan Gaems !O42zslyatY 01/28/09(Wed)02:54:47 No.2937838
    Go to school

    Meet people

    Don't give a shit about this sort of thing
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)02:55:40 No.2937845
    1. Forget ever hearing about this shit.
    2. Grow up.
    3. ???
    4. Look back on your past self with less shame.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)02:56:02 No.2937846
    join the antisocial shut-ins by surfing 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)02:56:40 No.2937853
    As cliched and gay as it sounds, just be yourself and hang out with people you naturally get along with. If you join a subculture just for the sake of joining one, you'll only end up disappointed.

    BUT, out of ones that are easy to access, probably emo or goth (note that they're also the shitstainiest ones). Hipster+preppy require money and somewhat social skills, cyber requires weird fucked-upness, and thug will get your ass capped if you're not serious about it.

    How to rave: Wave your arms around while holding colored lights with loud music and huge crowds, not that hard.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)02:57:34 No.2937861
    Get out of high school, realize that people are people, and any identity definition based on style choices and other aesthetics are dubious at best.

    Also, Hipster looks like Spike.
    >> Trappan Gaems !O42zslyatY 01/28/09(Wed)03:00:12 No.2937876
    Actually thinking about it this applies to every ronrey ;_; thread EVER
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:00:35 No.2937880
    weeaboo is a readily accessible subculture.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:03:06 No.2937896
    Why the fuck would you want to join a subculture?

    Fucking 15 year olds.
    >> OP !HwMXZM9.Bc 01/28/09(Wed)03:05:54 No.2937921
    I get along with people, but i can't go out/on partien with them, that's what i want

    Raver look colorful and dance
    Goths dance, too
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:06:42 No.2937926
    Depends on what psychological problems you are afflicted with. Punks and hipsters for instance are attempting to justify the contrast between their inflated egos and their actual impact on the real world.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:07:23 No.2937931
    You're dumb for wanting this. Pretty much all those subcultures will leave you pressured into doing something you're not comfortable with. So, when you're a drug addict, dick sucking, subhuman, mere shell of what you used to be, you'll finally realize what bullshit your subculture was you will inevitably end up ditching all your friends from that group to clean your life up. Your friends will remain in their niche until they're ready to clean up, and none of them will support you as you try to change your life. You'll be left friendless and crawling back the people you knew back when. Or you'll just become a lame guy with no friends at all, and maybe a g/f who resents you because she has no alone time.

    That said: if you want to join a subculture, go to events. See bands you like that fall into whatever identity you're trying to attain. Want to be a punker? Go see punk shows, get drunk, seem like fun, talk to people.

    Preppy is easier to get into than you'd think, it just requires a pretty major lifestyle change. Rave scene is extremely easy to get into, ask someone on E for their phone number, they'll give it to you.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:07:26 No.2937933
    WHAT THE HELL IS A CYBER. I have never witnessed such a vile creature. Is that the new word for "raver" or some sort?

    You fuckin' teenyboppers.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:07:35 No.2937935
    > subcultured people

    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:08:24 No.2937941
    I believe cyber falls into the industrial scene.
    >> CG !ZiOlXCRNAs 01/28/09(Wed)03:09:30 No.2937951
    I'm not that familiar with any of these absurd subcultures, but I'd choose whatever the fuck Cyber is because the other ones look like they take themselves seriously. Or at least more seriously than the blue haired girl.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:10:54 No.2937961
    if you want to rave and dance with goths

    then go to raves and goth clubs? it's not that hard. Both types of events are out there for anyone that loves the music, you don't need a fucking RAVER CARD or some shit

    Just do this, and no need to be a fucking poser and 'join a subculture.' You will make friends with people at these events and hang out with them. You don't need to specifically do some shit to 'join' them
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:10:58 No.2937964
    Jesus fucking Christ shitballs. I'm glad I'm out of the stereotype era.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:12:03 No.2937972
    No, that's a rivethead.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:12:35 No.2937975
    You seem to have mistaken a Carmen Sandiego cosplayer for a goth chick.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:13:00 No.2937977
    Damn man, these faggot subcultures are like the gayest thing ever. Also totally useless.

    They are like, for mindless faggots with no personalities, social lambs who sooo need to "belong to a group" because they worth shit alone.

    Jesus Christ.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:13:13 No.2937979

    no shit!

    me: car mechanic artist software engineer teacher psytrance dance/raver ex-punk grad student artfag gayfag gun nut feminist

    usually I just say, "I make stuff"
    >> Trappan Gaems !O42zslyatY 01/28/09(Wed)03:13:30 No.2937984
    I guess maybe GLBTQ is a subculture? I mean we have our own building on campus :3
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:14:12 No.2937988
    Why don't you just dress in clothes that you find comfortable and are appealing to your eye, and do things that you find enjoyment in?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:14:13 No.2937989

    That's GLBTQF

    When will the Fursucution stop!
    >> Trappan Gaems !O42zslyatY 01/28/09(Wed)03:16:05 No.2937996
    There aren't nearly enough Fs in the world to explain how angry I am right now

    Never enough
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:16:13 No.2937997


    The people you hang around generally have similar interests and personalities, viewpoints, whatever. The main thing is you hang out with them because you get along with them. If you're hanging out with them because you think it makes you look cool, you're not going to be happy. You probably won't have shit in common with them and won't ever have that bond between you and the other individuals.

    If you're actively seeking out a subculture because you think it might be fun and something new, you've probably got a 60/40 chance at finding a place to fit in.

    In high school ages and ages ago, I used to be goth. When I got out, I got into industrial music like OhGr and Skinny Puppy and VnV Nation and shit so I started hanging out with Cybergoth people. Those people are fucking idiots and going nowhere in life. I used to dress like them (gas mask, goggles, latex, etc) in respect of enjoying the music and being a part of that musical subculture, but quickly got away from it when I met so many just dumb fucking losers in that subculture.

    Now I don't really have a subculture I belong to. I've got hip hop friends, bluegrass friends, metalhead friends, still a very few cybergoth friends, etc. That's what I would propose you do - just be cool with everyone.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:16:51 No.2938001
    Know what I hate?

    Folks who make playing video games into a subculture.
    Fuck you I just like playing video games.
    Don't call me a gamer.
    >> CG !ZiOlXCRNAs 01/28/09(Wed)03:19:11 No.2938018

    FUCK that word makes me rager harder than any other word. I have not used it, ever.

    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:19:59 No.2938023

    excuse me sir... i have something for you

    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:20:19 No.2938027
         File :1233130819.png-(88 KB, 407x405, subculturead.png)
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    Fuck those fucktards
    >> OP !HwMXZM9.Bc 01/28/09(Wed)03:21:27 No.2938034
    >just be cool with everyone.

    I have to admit, this sounds sensible
    So, how do i do this?
    Random showing up in their clubs?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:22:10 No.2938040

    Talk to people
    Don't act like a dick

    That's pretty much it
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:22:48 No.2938046
    Go for emo, or even better mallgoth. That shit's easy as hell to get into. Punk is mid-level. Cyber and Goth require a lot of time/money to get into. Preppy requires you to come from a rich family. Thug'll get you killed. Hipster is probably the hardest, since it requires encyclopedic knowledge of obscure bands, an understanding of music history, and an ability to listen critically and deconstruct music, or at least the brains to fake it convincingly.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:23:28 No.2938049
    Cyberpunk's dead.
    Hipster is...well...just look at him...
    Goths are fucked up.
    Thug is shit
    Emo will die
    preppy is for collegefags.

    Also, that guy does not look preppy, he looks normal.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:24:31 No.2938053
    >Hipster is probably the hardest, since it requires encyclopedic knowledge of obscure bands, an understanding of music history, and an ability to listen critically and deconstruct music

    I fucking lol'd. Most hipsters I know just pull shit out of their ass and hope nobody notices or gives a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:25:30 No.2938058
    Pink shirts are nice.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:25:45 No.2938060
    Can someone tell me what the hell is a Cyber?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:26:27 No.2938065
    The stoners are the easiest to get in with, if you can find them. they can dress in any style, but it's usually a kind of hipster/nerd cross. At least in my area.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:28:59 No.2938085

    Often it would stem through clubs but not always. I'd meet people at them, get their info (numbers, myspaces) stay in contact and when they had parties I'd show up and meet their friends and just branch out from there.

    Other times it would be at local concerts / local band shows, new people through old friends, parties, tons of things.

    Just go meet people, amigo. Provided you're not a complete social weirdo you won't have troubles.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:29:07 No.2938086
    hipster faggots are probally the worst. I tried being one. You will only be accepted if you are stick thin and wear girl pants. I'm a fat fuck.

    Also numerous hipsterfags have no ambition beyond growing their vinyl collection and working at starbucks for lie.

    At least my taste in music is better now.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:30:08 No.2938093

    Yeah, I guess it depends on where you live. In my town, the few ones that I do see really know their shit.

    Of course, that's probably because I live in a small town shithole, and we're like, ten years behind the times. I guess hepsterism hasn't really caught on as the cool thing around here yet.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:30:15 No.2938095

    Thank you!

    I don't need to identify myself by some of the media I choose the consume.

    I might find video games fascinating (as well as various aspects of its industry) but I'll never call myself a gamer.

    Even worse, might start calling others 'hardcore' gamers and yet others 'casual' gamers or whatever other retarded shit they come up with.

    I'm not enough of an ass to go on rants about it to my friends though.
    >> Evil Capitalist !2qM2wlWwJA 01/28/09(Wed)03:30:35 No.2938098
    Every human needs a "tribe", it seems the majority of people are unaware of this, at least abstractly. With this in mind it should be obvious that you are not limited to one subculture and you can mix various elements of each scene so you appeal to a wider group of people.

    At work you could act preppy in order to gain respect and intimidate people without seeming incompetent as a thug would. At college you could mix hipster and prep so you appeal to both abercrombie & fitch garb'd individuals and "rebels". When you are out with your friends you could meld hipster and an element of thug so strangers see you as "street" whilst you maintain conformity with yout hipster friends and the social freedom allowed by being a hipster.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:32:37 No.2938109

    a cybergoth is someone who's dress style has a little bit of goth influence, but looks more space-tech and futuristic. Gas masks, welding goggles, pvc clothing, latex (liquid or not).

    Just google it for more info / pics.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:34:07 No.2938117
    Pretend you're an average guy in Blade Runner. There ya go.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:36:58 No.2938132
         File :1233131818.jpg-(38 KB, 600x548, cybergothsupdated.jpg)
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    >>2937997 I was this guy. I used to hang out with these guys, actually.

    This is a "better" picture of what cybergoths more accurately look like.
    >> Evil Capitalist !2qM2wlWwJA 01/28/09(Wed)03:38:52 No.2938140
    One of the differences between neanderthals and humans that archaeologists have noted is that humans were the only ones to adorn themselves with trinkets. The need to create an identity using manufactured goods is an innate human need. Why deny yourself satiation?
    >> Evil Capitalist !2qM2wlWwJA 01/28/09(Wed)03:39:56 No.2938145
    Worse than guidos.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:41:10 No.2938152

    Truth be told. They're just less roided up and in rages.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:42:39 No.2938157
    fuck off and be yourself... sheesh
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:42:47 No.2938158
    but ain't overcoming that needs a sign of maturity?

    Identifying yourself with a group is more of a social requirement these days than an actual need, or at least not as important as it was millenniums ago when we lived in actual tribes and the ones excluded from a group starved to death if they weren't eaten by a predator.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:42:50 No.2938159

    I will give them, however, that they don't all look like tanned carbon copies. They definitely aren't all sporting flare out haircuts.

    Maybe elements of the way they dress but not looking exactly alike in the way that guidos do. There's a greater level of fashionable flexibility.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:43:27 No.2938165

    It's funny how all of the pictures are horrible representations of the word underneath.

    Shows how out of touch you are.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:45:22 No.2938172
    OPs pic is rather inacurrate.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:47:55 No.2938186
    True. My friends always demand we hang out with this one hipster kid and all he does is make shit up, he's just so stupid he makes shit up about stuff I know or current events he doesn't really know about, so he gets fucking embarrassed all the time.
    >> الأنونيموس 01/28/09(Wed)03:52:55 No.2938217
         File :1233132775.gif-(34 KB, 309x412, amer007.gif)
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    This is the best subculture you can join.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)03:54:14 No.2938228
    which "misrepresented" subculture do you belong to?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)06:40:22 No.2939008
    Real subcultures are people related by a hobby that is not mainstream. Playing wargames, collecting comics, even reading books (thing are sad nowadays) make you part of a subculture. Not wearing ridiculous costumes like if you wanted to join a silly fashion show.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)06:44:48 No.2939021
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)06:45:09 No.2939024
    easiest subculture to join? angry loner.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)06:51:45 No.2939053
    I don't know what I am.

    If anything it's close to prep though.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)06:52:34 No.2939057
    You're part of a subculture.

    Hi there, fellow robot. <3
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)06:55:03 No.2939062
    convince everyone in that subculture youre somehow cooler than they are. they will love you.
    ive done it and it works wonders.
    problem is, you have to be slightly cool to begin with...
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)06:57:49 No.2939069
         File :1233143869.jpg-(23 KB, 203x477, sdfas.jpg)
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    How to rave:

    Purchase the following;
    neon sunglasses (thrift store)
    colored skinny jeans (thrift store)
    multi-colored high top sneakers
    printed hoodie (could be expensive, ice creamz, bathing apes etc.. you can find just as good ones at thrift stores)
    bright tee (thrift store!)
    metallic leggings (costume store / thrift store)
    funky hairdo (don't wash your hair for three days, add baby powder, soaks up all grease and makes it easy to mess up and have it stay that way, plus no gel, gel sucks when you start sweating)

    Then go to the dollar store and buy metallic/neon beads, glowsticks, glow in the dark w/e else.

    Find a rave.

    Buy E.


    Fuck bitches on E.

    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)07:00:56 No.2939079
    So anon is just abusing of our trust... I'm hurt.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)07:01:31 No.2939081
    i don't really belong to a subculture. although, if one HAD to classify me into one of them, it would probably be skater.

    Not that faggoty skater that wears skinny jeans/tiedye shirts/ wolf tshirts.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)07:03:06 No.2939086
    Wow, fashion wise I appear to be a hipster. You learn something new everyday.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)07:04:20 No.2939094
    Apart from that god awful hair I mean.
    >> ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 01/28/09(Wed)07:05:52 No.2939102
    i guess i'm a hipster/preppy hybrid
    no matter how hard i try to be unique i'll always end up under some stupid subculture's label
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)07:10:36 No.2939111
    Do like me:
    i am a bully at school so i get girls.
    i am a nerd at home so i can play videgames and have nerd friends.....
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)07:12:03 No.2939119
    Wear a top hat. It won't help but I find it defuses most issues. "We have to bre-..Wait...What the fuck is with the hat?" "I'm gonna k-...Who are you? Abe Lincoln?" "Hey give me bac-...Nice hat" and so on.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)07:15:46 No.2939134
    this way is pretty effective.
    u have respect i school and outside.
    u can stay with hot girls. and when u are home you can play videogames like a pro and have geek friends.
    that is pretty awesome!
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)07:24:23 No.2939162
    the chicks with a fan and the separated "sleeves" @ trousers and shirts are awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)07:33:21 No.2939197
    Prepster reporting in.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)07:34:19 No.2939200
    The fact you have to be a bully to get girls says a lot about you.

    Me, I'm just pretty; I could be sitting there playing D&D (Not that I ever have) and still have women wanting me. Here's the kicker; I don't give a shit about relationships! I could have nearly anyone but I want no one.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)07:34:41 No.2939204
    That's pretty much what I did in highschool

    shit was cash and I got so much tang
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)07:37:28 No.2939215
    What the fuck? he looks like a complete faggot.

    People who rave where I live are attractive preps.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)07:38:42 No.2939220
    I'm a narcissist seeking other narcissists to dominate.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)07:41:32 No.2939233
    you know, it's how to try to fit in a subculture when you have no cash, fagging it all up.
    I always go to raves normal clothed (that is, prep-like), not like some kind of a trash that has $20 for his shit
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)07:41:44 No.2939235
    I don't get along with anybody, I live in a town of rednecks and thugs and from what I hear, it's like that everywhere. I don't want to take such a risk, especially since hating everyone in my town has become such a drain on my social skills. I don't know if I can even converse anymore.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)07:48:46 No.2939274
    I hate people who can't be comfortable unless they're huddled into large groups smoking weed or drinking. This happened to all but one of my friends and it's putting stress on that friendship too because he's starting to be that way too.

    The only thing I miss about childhood and teenage years is being able to go to your friend's house by yourself without a clique gimmick and watch movies. Now, in order to watch movies with my newly stonerized friends, there has to be a god damned party of 6-12 and at least 6 joints, otherwise they won't get out of bed.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)07:52:58 No.2939285
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)07:55:25 No.2939294
    become a metalhead. u can shouse from many kinds of metal.
    start with sum nice (rowrow) powermetal and hardrock.
    if u like qick and funny dancemusic -> go scandinavian folkmetal
    evil, sad but ready to fight, love forest -> blackmetal or doommetal
    gurofag / want to shock ur parents -> deathmetal/goremetal
    and so on
    grow some hair, meet people, listen to new bands, get some wristbands ---> stay trve
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)07:56:18 No.2939299
    Don't forget to never shower.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)07:56:35 No.2939300
    >lil wayne

    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:06:23 No.2939329
    for advertising themselves as laid back, stoners sure get defensive when you criticize them.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:07:34 No.2939331
    Subcultures are for fags, dress like real man, that means wear a suit.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:07:56 No.2939333
    I used to think like that.
    Then I listened to electro house.

    You should try it sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:10:48 No.2939344
    Has not listened to metal.


    Wait, you're probably 15 aren't you? That would explain the stupidity and retardness.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:28:51 No.2939414
    don't die, thread. i'll be back for you later.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:32:57 No.2939442
    Why the fuck would you want to be another unoriginal hipster fag? If you absolutely need to be apart of some "sub culture", try making your own. At least you'll be original.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:35:51 No.2939466
    just wear jeans and a t shirt like me. you can join the subculture of i dont give a shit i am comfy in these clothes....
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:47:28 No.2939523
    you are a smartfag. i never affirmed to listen to metal
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:48:23 No.2939530
    Raves are fun. People are usually relaxed and the music is nice change to the usual club shit. The only problem is that I need to drink lots of alcohol (I'd do more drugs if they were more easily accessible/not full of shit) to keep me going the whole night.

    Remember that there are different kind of electronic music styles. Some people are turned off because they think everything is either tekno or hardtrance.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)08:58:11 No.2939583
    just dress in what looks good on you. For most people they actually look best in preppy clothes but choose to dress all faggy.

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