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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1232901067.jpg-(24 KB, 388x309, european-union-flag.jpg)
    24 KB Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:31:07 No.2902342  
    So, this is addressed to all the European robots.

    What is it like living in Europe? I mean this may seem like a stupid question, but I guess I'm looking for a comparison to America. I've visited Europe a couple different times (England, Spain, Portugal), and people just seem a whole lot more chill and open-minded. Seeing as I'm an atheist living in a "christian nation" is there a noticeable difference in your culture's willingness to accept people?

    I don't know if I'm being naive, but Europe just seems really freakin' awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:33:48 No.2902359
    It's not, dutchfag here. Urop is boring and stale, I want to live in America because your grass is greener.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:36:37 No.2902383
    Eurofag here, I wouldn't live in America, but Europe is not that great. There are a lot of moralfag and fucking fascists here too. People look more open-minded probably because you were is some kind of hostel with young travelers. There are a lot of stupid nationalists here, mainly because the Governments can't handle the immigration properly.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:40:05 No.2902412

    Jij zou eens in het partijschema van de NSB moeten kijken.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:40:07 No.2902413

    Yeah I guess I figured that a little bit to be true, since I realized that the taxes are pretty steep over there.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:40:29 No.2902416
    I like living in Europe.
    But I don't think it's that different from living in America unless you are located either in a fundamentalist-hotspot or in a ghetto.

    In Europe we got sandniggers instead of regular niggers and fascists instead of christfags.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:40:50 No.2902419
    Europe is great. Far less criem than in the Us. We can travel to other countries without people hating us.

    And of course were more tolerant and open minded than ur bible-belt-dominated country
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:41:15 No.2902424
    I enjoy living in Europe. But I wouldn't say it's too different from living in America. Healthcare and education system in most European countries is much better though.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:42:24 No.2902433
    Britfag here. I used to live in the south of France (Nice) and that was great - chilled, layed back, awesome people. Don't like the UK that much, going to definately move once I'm done with University.

    Europe is good, but not "freakin' awesome"!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:42:52 No.2902437
    My country allows gay marriage.
    My entire class watches the L word, we're a class of 24. 3 of us are boys, 21 are girls.
    None of us cares if someone is gay or not.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:44:11 No.2902446

    Yeah, I think the education system in America is pretty fucked up. I live in New Jersey, so the education system is comparatively better here than other states (Mississippi, Louisiana, etc.)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:44:14 No.2902447
    The UK is shit. The rest of it is OK, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:44:49 No.2902451
    wot sup OP

    I'm from Worcestershire.. never been to America and I don't recon I will whilest ye have a Moor president, eh?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:45:20 No.2902456
    Not enough if you ask me. Europe is about socialism, many of us think our State should provide us the services we need. E.g. health care, school, etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:45:25 No.2902458
    You can't look for places to compare to America. Everywhere is going to have similarities but they'll be different every time.

    Every place is unique with unique similarities and differences to everywhere else.

    Without living in a place you'll never understand what it's like to live there based on the opinions of the ones living there.

    Their opinions are going to be jaded based on their perception of the US because that's what they're going to be basing it on for your frame of reference.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:45:39 No.2902460

    Yeah that's what really upsets me about America. I'm straight, but I think gay marriage is really important. Even Mr. Liberal Obama only supports civil unions. It's disgusting how forward-minded America thinks it is when we have stupid things like proposition 8.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:47:36 No.2902474
    Listen, it is better that he is civil union than outright gay supporter. Otherwise he wouldn't have been picked for president. This way, he can satisfy the most people without pissing off too many, really. How many people do you not think would've thrown a shitfit if he allowed gay marriage everywhere?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:47:38 No.2902476

    Europe is not socialist. At best, it is social-democratic, but that is being swept away by the tide of neoliberalism imposed by domestic governments and the EU.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:50:26 No.2902505

    Yeah how did you guys all feel about the switch to the Euro? I'm just curious.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:50:59 No.2902510
    I don't know. I love the climate and the culture and the fact that I could visit many completely different countries in a day or two if I had the money. I like the languages and the attitude. I like how I generally feel a lot safer in Europe than I do when I'm in America.

    But it can be boring. All of the life is in U.S. Over there there is a constant sort of movement that only really takes certain corners of Europe every few years.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:51:03 No.2902511
    I'm just going to say this, don 't use NJ as a benchmark for American education. It's ranked near the top IIRC.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:52:28 No.2902521
    Europe really is freakin' awesome, when compared to the USA.

    It sucks for the common people, but it's great for international trade and stuff of that sort.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:52:30 No.2902522
    My country hasn't done the Euro switch yet
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:52:47 No.2902524
    It's convenient if you travel alot. But personaly I'd rather have back my old currency.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:52:56 No.2902527
    > Worcestershire

    >> 42 !ckwtBVaGOo 01/25/09(Sun)11:54:20 No.2902541
    As Eurofag, I don't view Europe as that much more open minded than America. I think the biggest difference is just that Europeans don't tend to embrace religion as strongly as Americans do, or at least, the religious people is much smaller minority here, so noone listens or really cares about them.

    Also, another factor in the openess is that Europeans are much more accustomed to dealing with foreigners, and people tend to have much less national zeal as the Americans. We don't go around touting how like Germany or Spain is the greatest country in the world and as individual countries, we don't go messing around with other nations politics as much.

    But, even with all that, Europe isn't really all that much more open minded. Even if we aren't being upfront about it, we're still harsh towards people different from us. If you intend to live in Europe, we expect you to renounce all your old habits and integrate. Though we might like you as a tourist and treat you well, we don't appreciate you bringing your customs here, if you intend to live with us. Integrate or die.

    Also, Europe sucks at immigration policy, as has been said.

    As a Finn, I thought it was awesome. Finally having a currency that is meaningful somewhere else. It's great having prices listed in Euros in many online stores these days. Sure, adjusting after the change was somewhat demanding, but personally I think it's been entirely worth it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:56:49 No.2902565
    Yeah that's true. I think most people in America don't mind gays and will even want them to be treated with dignity and respect, but there are still a lot of antiquated view of them. Society is getting progressively more open, but people still think gays have the same creepy kind of culture like in 1970s. I was having a discussion with like 25 people about homosexuality and I was amazed that most of them (~20) thought that it was a choice. This isn't even a really conservative area.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:56:56 No.2902567
    > The Obama is a cake! He will not solve every single problem. If you listened to his oath its the same bullshit Bush, Regan and every freaking other president has been spewing. Nothing is going to change.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:57:52 No.2902575
    it's also not a choice for me to be totally turned on by femdom
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:58:38 No.2902586

    I guess it's somewhat fine. But you can't generalize on all of Europe because there a quite a few shitholes here as well.
    I'd say the Benelux countries and Scandinavia are best.

    Also, I can see a doctor whenever I want/have to without fearing of being in debt to the ears (or having debts at all).
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:00:22 No.2902605
    I disagree with you on the integration part.
    Where I live there are a lot of Americans and they are far from being integrated. But noone cares as long as they behave.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:00:51 No.2902606
    Well, I never heard about a (real) social dictatorship.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:01:54 No.2902618
    This person is stupid.

    besides, cocks.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:02:05 No.2902619
    Exactly the argument I made against them. Sure it's a generic argument, but it doesn't go through most people's heads.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:07:16 No.2902659

    Oh I totally understand the integration idea. I take Spanish in school, so when I visited Spain I would always try my best to communicate in Spanish, and I usually succeeded. Seriously, I HATE ugly Americans in Europe. I visited a region in Spain called Galicia, which does not come by American tourists very often - they thought I was German or British (which I am by heritage), and I'd always have to explain I was American.

    I was terrified when I went to Portugal though. I didn't know a word of Portuguese except for thank you and I don't speak Portuguese. I was so embarrassed, but people seemed to know English.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:10:16 No.2902692
    country, please
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:11:59 No.2902709
    I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:12:36 No.2902715
    you seem to be very self-conscious and more preoccupied with trying to join in with some fabricated elitism, as if defecting to the 'better' side. believe it or not, europe is a continent with widely varying people. referring to 'europe' as one single thing with one single quality makes it clear that if we are the 'better' side, you're better off sticking to your stars and stripes.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:13:27 No.2902724
    portugalfag here... yea most young ppl here speak English now and on the major citys and the most touristic regions like the Algarve you'll always easily comunicate... nothing to be terrified about us, and actually most of us treat tourists better than we treat our countrymen lol
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:15:25 No.2902738
    yeah every movie here is subbed so young people are fairly comfortable with English. Pretty much 90% of my English vocabulary comes from movies or TV.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:17:05 No.2902756
    You have to understand that most Europeans put the region they live in first, country second and the whole of Europe third if at all.

    We're not really open-minded towards our neighbours, and the European union is regarded as a little club for our governments' leaders to dick around in.

    As such, most of us can't really comment on Europe as a whole, and those who can are usually lying.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:19:00 No.2902775
    Italianfag here, I have been in Spain a couple of times and it's terrible how few people know English. I ended "inventing" words, since Italian and Spanish are not *that* different.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:20:37 No.2902788
    so true... and the proof is that most governments dont even want to hv referendus concerning EU matters with fear of beeing rejected by the general population and so having to explain wtf they hv been doing there for all this years filling theyr pockets
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:21:46 No.2902799
    Europe is good. Though faggots are totally taking over...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:22:32 No.2902805
    I confirm this; Amerifags think Europe is just like USA, where the Federation is super important. Most of us don't give a fuck about Europe; I don't really blame them, because we all speak different languages and retarded countries, with no "European" background like Turkey and Estonia keep entering in the UE.
    That said, I really care about Europe and I think we should be a tighter federation, with a strong federal government.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:24:47 No.2902831
    There's no such thing as 'living in Europe'. You just live in a country that happens to be part of the EU. There is not an European Identity, no matter what the governments want you to believe.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:25:40 No.2902842
    Forgetting Constantinople?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:26:36 No.2902854
    Oh god OP reminds me of every 16 year old "bisexual" girl in my high school who wanted MOVE TO SOPHITSTIIFCATED EUROPE SOMEDAY I WON'T BE HATED THERE >:( , what a fag. America rocks. It's pretty much the GARest country around.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:27:17 No.2902861
    Well, for one thing, life is expensive here. Horrendous gas, food, insurance etc prices combined with high taxes (though we can expect a lot from our goverments, see health and social care).

    Then again, we're not THAT focused on religion. Of course, there are bible-belt like nutjobs here too, but from what I've experienced people tend to be pretty tolerant here (most folks I met in 'Murka were too, so I don't think it's a fair comparison).

    I also think that we've got an entirely different self-conception than you guys.
    The kind of patriotism shown in the US would be impossible here (flags everywhere, "God bless America" chants etc.). Who knows where our patriotism will go, will we lose it completely, will we return to old-style nationalism or will we see Europe as our greater homeland? I don't know.
    >> 42 !ckwtBVaGOo 01/25/09(Sun)12:28:42 No.2902878
    Perhaps it is just the Finnish bias in me speaking, then. Generally my point was that though we do not mind what people do among themselves, like in a community of American people, we are generally unappreciative of any foreigner trying to push their own ideas towards us.

    As the gentleman in >>2902756 put it, the European countries are much more culturally varied than states in America (as we really are different countries and not just states of EU), that any opinion of Europe in general from Eurofag is going to be heavily biasad by their own country of origin.

    You may be able to get a general idea by finding the common views shared by people from different countries, but the fact still exists that European countries are still very different from each other.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:28:58 No.2902880
    Due to the massive influx of american products and tv shows/movie (which are not dubbed, but subbed), I'd say about 80% of portuguese people under the age of 40 can hold a somewhat decent conversation in english.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:30:59 No.2902903
    Europe openminded? I live in Holland. Liberal paradise.

    Don't make me laugh. Talking about your religion here is not done. You want to be religious? Fine, do so in your own time, if you open your mouth about God, expect to have your teeth kicked in by liberals.

    Gay marriage is legal here. But you'd better not hold hands with your gay boyfriend or girlfriend. Talking about your sexual orientation here is not done.

    Smoking and buying pot is legal here, but it won't be for much longer.

    Other than that, it's a pretty great place to live. I'm actually very happy living here, despite all the moaning in politics ("WHY DO THINGS ALWAYS HAVE TO CHANGE BAWWWWWWWW ;_;"). If you want to live in Europe, go with Holland, but stay the fuck away from Amsterdam, and don't expect a liberal paradise where you can walk across the street naked while doing coke.

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