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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1232895033.png-(26 KB, 598x556, ssrRecap.png)
    26 KB Adventurer !!IPL1pat/40Q 01/25/09(Sun)09:50:33 No.2901607  
    Alright there, lets do a quick recap of the previous events before we continue on any further, shall we?

    You ventured to this OMINOUS TOWER to kill the EVIL WIZARD who resides inside, as instructed by one of the WANTED posters in the town. You got there and proceeded to make quick work of the GOBLIN GUARDS inside, and eventually rescuing an ELF THIEF named ARIS who was being held captive. Continuing further, you came across a rather rotund GIANT SPIDER which you also didn't seem to have too much trouble with, frosting your shield and using it as a razor disk to sever the GIANT SPIDER's leg, and then raising two UNDEAD GOBLINS to serve as minions, who finished off the Miniboss of the first floor.

    After collecting the GREEN KEY you go back to the main chamber and unlocked the door with the GREEN LOCK, revealing a staircase to the second level of the tower.

    What do you do?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)09:56:13 No.2901645
    I want to cast Magic Missile
    >> RTSgod 01/25/09(Sun)09:57:47 No.2901654
    I make the UNDEAD GOBLINS climb up the STAIRS to scout for me.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)10:00:23 No.2901667


    >> Adventurer !!IPL1pat/40Q 01/25/09(Sun)10:03:08 No.2901689
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    Acting upon a rather sudden urge to cast one of your more simpler spells, you send a ball of magical energy hurtling at the wall.

    It doesn't do much, except make a pretty snazzy looking residue where it impacted.

    You feel a slight tinge of regret at using up some of your MANA for no real reason at all.
    >> Adventurer !!IPL1pat/40Q 01/25/09(Sun)10:09:50 No.2901737
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    I believe you attempted this before, but your memory fails you, and so you order the UNDEAD MINION to proceed up the stairwell.

    He looks at you puzzled, as you should know that he can't wander away too far from your side or else you will lose your hold upon him and he will become a lifeless corpse again.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)10:15:07 No.2901773
    Proceed up the stairs.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)10:16:18 No.2901788
    Send Aris up the stairs to scout, you can reanimate her if she dies.
    >> CrPlan9 !PLAN9M8Wsc 01/25/09(Sun)10:20:29 No.2901822
    Follow up the staircase crouched behind the UNDEAD GOBLIN, using him as a hu-- er, goblin shield.
    >> Adventurer !!IPL1pat/40Q 01/25/09(Sun)10:24:09 No.2901840
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    After a brief climb, you arrive at a closed door. What a surprise.
    >> CrPlan9 !PLAN9M8Wsc 01/25/09(Sun)10:26:14 No.2901855
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)10:27:59 No.2901870
    I panic and get out of doors immediately
    >> Adventurer !!IPL1pat/40Q 01/25/09(Sun)10:43:13 No.2901963
         File :1232898193.png-(32 KB, 608x549, ssrletskicksomeass.png)
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    With no regard for the safety of you or your company, you BUST DOWN THE DOOR in a very badass fashion, charging in and ready to TEAR SHIT UP, carelessly unleashing a rather effective surprise attack, and managing to strike a rather kickass pose while you do so.
    >> Adventurer !!IPL1pat/40Q 01/25/09(Sun)10:45:44 No.2901980
         File :1232898344.png-(13 KB, 598x495, ssrwellwouldyoulookatthat.png)
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    Your sudden assault catches the GOBLIN MAGE off guard, who was not expecting a rough day today, but will now probably have to expend all of his MANA in order to try and stop you because you decided to go messing about in his master's tower.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)10:47:11 No.2901989

    Burn him to death.
    >> Adventurer !!IPL1pat/40Q 01/25/09(Sun)10:57:16 No.2902068
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    As quickly as he can manage, the GOBLIN MAGE uses his arm as a flamethrower, dispersing the ball of ice and torching one of your UNDEAD MINIONS.

    The other one was a little more lucky, and managed to reach the GOBLIN MAGE while he was preoccupied with other things. Chomping down onto the MAGE's arm, he establishes a firm hold, and then begins to claw furiously at his face.

    You use this time to prepare a rather snazzy FIRE SPELL you've been just dying to use for a while now.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:04:03 No.2902125

    shout the incantation in CAPITAL LETTERS
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:06:51 No.2902146
    Use the FIRE SPELL to burn down both the GOBLIN MAGE and your minion, melting down the wall behind them also.
    >> Adventurer !!IPL1pat/40Q 01/25/09(Sun)11:08:24 No.2902161
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    The GOBLIN MAGE seems to be preparing another attack, which, although you think it would be rather neat to see what happened, think it'd be in your best interests to deal with him before he is able to come through with it.

    ARIS decides it's time she did something, and hurls a DAGGER MAGE-WARD.
    >> Adventurer !!IPL1pat/40Q 01/25/09(Sun)11:19:17 No.2902245
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    Although you find it rather silly to do this, as you're able to cast spells without muttering silly sounding sentences, you decide it's necessary to do so anyways.

    You begin to recite the lengthy incantation, but are cut off halfway through as the GOBLIN MAGE unleashes his THUNDERWAVE attack, causing you to make even more weird noises as electricity flows through your body.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:22:52 No.2902274
    Encase his head in ice.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:23:17 No.2902280
    I panic and forget how to cast my spell.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:24:33 No.2902288
    I read a scroll labeled DAIYEN FOOELS.
    >> Adventurer !!IPL1pat/40Q 01/25/09(Sun)11:34:34 No.2902366
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    You collect yourself and prepare to finish him off with one last spell, but are overcome with yet another NERVOUS BREAKDOWN, probably because you can't remember if you locked the door to your house when you left this morning. Any number of things could happen while you're away, and you're just sure you left it unlocked, you panic thinking of all the valuable things that will be stolen. The horror!

    In your panicky state, you don't seem to notice that the GOBLIN MAGE is also quite winded, and decides now would be a very good place for a timeout, as it looks like you're having enough trouble with yourself at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:41:31 No.2902428

    Just to be sure, use clairvoyance to see if your house is all right.
    >> Adventurer !!IPL1pat/40Q 01/25/09(Sun)11:52:48 No.2902526
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    Deciding you should better make sure while you've got time, you check to see if the door ot your house IS locked, and are happy to discover that it is quite safe and sound.

    Maybe now that that's done and over with, you should deal with that GOBLIN MAGE sitting on the other side of the room.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:58:32 No.2902584
    use a mana drain then BLOW HIS ASS UP
    >> Boros !9kbJjvwmwE 01/25/09(Sun)12:01:29 No.2902614
    I'm loving the complete absence of railroading. well done portugal
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:04:34 No.2902642
    Draw Boros porn.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:09:19 No.2902681
    Manadrain his ass then ass rape.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:10:32 No.2902694
    Cast level 10 COCK OF THE INFINITE for meta damage.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:10:48 No.2902697
    >> Mr. Children !3GqYIJ3Obs 01/25/09(Sun)12:15:18 No.2902737
    Cast fire ball at the undead goblin, to try to catch the mage on fire!
    >> Adventurer !!IPL1pat/40Q 01/25/09(Sun)12:18:55 No.2902773
         File :1232903935.png-(18 KB, 584x493, ssrmanadrainissocheap.png)
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    You drain the GOBLIN MAGE's remaining MANA, replishing your own a slight fraction, because you know this next attack is going to tear shit up.

    You cast a small protective bubble around ARIS before you do so though, gotta look out for the dames, I tell yah.
    >> Adventurer !!IPL1pat/40Q 01/25/09(Sun)12:22:31 No.2902804
         File :1232904151.png-(125 KB, 596x548, ssrcurrent.png)
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    In an extremely gross display of power, you call down an enormous PILLAR OF FIRE and reign hell upon the GOBLIN MAGE who was probably already near death, but you can never be too sure.

    Besides, who wouldn't want to go out in such a way that the heat welds the liquefied remains of your bones to the floor?
    >> CrPlan9 !PLAN9M8Wsc 01/25/09(Sun)12:25:12 No.2902835
    Search the smoky bone residue for anything helpful. If there is nothing helpful, spit in the bone powder and use it like war paint on your face.
    >> Boros !9kbJjvwmwE 01/25/09(Sun)12:26:12 No.2902848
    feel bad that you just annihilated that goblin mage in the most terrible way possible, but then move on.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:28:10 No.2902873

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