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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1232683056.jpg-(38 KB, 727x749, cooptedhumor.jpg)
    38 KB Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)22:57:36 No.2871573  
    i enjoy /b/ and r9k's humor. i often lol when perusing /b/...
    so why is it that when /b/'s sense of humor is
    translated/co-opted to t.v. i find it repugnant?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:01:01 No.2871604
    because its really shitty

    just like your grasp of english
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:01:07 No.2871605
    Because you thought that 4chan was your secret little club and it bothered you that the media giants are spreading the gospel of /b/ on to everyone else. As another 'fuck you,' I believe 4chan is in the top 500 most visited websites in the world.
    >> 01/22/09(Thu)23:01:21 No.2871608
    never gonna give you up

    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:02:11 No.2871614
    Call it what you will, but, personally, I just don't like it when people talk about our secret club house, out of the club house.

    I rage very much when I hear " LOL THE GAME " and " EPIC FAIL LOL " Recently I've casually been responding with " Haha, another fantastic quote from the internet! "
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:02:47 No.2871623
    The reason you hate it so much on tv is because when they do it, they usually don't know what it means or why it exists. Like Carson Daily rickrolling his audience. It just seemed forced and awkward.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:02:56 No.2871625
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:04:40 No.2871642
    Because when these jokes are brought out into the unflattering, bright light of human society at large, they are seen for what they are: tasteless, cruel, and not that witty. It really is an inside thing, more fun to laugh at in the privacy of your own basement or office, browsing by yourself than presented to a bunch of "normal" people. Either that, or the jokes require so much knowledge of internet humor and context that it's just not worth it to make the humor evident to most people.
    >> Autonymoose !x4vv0ZYuAo 01/22/09(Thu)23:05:34 No.2871653
    If something becomes big enough within a circle, it will become pervasive in the rest of society for a moderate time span.

    As 4chan's popularity goes down, so to will its attitude's effect on the world.

    To be replaced entirely by lolcats.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:08:14 No.2871681
    Neither of those originated on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:09:06 No.2871693
    This isn't a really good post, and definitely not worth bumping the thread to the front page, but you're only allowed to sage once every hour now.

    What should bother you more than anything is how nearly every board is nearly identical to /b/ of about a year and a half ago.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:10:20 No.2871702
    But would you agree that they were propagated mainly by 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:13:21 No.2871731
    >4chan was your secret little club
    I used to think like this. OP just wants something to belong to, who gives a shit, the people spamming memes IRL are probably newfags anyway. Just take on that attitude if it bothers you so much that your secret internet club has been invaded.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:14:14 No.2871742
    4chan WAS my secret club house, fuck you. Double Nigger.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:16:26 No.2871767
    it annoys the fuck out of me when i see year-old memes all of a sudden all over the place. 13 year old girls on facebook post image macros that /b/ got sick of LAST YEAR on each other's walls and shit like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:16:27 No.2871768
    >" Haha, another fantastic quote from the internet! "
    That's a great line actually, wish I had that back when I was stuck around the meme spewing retards last year. Amazing irony factor too.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:22:22 No.2871827
    Eh, I'm okay seeing that type of humor on, say, Comedy Central (the style, like schadenfreude), but when some little news station outside of Nowheresville, Utah go "Okay now time for the weather report, Jim. :3" and Jim's like ":3 OKAY LOL. See, it's sunny here and-" and then the screen cuts out to a Rickroll, it's hard not to facepalm.
    The Rickroll has been catapulted into mainstream like a motherfucker, and it kind of sucks. I'm sick of my 13 year old little sister sending me an e-mail with "omg cute kitty check it out" and getting rickrolled. The worst part is her going "OMFG XD SO RANDUM DO YOU KNOW WHAT I JUST DID I TOTALLY PUNKED YOU OMFG LOL BUT I'M SURE YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF IT HAAAA"...but the Rickroll is something I'll talk about another time.

    I know 4chan's not my secret little clubhouse, but seeing some fucker on the street corner wearing a t-shirt that says "/b/ RANDOM GO TO 4CHAN" or hearing 7th graders giggle about mudkipz or hearing "OMG THE MOST EPIC FAIL EVAR" when someone trips is kind of ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:25:44 No.2871872
    and that local group only i liked now sucks because they're successful
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:37:57 No.2871998
    the new york times' week in review section featured "win" and "fail" among the "terms of the year" a few weeks ago.

    but to be be fair, i don't like when people speak it in real life either. i saw a kid say "gtfo" to his friends recently and i raged. (yep,the letters "g.t.f.o.")
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:41:55 No.2872042
    perhaps we just hate ourselves and seeing anyone physically speaking the words written here or merely utilizing the sense of humor just makes us realize how much we despise ourselves on some level.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:44:26 No.2872060
    I never really liked /b/. I only came here for the ideals of anonymous posting. I thought, maybe, if the site stuck around long enough, english speakers might actually get them.

    Instead, underage faggots are growing up on shit I always thought was stupid and everyone acts like "anonymous" means "LOLOL CONSEQUENCELESS TROLLING EPIC WIN!!"
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:45:17 No.2872067
    Here, have some expensive, organic, healthy sage.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:46:12 No.2872079
    I'll be the last anon to ever be like, "my super sekrit club!!!" However, I do find memes coming from the internet to real life fucking annoying. This kind of shit just does NOT translate into spoken word, it sounds god damn retarded. If I hear one more faggot say "LOL EPIC FAIL!!" I might just fucking stab them. Also, I could give a shit less where the memes originated, just the fact that they're being told to one another outside of the context of a shitty internet joke annoys the hell out of me.

    The jokes and memes were never really that funny, it was just something stupid to entertain ourselves with. Hearing them in spoken word makes that a thousand times worse.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:46:45 No.2872082
    It's not the fact that it's on 4chan, it's the fact that it's on the internet.

    You don't act IRL like you act on the internet. That's the main problem.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:55:26 No.2872169
    I was at Target a few weeks back. There's these two little kids, maybe 13, in the vidya section with their mother or something. One of them starts talking about how much he thinks so-and-so game is super awesome and the other kid cuts him off by yelling, at the top of his voice, "SAGE".

    I don't know anymore...
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:56:41 No.2872178
    Yea... thats why I don't go outside anymore.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:57:33 No.2872184

    That'd kill my faith in humanity right there.

    Unless the dad also chimed in "lawl newfags".
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)23:59:28 No.2872204

    "Saydj" or "sa-geh"?
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 01/23/09(Fri)00:00:32 No.2872214
    that was a completely inappropriate response

    he should have derailed the thread instead

    fucking newfags
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:01:27 No.2872226
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    and every time i see a fawkes mask - i hate the person for feeling the need to point out he's the member of this in-crowdy exclusive club . it should be like fight club, where no one should be mentioning theyre in the club.

    Pete Wentz, for Christsakes! maybe he's here right now - if so I don't mind. maybe he just has a mask lying around the house near his webcam.
    >> Project Kurtz !cfZiGIAqOg 01/23/09(Fri)00:01:46 No.2872229
    Because television shows do it wrong.

    Everyone and their mother knowing about the game (which you just lost) doesn't bother me because it's already all over the internet anyways.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:02:07 No.2872233
    this isn't a really good post, definitely not worth bumping this (shitty) thread to the front page, but I'm not allowed to sage anymore.

    and why are you still here? Did someone pay attention to you last week?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:03:24 No.2872244

    I...I... I just don't know what to think anymore.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:03:38 No.2872248
    I hate it. Its bad enough that little fags are running around after browsing /b/ yelling about pedo bear and scientology but do I need to see fucking rick roll, chocolate rain and THE GAME when I turn my TV on?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:03:47 No.2872252

    i raged


    i loled

    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:04:52 No.2872262
    The point of the "you don't talk about fight club" thing was to make people talk about fight club so it would spread.

    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:09:03 No.2872324

    I BET YOU HE'S ONE OF THOSE "you, sir, are an idiot :/" faggets.

    It wouldn't hurt so much if I didn't secretly listen to his band. ;_; (inb4 lolgay)
    By the way, he cannot do screamo for shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:11:57 No.2872366
    Because it sounds funny when you read it in your head, but hearing it is a different story altogether.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:13:15 No.2872394
    speaking of the mainstream, has anyone been CAUGHT viral marketing here yet? some day someone is going to create a meme they reap a financial windfall from.

    maybe the people who make the fawkes masks.

    if rick astley did for his silly old song, i'd say he's earned the dough by now. I don't mind someone who made a good youtube video asking me to watch, but most misdirected from these pages are complete shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:13:52 No.2872403

    I lolgasmed. I laughed for like five straight minutes imagining that.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:16:15 No.2872428
    It's like I'm just waiting for Family Guy to mention 4chan or /b/ or something we would all be familiar with on this site
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:17:35 No.2872447

    I have yet to see a meme made by someone who can actually reap these benefits. You know, with the exception of Rick. But even still, he wasn't the one that made it into a meme.
    Anonymous has been able to prevent that thus far.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:18:04 No.2872452
    300 range actually
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:18:25 No.2872461

    Gayest show evar.
    12 year old girls can go to hell.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:21:12 No.2872481
    The fact is that 4chan got co-opted because it went pussy. If we did hardcore shit like in the old days, the mainstream or either would fear us, or hate us, or we would be incomprehended because of the nasty shit thats happening here. Or maybe better ignored us.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:22:03 No.2872490
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    would this make you mad, if it were to occur on the simpsons?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:22:10 No.2872491
    I don't know the whole "Lolcats" thing is rather popular =/ and it does make quite a bit of advertising buck for Icanhazcheeseburger and sites like it.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:22:53 No.2872501
    Very simple.
    It's funny or at least mildly amusing when you read it to yourself, in the context of this stupid ass website, but just sounds stupid out loud in real life. How do you faggots not understand this already?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:23:59 No.2872514
    The fact that 4chan got co-opted and became mainstream in the first place refutes your statement
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:24:31 No.2872519
    I really don't know how pussy it went. I saw things posted a few days ago that could have been the absolute death of 4chan - guaranteed. i was horrified.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:24:57 No.2872527
    now 4chans got Ads. I say bring back the CP.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:25:07 No.2872530
    Exactly, behind the shield of anonymity nobody can't point and laugh at one another and have a target. So a alot more content gets vomited out that people actually enjoy but would not have seen because the people submitting said content would have been laughed right out were they target able in some form or fashion.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:26:19 No.2872542
    Please explain to me how this shit got popular outside of this site. Specifically, who do you see shouting epic fail/win?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:27:15 No.2872556
    for instance this comic is very funny and true to life when read silently in your head but becomes fucking stupid when some normalfag bitch tries to read it to you on tv.
    Internet jokes are for the internet. Don't use phrases like lol and stfu(actually saying the letters) because its just as stupid as the kid yelling
    Important question. how did he pronounce it? sayj or sahge?
    protip: the first is incorrect because moot is a huge weeaboo faggot and stole the terminology for the site from japan.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:27:24 No.2872560
    I think we inherently understand that, we just never discuss it. by the nature of what it is, how the hell can anyone discuss this other than the way we are right now?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:30:35 No.2872597
    you must be new here. Lurk a little longer until you get rid of those useless emotions.
    If becoming the internet hate machine again is what we need then I say bring on the faggy raids on myspace pages and cults. It was mildly funny.
    however, being this so called "hate machine" is what caused the flood. nothing gets a site more publicity than being on the afternoon news as a "terrorist" website. The site is stuck this way, there will be no more good memes (memes were never good) and all memes will be on mtv within the hour.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:30:41 No.2872599
    Oddly, not as much as Family Guy, but I just feel that way right now. It would probably piss me off even more now that I think about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:32:07 No.2872619

    I already asked, he hasn't answered (about the sage).
    Either way, it's kind of lose-lose.
    1. sayg: newfag faggot
    2. sa-geh: weeaboo faggot~
    Just no one should ever say it out loud, my god.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:33:24 No.2872633
    I've personally heard it said on the jim rome, opie and anthony show, howard stern - seen on it deadspin, gawker and many many sports and porn forums (i get around online, but i don't drop references like a fanboy).

    basically - it's all intersecting audiences of mostly underachieving white males. why do you think everyone of those mainstream outlets advertises baldness shit, bonerjuice and beer? because we're predictable fucks. even if anonymous sites were outlawed tomorrow, "win" and "fail" will probably be around for a very long time.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:33:32 No.2872635
    I seem to get that sufficiently from my 'Friends' for example, the other day. I was studying in my room when one of my roommate's friend comes in and here is how it goes.
    "PSST!, Adam!"
    -no response-
    "Guess what"
    "What, Johnathan."
    "THE GAME"

    I wanted to get pissed off but I was too lazy.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:35:10 No.2872659
    well the most recent ones, chocolate rain and rick rolling are easy to explain. The more we spammed it here the higher the hit count became on youtube. The media is apparently obsessed with this weeks camwhore and caught on. Also some faggots probably sent it to their friends because LOL SO RANDUM and it caught on like that.
    memes are just that. Viral ideas. They spread and sometimes we can't contain them.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:37:29 No.2872690
    I actually like jim rome so it doesn't really bother me if he copies shit from this site
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:37:54 No.2872699
    i know what to expect here. but i was horrified because it had to do with the only thing you can not troll about. and it had a level of detail that struck me as legit.

    for the record, i've seen no one discuss those postings ever since.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:39:30 No.2872728
    It's like if you watch an episode of Monty Python and you find it decently entertaining, but when you see some nerd dude make some joke or say some line that's been said over and over again, it's irritating.

    4chan memes aren't funny because you make the same joke over and over. it's not funny simply to refer to a meme.

    you use the same phrase or icon over and over in response to different situations which is funny because it requires wit to make the same phrase funny in many different contexts.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:39:31 No.2872729
    So epic win, epic fail are pretty mainstream now?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:40:16 No.2872736

    Friend: "HEY ANON HEY >:3"
    Me: "What's up?"
    Friend: "THE GAME HAHA"
    Me: "*rolls eyes* Whatever."


    Friend 2: "blah blah blah blah"
    Me: "yeah! blah blah blah."
    -comfortable silence-
    Me: "So..."
    Friend 2: "SO I HERD U LIEK MUDKIPZ"
    Me: *facepalm*
    Me: "I remember."

    Friend 2 found the copypasta about a month ago and thought it was "LOL SO RANDUM". Decides to e-mail it to me. I'm like "Haha, yeah, okay." Friend 2 flips out because I didn't find it that funny. I was tempted to tell her it's been around forever, but didn't have the heart.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:41:15 No.2872744
    they're used on every gaming forum, every social networking site, etc. there are 40-year old men at my work who say epic fail, and my friends who i'm fairly sure never heard of 4chan say it too.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:41:39 No.2872750
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    pic related
    no respect
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:43:26 No.2872763
    The most rageworthy thing about this is, it'll be just a few shipping days before you start seeing middle school faggots walking around in T-Shirt Hell shirts.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:43:51 No.2872768
    What was it? Ive seen some fucked up shit from back when I used to post on /b/ regularly.
    A factory worker that got caught in a lathe and became a pile of jello.
    Some Iraqi kid that was nothing but string from the waist down.
    That stepping on the cats head with a heal image.
    Toll Booth chan where she got opened like a can of sardines and then anon sent the images of the crash to her family and harassed them.
    What else could be THAT surprising?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:44:31 No.2872777

    I'll be on the lookout, falcon punch ready.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:44:58 No.2872781
    Yeah, along with other shit.

    I hear sorority type coolio faggots at my college say stuff like "LAWL" or "UBER PONE (pwn)" "FAIL" shit like that.
    It's silly.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:46:17 No.2872791
    and what about the other way around. 4chan "stealing" from fightclub and the awfull movie vendeta
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:46:43 No.2872799

    I don't think you know what those words mean.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:48:29 No.2872816
    watch this....


    now "epic failure" has been around for a long time, but i still found those results shocking.

    also - note the first hit on "epic fail" (a blogger at the Atlantic)
    .....in case you don't know the Atlantic is a rather intellectual magazine that your professors often read.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:48:59 No.2872825
    Thats just halo faggots. Also fraternity is the one you wanted.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:49:26 No.2872829
    My friend thinks /b/ stands for "Boards" and calls 4chan in general "The boards" he'll be like "I was on the boards"...etc, and it pisses the hell out of me. I don't care what the fuck you saw on /b/ because it probably sucked, and I probably saw it two years ago.

    Seriously. I don't have a problem with 4chan humor being mainstream, I think it's awesome- but it's when people act like it's the LATEST COOL THING TO DO. They need to get over it.

    inb4 not my secret clubhouse, I know that and accepted it about the time Scientology shit started.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:50:38 No.2872836
    I said what I meant, and I meant what said, sorority faggots 100 per-cent.

    It's not my fault you can't think beyond languij.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:51:19 No.2872842

    I introduced my long-time girlfriend to 4chonz awhile back, and she'd flip out too that I didn't find any of the shit I'd seen millions of times funny. She started saying "lawlz" and "epic fail". I put a stop to that shit right away.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:52:06 No.2872850
    See, I have a particular issue with Internet humor in common vernacular.

    It's fairly safe to say that many of my teen years were spent with some degree of exposure to SOMETHING on the Internet. However, it was never something that you talked about in real life. Any "memes" (even among small groups) aren't something you transfer to real life, or even to other groups.

    I have always been of the opinion that the Internet and real life are two separate things, and should remain separate.

    I'm not even saying "ANON IS LEGION" although I have always been one to be as distant from the Internet as possible (for example, I never signed up for a Myspace OR Facebook, and have no pictures to speak of on the Internet.) But nowadays, the Internet and real life are quite intertwined, with real people having myspaces, and actively making themselves fully known on the Internet, and furthermore bringing the Internet into real life (i.e. using terms like "lol" in an actual verbal sense)

    I just feel that Internet and real life should be two completely separate societies, and their customs, language, etc. shouldn't mix.
    >> Pizza !rWNBkCs4.2 01/23/09(Fri)00:53:53 No.2872874
    i really don't mind when peeople use memes in the am.

    What bothers me is when these people overuse them.

    I hear 15 year olds scream "fail" and "shoop da whoop" and it irks me not because we did it first, but because they say it EVERY 5 SECONDS.

    The media isn't the problem, really. it's the inevitable flood of people that will overuse what the media puts forward.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:54:11 No.2872875

    Did this with a friend.
    Never again.
    Never again.
    "lol anon come here haha see this mudkip haha"
    "omfg what a whore she'll expose her body part for post ending in 75"
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:54:12 No.2872877
    I didn't mind when Stephen Colbert was doing it. it was one of those things where some people watching it got it, whereas the rest of it were just like "WTF?"
    I do agree its nice to have something that only a relatively small group of people can understand or participate in, but those things are tough to maintain on the internet. The only way you can do that is by finding a small, obscure forum, or just having a lot of in-jokes with your friends.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:55:07 No.2872885
    Thank you brother.

    How about you go write the CONSTITUTION OF THE INTERNET.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:58:53 No.2872931

    >How about you go write the CONSTITUTION OF THE INTERNET.

    Seeing as your post is all but devoid of inflection, I'm gonna assume it's dripping with sarcasm.

    and really, there's no way to stop the societal fusion of the internet and real life, at least not anymore.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:58:54 No.2872932
    I can't internet humor slipping into real life. Seriously. One of my friends who got referred to 4chan by way of anime starting hanging out at /b/ because he still thinks all the cool internet people do it. He'll spout shit like epic fail and win. The worst thing he did was rickroll in real life. I missed a chem lecture and asked him what it was about. He started talking about functional groups then started fucking singing mid sentence. I just walked away from that asshat. Then he goes up to me and says "why so serious?". I liked it when IF 4chan humor found its way into real life, it was just a quiet laugh. Like you are bored and browsing 4chan at school and some other anon sees you. All you get is a nod. You don't discuss it. You are both ashamed of it. It's a guilty pleasure. You nod at the guy and move on.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)00:59:32 No.2872941

    Shoop da whoop is pretty funny though. This faggot 15 year old kept bothering that I introduced to 4chan (never introduce underage b&), and he'd say stuff like LAWL, <whatever> GET... you know. But one day he got all mad and raged and said SHOOP DA WHOOP!!!! Fucker blew the doors FIRIN HIS LAZAH.
    >> Pizza !rWNBkCs4.2 01/23/09(Fri)01:00:37 No.2872954
    Oh and because they aren't funny.

    Shoop da whoop was never funny. Yet it was hillarious when it was popular. Why? Probably the sheer stupidity, kinda like monty python.

    But then giving it to the unwashed masses, they don't get that it wasn't funny in the first place, so they repeat it like it's some sort of hilarious gospel, not an unfunny piece of trash that was only funny when used "properly"

    The context for these memes are extremely thin, screew it up slightly and it's not funny.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:01:20 No.2872964
    Stuff you do on the internet is like stuff you do while watching porn. You just don't go around telling people how you fold up the two tissues just right, or how you ended up blowing a load on your cat. You just don't.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:03:16 No.2872981
    shoopin' that whoop is funny. It is funny because it is unexpected. One's whoop can only be shooped if it is not sexpected.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:03:45 No.2872987

    Very true. Also the fact that most people don't know the context.

    A bunch of black kids were shouting "FIRIN MAH LAZAH" and all that shit (particularly when "Lazer Collection" was a big hit) and were generally being shitheads about it.

    Then I asked them if they even knew what it was from, and not a one could say anything.

    I told them "Basically, it was from Cell in Dragonball Z preparing for whatever the fuck move it is, and they painted him with blackface"

    and they all had the nerve to GET FUCKING OFFENDED. All I said was "not so funny now, huh?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:05:16 No.2873000
    >blowing a load on your cat

    did it get pregant?
    how do u make kittyhuman babby?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:05:20 No.2873002

    >how you ended up blowing a load on your cat.

    what is this i don't even.
    >> Sup /b/itches! Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:05:23 No.2873004
    what exactly is robot9000 i have no idea what the rules are lmao newfag

    I'm a veteran /b/ lurker though
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:05:45 No.2873009

    See, I have a problem with part of this statement. I myself am "18", wink wink; and I don't go around like a fucking moron doing this stuff because I am aware it pisses people off. One of my friends is 18 and he uses memes in public (improperly) more then me. We'll be like walking past a school and he'll go X, "PEDOBEAR! LOLOL" I sort of just shrug it off and go "heh...yeah that's pretty clever I guess..." But, this isn't to say that my peer group is not without their idiocy in this. I know someone on facebook who put up about ~50 pictures that came from 4chan in general, I asked her "Why are you posting those?" and the only response I got is "DERP EPIC LULZ!!! I BROWSE /b/ ALL THE TIME!!! ITS SOOOO FUNNY!"

    Fucking hell. I feel more at home with you guys.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:06:28 No.2873019
    When 4chan finally becomes overrun, there are plenty of safe havens to go to.

    the *chans are many, and while few are any good or have the kind of speed we're used to here, it's nice to know they're there.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:06:41 No.2873021
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:08:23 No.2873040

    Just kidding, broseidon. I used to surf the chons underage, but now I'm legal.
    Fuck year.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:12:06 No.2873082
    I don't think this guy knows what perusing means.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:13:52 No.2873101

    LAWL @ broseidon. funnay gai!
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:13:53 No.2873102
    /b/ without repetition and pseudo intellectualism.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:14:05 No.2873105

    Which ones do you suggest? I have yet to find a board on any of them that I like as much as /r9k/ with its pseudo-intellectuals and unwarranted self-importance. ;_;
    It's home.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:17:02 No.2873133

    I'm going to share a secret with you guys.


    Not a very fast moving chan, but they have t.v 24/7 t.v for free. Right now they're playing Yellow Submarine, but they often play humorous things, other movies (I've seen obscure ones, common ones, etc.), and sometimes even t.v shows.

    It's awesome.

    Don't tell them you're from 4chan though, it's an insta-ban thing. (Don't ask. If you aren't aware, saying "4chan" on almost any other chan is the only reason required for a ban. On 7chan it use to filter to NIGGERTITS)
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:17:12 No.2873135

    Shoop da whoop. I know you can do it.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:17:12 No.2873136
    Funnily enough, I just happen to be watching Family Guy while reading this thread. And you know what I hear from the TV?

    "In Soviet Russia, car drives you!"

    Fuck this shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:21:22 No.2873165

    I would certainly rage again.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:21:53 No.2873168

    Was trollan /b/ earlier today.
    It was so freeing not having to worry about muteblocks.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:21:53 No.2873169
    But that joke is older than the internet.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:24:11 No.2873183
    I was going to say this.
    It's old, and it was famous way before the internets.
    Yakov Smirnoff, motherfucker, do you know him?
    >> Rick Dominated 01/23/09(Fri)01:29:57 No.2873243
    The Russian Reversal is old a hell dude, its not like we invented half the shit we spouted off even in the old days

    Anyway, I have several nu-/b/tard friends who view me as the "Oldfag amoung Oldfags" because I've mentioned to them that I've been around for a while and it gets REALLY fucking annoying that their always asking about x Meme, or y copypasta or what do I think of z Camwhore in public, around the family
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:31:34 No.2873262
    Fags emulate these days, back a few years ago, /b/ was filled with people that didn't just do what everyone else did, they did what they wanted to do.

    If someone felt like posting their argument in a Haiku, they did it. If someone found something they found funny, they usually posted the picture of it, or a cut out version of the good part, and said "Oh, exploitable."

    /b/ was never good, but it was still fun. Nothing beats a picture of Goatse accompanied by a racist Haiku, followed by Cockmongler being shooped into that gaping hole. Which was then followed by the epic tale of Cockmongler saving Pedobear after he fell into the asswell when he heard a Loli had fallen it.

    Shit sucks today.


    Also, o lawd, is dat some Red Eye? Only good thing on Faux News.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:33:08 No.2873282

    Not to mention that that particular episode of Family Guy aired back when people were still recovering from Y2K hysteria and before 4chan was even conceived.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:33:14 No.2873284
    7chan is full of elitist faggots. If you go there and say you're from 4chan, not only is 4chan filtered to NIGGERTITS, but they ban you outright. Fuckheads.

    711chan is great for its /i/ and /hack/ boards, but you gotta know what you're doing. They also use a guro background to keep the easily nauseated away.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:33:31 No.2873286

    I, for one, am a big fan of haikus.
    They're easy to write, and effective.
    I sprinkle my speech with them. :3
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:33:43 No.2873288
    Fun fact: newfags can't shoop
    Shit is not cash
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:36:46 No.2873319
    That's way older than 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:36:58 No.2873322
    I really only use net speak or 4chan memes around my friends, who are also huge 4chan/internet nerds. Outside of that I refrain from making references unless it's something that's become YouTube mainstream or something like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:38:34 No.2873341

    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:42:39 No.2873383

    Fuck year, not muted.
    This one might, so have some nonsensical words.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:48:20 No.2873434
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    I've yet to hear a person verbally say "lol" or "l.o.l."

    I imagine you younger people have, right?
    i'm 32.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:49:20 No.2873445

    I know, shit sucks.

    Also, about the only things I say out loud are "lawl" and "fail".

    Contrary to probably most that say it, I don't "LOLOLOL FAIL", mine is a simple, blunt, and usually Aggressive "Fail."

    Variations include "Way to fail, retard/moron/fuckhead/dumbass/dicksmurph/Niggershit/etc." "Stop failing." "What a fucking failure."
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:49:31 No.2873447

    I have.
    Mostly in a sarcastic manner, though.
    For example, when I'm mocking someone's speech, I go "oh yeah blah blah blah lawl am I rite blah"
    Shitty example is shitty, whatever.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:50:47 No.2873456
    It's still fucking stupid, and you sound like a giant fucking tool saying it.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:51:38 No.2873462
    >a simple, blunt, and usually Aggressive "Fail."

    People that do that IRL are the worst. You should be ashamed of yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:52:29 No.2873470
    _____shit is _____
    Pisses me off to no end
    It sounds so bad out loud
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:58:19 No.2873528

    I assume you prefer the real life equivalent, "LOLOLOL GOOD JOB FAGGOT"
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)01:58:53 No.2873532
    I don't care about the "top secret 4chan clubhouse", I just hate anyone using memes whether it is on /b/ or in real life. Just because you are able to recycle tired out phrases from the internet doesn't mean you are witty or "with it", in fact you just end up looking like an idiot to anyone who doesn't spew out memes themselves.

    I don't really blame the media for using internet humor, they are just trying to get viewers from the 8 year old demographic that finds them funny.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:01:23 No.2873548
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    i assume you mean the "fat cat is fat" shit.

    yes i agree it sucks balls. that should get one autobanned.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:01:31 No.2873550
    When the hell was 4chan on ESPN? The closest I've heard to this is someone shouting "You're the man now, dog!" at Conan O'Brien.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:05:07 No.2873586
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    Way to go, anonymous.
    Way to go.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:11:21 No.2873650
    epic fail and epic win are the most obvious things that creep into espnews and the occasional sportscenter highlight.

    of course, many deadspin readers are 4channers on some level (and their comments are well-read by staff at espn and other sportswriters, which is what propagates the humor and sensibilities upward through the media food chain.)
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:13:48 No.2873668
    It shows we're becoming shittier by rule of popularity. Old /b/=fun and truly random. Old /r9k/=original and semi-intelligent. New b=post etc NAO. new r9k=baw niggers baw women baw i'm smarter than thou
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:18:34 No.2873722
    >Old /r9k/=original and semi-intelligent.
    >Old /r9k/
    >Implying that /r9k/ is more than a year old
    Extreme newfag.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:24:28 No.2873772
    extreme newfag detected
    r9k is nearly a year old
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:26:50 No.2873793

    There's a difference between "more than" and "nearly".
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:34:57 No.2873864
    To me, the internet and my real life are two very separate things. What I do on the internet should not cross over into my real life and what I do in my real life shouldn't cross over into the internet. To put it honestly, the internet is a bit like an escape to me, and when I hear some stupid idiot on the street yelling FAIL or some shit or seeing some TV show rickroll someone it's like those walls are breaking down. I also assume they're ignorant of the source, which to me feels like using some group of friends inside jokes without knowing what the fuck they mean, it's just a couple words strung together that you find silly.

    I am also just displeased with how the internet seeps into every inch of the internet. I can't be on any forum without running into someone saying "lame thread is lame" or some stupid bullshit. It's not even that funny here, and it's even less funny there. It's just more unoriginal content being posted, but now you're not even giving this place to create it's own content to repost, since you've just basically stated "okay everyone, we're on the internet and we know 4chan jokes, so lets just use those instead of becoming original."
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:38:24 No.2873890
    More than that, After the initial week of "OMG HOW DOES DIS PLACE WOORK??" and "ONE WORD POSTS, MUTEROULETTE EVERYONE!" this place absolutely turned into a "so, uh, I've got a girl problem..."

    If you don't like the relationship threads, just don't read or post in them. If the crybabies don't get help, they'll stop asking. And if they do keep getting help, then you've already lost the battle, pack up and head home.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:41:26 No.2873906

    let's not forget the classic:

    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:41:45 No.2873910
    faggot there's a difference between saying there was a r9k different from now and saying IT'Z OLDILOCKS.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:43:33 No.2873929
    The thing is new people keep discovering 4chan and to them it's fresh and funny and "edgy" while to us older types it's just a bunch of idiots spam posting porn and old memes in /b/ (assuming most new people will find /b/ first.)
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:44:03 No.2873936
    you weren't here feburary were you? R9k used to have a lot of philosophy threads, "creative" threads(unlikely rap, role playing, etc), science threads(not DURR I'M SUPERAR), few relationship threads, and ZERO quizes
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:47:02 No.2873957
    This, pretty much.

    I keep 4chan, SA, and whatever OUT of my normal life. I go to my job, I go to college, I hang out with my friends without spouting that shit.

    Maybe it's the nostalgia talking, but these sites have always been my escape away from the bullshit of daily life, and now that the normal assholes you like to bitch about are invading the board (and SA) and spilling 5 year old memes out onto the street, it just might be time to move on.

    Thing was, all of the funny and great stupid shit you used to laugh at at 4 in the morning in 2003 through 2005 has been resurrected and thrown into mainstream culture. LOLCats? Epic Fail? Win? /b/, now ruined has failed to generate any funny content since. All of the oldfags moved to /v/ where it generated content, and a few stuck around for /r9k/.

    With /b/ ruined, the new /b/tards looked at their flaming shitpile, looked at boards that had been migrated to, and started flooding outwards in search of fresh content to spam and despoil.

    I remember the original assholes that came to this site on that great barge of shit sailing forth from the mothercountry (SomethingAwful). 4chan's /b/ was like a resurrection of the FYAD board. We could do whatever we wanted, and it was like a giant melting pot of stupid, funny, random humor. We collectively hurled things to the wall, and the funny stuff stuck. We worked with it, refined it, but in the end it was just fun, mindless humor.

    But fuck it now. /b/'s just a cesspit for camwhores and tired memes and /v/'s been dealt the same blow.

    It's pretty lost now...
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:50:49 No.2873989

    Oh give me a break. Now you're just being revisionist.

    >philosophy threads
    >"creative" threads(unlikely rap, role playing, etc)
    The vast majority of those rp threads is utter shit and drawfag masturbation
    >science threads(not DURR I'M SUPERAR)
    metaphysics bullshit doesn't count as science
    >few relationship threads
    You're joking right?
    >and ZERO quizes
    I've seen far more in the past than recently
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:51:19 No.2873991
    in b4 4chan becomes a tv show...
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:54:06 No.2874007

    Too late; did you ever watch Howard Stern?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:55:07 No.2874013

    Cheer up, emo duck.

    Your diagnosis is accurate, but that doesn't have to be the end of it all. The Internet is a vast place, and 4chan, SA, or [other place overrun by unwashed masses] aren't the only sites to create fun.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:57:41 No.2874025
    It's inane humour that just doesn't translate well into real life settings. The medium is totally different. Alot of these things might work written in print, but spoken aloud or even worse, offered as legitimate entertainment (like that cringe worthy viral youtube video south park), these things become cringe worthy.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:57:46 No.2874026
    4chan used to be a pretty geeky place, where misanthropic, angry people came to share things. They eventually created their own subculture and reveled in their creativity where the litmus test was whether something was funny or not. No one cared who you were or what kind of person you were. It didn't matter if you were ruining some dogfucker's life or making fun of starving Ethiopians.

    Content was the thing that stuck in people's minds. If it made you laugh, you were more likely to repost and add to it.

    "Newfags" for lack of a better word, saw this marvel and found this humor to be entertaining, latched on to it, but did not understand what exactly made this board funny. They caught on the the "random" part, but couldn't wrap their brains around the myriad of other things that made the board funny in the wee hours of the morning.

    In an analogy - comic book writers saw Watchmen and the Dark Knight Returns, knew their genius, but failed to understand the inner workings of that genius. Instead, they emulated the surface of the content, copying the violence, the rape, the swearing, the sexuality, without understanding the undercurrent that ran through the graphic novels.

    It took clever, amoral people to make 4chan a bastion of funny.

    It took your average Joe to ruin it.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:58:55 No.2874034
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:58:57 No.2874035

    did you just do a "the network is vast and infinite", kusanagi?

    (or was it a coincidence and i am jumping at shadows under hedges?)
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:59:07 No.2874039

    Oh right, the fucking GOD DOESN'T EXIST HER HER I'M A 15 YEAR OLD WHO JUST READ DAWKINS and OH YEAH WELL IF THARS NO GOD WHERE'D WE ALL COME FROM? Yeah, those were great, I sure miss having three of those on the front page at a time. At least those died off. I remember plenty of relationship threads back then too.

    I'm not going to try and pull some I'M AN OLDFAG UR A NEWFAG BULLSHIT we've probably both been around R9K since the start, plenty of us have, it ain't that old. The only difference seems to be that I can't seem to find my rose colored glasses right now.

    And as someone stated earlier, if you really liked those threads just do them now. Make 'em yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)02:59:44 No.2874045
    >>The Internet is a vast place, and 4chan, SA, or [other place overrun by unwashed masses] aren't the only sites to create fun.

    Oh of course not, but I still come here sometimes for nostalgia's sake. It's like not wanting to let go of an unwashed blankie you had as a kid.

    I think the last thing that ever really stuck to me here was the Boxdog threads. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:03:53 No.2874067
    There is honestly nothing that makes me angrier than idiots that take the internet, especially 4chan, into real life. I got in my little brother's friends face when he talked about pedobear. I'm normally the most inward person ever when it comes to being angry.
    4chan used to be a place where smart people came to act stupid and depraved. Now it's full of 14 year olds that use it as a place to belong.
    Yet, here I am.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:04:09 No.2874068
    thread is seriously making me sad

    i remember the first time moot gave /b/ a birthday theme
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:06:38 No.2874091
    Tony Robbins says that everyone needs to be able to simultaneously care about extremely important things (life, love, family, society, hard news) and extremely trivial things (news, movies, gossip, games, sports).

    psychologically, they both are necessary for the modern human.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:07:03 No.2874094
    >>4chan used to be a place where smart people came to act stupid and depraved. Now it's full of 14 year olds that use it as a place to belong.

    Old 4chan: smart people pretending to be stupid.

    New 4chan: stupid people pretending to be smart.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:07:31 No.2874097
    An interesting coincidence, robot

    That "nicest thing anyone has ever done for you" thread this week on /r9k/ was of legendary proportions. It is memetic in its own way (and hopefully we will all share it in our minds and apply it to real life as well). Not the same as what we'd think of from /b/, but a meme is merely a propagated thought.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:09:53 No.2874113
    So now you see why there are so many splinter *chans.

    Go to them, find one that fits you, contribute well.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:10:08 No.2874116
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    >pack up and head home
    /b/ is unbearable. /v/ is almost there, and is restricted to videogames anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:11:53 No.2874138
    >>meme is merely a propagated thought.

    Aye. A meme is literally like a virus. If it was effective, it spread, and old 4chan was like a cesspool of infectious and creative thought. Ideas sprung to the surface, unhampered by ego and monikers and spread like wildfire.

    I mean, they weren't genius, but they were often funny, and the funny ones always stuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:13:16 No.2874149
    This entire thread has inspired me to quit 4chan.

    I think I'm pretty done here and it really has nothing left to offer.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:14:24 No.2874157
    >a meme is merely a propagated thought.

    I am completely in concurrence with your post, but way to pull that straight out the dictionary/Wikipedia, Webster.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:15:27 No.2874164
    I love how so many people are bitching about how much 4chan sucks and "it was better way back when etc." in order to get some kind of cred.

    If you hate this place and think it sucks, go to another chan. And don't do any of that shit you fags tried on zerochan where you started a thread going "ok refugees this will be the new /b/ for all real oldfags. let's create the new rules of /b/"

    That was seriously the gayest thing I have ever witnessed.

    tl;dr stop acting like 4chan is the center of the fucking world. You're not better than anyone for reminiscing about "the old days"
    >> OP 01/23/09(Fri)03:16:37 No.2874171
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    speaking of memes....there's a possible new one brewing as of last night, and i'd be honored if you were to help spread on /b/. someone started a thread with tyler perry.
    it was pointless, with every post just talking about tyler nicely (i think the guy samefagged at least 70 times). so i responded with this (attached pic).

    there needs to be a simple anti-faggotry image macro, and i did a few riffs off of this, but this one says it all.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:17:48 No.2874182
    You really think that's good?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:18:00 No.2874184
    God I hope you're a troll.

    If you're not, please kill yourself right now. Good god almighty.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:19:16 No.2874193

    1. Not funny, bro.
    2. Memes don't get purposefully started
    3. It's not very original/memeworthy
    4. No profit.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:20:26 No.2874202
    >>i'd be honored if you were to help spread on /b/
    >>on /b/

    Here's what you do:

    1. Go into a forest at around seven in the evening.
    2. Wander around for about five hours.
    3. Find a big, dark hole or ravine.
    4. Fall inside.
    5. Die.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:20:40 No.2874204
    I've been going to 4chan less and less over the past year, to the point that I didn't even look at it daily. A week or two ago, /v/ was playing some shitty little MMORPG (wurm) and I decided to play it with them. We had a group of about thirty people all working together, mining and starving together. The sense of companionship was overwhelming. Then more people joined. More and more. At the point where there were maybe 70 of us, someone told /b/. Massive amounts or retards flooded the game, the chat was spammed with meme faggots, and our mining town went to shit. At the point where 300 people were playing, the game's single server couldn't handle it anymore and it crashed. I played it this week. The town is gone. Now there are several /v/ town in the game, but none as big or productive as the first.
    I think that can be used as a direct analogy for 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:22:34 No.2874217
    It's not even that i think it's good - i just think we need more anti-faggotry images. if you have any ideas, go for it. all i can say is it was real at the time.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:22:39 No.2874219
    You people take your time-wasting websites way too seriously.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:22:48 No.2874220
    I'd promised not to rage at the beginning of the New Year, but the Wurm incident made me go off-kilter.

    At least Darkfall's coming out soon. Right? Right?!

    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:26:03 No.2874241
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    I went back to the core tunnel. They mined it upward.
    They mined upward.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:28:44 No.2874268
    >>They mined upward.
    I....I just......that can't happ.....no.

    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:31:57 No.2874293

    That is indeed a very apropos analogy, robutt.
    This has happened to me many a time, especially IRL.
    Too many cooks spoil the soup.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:32:27 No.2874295
    don't know if this anon is still on r9k right now but will respond anyway
    was not in the old r9k. We had christian trolls but most of our threads discussed actual philosophy(like hedonism one day or pragmatism another)
    >The vast majority of those rp threads is utter shit and drawfag masturbation
    the history, rts, and wikipedia threads rocked. Also universe 1.1
    >metaphysics bullshit doesn't count as science
    You really weren't here early on
    >You're joking right?
    There were relationshits but really this place was more accepting of it's loneliness
    >I've seen far more in the past than recently
    Again those "quizes" were not common and barely counted. They most certainly weren't "LOL WHAT'S YUR SIGNZ?" crap like we have today
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:39:25 No.2874352
    I have never hit anyone but i seriously would have smacked that cunt in the jaw.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:39:34 No.2874355

    Exactly. Really, what people are complaining about ITT is that memes successfully propagated. That's like bitching about a nigger eating fried chicken - it's just what they're designed to do. In the primordial ooze of /b/, ideas are born and die at a rapid pace. The ideas are crossed with one another, they mutate. It doesn't always work out in favor of the idea, but with enough iterations, it might.

    Regardless of if you think a particular meme is "good" or not, you have it in your head. It is there, and so it may come out again - it has the chance to propagate further. (If we sat in front of flashcards and poured over them at the same rate we do with /b/, we'd all be geniuses.)

    From an evolutionary perspective, /b/ is the most ripe place online for the birth of memes. It's trivial to see. You've got no barrier to participation, and more and more people coming into the meme pool with whatever stuff they brought from their unique corner of the Net. What variability!
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:40:14 No.2874363
    >>2874355 continued

    Yet, ITT we're talking about a more human trait: getting annoyed with something. A meme only wants to survive, and it doesn't care that you get bored with it, or that it's no longer funny or clever. The best memes - the ones that can easily and quickly adapt - will survive the longest. [adjective X] [noun Y] is [adjective X] is so simple, a 10 year old could do it. AND THEY DO. Memes don't care about the boundaries between cyberspace and meatspace. The hosts they occupy, some have that discretion (the people ITT, perhaps), but many don't. You're upset because you can't contain the memes to one realm, and it is frustrating because, well, you can't! You have no control there. You will never stop one meme, unless you can create the idea - another meme - that doing so is stupid.

    That's right, the only way to contain memes to cyberspace is by creating a meme that spreads far and wide, pre-empting people from bringing their memes into reality. It's like a trying to stop a rampant computer virus with another virus that gets in the same way, but then destroys the bad virus and patches the hole. Is it possible? I can't say. But that's the only way a thread such as this one will ever find true closure.

    You're on the right path by bitching about it here, but you need to bitch to people IRL about it as well. How else will they learn that memes aren't wanted IRL?

    I await your thoughts, robots.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:43:26 No.2874401
    P-please, Anon. don't talk about "that game."
    I've been following it with blue balls for years.
    Don't let "them" find out about it and ruin it.
    That's what they do... ruin.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:46:09 No.2874421
    ...Can we make mines in it?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:47:34 No.2874430
    >>You're on the right path by bitching about it here, but you need to bitch to people IRL about it as well. How else will they learn that memes aren't wanted IRL?

    Poignant analysis, but you forget two important things that separate old /b/ from new /b/:

    1) Evolution still has nonbiological factors, and likewise meme survival counts on things not inherent to the meme. In new /b/, the sheer number of idiotic posts and flood of newfags tend to smother funny things before they see the surface - hence, a nonbiological factor.

    2) The meme's funniness often relies on the designer. The original denizens were creative, irreverent, amoral nerds from SomethingAwful and Strawberry Heaven. They already had the cultural attachment to the internet. Once they had the tools (the anonymous image board), 4chan became a haven for funny shit.


    All of the original designers have left, leaving mostly unfunny and terrible memes to spring up in their absence. Any good memes that do come up are crushed by the sheer number of unfunny ones, no matter how great they are.

    4chan was a delicate, if unintentional experiment.

    Shame it had to go the way of the dodo.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:49:34 No.2874454

    Fully open PvP should solve that problem regardless.

    "Do I hear the trumpets calling, fellow /v/irgin?"
    "Oh, that's just the weekly /b/tard hunt. FOLLOW THE MEMES, CATCH THE NEWFAG! ONWARD!"
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:50:33 No.2874461
    You fail to realize their sheer numbers.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:51:03 No.2874464
    The thing that pisses me off about The Game is that it's actually not a bad concept, but that everyone is playing it wrong.

    The idea is to trick someone into thinking about it themself, not to bring it up blatantly like a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:51:20 No.2874465
    think civil war, only the northern army is full of blabbering retards.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:51:45 No.2874470
    We'll just get the native Goonsquad to help us in the hunt.

    They'll probably be all to eager to get at some fresh meat.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:53:17 No.2874484
    Fuck, I played Wurm years ago. I thought it would have went farther than that by now.
    >> UZ !O3BILLS03g 01/23/09(Fri)03:55:07 No.2874491
    Old /r9k/ was original simply because of the new medium available to us. Thus we were able to make hundreds of different threads based on one simple premise, the idea of muting and preventing future users from being able to post by preempting them. (I myself said "290000 GET!" in that, so many people around that GET got muted.)

    But, in a cruel twist of fate, the fact that eventually almost every one and two and even three word post would be taken is what killed /r9k/. The originality killed the originality and it became a more understanding /b/, as almost everyone knew would come to pass.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:55:46 No.2874500

    Oh for fuck's sake, we're talking about shit memes and you're gearing up for SA vs 4chan drama on what could be the best game since UO.

    Howabout we stay anonymous (see that lowercase a) and don't go around like we're all from the same dorm in Incontinent Student Bodies.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)03:57:59 No.2874519
    Relax, broski. It's just a game.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)04:00:24 No.2874535
    It repulses me when I hear fifteen year old scene kids say "epic fail" and "lulz" and shit like that. It's mockery.
    At the same time, Rules 1 and 2 repulse me. I don't think there's anything special about 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)04:03:24 No.2874546
    You can't say meme X is good and meme Y isn't. It's all a matter of taste. Older memes aren't automatically better than new ones. (If you feel this way, that's normal, because you've gone through the Honeymoon phase where everything is new and shiny, and that's why those memes seem so good to you.) Newfags go through the same phase when they first are exposed to /b/, and whatever happens to be there is what they're going to embrace.

    I love seeing the people (could be newfags or trolls - indistinguishable to normal users) who talk about the "old /b/" when nigra cell was funny, but this advice dog stuff is shit. Can't you see how it's simply generational? It's like how your parents think you're out of your fucking mind for liking the stuff you do, because it isn't the stuff they were used to growing up. Only that here, on the Internet, time is hyper-accelerated.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)04:06:28 No.2874568
    It's okay. We don't expect you to understand how things were.

    Old boards never die...they just....fade away.....
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)04:19:11 No.2874620
    Sorry you missed out.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)04:20:18 No.2874628
    I, for one, anticipate the death of /b/, or even 4chan as a whole, with great excitement.

    I wish moot would just end it.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)04:21:59 No.2874633
    Are you honestly attacking that point by subtly calling me a newfag? You disappoint me.

    4chan is the same place. Over time, the userbase has changed, and the resulting content has changed appropriately. The old memes disappeared from here either because:
    a. the oldfags left and took the memes with them.
    b. the oldfags are still here but no longer propagate the memes.
    c. the oldfags are still here, tried to continue propagating the memes, but were drowned out by other memes that struck the fancy of the larger number of newer users in the Honeymoon phase, who thought a different one was better.

    Whichever combination it is, the old memes live on in the minds of oldfags, who are in fewer number. Objectively, these old memes are not any "better quality" than the ones on /b/ now (EVEN THOUGH TYPING THAT HURTS ME ON THE INSIDE BECAUSE I AM A HUMAN SUBJECT TO AFOREMENTIONED EMOTIONS).

    If you sat any un-initiated being next to images of raptorjesus and advicedog, and said "pick the one you like best," it could be an even split. Or, maybe the majority would prefer RJ because how blasphemous it is. Or, maybe the majority would prefer AD because of the pretty colors. Nobody knows. But newfags haven't been given this choice. They have never seen RJ on the board, but they've seen AD a hundred times. Guess which meme wins in their minds?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)04:23:28 No.2874644
    It isn't just "new is shit old is good" mentality. We're talking about spam and going against the purpose of this board in a BAD way. Advice dog wasn't bad but shit like THE BEST is undeniably faggotry
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)04:23:42 No.2874646
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)04:23:53 No.2874647
    In 1996, I thought "ate my balls" pages were the greatest thing ever. I remember finding tons of new pages every day. even by '99, I don't remember seeing any new ones.

    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)04:25:16 No.2874659
    the new memes are funny and I think everyone agrees yo dawg and feels good man are funny. It's THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST that sucks
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)04:27:56 No.2874676
    Well, the limit as the population of any Internet community approaches infinity, faggotry = 1.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)04:32:34 No.2874703
    To call 4chan the same place either is immature or it's lying.
    4chan used to move much, much slower. People like me used to be able to communicate with other people on /b/, and in the real old days, there was a halfway expectation that the OP on /b/ had an IQ over fifty. These days everything is about speed and brute force. Points get across in spamming and buzzwords more than anything. 4chan is NOT the same place as when it started. You may find a similar /b/ or a similar chan on smaller, lesser known chans, but not here.
    Also, an afterthought as to why you're wrong: 4chan mods used to ban, and they used to care. There was more of an exchange between the average user and the mods.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)04:35:36 No.2874718
    The sad irony is that /r9k/ was likely moot's hope for another /b/, protected from the repeat shit-posting. Only.. we've essentially turned it into a text board, and we can talk about the same subjects an infinite number of times, just by varying verbosity.

    There is nothing wrong in moot's plan, no reason why this couldn't be a place filled with quality OC, but culturally, it was the migration of sorta-intelligent /b/tards who finally had a place free from constant spam and thread-death, and they used it to talk about their social issues. They are /b/tards, afterall.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)04:42:38 No.2874741

    It was a good plan theoretically, but you cannot have anything as good as "old /b/" with this robot.
    Or at least, not with the blockages like this, increasing exponentially. One minute you're blocked for half an hour, the next it's like 4 days (obviously an exaggeration, but you get the point).
    This could potentially be done with a block reset every so often, perchance.

    It sounds like I have some hidden agenda here; I do not mind the robot, as I don't get blocked very often, but I know it's a hassle for other robots.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)04:43:59 No.2874748
    Heh, you are 100% spot-on with that post, and I'm sorry to have overlooked those points in my assertion. But they are all a consequence of having too many users. The 4chan framework - the code - never really changed. But yes, the users (which the mods are a part of) certainly caused many things to change.

    And, for what it's worth, we tried to do something about that with the re/b/oot, but my assumption on that is moderating /b/ is too big of a job for the number of mods that exist, but moot is afraid of letting others moderate /b/ because of the power they'd have. This catch-22 prevents /b/tards from properly fearing the b&hammer that kept so many others in line.

    I think to moot, he feels the community shouldn't need to be moderated, because it violates the spirit of what /b/ is. He *should* be right, from an idealistic standpoint, but what /b/ is today (has nothing to do with memes) is counter-evidence to that notion.

    I think that's why /r9k/ was given to us. But we fucked it up.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)04:48:30 No.2874766
    And this was another superior /b/. That is until we decided to completely ignore the purpose of the filter and the rules. Then it was all repost with changed exif data
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)04:50:24 No.2874771
    The problem isn't too many mutes it's too few. Changing the exif data and muteblocks brought us down to what we are now. Then you have the mentality from /b/.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)04:52:58 No.2874788
    Let's stop for a minute here.

    Imagine if moot placed a robot like ours on /b/ for just one day.
    Just 24 hours.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)04:55:28 No.2874797

    The biggest problem now for any board on 4chan is the fact that it's on 4chan, which houses /b/. It's just too easy for the shit to drip in.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)04:57:47 No.2874806

    But instead of banning them until the robot was gone, it banned them a month and up.
    It could be programmed to deliver longer bans for certain usless posts like "samefag" and "you, sir, are an idiot".
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)04:57:58 No.2874808
    You can't touch /b/ in a way that prevents shitposters from shitposting. Otherwise, they'll migrate en masse to another board and use that as their temporary /b/. An incestuous raid, really.

    At this point, the best thing that can be done with /b/ is leave it so the shitposters stay there and away from "good" things.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)05:00:38 No.2874821

    Yes, this is true.
    Block them from posting in general?
    Or, imagine we move /b/ onto a completely different website and server.
    Any /b/-esque posts on here get the b&hammer.
    Most of these things wouldn't work out in real life, they're hypothetical situations.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)05:02:56 No.2874833
    I can't believe someone got away with an "Mmmmm." in that article.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)05:06:52 No.2874856
    Look at the history, it's been basically untouched.
    Look at the pages that link to it, too.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)05:07:10 No.2874858
    Fuck a robot like this one. Just a robot that mutes every 10th poster for no reason at all.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)05:13:08 No.2874891
    I used to like /b/. Sometime around 2006 it started sucking a bit, but it was still pretty good, there were good threads on a daily basis and I would always find something entertaining to read. In 2007 /b/ started sucking bad. Also "newfag" was born, I still fucking hate that word. However, I still found /b/ entertaining at times. The catacomb skullfucking took place in 2007, so the year has at least one redeeming quality. 2008 was just complete shit. I stopped going there regularly. I sometimes checked it out of curiosity only to see the same fucking threads over and over again. POST UR ADVICE DOG, RAGE THRED LOL FFUUU COMIC, REPORT IN LOLOL. There's no quality content, stupid 15 year-olds fall for age-old trolls (John and bitch, copypasta) so bad it isn't even funny, no one lurks before posting anymore. In fact, it's become so shit that even some of the shit users are flooding to other boards. Maybe the situation will improve when kids find the next hip thing, and I can only hope it doesn't have anything to do with the internet.

    Also listen to this man >>2874026
    for he is a gentleman and a scholar.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)05:21:52 No.2874954
    Well, at least we had a good run while it lasted, that's enough for me since everyone knew shit would start gradually sucking as time passed.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)13:00:05 No.2877334
    Now you guys know what it's like to be trendsetters.

    This isn't much different from the people who listen to good music or wear nifty clothes, and are horrified a few years later when everyone is doing/wearing the exact same thing.

    I know it's hard to accept, but you're cool trendsetters now, and you're discovering the downside...
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)13:04:25 No.2877354
    This isn't just what it's like to be a trendsetter. It's what it's like to be followed by legions of teenage dirtbags. We could've been trendsetters and this would not have happened.
    fun memes continue to be developed while still being based around something besides memes=good future
    memes are spouted, spam is pasted every second, and one word posts are the norm=BAD FUTURE
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)13:20:20 No.2877431
    We did that with SA. We take far to much credit, for that lack of real original content.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)13:22:14 No.2877438
    People originally came here to pretend to be retarded on the internet. Then it was swamped by actual retards on the internet with no wit or talent. Everything since then has been boring.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)13:31:44 No.2877493
    /r9k/ kinda helps with the reduction of retardation, it is nice, but yea, shit happens. I still try and make funny pictures, and I don't think we should give up.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)13:33:25 No.2877507
    It only makes sense. Everyone was addicted to tv until the internet became widespread. The new generation growing up with the internet found less interest in tv and more importantly could create it's own entertainment specifically suited to their interests. This was a problem for the media companies that depended on new viewers.

    Basically the media companies and their sponsors are forced to adapt to the humor presented on the internet or risk losing money.

    Everyone knows all the show writers and advertisement directors lurk 4chan and every other popular humor bored.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)13:33:27 No.2877510
    Definitely not giving up, just heavily adjusting my expectations...
    >> Johnny Thunder 01/23/09(Fri)13:45:31 No.2877610
    I think we just need more and longer bannings for retards and at least 1 more /b/ board like on futaba to help 4chan regain its awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)14:59:48 No.2878290
    We need visible aggressive bans, once people get banned a few times, they will be less likely to come back.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)18:18:38 No.2880445
    interesting discussion here.

    I spot distinctly Anon references all the time now.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)18:22:46 No.2880500
    shut up, you retarded worthIess nigger
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)19:16:25 No.2881098
    the discussion got a bit chaotic, so just a few thoughts.

    I've been in and out of 4chan since way back. to prove this to myself i tried posting some old, classic memes to see if it would bring any old users back and to see if and how the newer userbase would react.

    the conclusion of this small experiment, repeated a couple of times, is that what was funny way back is not funny anymore.no reaction, null, nada to whatever old memes i could have gotten my hands on. in some cases it is understandable, reidick was a reaction to what was happeining on the board at that tiWHERE IS SARAH CONNOR? but i digress.

    i always thought of 4chan as an evolutionary algorythm for finding things that stick. stick around, get reposted and are entertaining. way back, it was a playground for people of somewhat bizzare tastes and, excuse my pretentious elitism, an openness to the world and reasonable intelectual standards. then, things that entertained these people sticked and got reposted and remade. now, the demographic has changed to shit, and the content is... well... shit. however this shit, once tested and proved to stick to the minds of people who frequent /b/, it goes out easy into the mainstream audience, because /b/ is very much overridden by mainstreamfags.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)19:22:19 No.2881164
    I'm honestly not sure if it started at 4chan, but I think "protips" are here to stay, on all sides of the web.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)20:18:33 No.2881747
    So I started reading this thread...
    My blood pressure doesn't need this shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/09(Fri)20:33:02 No.2881924

    I'm pretty sure that comic was never funny.

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