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    28 KB BASEMENT DWELLERS ANONYMOUS Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)02:53:49 No.2862368  
    ITT deadbeats discuss the circumstances surrounding their unemployment (or if you'd prefer, 'transitional period').

    My excuse is that I just moved to new town to live near someone I met online. She told me it would be a change of pace from the dense city and she was right but not for the better. It sucks here. I have a new respect for people who live in the Midwest because every place feels like the middle of fucking nowhere. I mean it, how do you people stand living in America's Purgatory?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)02:57:07 No.2862389
    I do not live there, but I can imagine the traffic and pace being more to my liking than where I currently live.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)02:57:46 No.2862396
    I do not want to live anywhere but a decently-sized city.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)02:57:56 No.2862398
    I blame my unemployment on having a degree in a field that nobody's ever heard of (Classical Studies), having limited work experience and the market being flooded with viable candidates. The latter is because many, more experienced candidates have been laid off thanks to the shitty economy, and fewer potential employers are hiring. It's been eight months since I had to stop working for the university I graduated from, and I haven't been able to find a job since.

    Also, I second the notion that the Midwest eats dick. I know this is true because I used to live there.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)03:04:49 No.2862469
    >I mean it, how do you people stand living in America's Purgatory?

    Well for those of us who haven't been numbed and assimilated into "town life" being the norm, we stand it with great boredom and disdain. No matter how far I travel in any direction everywhere I go will emit a passive "bleh" feeling towards everyone around it, like a dentist waiting room, while you read a copy of sports illustrated when you don't even like sports, just so you can avoid looking at the other people in there. That's what living in the midwest is like.

    We escape, to the internet, to books, and to each other, sharing quirky humor and intelligent conversation that "normal" people would give a :| look to, and then go back to buying groceries, or waiting in line at a movie theater, but really there's only so much we can do to escape our environment, that's why most of us's final goal is to get the hell out of here.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)03:07:04 No.2862486
    I live in Rapid City, SD.

    >> Too embarassing, must remove tripcode. 01/22/09(Thu)03:07:51 No.2862491
    The same excuse every other shut-in uses.

    "It's the economy, man."

    I just want to get out there, man. I can tell that my mom is working to the bone to stay afloat...
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)03:10:19 No.2862510
    I am 18 and too picky to take a job at a supermarket, bagging groceries or something like that.
    >> BUTTS 01/22/09(Thu)03:10:55 No.2862514
    Columbus ohio here
    very true but columbus is atleast a ok sized city but it stills blow, im getting my education and getting the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)03:12:08 No.2862525
    i'm a prostitute so my services are always needed, but i constantly live job to job
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)03:13:33 No.2862537
    working would ruin my financial aid status as a student
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)03:14:46 No.2862547

    Your name wouldn't happen to be Cessero would it?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)03:14:52 No.2862548
    I could deal with it if i had a fucking vehicle. I was supposed to go get a battery for a van, make it run, like twice in the last week, and fucking NOOOOOOO, guess why i couldn't go do that? Any takers?



    Please kill me.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)03:15:23 No.2862554
    OP where is that pic? michigan?
    >> BUTTS 01/22/09(Thu)03:17:53 No.2862573
    i have a car but no license

    lets join forces
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)03:19:14 No.2862582
    Not OP, not sure but it might as well be, it looks like a million mini-malls/plazas in Michigan.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)03:20:43 No.2862592

    im thinking east lansing
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)03:31:10 No.2862699

    Harleysville, PA would be my bet.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)03:50:08 No.2862848
    Well the first problem is that I have next to no work experience. Second problem is that I have no education. Third problem is that here in Ohio, I can't even get a shitty job, because 40-year-old factory workers who worked in the same place for fifteen years and have a billion contacts snap all of those up after getting laid off.

    So yeah, I'm basically fucked. It's probably not an excuse, but whatever.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)03:50:59 No.2862858
    dude u can get a shitty job in ohio trust me, just try.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)03:53:26 No.2862875
    Never had a job, so no experience. I'm 18, no GED, NO OSSD (diploma), nothing.

    Makes shit hard. I can get my GED in... a couple moths though. After that I'll try college.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)03:53:47 No.2862879

    I have been trying for the last six months. It doesn't help that I live in a community where it's basically impossible to get in anywhere without knowing somebody.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)03:55:48 No.2862894
    u must have different idea than me of a "shitty" job.

    Im talking like minimum wage ish cashier at krogers kinda thing. There is no way you cant get a job like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)03:58:38 No.2862912
    I love living in the Midwest. I will live here till the day I die.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)04:05:05 No.2862964
    Unless you moved to North Dakota, don't complain. THAT is the middle of nowhere. I feel sorry for all the exchange students that get sent here. The uni I go to seems to be especially popular with mongolians for some reason. :/

    >I mean it, how do you people stand living in America's Purgatory?
    Internet and books. And I even came up with these before I read others' responses.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)04:06:41 No.2862972
    im 20
    i work at a drugstore for a dollar over minimum wage 3 days a week.
    its enough to buy drugs with.
    live at home not a basement cuz im poor. tiny room.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)05:11:20 No.2863385

    *I* sure as shit can't. I've applied at various department stores, grocery stores etc. I've been with a company that actually PAYS employers to hire and still gotten nowhere. I've tried other agencies, and of course multiple restaurants and stores.

    This one month a while back, I applied to like 34 places. I got 2 call backs. My resume/applications are only lacking where references/past employers are involved.

    I feel as though I'm truly doomed. I live in Mississauga, Ontario if that matters. Even fucking factories don't contact me when I apply, and some of the companies job requirements read: "Education: NOT APPLICABLE, must be able to read, speak, write English." and still I'm jobless.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)05:15:20 No.2863403
    inb4 English mother fucker? Can you speak it?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)05:18:26 No.2863415


    I've been hired three times. Once when I was 15, again when I was 16, and lastly when I was 17. Once a year I guess.

    First I stocked shelves on the night shift at a grocery store. This is the only job I regret quitting. It was fine, but I got overwhelmed by the sudden change in sleep patterns and the workload (normally only two nights a week, but my first two weeks were 4 days strung together). I quit after 2 days, and now regret it immensely.

    Second, Liberty Names of America tech support. Company has a bad rep, was just me an some other guy, and I have some social issues so answering phones didn't work out. I was nervous and stuttered a lot. I felt like shit. Quit after day two again, don't regret it. I would have had a breakdown lol.

    Dishwashing, kinda regret quitting but not really. My parents said they were kicking me out and I bought it. I wouldn't have been able to keep going so I quit. End of.

    I don't know why I posted this.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:10:45 No.2864149

    wait, so was dishwashing something you did for your parents or a real job? because i wouldn't mind doing dishes full time
    >> !kHG26dSqKg 01/22/09(Thu)08:22:17 No.2864195

    I washed dishes for a club hall when I was 12, it's not that bad. Well, except for maybe weddings.
    >> LOLA~~~~ !C2u8wotaZE 01/22/09(Thu)08:28:52 No.2864223
    holy shit you americans are pussies. Try doing a 9 hour shift five days a week after school at a parts factory when you're 16. Quit after 2 days? Fucking hell.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:30:46 No.2864232
    I got kicked out of high school in my final year. Now I'm sitting on my ass lurking this shithole and playing video games all day. Feels good, man.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:30:59 No.2864233

    On /r9k/? What gave you that idea?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:36:17 No.2864253
    Got laid off of my seasonal job a few weeks ago. Living with parents again just long enough to finish up my last semester, before heading off to a new uni.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:39:29 No.2864268
    I'm currently working the night shift at Wal-Mart, and I understand how the schedule can get overbearing. It's a good job though, hardly any people come in to get stuff since its located in a small town. But if it's a night with no truck, the time drags on forever.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:40:33 No.2864274
    I work 60 hours every fucking week and I will quit my job in 2 or 3 weeks because shit sucks and my back hurts.
    Working isn't that great.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:50:40 No.2864320
    >Working isn't that great.
    No shit, bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:58:13 No.2864361
    I can't explain what I've been doing for the past year, making every single halfway decent job with more than 1 candidate completely out of my reach.

    I hate the fact I'm so used to everyday being Sunday.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)09:24:09 No.2864515
    I have been (and I guess I still am) a shut in.

    It's not the economy, directly.

    Father and mother are v. stupid and made me afraid of human contact, they would fight and I retreated into myself, avoiding all social interaction.

    This lasted for over 6 years.

    I got a couple of jobs, but the most I lasted was 8 months.

    I was a computard programmer, customer care over phone, sold language courses, programmer again, and then I became homeless.

    Incidentally, I've enjoyed being homeless the most.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)09:45:54 No.2864642
    My parents pressured me into going to junior college instead of getting a good job. After dropping out in 2004, I got an associates degree in Japanese in 2007. I have a useless degree(that took me 5 years to achieve) and I quit working at LACC because I was sick of retards. I haven't worked since mid 2008. To make matters worse, LACC doesn't even show up on my official work history, so it's as if I never worked there at all. So it's as if I haven't worked since 2006(when I was a temp at Universal studios Hollywood)

    I'm thinking of getting a bachelor's degree and doing something with that, maybe JET(but I'd be entering the program at age 27 or higher) Or maybe Homeland security.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)10:03:38 No.2864783
    that sucks, dude.

    Well, I live in .mx and I didn't finish highschool.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)10:04:53 No.2864797
    can't get a job

    i get stoned instead

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