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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1232524506.jpg-(34 KB, 325x319, College-Graduates.jpg)
    34 KB Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)02:55:06 No.2850472  
    I see all this bitching about how College is a waste of money. Sometimes it's true, but mostly it's the student's fault for not taking it seriously.

    It's your fault when:
    You spent your time in College, spending 30k a year to ONLY drink and party.

    You chose a useless major (Communications, Theatre, English, Economics, Political Science, Philosophy).

    You got a decent major, (Comp Sci, Business, Statistics) but were too lazy to get an internship.

    For those in College right now ...

    Get a fucking Internship. Don't be lazy or a retard. And if you can't land an internship, you will be fucked when you try to land a ANY job out of college. The better known the company you are interning at, the better it looks on your resume.

    Work Experience > Education > Clubs/Volunteer Work
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)02:58:32 No.2850496
    fukken signed, all the fucks in my college think there's a job waiting for them as soon as they get their degree, like it's the next semester.

    People forget that a diploma is a TOOL for success, not a free pass for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:03:52 No.2850526
    Im only taking criminal justice because if I ever want a shot at joining the FBI or CIA, I need 4 years of college... I doubt youll need to go to fucking Harvard to join any of those agencies, so I'm just going to a community college... joining a state college for my last 2 years after that.

    So is my major useless?
    Stop being a faggot
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:04:45 No.2850533
    I guess I'm fucked then. Tomorrow I'll buy a gun and blow my brains out on top of my favorite mountain.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:06:30 No.2850547
    Fuck yeah! I've already gotten an internship that's lead to a decent job, membership on two community boards, and a shit ton of field experience. My grades are decent, but you can't beat 3 years of experience if all goes well.

    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:11:23 No.2850589
    You'll have to wait 10 days but good luck.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:14:11 No.2850617
    I'm actually kinda surprised that I see so many college related threads here. It's like everyone on 4chan is currently some collegefag. I dropped out of high school my junior year, entered the workforce, worked my way up, and now I'm doing fine for myself making 80k a year salary.

    I don't get all the hullabuloo about college. You're going to have to start at the bottom of whatever career you want anyway. I started at 17. It seems like most of you dumbasses are just waiting 5 years and starting at 22.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:16:00 No.2850631
    Do you have to have certain years in college to get an intership, or it doesnt matter?
    I'm new to this shit..
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:17:29 No.2850640
    4chan is made for college-age fags.. so of course theres gonna be alot of collegefags here. Except /b/. It's all high school and middle school kids there.
    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 01/21/09(Wed)03:17:30 No.2850641
    >Political Science



    Even as an Engineerfag, I'm not that deluded
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:18:08 No.2850644
    What do you do for a living that lets you make 80k a year without a Highschool diploma?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:18:47 No.2850651
    Not everyone wants to do construction like you.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:18:56 No.2850654
    Well from what I remember, Economics is for fags that aren't smart enough to get into Business School.

    Political Science is useless unless I guess you get into Law School, but by itself, it's useless.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:18:56 No.2850655
    lol picture is shooped

    niggers dont go to college
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:21:28 No.2850677
    Go fuck yourself with your talk of useless majors. I am going to college to further my knowledge and help satisfy my intellectual curiosity. Enjoy your soulless, money-based existence.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:22:20 No.2850686
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:22:39 No.2850687
    Engineering student here...

    While I do like to talk shit about my my liberal arts and business counterparts, they can be successful if they actually pay attention and learn. If they get internships it helps shitloads too.

    Also, those degrees are generally good if you plan to go to grad school for a law degree or MBA. What usually ends up happening tough is the incoming freshman intend to graduate and go onto to grad, law, business school, but end up partying all the time and graduate with a 2.0 and no experience.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:22:40 No.2850688
    Enjoy poverty and being in debt.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:23:13 No.2850691
    Computer programming. There's more than enough information out on the internet there to learn whatever you want on your own. I just chose that because it's always been fun for me, but I'm pretty sure I could have done anything else I enjoyed.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:23:19 No.2850692
    Don't forget about how worthless psychology is.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:25:55 No.2850714
    I am a history and philosophy major planning on going to grad school. WHOOPS LOOKS LIKE I PICKED USELESS MAJORS BETTER START OVER AGAIN

    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:26:28 No.2850719
    How the fuck do you get a job in computer programming at the age of 17-- and without a HS diploma?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:28:48 No.2850740
    An Engineer with one major will get in before you.

    >> Tao !!eFZ1anCCqZ2 01/21/09(Wed)03:28:57 No.2850743
    >business school

    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 01/21/09(Wed)03:30:27 No.2850760

    Economics is the most math related and hardest major out of all the business majors. They also make the most money coming out of college more than any other non-engineering degree. You're confusing it with something else.

    i'd say about 75-80% of people with political science degrees have ambitions to go to law school
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:32:06 No.2850774
    But, you see, I'm not a fucking engineer. Engineering does not interest me in the least and I would not be good at it. I am, however, a person who loves history and philosophy, wants to go to grad school for history, eventually get a PhD, and teach at the university level. So how exactly is history a useless major if that is my goal?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:32:47 No.2850781
    If you do well and excel. You'll be a perfect candidate for your fields of study or for law.

    Physicists, engineers, chemists, etc... can generally go into any field of study they want for grad school aside from the liberal arts. I'd rather stick with engineering.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:34:17 No.2850791
    Wow that will be fun to top out at $90000 a year with a Phd
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:34:54 No.2850793
    By starting at the very fucking bottom. My first Job was at Subway making sandwiches... not much luck there. After a year of applying around I got an office job doing general administration junk for a small office. I continued to study while doing computer work for my boss and writing excel macros to help him with his business shit. Of course the entire time I was writing programs and studying on my own. After a while there I moved to a small software company where I did computer maintenance and helped the main programmer do stuff with the company's app (a shitty loan amortization application written in c used by banks). He taught me a lot and after a year and a half there I got hired by a larger company to do tech support. While working tech support I wrote a VB app to help myself track calls and common complaints. The other tech support staff noticed it and asked if they could use it too, so I wired it up to a database on the network and passed it around. After about 4 months a manager heard about what I had done and checked out the app (which I was improving the whole time) and asked if I'd like to be taken out of tech support and put onto a real project. I agreed and the rest is history.

    I continued to work on projects and put input into the development team and now 9 years later I'm the lead developer.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:35:51 No.2850804
    That shows why society today sucks. Everything is reduced to money. Maybe the history anon just wants to do something he likes and is good at. That works without such retarded trappings like bling.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:36:22 No.2850805
    I'm pretty sure I could live very comfortably on $90,000 a year. I don't need or want a huge house or a fancy sports car. I just want to make enough money to support myself and have a bit left over to buy many books, maybe a DVD or a vidya game every now and then.
    >> Arturo Perez Reverte !!UfOO42uTp2U 01/21/09(Wed)03:36:34 No.2850806
    >Economics is the most math related
    That isn't saying much. Eco has more in common with history than it does maths. Some people try to talk it up as a science when it is not.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:38:09 No.2850812
    This was a ridiculously appropriate thread for me right now. I'm writing an article for my college paper about whether college is worth it or not and I came to the same conclusion.

    It's worth it if you give a shit. You could learn as much or more without spending the money just by going to the public library, but that would take some serious willpower and free time, and you won't have a degree.

    People who think college is a waste of money are just shitbricks with no motivation and no future.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:38:29 No.2850814
    It is glorifed statistics.
    Mostly witchcraft.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:38:40 No.2850816
    You're in the minority. I had shitloads of friends who were programmers during the dot-com boom. They all became unemployed after the bubble burst. Their employers wanted someone with a college degree.

    It's extraordinary rare for someone to work their way up they way you have now without a degree. Most companies just hire "robots" from India to do all the programming. Most lead developers have an education of some sort.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:39:16 No.2850819

    Please, initiate flogging.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:40:21 No.2850822
    Enjoy your cardboard hose troll.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:41:00 No.2850832
    But how will you ever be able to cover up your crippling social anxiety and poor self-image without lots and lots of money?

    I mean, you must have those two things. You are on /r9k/, after all.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:41:29 No.2850836

    no, youve already done it yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:41:36 No.2850837
    Physicists actually make really good economists because they're usually well versed in statistical modeling. They just need to learn the rules of the game then go for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:42:07 No.2850839
    I probably should have said 6 years later, i've been lead for 3 years now.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:43:39 No.2850846
    its funny how philosophy is seen as being a waste of time. I dont know how the fuck economics got lumped in there aswell. hahaha.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:44:55 No.2850856
    I suppose I can't refute this. I also saw a lot of friends attempt to get in the programming scene during the dotcom boom and ended up failing miserably. Happily they ended up moving on to bigger and better things but still, I am the minority.
    Even so, I have no idea how college could have benefited me better than I've done for myself.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:47:32 No.2850875
    Pretty much andy BA gets lumped in as crap.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:54:50 No.2850921

    Some people need the college setting, some don't. But I will say that you'd probably make more money with a degree.

    Also, some people find college to be a good experience. I was a lazy ass slacker in High School. I graduated with a 1.8 GPA. I worked shit jobs for 5 years. I tried my hand at programming and web design. Programming failed miserably. Made a few thousand off web design before I gave it up. I got sick of working shit jobs so I went back to school. I did my 2 years at a community college. Got out with a 3.9GPA. I'm currently enrolled as a Engineering Physics major. My GPA is currently 3.6. I learned how to motivate myself and how to actually finish something that I start. In my free time I taught myself Python and C++, also I'm currently teaching myself Spanish and Japanese. I know I wouldn't have done any of that if I hadn't gotten my shit together and enrolled in school. I'd still be sitting around wasting all my free time playing counter-strike. Instead I just waste some of my free time on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)03:59:46 No.2850944
    $90,000 a year.?!?!?!
    that shit aint happening and comfortable thats way unrealistic. 90K is fucking fantastic pay
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:03:20 No.2850964
    thats some inspiring story brah, i envy those non-traditional collegefags, much motivated, know what they need to get done and experience.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:04:21 No.2850974
    lol op here, i'm sleepy not making sense. bye.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:05:05 No.2850979
    90k/year isn't as awesome as it was 10 years ago.

    90k/year is good if you're a bachelor or a couple without kids. The second a kid becomes involved you'll want/need more to stay comfortable remain in the same comfortable state.

    Especially if you want to invest/save. It would be easy to do when you're single. But the second you have a kid, it becomes much harder to save for yourself (retirement), pay expenses, and save for the kid's future expenses (college).
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:05:22 No.2850983
    So what's the opinion on philosophy to MBA?

    'cause thats my plan
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:06:40 No.2850990
    I hear you. I coasted through high school and went to college to keep my parents off my back. I never went and was high all the time. Then i realised that I needed more money to do the things I wanted like travel and go on vacation and have a nice car. Then I quit fucking around taking psychology and philosophy classes. Now I am a ME major with math and physics minors. I have 15 months left and then I can quit my internship for a real job.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:07:35 No.2850995
    Possible but difficult. Most business schools will be wary to accept you, and if/when you get in you may actually find the coursework difficult. I would suggest double majoring in business or econ. A the very least, get a minor in one of the two subjects.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:08:15 No.2851001
    >The second a kid becomes involved you'll want/need more to stay comfortable remain in the same comfortable state.

    Why does kid necessitate comfort?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:08:48 No.2851005
    You're assuming the 90k is the sole income, in this day and age it's extremely rare that only ONE person per household is working. I'd assume if you're a couple than your significant other is working two, hence with the combined incomes it's a deal easier
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:09:46 No.2851009
    Philosophy isn't really "good" for anything. There are a lot of other majors they will take first. You could always do the university of Phoenix online though. They take anyone they can get.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:10:13 No.2851010
    All college bashers are just bitter because they aren't smart enough for a degree in something useful (chemistry, physics, medicine, etc...).
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:11:07 No.2851012
    That should be THEN instead of THAN, sorry I felt the need to correct myself
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:11:52 No.2851018
    It's really nice to have a technical/scientific background. Credit wise I'm a senior (lol lots of bullshit liberal arts courses) but as far as my major goes I'm a sophomore. With my engineering physics degree and my nuclear engineering minor, I'm already getting internship offers for this summer at places like JPL, LANL, Sandia, CIA, Halliburton, NASA, and NWL. They all offered at least 2k a month, cover room and board (separate from the 2k), plus they'd pay for summer classes and give me full health coverage for those 3 months.

    If I get treated that well to do internships, I can't wait to graduate!

    If interns are
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:12:19 No.2851020
    Don't for get that 90K is the top out range. starting you are looking at about $60000 which is not much considering you need to pay off the PhD.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:16:17 No.2851043
    All that was said was 90k/year. That could be with one income or 2 as long as the total is 90k/year.

    The standard of living at 90k/year before a kid is generally significantly higher than after the kid.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:19:46 No.2851065
    Regarding worthless degrees: although you will learn NOTHING good from any arts subject, there are a lot of employers who aren't discerning at all.

    Case in point: the 'Big 4' accountancy companies accept a degree in any discipline, plus completion of a shitty numerical test.

    Which enrages me. I studied physics for three years. Why the hell am I still competing on equal footing for jobs against people who painted for three years?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:19:58 No.2851068
    Also even after working your way up to full on professor that isn't a lot of money for 12 years of school.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:22:41 No.2851077
    Same with the military. Any degree gets you into OTS even if you "studied" art or did something challenging. It keeps a bunch of smart people from joining because there is no reward for working hard in school.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:27:59 No.2851098
    It's almost like getting a degree isn't to prove your intelligence, it's to prove you can afford a degree.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:28:04 No.2851100
    >Communications, Economics, Political Science
    >useless major

    lol wutndgfbdrgk

    >Business, Statistics
    >decent major


    >Work Experience > Education

    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:30:19 No.2851110

    >Case in point: the 'Big 4' accountancy companies accept a degree in any discipline, plus completion of a shitty numerical test. Which enrages me. I studied physics for three years. Why the hell am I still competing on equal footing for jobs against people who painted for three years?

    Why don't you get a job that requires specialized physics knowledge, instead of pursuing a career in accounting?

    It's not like 3 years of physics will prepare you for it any better than 3 years of painting will, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:32:37 No.2851121

    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:34:27 No.2851131
    He may not have gotten an internship or done research. If that's the case, he's fucked.

    It's also hard for physicists to find a job outside of academia, especially if they don't have a grad degree or PhD.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:34:40 No.2851133
    This seems to stupid to be trolling. Here's a short answer: NUMBER SKILLS.
    Extended answer: ICAEW/ICAS/international equivalents
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:35:53 No.2851139
    Reading this whole thread just made me realize how many tools there are this website. Almost all of you are tools. It's so sickening.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:36:59 No.2851143
    Sadly, you're right on the second count. Physics jobs are low outside of academia. You can go to government organisations (shit pay) or the oil industry (shit locations).
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:39:48 No.2851156

    Does this make me a failure? NO.
    >> Screwdriver 01/21/09(Wed)04:40:33 No.2851158

    I resent that, fuckstick.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:40:48 No.2851163
    Physics majors should always minor in engineering, business, or econ.

    Engineering is obvious.

    Physicists with business or econ experience are always picked up by investment firms.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:41:03 No.2851165
    Alaska isn't that bad. Don't judge us all based on what that hawt stupid bitch says.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:41:04 No.2851167
    What's up with the Philosophy hate? Being able to reason and think freely and partake in the most human activity (reasoning) is probably the most beautiful thing next to the love of a good woman. Yeah I sound sappy but in all honesty, taken the right way Philosophy sharpens all of your skills. I am striving to be a Physician someday so that I can be of service to my fellow man. Due in part to what I learned through the school of life and ethics. Think about it, don't just shout hate. To those of you that may think, "What do you expect this is 4chan?" I say...wow I thought being anon is what would set you free to say what you please, not be a tool and fit in with other people pretending to be you.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:44:33 No.2851176
    You shold probably start with not getting a BA on the road to being a physician.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:45:51 No.2851186
    It's not really hate. It's more like; "The truth with extra baggage."

    Philosophy is generally worthless on its own. And honestly, I shouldn't have to spend 4 years in school learning the different types of arguments and logic. My school burns one year on modal logic alone. WTF?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:49:04 No.2851196
         File :1232531344.gif-(10 KB, 579x421, the-philosophers-paradox.gif)
    10 KB
    Nobody is trying to fit in. Philosophy is a silly and unemployable major.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:51:17 No.2851204
    If you want to be employable go to a trade school. College is supposed to be about growing as a human being. It is a bastion of knowledge set up for the exchange of ideas. And besides, philosophy, like most knowledge is only good once it's applied. You're not supposed to sit on your ass and wait for it to change you. They are tools to be utilized.
    >> Arturo Perez Reverte !!UfOO42uTp2U 01/21/09(Wed)04:56:22 No.2851230
    Philosophy is great. It broadens your mind, you become slightly more sophisticated.

    Yet, why choose it as a major? Are you unable to study it in your own time, why the fuck would you pay thousand for the priveledge of listening to a lecturer?

    Not only that but the opportunity cost. All that time could be getting you a USEFUL (read: can make money in the real world) degree. Make money, read in your spare time, what are you missing out on?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:57:15 No.2851233
    Britfags don't have major-minor options. Major only.

    And don't forget that this is a great year to be hired by investment firms.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:58:25 No.2851240
    How exactly does one utilise philosophy?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)04:59:57 No.2851248
    >College is supposed to be about growing as a human being.
    Fail. Just fail.
    College is learning the tools you need for a career.

    You would be better off if you had gone to a trade school rather than wase your time in philosophy school.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:01:04 No.2851253
    By working for minimum wage somewhere like McDonalds where you can think about how you fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:01:33 No.2851255

    How are you going to apply philosophy?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:01:58 No.2851260
    Ok anon I see your point of view. You are trying to be pragmatic make money survive etc. But what about those anons out there who really like to think about stuff like ethics? Those assholes that we "elect" sure as hell aren't going to fix this shit for us. And scientists are too busy gathering objective data (As objective as possible) to worry about shit like that. And to be honest you see what goes in here in this free running anonymous playground. Don't discourage someone for pursuing it. A philosopher can contribute more to others and to themseleves than by just getting some 9-5. But you're right if you take is a major and expect to be some Wall street tycoon you've got another thing coming. Somehow I believe that people choose it, like communication and others because they are lazy. Period. They have no motivation and choose it because it is in the easy branch of school. Which is why you get all of this butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:03:02 No.2851266
    something tells me that there isn't a single "ENGINERZ RUEL" user here who actually has a job yet. probably first year students or highschool kids preparing to go into it.

    what i want to know is, why are they so angry all the time? i swear, if you engineering students spent the amount of time on your engineering that you do on trying to look down on arts majors, you might just make the world a better place.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:04:30 No.2851273
    You say philosophers CAN be productive, but could you tell us HOW?

    inb4 "by telling us all how to live"
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:04:52 No.2851277
    Applying philosophy is easy. Logic and critical thinking= media coverage, ideas, lectures, talks from priests, parents and any authority figure. It teaches you to think on your own and not be some fucking zombie. Ethics...pretty self explanatory, how not to be some butthurt PC but know how to treat others well. You can break down almost any branch and find an application. And yes it can help you find a better footing in your personal life. What's the point of making bucks if your gonna use them to buy a gun and shoot a fucking hole through your miserable head?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:06:44 No.2851287

    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:06:57 No.2851288
    Sounds like a lot of things people can work out their own. Sounds like paying to study this in lieu of an employable degree would be retarded.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:07:03 No.2851289
    How can philosophers be productive? Wtf are you serious? Descartes, Oppenheimer, Ghandi, MLK, Socrates, Aristotle, Galen, Euclid, Newton etc etc etc etc etc lrn2read.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:10:01 No.2851310
    Yeah it does sound that way but you would be surprised. Sounds like a lot of people can do without shrinks and psychologists but ...some just can't. Besides a philosophy class or two might be the first exposure some people get to some seriously deep questions about this stink hole we're living in. Those first steps are eye opening. And it's not fail to think about college as growing as a person. What's fail is being closed minded and not actually acknowledging that college isn't some fixed point in time. It's not a career destination it's supposed to be preparation. Which is was the general curriculum is all about.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:10:24 No.2851311
    Name a modern philosopher who has done something for me. Your list contains mainly people whose notable success was in another discipline.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:11:53 No.2851322
    The purpose of life isn't to make as much money as possible in the shortest time possible. Some people actually want to do a job they enjoy and are passionate about even if it is low pay. Don't be mad when later in life all you have to show for yourself is a big screen tv, a nice car, and some dumb spoiled kids.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:12:27 No.2851326

    on the other hand, the idiot deemed economics as useless - which leads me to think that we're dealing with a butthurt business major here. I'm a computer engineer though, oh yes
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:13:05 No.2851329
    Is it wise to take a gap year, y/n? I live in New Zealand and am seriously considering it.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:14:25 No.2851333
    You sound balanced and smart, kudos. But do you have any employable skills? (Looking at this from a selfish, "how can I buy nice things?" perspective.)
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:14:31 No.2851335
    Enjoy the roads you drive on and the buildings you use on a daily bassis. Philosiphers sure as shit didn't help with those.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:15:27 No.2851345
    So what you're saying is, philosophy is for those who aspire to nothing?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:16:09 No.2851349
    Why the fuck should any philosopher do anything for you? Help yourself Faggot. And you cannot break apart a man's career by what you deem to be their most famous portions. It is taken in it's entirety. And those men were all indeed philosophers.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:17:09 No.2851355
    Hey, I have a degree in English, and I landed a job right out of college. I teach English to this day!
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:18:53 No.2851362
    Do I have any employable skills? I'm an EMT. Working on being a physician. As stated before. Enjoy the roads...hmm pissed of Civil engineering fag who dislikes people because no one notices or appreciates the shit around them. yeah I've got a friend like that. Gave me a goddamn lecture on how difficult it is to make a drive able road. He's right, it's fuckin hard.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:20:38 No.2851371
    I have helped myself to many things including vacations, retirement package, the list goes on and on. It's amazing how great life is when you are an engineer with so much money in the bank you can do just about anything you please.

    Man it's great to go places and not just think about them.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:21:33 No.2851379
    Yeah I bet it is great to go places and not think about em. Enjoy your hollow life.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:21:52 No.2851381
    The problem here is that in America, University costs far too much. If I were paying 20K+ each year, I'd definitely do a course like law, economics (yes they do get paid well), business, etc. But, I'm not. In other countries, we pay less, and are able to study other things that are to our interests. It's a lot easy to study theatre and dance and all that shit when the government is paying for everything through other people's taxes. People can actually take something that they like, instead of thinking "OMG I MUST GET MORE THAN 250K EACH YEAR OTHERWISE I JUST WON'T SURVIVE!!! I MUST BECOME A CEO!!!"

    Also I haven't been to the US in years, but since when is $90,000 per year a bad wage? The average is less than half of that. Are you just all deluded? I guess it once again depends on how much you are paying to get there, which is almost always a rip off in America.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:23:15 No.2851385
    Besides, what the fuck is an engineer doing on r9k at this hour? Working hard on making that next safe bridge in mississippi? I'm working on my MCATs and taking a break.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:23:47 No.2851387
    Not pissed at all
    See >>2851371

    I'm not a civil. The point is that a road is more significant in changing things than a philosipher.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:27:24 No.2851400
    Last post before I review my studies. True anon, maybe it does come down to economics. If people weren't so consumed by consumerism (I had no other way of phrasing it) maybe it would make it easier. Paying for school is hard. I get shit sleep and I am expecting to get less. So I can understand where people are coming from where they feel that it is absolute and essential that their job is more employable etc etc..hierarchy of needs. Anyway, thanks robots. Even though we all know that 4 chan is really just 3 dudes with multiple personality disorder and m00t trying to contain them.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:28:20 No.2851405
    OP is a stupid faggot. There are few useless majors if that's what you want to do with your life. Some people have ambitions that aren't limited to getting the largest Japanese SUV in their suburb.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:29:25 No.2851413
    >those men were indeed all philosophers

    So if I graduated with a philosophy degree, went away and became an acclaimed doctor, you're call that a win for philosophy and not the medical profession?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:30:51 No.2851419
    Ok ok last one. A man was freaking out and having nightmares. He would wake up and have fits of pain and nothing could relieve it. So he sought the opinion of learned men. His doctor said, you're stressed. Take these meds. His priest told him, you have detached from God, seek him in prayer. His best friend (an engineer for this story) said ..hey I think it's your mattress, let me see if it's ergonomic it's probably fucking up your back. What was ailing the man? Who gives a shit, i'm sleepy figure it out on your own.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:30:59 No.2851420
    There's a homeless guy in my area that says that too.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:33:11 No.2851431
    >Enjoy your rewarding and fulfilling life.

    There was a terrible error. I went ahead and fixed that for you. Just think about how much better your life would be if you never had to wait untill payday.

    I took a week off because I felt like it. I'm getting some stuff done around my house... that I own.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:36:01 No.2851450
    I really don't get this place. People here act like no one in the world can survive on 40K per year.... Hardly anyone in this country gets even that, do you know this? Lots of people earn around 20K or less. They still manage to survive. The level of delusion in /r9k/ is astounding.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:42:28 No.2851486
    People can but why would you want to? There is so much out there to experience. I worked plenty of shitty jobs sometimes two at a time. Everything from Walmart, paperboy, shuttle van driver, to airport operations. Every job, even the ones I enjoyed where I was making about 4oK never gave me the disposable income to do the things I had always dreamed of like traveling, restoring a classic car, and buying my own house.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:42:28 No.2851487
    in all seriousness -- is college worth it?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:44:23 No.2851494
    It depends on your major and your work ethic. You really can't know that especialy from fucking 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:48:37 No.2851515
    It also depends on your country. If you are in America I would not recommend studying Art because of the exorbitant price of your degrees. If you live in a European country, go for it. The amount of debt will be lower and you can pay it off more easily.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)05:59:46 No.2851575
    cant you just lie about your job experience and internship? i am sure if its not too outrageous they arent finding out
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)06:03:07 No.2851587
    All in gutter, some looking at stars, etc.

    You getting this down?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)06:12:18 No.2851616
    Because many of the people posting here are spoiled suburban kids.

    Pursuing an area of study that you are passionate about is great and all, but the fact remains that even robots have material needs that must be fulfilled. And part of the reason Engineering/Hard Science degrees are worth more is because they require more work and have a higher level of what is considered minimum competence. When I meet somebody with an Engineering/Science degree from a reputable school, I know they have some minimum combination of intelligence and work ethic. That's not to say that somebody with a degree in say, Philosophy, isn't capable. It's just that for every intelligent philosophy major out there, there are four retards who breezed through partying and not really doing anything.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)06:19:12 No.2851648
    the shit about internships is 100% accurate. the shit about useless majors is not.

    for graduate work, philosophy, polisci and econ are pro.

    of course theatre, comm and english are still completely ass.
    >> Veterinary !!Pnu5pPAIKqu 01/21/09(Wed)06:20:58 No.2851658
    >30 k a year

    Holy fuck. You pay that for college in America?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)06:21:32 No.2851661
    On a different note, I have a bit of a conundrum.

    I'm 20 years old, and I haven't done ANYTHING since graduating high school. Nothing. No job, no college, nothing. And topping all that off is that I didn't even take an SAT (long story), so I don't even know if I can take that.

    Question is, how the fuck am I going to get into college, period? I have no job experience, not even fucking walmart. I'm pretty smart, I have a decent GPA, but eh.. no life experiences to speak of. They'd probably reject me on the spot. I don't even know anybody that would be willing to give me a letter of recommendation, because I don't know anyone.

    Ideas? It's worth mentioning that I'm a complete friendless loser living with the parents.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)06:24:09 No.2851673

    well you have two options really:

    a- kill yourself

    b- study for SAT, take one (make sure you do well.)
    apply to a community college
    get a part-time job

    the rub here is option b requires you to stop sucking at life. option a just requires a gun, a bullet, and working fingers.

    >> Amigo !!EqCwf2ypb8o 01/21/09(Wed)06:26:05 No.2851681
    Most community colleges let anyone in.

    I don't think you are going to need to take your SATs either.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)06:26:55 No.2851682
    I fail to see how a business major could be anymore worthwhile than an english major. None of you business fucks can write worth SHIT.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)06:27:10 No.2851684
    College sophmore here.
    Where did you guys find internships?
    I went to a workshop but there wasn't any I was interested in(business/tech) and I tried googling too, but that didnt help
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)06:27:22 No.2851686

    This would be the easiest path yes. But I'm turned off by it because in the back of my mind, I still have the ambition to go to a decent college and get a decent science/engineering degree. Going to community college just seems so cheap and pointless. as far as I know you can't even get a bachelors degree, only associates.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)06:28:07 No.2851690
    Yeah, American colleges are a total fucking ripoff. Here in New Zealand, university costs about $5000 per year.

    I even get the maximum "living costs"(PC upgrade) loan of $150 per week and by the time I finish my degree, my debt will only be about $40000. That is, if I have not been deceived, roughly equivalent to the cost of one year of college in the US.

    Kind of unrelated, but our recently adopted national secondary school qualification, NCEA, is somewhat like your own with credits and other faggotry. Terrible, terrible system. Those of us who live in better areas of the country do Cambridge International Examinations. You Amerifags should try it.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)06:33:33 No.2851699
    I live in NZ too and I'm studying Fine Arts. My fourth and final year next year. I get all Bs. And I can't draw worth shit. Life is good.
    >> Amigo !!EqCwf2ypb8o 01/21/09(Wed)06:33:42 No.2851701
    There's probably an office on campus that can help you.

    Ask other students and or teachers.

    A lot of friends I know got their internships through family/close friends too.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)06:34:48 No.2851706
    You're mostly referring to the huge universities that all Americans strive to go to. Local state colleges are actually extremely affordable. It costs me about 5000$ a semester to attend University of Memphis.
    >> Veterinary !!Pnu5pPAIKqu 01/21/09(Wed)06:39:17 No.2851724
    5000$ a semester? Jesus christ.

    I pay less than 1000 euros a year (last year was about 700 euros).
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)06:40:25 No.2851727
    A lot of people treat college as though it really is some great investment and that they're learning anything they'd use at a job.

    People that pay thirty thousand a year for college are idiots usually. If you really feel that the purpose of college is for you to learn without interaction with teachers then you may as well have just studied on your own. Most teachers end up just giving you reading assignments to make up for the fact that they do so little. So really you have to break down what it is that you're doing in every class and if you find you're doing more studying on your own than being taught by a teacher, then it was a waste of time to have taken the class.

    There's a reason many people in the tech field basically worked without going to college at all.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)06:51:20 No.2851763
    Which Uni? And what are you planning to do once you've finished? I have no idea what I want to do so I don't want to make a bad decision.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)07:12:23 No.2851875
    only retarded americans pay 30k a year for college. I can get as many degrees, even masters, as I want so long as I can get the grades. All tuition and living is free.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)07:15:13 No.2851895
    Work Experience > Free Education > American Education > Clubs/Volunteer Work
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)07:15:49 No.2851898
    i can see op's logic and concerns here. in the uk the maximum you pay per year for any degree in any university is about 3000pounds ~ 4200dollars. usa is so much fail.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)07:18:40 No.2851917
    You don't know too much. 30 years ago what you said was right but now it's complete bullshit. If you want a good job in engineering, science, law, or basically anything besides press A and switch B you need a degree
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)07:19:44 No.2851924
    Which country is this? It sounds wonderful.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)07:21:08 No.2851931
    Except the University of Buckingham which is the only private university in the UK. They charge 7000 pounds per year iirc.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)07:27:08 No.2851964
    My dad was an engineer, with engineer friends.
    They where are all impulsive cocky assholes way to full of themselves, funny how those characteristics seem to extend.

    Engineer/math fags shut the fuck up allready who do you think your trolling here ?
    It is you guys that are so narrowminded and bound to logical systems that makes you so unflexable you HAVE to pick physics or maths, you fail at everything else.
    You are just taking shitty, tedious classes with 1 % interesting content per chapter folowed by 200 pages of dull crap. You are bragging about your awesomeness and paycheck but dont realise it doesnt pay well because you are better then everybody else, it is because you are to socially retarded for anything else, you aspie piece of shit.

    Nobody wants your shitty job no matter how much you try to glorify it, it is simply the only thing you are good at. Way to go building your entire ego on your education, i laugh at you all, an no i am not a butthurt softie major either, try again.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)07:30:11 No.2851972
    Technology gets shit done.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)07:32:07 No.2851983
    To bad a major wont get you passed being responsible for 10 monkeys that need to press A and B the way you want it. There are no free tickets to interesting jobs.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)07:35:00 No.2851991

    This. Fuck my job is boring as shit. It certainly isn't for lack of an education.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)07:37:11 No.2852007

    You obviously aren't an English major.

    Hurr, complaining about people basing themselves on education and then turning around and saying "and I don't do a shittastic course so my opinion is more valid than it was previously HURRRR."

    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)07:39:48 No.2852022
    What about languages majors
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)07:58:31 No.2852116
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    You science fags are so damn predictable, i anticipated you assburger fags would start bashing on my english or just like you just did, play the 'you must be studying one of those crappy majors' card.

    So basicly your post means: 'waaah waaah you sunk my battleship, you hurtz my nerd ego you are a trawl'

    It does, but how exactly is that relevant to you and your future job you think ?

    Come on science fags retribute thein nerd ego if you can.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)08:03:15 No.2852138
    You did get a response
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)08:19:34 No.2852227
    Whats that ?
    You still dont have decent counter arguments ?
    I thought so.
    >> !OhUFAGgotU 01/21/09(Wed)08:25:38 No.2852247
    in the ever wise words of /b/: "lol no u"
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)08:30:06 No.2852267
    in the ever wise words of /b/: "lol no u"

    You have been permanently disqualified automaticly because of that comment.
    >> !OhUFAGgotU 01/21/09(Wed)08:36:56 No.2852306
    oh noes, disqualified from an internet argument that makes 'you laugh you lose threads' look like Plato's Republic. Enjoy your faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)08:38:40 No.2852318
    same fag. let your thread die you attention whoring shit-for-brains
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)08:57:53 No.2852401
    you need to pay off the PhD

    As a PhD student, you are paid by the university, because you are de facto their employee and do scientific work for them.
    At least that's how it works in civilized countries.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)09:10:10 No.2852467
    Zoology is a real science

    Doesn't make it useful
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)09:12:54 No.2852482
    someone even managed to muster a mildly enjoyable pretense !
    Excellent progress son ! one day you might stop shitting your pants whenever someone attempts to have a spontaneous conversation with you, run along now back to your calcus/rubix/powerball stress relief .
    Dont forget to feel proud for a moment.

    And oh noes, more name calling
    I better pretend i trolled them deliberatly now or they might feel good about themselves for a second.
    Suck it major fags, you will just have boring, repetetive meaningless jobs like 95% of the population, enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)09:15:56 No.2852501
    Someone else poke him, it's enjoyably like watching an illiterate explode. I've gotta go out (for a lecture, ironically), but I'm sure I can trust you guys to keep this freak ranting.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)09:20:08 No.2852525
    louisiana schools are better than eurofag schools in terms of tuition at this point.

    if you don't live on campus, you pay $1,700 a semester. you even rent the goddamn textbooks. as long as you give them back, you don't have to pay for shit.

    what the fuck is everyone else in the country doing?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)09:23:33 No.2852541
    I don't believe louisiana has schools, enjoy your $1700/term barn
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)09:48:03 No.2852676
    >Comp Sci
    >decent major

    No. Go back to /g/. The people I know who are CS majors are honestly some of the stupidest people I've ever met. I'm nothing but a hobbyist, but I know more about computers than half of them, and the other half are so socially inept that the brine of their own virginity has calloused their personality into something completely unemployable.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)09:57:57 No.2852722
    1) University is not job training, and if you treat it as such, you will be mesirable.

    2) Whatever major you have, is irrelevent. If you have enough personal drive, you will succeed. Engfags need to stop being so self-righteous, same goes for business fags, since everyone, their mother, and their mother's auntie has an mba these days.

    The problem with you sciencefags, is that you were never really taught how to think properly. There are numerous jobs in private, and public spheres, related (key word here) to most arts majors, you just need to be creative about where you apply.

    If you come from a school with a decent reputation, and have personal drive, you'll be fine.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)09:59:02 No.2852728
    Thank god i'm not the only robot who thinks this, math fags are the same, less lazy but even worse on the social level.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)10:01:38 No.2852741
    Some people like to think their work serves an objective larger than a paycheck, like creating technologies that actually mather and make people's lifes more enjoyable, instead of writting essays for the rest of your life.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)10:07:10 No.2852771
    This would be nice except scientists these days do nothing except measure rat dicks and try to get closer to absolute zero. Name the last cool invention.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)10:12:06 No.2852791
    Maybe you are confusing scientists with engineers.

    Would think a science bashing lit major would know a little more about semanthics.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)10:30:39 No.2852874
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    Grad art student here, currently working as a senior government official.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)10:46:30 No.2852987

    Go fuck yourself, faggot.

    I see what you did there.

    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)10:47:45 No.2852995
    Well it's fairly obvious that people who major in liberal arts degrees are interested in something larger than a paycheck, because you'll never be able to get a job with one of those, right?

    Can't we just say that you should major in what you are good at and enjoy? Why do there have to be "useless" majors? Everybody is capable of contributing something to the world in their own way. The physicist may further our knowledge, but the dancer may enrich that physicist's life if he enjoys watching dance. It's all relative. Both sides in this debate need to grow up, stop generalizing, and admit that you do not know what is best for another person.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)10:56:33 No.2853062
    Your sense and reason have no place here.
    Go back to real life please and leave 4chan alone.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)11:07:18 No.2853155


    Sociology is the 'soft' social science degree. If it weren't for the development of Psychology, we'd still have the asylum system.

    I bet you're one of those dudes who thinks Psychology is about talking to people on a couch.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)11:17:46 No.2853219
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    an honest individual with a sense or morality... BE GONE!!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)11:18:54 No.2853228

    I wish everyone on /r9k/ was you.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)11:23:56 No.2853249
    Agreed, OP. Fuck those whiny faggots, you pretty much need a bachelor's to even get a decent-paying job to begin with. On the flip side, I also keep hearing people who never went to college bitch about how it's a waste of money - they've never even BEEN THERE. I hope they enjoy working at McD's for life. I now have choices.

    I also keep finding out I've experienced a lot of things that people who don't go to college never will. I'm not even talking about weed parties and your dorm neighbor half-naked and passed out drunk in the bathroom. But the trips I went on to do labs and the international students I was friends with...
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)11:25:59 No.2853260
    Law degree here.

    I find Law bridges the gap nicely between art and science, resulting in no one having much of an opinion about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)11:26:54 No.2853265

    >I also keep hearing people who never went to college bitch about how it's a waste of money - they've never even BEEN THERE

    This. They got lucky and good for them.

    If a huge bag of cash drops in front of me one day, it doesn't mean I can say money is easy to come by and everyone is wasting time trying to earn it.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)11:28:13 No.2853275

    After Phoenix Wright, I have a deep respect for all lawyers.

    I don't care of it's an accurate depiction or not.
    >> A Rather Large Bear !!pMMp0JMXXJd 01/21/09(Wed)11:40:02 No.2853340
    I haven't heard anyone talk about biology, does anyone here on /r9k/ do biology or a biology sub related course?

    Is biology worth it? Or should i just man the fuck up and aim for medicine?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)11:42:25 No.2853347
    Medicine, cardiology. What I'm trying for. Only way to be certain that you will be driving a Ferrari later in life.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)11:46:48 No.2853370
    If you call them constantly talking about how they hate their low-paying jobs, needing to live paycheck to paycheck because they decided to have too many kids, are all divorced and miserable because they are single parents, and after bitching me out for supposedly wasting my money on college they whine about how they wish they could have gone to college, LUCKY, well, enjoy your white trash lifestyle too then!

    They only say that shit because they are jealous, and it's blatantly obvious that they are.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)11:47:47 No.2853379
    Apparently biology is considerd a soft science round these parts, the problem with it is that the only worth while biology courses are life consuming university degrees like medicine and pharmacy and such, biochemistry being one of the few exceptions but they get bashed constantly by regular chemistry students and other 'Hurrrr hard science Duuuurrrr' students.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)11:49:05 No.2853389
    This thread makes me sad.

    I'm probably going to major in physchology or law. Why? Because I'm good at both of those things. I do well in the classes.

    But I don't want to do them. I'm passionate about science and about space travel. Some guy earlier in the thread mentioned that he majored in physics/nuclear engineering and was offered an internship by NASA - this is my dream job. I would give anything to have his mind.

    But I'm not smart enough to do that. I take science and math classes and always fail because I don't know why, I just can't handle the concepts.

    I fucking hate lawyers and psychology is a bullshit profession. I want to be a scientist. Fuck all of you engineers.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)11:57:10 No.2853447

    >psychology is a bullshit profession

    I'm not even going to bother with this, so i'll keep it short.

    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)11:58:02 No.2853456

    Liberal Arts degrees are well and good; hell, I just switched into economics (yes, it's something I enjoy, I guess I am perverted).

    The only problem I have with them is that they inevitably detract from other degrees offered, and some of them are arguably worth less than, say, an engineering degree, to society as a whole. Why should that matter? Because at a public university at least, the public's tax dollars go towards womens' history majors, school of social work students, and racial studies students as well as biology majors and engineers.

    The school of social work at my university has nicer and newer facilities than most of the engineering departments. If this were a privately funded liberal arts college, that would be cool, but it's not.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)11:58:53 No.2853465
    I graduated from university last year. Looking back on the experience, I think I would have been happier and better off if I went straight to work after high school and took college classes on the side. Working full time before going to college would have given me a better perspective of what I want for a career and some better discipline about going to class and taking my classes seriously. If I ever have a kid, I'm going to encourage them to take this route.

    What I have come to realize is that most 18 year-olds aren't mature enough to commit to an academic program that they have little experience in. It's not fair that we ask them to make these huge decisions, saddle them with large amounts of debt, and then make them feel like failures when they realize that their major or college in general isn't working for them. I suspect that this is a large reason why there are so many angsty "BAWWW I'm a depressed failure and don't know what to do with my life" threads on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)11:59:59 No.2853472

    College socks man.

    If your gonna work, just work, dont spend aload of money on whatever education, just work and do things normally man
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)12:00:01 No.2853473
    Don't even bother. You're gonna be pathetically sad for the rest of your life.

    Just kill yourself now.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)12:02:24 No.2853495
    THIS. First year medic here. Only reason I did medicine is to be certain of Ferrari. Sure I have to put up with some shit but is it worth it in the end? I'd say so.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)12:05:21 No.2853519

    You're going to be completely fucking miserable if you do this. Life is too short to spend being miserable in a career that you hate.

    Have you ever tried taking university-level math or science classes? I'm not going to claim that they are easy, but most colleges provide resources and tutoring to help students out if they are having trouble. And many professors or their assistants are willing to help you out after class. At least give it a shot before you completely write off what you're interested in.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)12:09:04 No.2853545

    I don't know what school you go to, but here, to get into economics, the minimum requirement is Calc 3. Most kids in management i've met can barely get through high school algebra. They also don't have class on fridays, or before noon on other weekdays. Management is total bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)12:17:28 No.2853596
    You poor deluded bastard. I respect the drive but hope you never realise quite how little it was worth it
    >> Ernest Hemingway 01/21/09(Wed)12:18:17 No.2853606

    You have to realize (econ major here) that there are two types of Business School hopefuls:

    1. Bros and and their female counterparts who think they can do it because daddy did. They think that their B-school admission will make them a hedge fund manager or CEO right out of college...and sometimes it does.

    2. Hard-working people who actually know their shit, are good at math, and sometimes don't get in because the above type use connections and personalities to get admitted. They sometimes switch to economics and can end up making more money than most of the people who actually get admitted to the Business school working in finance or something.

    Personally, I had no intention of applying to the business school since it's a bullshit degree-you can't teach business sense. I plan on getting a higher degree in economics after my four-year degree, and possibly a math minor (I'm already practically there as far as credits go).
    >> Ernest Hemingway 01/21/09(Wed)12:21:20 No.2853626

    I just realized that this probably sounds bitter-that's not the case. It's just that at my university at least, the business school admits think they're the shit, when in reality, they're incredibly one-dimensional. At least most liberal arts degrees force to you have some exposure to other areas of knowledge.

    It also pains me to think that most will consider me (and other economic students) as failed business school applicants, when that's far from the case; it's a completely different discipline.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)12:22:26 No.2853632
    ya right, that was a lame excuse.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)12:32:06 No.2853726
    Yes but I don't know what else I'd be doing with my life besides being Anon on 4chan. I'm interested in the science aspect of it and I'd be damned if I took a pure science and ended up in some shithole lab. Either way, I see it as the better of other shitty jobs and at the end I'll get a nice salary and buy what I want.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)12:32:41 No.2853731
    I'm doing a Bachelor of Science degree and at the moment I'm aiming for a Physiology major, I'm not sure if that's the right thing to be doing though.

    I love science, I like knowing how life works, I'd like to know how humans work. But what can you do with it? Plenty of medical doctors would already know the shit I know.

    I'm pretty much equally interested in other aspects of biology, so I guess I have to think about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)12:38:47 No.2853783
    Oh and just for those interested, I can pick from one of these majors.

    Earth sciences

    * Atmospheric science
    * Geography and environmental science
    * Geosciences
    * Soil science

    Life sciences

    * Biochemistry
    * Biological sciences
    * Biotechnology
    * Developmental biology
    * Ecology
    * Environmental and conservation biology
    * Genetics
    * Human pathology
    * Immunology
    * Marine and freshwater biology
    * Microbiology
    * Molecular biology
    * Pharmacology
    * Physiology
    * Plant sciences
    * Psychology
    * Zoology

    Mathematical and computational sciences

    * Atmospheric science
    * Astronomy and astrophysics
    * Computer science
    * Mathematics
    * Statistics

    Physical sciences

    * Astronomy and astrophysics
    * Chemistry
    * Materials science
    * Physics
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)13:01:47 No.2853943
    I'm actually fighting with myself over which major to go after. It's between and art major and an asian studies major.

    I like art a lot. I've been drawing since I was a kid and it's fun but I can't do it all the time. I get bored easy and I only like drawing when I feel like it. i can just do it on command.

    The asian studies thing seems cool because I've always been interested in asian culture and history(inb4weaboo), and it seem like knowing other languages opens a lot of doors career-wise.

    I'm just not sure which one seems more interesting.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)13:10:51 No.2854006
    I am basicly doing this right now, persueing interest over natural talents, dont do it unless you have no problem at all with discipline because if it it doent come natural it is going to be tough and frustrating.
    Watching the other students have no trouble with stuff that takes you hours to master on an equal level is not exactly stimulating.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)13:23:18 No.2854106
    No degree is useless because there is money to made in every field.

    The only thing that make Comp Sci & Business "better" degrees is that you can make more money being completely mediocre. If doing mind numbingly boring soul sucking work for slightly above average pay is your thing, have fun with that.

    If your work isn't about passion or giving you the freedom (most importantly including time) to pursue a passion, you're a fucking shill and the absolutely lowest common denominator. If you work hard for no other reason to make enough money to buy shit you don't need, you're an absolute waste of oxygen and should be sterilized so you can't pass down that horrible set of values.

    I got a Philosophy degree 3 years ago and now teach part time at a private high school, giving me enough time to write my book and the odd freelance journalism/photography piece. I make enough money to pay for rent, utilities, internet, and save up a little for a house I plan to buy in another 3-4 years.

    But yeah, enjoy your 60 hour work week.

    Fucking disgraces, the lot of you. You might as well have been born as working bees; your existence really isn't on a much higher level.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)13:24:56 No.2854119
    I'm glad I got a useful degree.

    Actuarial Science FTW!!!

    I was hired before I graduated and am making over 50 thousand a year. And its a great job.
    Got a raise my first week.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)13:25:24 No.2854125
    If you spend more than 6 months on a business degree, you're fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)13:37:44 No.2854210
    What is the opinion on a degree in accounting? I need to have the approval of my r9k peers in order to move on in life.

    My father only makes about $32,000 a year, and I have two brothers. We haven't really had any problems. Although we never get to go on vacations or anything, we aren't living in the slums or anything and we have relatively nice things. We aren't in debt and my parents are even paying for me to go to college with the help of my grandparents. I couldn't imagine what we would do if he made twice as much money. It would really be nice but it wouldn't be needed to live comfortably.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)13:53:47 No.2854291
    combine the asian studies with a business major or minor.

    I'm majoring in comp programming and minoring with a Chinese minor, so I can theoretically go to China and work over there with ease.

    Anyway, to the rest of the people in this thread, if you can't get an internship, shoot for an on-campus job. That's the next best thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)14:16:57 No.2854476
    Go for the accounting if you like it, if your parents and grandparents are paying for you it puts quite a lot of pressure on you, after accounting you can finance whatever study you want yourself so that if you do screw up you wont be the blacksheep forever.

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