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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1232455599.jpg-(7 KB, 173x223, aiutare.jpg)
    7 KB Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)07:46:39 No.2838607  
    Why the yankees hate the welfare?
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)07:49:05 No.2838620
    Because handouts and taxes.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)07:50:47 No.2838632
    Because America = retarded.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)07:50:57 No.2838634
    Because their left-wing died in the Cold War.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)07:55:46 No.2838661
    cause i dont like the idea of paying to feed half the faggots on this website.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)07:58:27 No.2838684
    I saw a lady use her food stamp card on a candy bar and a box of powdered hot cocoa mix.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:00:11 No.2838703
    High energy foods are more efficient, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:00:21 No.2838704
    Welfare to help out those that have stumbled and need a little help to keep them and their family from ending up in the gutter for a short period of time until they are able to take care of themselves again is fine.

    What happens is that some people figure out that they can get paid to do nothing and do just that. They never become self-reliant and simply live off of hand outs.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:01:16 No.2838710
    Because America is land of the cheapasses who don't want to pay taxes to support the government.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:02:12 No.2838714
    >What happens is that some people figure out that they can get paid to do nothing and do just that.

    Just like high ranking executive officers, oooops.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:02:37 No.2838716
    welfare isnt supporting the government
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:02:59 No.2838721
    Right. She wasn't just being completely irresponsible, my mistake.
    >> Cyrus !!abIc2O8kqZb 01/20/09(Tue)08:05:49 No.2838734
    I'm at the point where I can use welfare but I refuse to do it. Find me a job and I'll help myself.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:07:22 No.2838738
    >Find me a job and I'll help myself.
    Contradiction much?
    >> Cyrus !!abIc2O8kqZb 01/20/09(Tue)08:07:57 No.2838739

    I didn't mean it in that way.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:08:57 No.2838743
    This same exact thread got 404d it did say American instead of yankee.

    What happened to the last one, OP?
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:09:43 No.2838744
    ok, i get it

    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:10:40 No.2838747
    Because after WWII they went all batshit insane with anti-communist paranoia and ran all their real commies out of town.

    Without real commies, the moderate left was now the 'extreme' left and the center was now the left.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:10:56 No.2838750
    Supporting welfare is supporting the government.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:12:19 No.2838754

    Op Here

    I know, good Sir, but Americans is too general.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:12:43 No.2838757
         File :1232457163.jpg-(26 KB, 400x514, kucinich.jpg)
    26 KB
    You could have voted this man, but NOOOO, LET'S VOTE THE NIGGER, YOU SAID. Good going, USA!
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:15:50 No.2838769

    The short guy never wins.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:16:48 No.2838779

    God damn I love Kucinich.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:23:46 No.2838817
    rugged idividualism
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:30:50 No.2838852
    because the american upper class (being the republican party) is waging a propaganda war to not only deprive the workers of a social support network, guaranteed minimum wages and the like, but also make them actively campaign on behalf of their masters against percieved enemies, such as religious minorities and college-educated liberals.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:34:38 No.2838874
    like i said, because i dont fucking care about people who arent my family or friends. it has nothing to do with higher ups in political parties and the like.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:36:19 No.2838883
    Jew, short and banging a super hot redhead?

    How do you think he would win?
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:38:22 No.2838897
    why welfare?

    because we're all in this together.

    why not?

    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:39:43 No.2838908
    Maybe he could win by not being a nigger.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:39:46 No.2838910
    The middle class is not created by welfare.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:40:22 No.2838913
    we're not in this together, it's a race to the end.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:41:06 No.2838919
    myth: meritocracy.

    myth: labour is valueless, only your income defines your contribution

    myth: the impoverished are leeches, the wealthy are productive

    truth: they're all the exact opposite
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:43:54 No.2838937

    the middle class use trains, take buses, drive cars on roads, drink water, have access to security through military, police, healthcare institutions and each and every day they use these services to make their living.

    sure, not the traditional definition of welfare; but damned if it aint close
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:44:19 No.2838940
    >myth: the impoverished are leeches, the wealthy are productive
    The impoverished will not start fending for themselfs if you will give them money. You discourage personal development and responsibility.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:44:40 No.2838942
    The last one is also a myth.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:47:25 No.2838955
    the conservative government (ie. all of it) comes along and sees a social program not working.

    the solution, they see is to PUNISH it by removing funding.

    unsuprisingly, the service continues to get worse.

    the absolute NERVE is when they now say: this service isn't working! of course it isn't. you've been fighting tooth an nail to have it cut.

    it analogous to people blaming a black person for the decrepit state of his life, actively seeking to make his life worse, and then using the fact is life is getting worse as proof that he is inferior.

    makes perfect sense.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:47:26 No.2838956
    you're listing services from different levels of society, i think the OP was referring to federal welfare...or that's how i took it
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:48:47 No.2838960
    how else do you fuck with people you dont like
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:50:37 No.2838969

    The impoverished will not start fending for themselfs (sic) if you take their welfare. You do not encourage personal development and responsibility.

    You encourage further social strife, family breakdown, criminality and suffering all under the nonsensically unfounded principle of Social Darwinism.

    It has never worked.

    myth: most recipients of welfare do not work
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:52:19 No.2838978
    Because Americans believe people will give to charity how much they want to give to charity. Rerouting this function through the government is either essentially undemocratic (creating greater than unfettered charity) or irrelevent (creating the same amount of charity).

    Holy shit, liberty explained!.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:53:08 No.2838982
    In america you are good to go if you work in a wal-markt i believe.
    Please tell me a impoverished person will not have the qualifications to do so...
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:55:34 No.2838995
    It was the principle of the USA as it was created i believe.
    People fucking ecaped to USA to gain wealth by hard work, thats the whole ethos that USA had.

    >The impoverished will not start fending for themselfs (sic) if you take their welfare. You do not encourage personal development and responsibility.
    obvious myth
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:57:42 No.2839007
    Yeah, because I'm going to give to charity because otherwise I'll rot in Hell. No fucking way, either the government makes me or I won't give a single penny. Donating out of the kindness of one's own heart? That's just retarded.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:59:10 No.2839017
    Because they will not do anything to better their situation if they have to? Why are you treating them like caged animals or extreme retards?
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)08:59:10 No.2839018
    I'd just like to point out that people on welfare actually have it better than a lot of people who do actual work. Seriously, most people are only smart enough to be manual laborers or factory workers and America no longer has enough jobs like that. This leads to people who want to be productive working at dead end, minimum wage jobs.

    Welfare, no welfare, it doesn't matter. The majority of Americans are fucked.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)09:00:17 No.2839025
    Why welfare?
    Because sometimes hard work is not rewarded enough by the market.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)09:01:03 No.2839032
    You'd rather the government force you to donate a set amount than choosing to donate a smaller amount?

    I give 20 dollars a year to the Salvation Army and I feel like a Saint afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)09:03:44 No.2839056
    Personally, I feel welfare should be abolished to the point where it's only down to a fraction of what it is (you know to cover the people who ACTUALLY NEED IT)

    Now hold on.. here's the part where I get the right wingers mad at me as well: I believe that money 'saved' by not being spent on welfare and then some needs to go towards making college more accessible (i.e. affordable) for people as well as job training programs and English language tutoring programs.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)09:07:01 No.2839086
    The market denotes the worth, and if not who does?
    The market is created by people calling a need for a product therefore creating value.
    If you want to do something few people want, be ready to starve.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)09:08:48 No.2839106
    >you know to cover the people who ACTUALLY NEED IT

    clearly has never met someone on only minimum wage.

    society NEEDS menial workers. Shitty jobs vastly outnumber arbitrarily prestigious jobs. Why then do we feel the need to punish them for their contributions for ridiculously low income?

    Working in America without qualifications? You basically need to run two jobs just to support yourself; throw in a family and it's a recipe for social disintegration. Hey, just like happens all over the USA! Enjoy your cycles of poverty and inescapable ghetto culture!
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)09:09:00 No.2839107
    You change nothing.
    If you offer moeny for free, there will be a mass amount of urgent needs invented to gain it.
    >> Celldweller !!5eDq/LOSOuU 01/20/09(Tue)09:09:18 No.2839110
    Welfare should not exist. Productivity demands reward, need does not.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)09:10:24 No.2839119
    no, that is not so. By denying certain segments of society a basic economic backing, you are creating crime out of nothing. No-one is good and moral without money, and since job security is so poor because of the aformentioned class warfare from the top (+ also because of laissez faire capitalism), you get inevitable periods of recession and cataclysmic unemployment.

    This is where the republican paradigm justifies itself: If employers offer only low paid, unattractive jobs without guarantee the venture won't end unsuccessfully, you would be sure that those dependent on welfare wouldn't be quick to jump at such offers. It's already happening in my country.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)09:10:40 No.2839123
    If the US had a minimum wage that is inline with living costs, and moves with those costs, rather than being a little more than it was in the 70's this wouldn't be a problem.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)09:10:51 No.2839124
    >If you want to do something few people want, be ready to starve.

    funny thing, if you are CEO of a company, people that nobody wants you earn billions.

    yet if you stack shelves, something that people DEMAND be done every day so they can find their goods and consume them, you get paid a pittance.

    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/20/09(Tue)09:11:21 No.2839126
    Because they rather support corporations with corporate welfare than funding social services, including social security.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)09:13:12 No.2839138
    >mass amount of urgent needs invented to gain it.

    this is what some people actually believe. that people who receive welfare are all 'cheats'. well guess what: there is no evidence suggesting that; the vast majority of people on welfare need it, and need it desperately.

    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)09:15:34 No.2839156
    Clearly a CEO is worth that much if a company he manages can give such amounts of money to him.
    >> Celldweller !!5eDq/LOSOuU 01/20/09(Tue)09:16:19 No.2839160

    Who cares if they need it? They are scum.
    >> Celldweller !!5eDq/LOSOuU 01/20/09(Tue)09:17:16 No.2839166

    Wow, are you mentally handicapped in any way? Seriously, wtf...
    >> Anonymous 01/20/09(Tue)09:19:32 No.2839183


    The poor people who have decided not to do anything are not going to change their minds because the welfare dries up, they're going to look to other just-as-easy forms of earning money (ie. crime). The poor people who HAVE decided to do something about it are reliant on the welfare in order to stay alive whilst (studying, working for higher opportunities/lower pay, etc), and taking that away will only force them to give up and stay on the lowest rung, and continue to not contribute. In other words, you have absolutely no chance of contributing or advancing unless you have a little capital to back it up - even McDonalds wants you to show up in a clean shirt, which implies a washing machine and iron, which implies a place of residence.

    Your logic is basically "IF I TAKE AWAY A FATTIES' CHEEZBURGR HE WILL REALISE THE ERROR OF HIS WAYS!!!!", but the idea that "Let's give the fat guy some more options" is offensive to you. How does this even begin to make sense to you?

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