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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1232412497.png-(21 KB, 1021x352, grades.png)
    21 KB How's college/uni going for you? Smash 01/19/09(Mon)19:48:17 No.2831546  
    What kind of grades do you usually get and why?
    I'm getting all Cs because I'm a lazy faggot.

    Pic related, my grades.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:50:53 No.2831575
    i dropped out of my 2nd semester freshman year with a 0.4 GPA

    >> Smash 01/19/09(Mon)19:51:39 No.2831581
    What's a 0.4GPA equal to in terms of letter grades (A,B, C etc)

    And why did you drop out, WRYYYYYYYYY!?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:51:44 No.2831583
    I'm pretty much in the same boat as OP. 2.4 gpa.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:52:19 No.2831589
    More like you're too stupid to actually do well and are too scared of trying, because if you fail you don't have an excuse. Enjoy wasting your time and everyone's time, and possibly money depending on what country that is. You don't really care about school and are only there because you have nothing better to do.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:52:40 No.2831594

    it's an E.

    because that shit was too expensive for someone so uninterested in it.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:53:45 No.2831607

    Need to get back up to a 3.6 by the end of this semester to stay on Deans List and keep it there until the end of Fall semester to get cum laude.
    >> Smash 01/19/09(Mon)19:55:08 No.2831617
    Come on...C isn't that bad...
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:55:27 No.2831619
    3.5 (unweighted, so out of 6)
    I mean, what the fuck.
    I'm a lazy faguette that doesn't turn in work.
    Or else I'd be like number one.
    I decided that if I don't break top 20 class rank this semester, I'm dropping out.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:55:51 No.2831629
    Studyfag detected.. I'm not OP but I do the same as him.
    I've always been tested amongst the smartest people in the class (we do extensive testing on that here, fuck yeah eurofag) yet I always get "ok" grades or fail grades.
    It took me a bit longer to reach university but who the fuck cares I'm here and I enjoyed my life so far.
    Unlike the faggots who spend their life in the books.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:57:05 No.2831638
    Butthurt because some people can make it without any effort at all?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:57:07 No.2831639
    im sitting at 2.4/4.0 right now, i need to get 2.6 to transfer to the university I wanna go to. So now I'm like "FUCK" and sort of trying.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:57:08 No.2831640
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    meh average grades, I don't really try

    grades here go from 0 to 20
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:57:13 No.2831641
    wry is not wapanese for why fyi.

    It's from a fighting game.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:57:59 No.2831649
    I was just writing up my veterinary school application
    84.875% avg over selected courses
    82.3% avg over last 2 semesters

    89th percentile on the MCAT

    and I'm high most days
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:58:23 No.2831652
    I work full time to put myself through school so my GPA suffers because of it. It's 2.55 but i'll grad debt free
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:01:37 No.2831675
    Averaging a 2.7 and working my ass off every other day.
    CPSU kicks your ass and makes you love every second of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:02:24 No.2831684
    I dreamt of going to grad school but it's a dead dream now:'(
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:03:09 No.2831689
    One term, I completely stopped going to at least some classes. I registered for classes normally, slept through the first day, missed some of the second day, then spent literally the rest of the term worrying about how the professor would react if I showed up on the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, etc. etc. days. The classes I did show up to, I eventually skipped because I was late on assignments and I didn't want to come back until I had them done the day they were due, then the day after, then the week after... And then I held off on withdrawing completely because I still think there's a sliver of a chance I might pass, and I stall on withdrawing, or simply never do it.

    Sounds rather fucking stupid, but that's life.

    These days I have a 2.75 gpa which will probably climb past 3.0 if I score high on all of this last term's courses (I made the dean's list last term). I'm taking some rather advanced shit, I'm doing some rather advanced shit to the side, I'm stalling on it all right now because I am a goddamned idiot.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:07:38 No.2831744
    I feel kinda stupid asking this (my 3rd year univ), what is the point of being on the dean's list? you need a 3.5+ to be on it?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:09:48 No.2831760
    I did that a couple semesters ago too. Only went to one class at the end of the semester, failed differential geometry & mathematical logic.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:11:39 No.2831781
    I have a low GPA because Im a lazy faggot who only excels in classes I like, and miss a bunch of day. If I graduate in 4 and not 5 or 6 years with a Communications degree, it'll be a MIRACLE
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:13:02 No.2831795
    3rd year at uni. I have a 3.74 GPA. I also work a job 18 hours a week to pay for everything myself because I get no help from my parents. I don't really study that hard though.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:13:40 No.2831803
    sounds a lot like me

    job and part time community college now

    ill go back to real uni next semester (fall)
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:13:44 No.2831805
    Something like that.

    Grades are arbitrary as hell anyway. In order to get one of my projects bumped up from a 79 to a 91, I had to make a YouTube video demonstrating to my professor how it worked. That's not to say he's stupid, he just wasn't expecting the deviations I made from the project, and had no idea how to verify that what I was doing was in fact correct. Even then he sent back an email saying 'I'd prefer if you didn't use class projects for experimentation'; he's retiring in two years.

    I went out of my way to learn new material on my own, along with how to apply it in a simple class project, and if I didn't make that video I might have failed the course, instead I passed with a B.

    My earliest memory of school is of me failing an oral test in the first grade because I was too busy reading ahead to realize that she was giving one out. That made me pretty fucking bitter.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:15:44 No.2831826
    In high school I was a B average student. I was getting B's for most of university, but lately I have been pulling A's.

    Its strange since school is just getting harder, but I am trying harder too. Having no life helps.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:16:05 No.2831830
    The good thing about college is that my mother has more than enough money stashed away to pay for tuition. After scholarships, grants, and financial aid, I pay about $2000 a semester.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:16:26 No.2831835
    I don't know if I should go straight to university in March or have a year off. Has anyone else been in this situation and what did you do?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:18:01 No.2831854

    I forgot my GPA. Its 3.5 and will get higher after this semester hopefully.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:18:33 No.2831861
    Guys, realize that most college professors are scared of you. There is a grad inflation. Take advantage.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:19:10 No.2831870

    go to university and stop wasting time. If your going to go, just go. Unless your saving money to go, there is no point in delaying it.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:19:38 No.2831875
    When I wasn't sure I just took a really light load, it was a nice break.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:22:44 No.2831907
    Realize that there's often implications for taking less than a certain amount of credits. If you don't remain a full-time student, you could lose your parents' health insurance, you might have to start repaying any student loans, lots of stuff can happen.

    Explain what you mean?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:23:59 No.2831915
         File :1232414639.png-(70 KB, 630x639, Screenshot.png)
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    From this - if you worked at my school - I assume you could figure out who I am. I don't really care.

    Anyway, I don't try real hard and I worry that my INI437 course that's still in progress will come back as a B.

    I really want to get into grad school. Which I probably will, but I still worry.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:27:19 No.2831941
    I get high-mid to high grades when I actually put some fucking effort into it (meaning that I actually study instead of browsing 4chan all day long).
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:27:21 No.2831942
    I like how grades are so fucking inflated at your school that they apparently have to list a separate ranking showing how you compare against the rest of your class.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:28:06 No.2831947
    Haha.... my first memory of school is the first day... We were all sitting at our desks and the teacher was talking about the book we were gonna use or some shit like that. I had the first page open and there was a clown. I thought the teacher would be super impressed if I coloured in my clown before all the other failures in the class did, so I started colouring. Bitch gave out to me for going ahead of the class... FUUUUUU-

    Anyway, psych student here. I just did my 1st semester of 2nd year exams, so I have no idea what my grades are gonna be. I've gotten two A-s so far on an essay and practical report worth 40% of one module, haven't gotten grades for the other stuff i've handed up yet. Last year I got a 1:1 in Spanish, 2:1 in psych and 2:1 in philosophy not that it really means anything.

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