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  • File :1232408407.gif-(65 KB, 349x344, college-textbooks.gif)
    65 KB College is a ripoff. In other news, the sky is blue... Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)18:40:07 No.2830840  
    ABC 20/20 - College is a Rip Off

    lol dumbfags think getting a piece of paper will instantly secure their future. Face it, a Bachelor's degree is the new high school diploma. And it's been this way for a while now.

    Before you flame me, yes, I went to university. I have a BSc in Biology. A year after graduating I make over $11k a month... but in a field completely irrelevant to my studies and to be honest I could've done it right out of high school.

    Meanwhile, only a few people I know are doing things related to their fields or are continuing their studies, and some actually have shit jobs like in the video. Sad for someone to study four years of physics, biochemistry, or even engineering and end up having to work in retail.

    The thing is, I've never heard this "million dollar" statistic before now. Do they really say this often?
    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 01/19/09(Mon)18:41:42 No.2830861
    OP's logic then produces:

    Anything less than a Bachelor's degree is like a high school dropout

    Way to have your argument backfire on yourself, troll
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)18:42:43 No.2830869
    You only have a Bsc in a science subject and you expected to get a fucking job?

    Science jobs want REAL scientists, PhD or GTFO fag
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)18:43:57 No.2830885
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)18:46:30 No.2830912
    No, I didn't continue my studies since I was already making more money than some of my professors. And by next year I'll be making more than all of my professors.

    Oh don't be a smartass. The point is that a college degree isn't as useful as you think, and a Bachelor's degree is often used as a requirement for basic jobs.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)18:46:30 No.2830913

    OP, yes but would you have gotten hired if you had nothing but a High School diploma?

    Few would consider someone with a College degree, even an off-topic one, on equal footing with a HS degree.

    That said, yes, a BS in Biology is pretty useless from a career standpoint. What did you expect?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)18:47:04 No.2830922
    what do you do now, OP?
    i'm finishing up my BA in Philosophy. yes, i realize my degree is worth less than shit on its own.
    i plan on bartending and scuba diving until i'm about 27 then jumping into grad school.
    >> Dispatch !6UjaoN63z. 01/19/09(Mon)18:47:13 No.2830926
    No, anything less than a Bachelor's would be a GED.....
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)18:49:20 No.2830941

    Fuck, that is a fantastic book.

    But no, OP, you're a faggot, burn your BSc if you think that.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)18:49:59 No.2830951
    Stossel just hates college liberals. Conservatives have been gutting education funding for years in an attempt to drive the liberals away.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)18:50:04 No.2830952
    I started my own business, but I agree with your first point. I'd extend it by saying it is a requirement even for jobs that don't actually require it. Employers just expect you to have a Bachelor's degree in something, even for shitty jobs.

    For your last point, I entered university with hopes of a career in academia. I grew sick of it and was already making a lot of money so I didn't go for my Master's. One day, though, I'd like to continue my education if I find something I'm passionate about, even if it's not in the natural sciences.
    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 01/19/09(Mon)18:50:59 No.2830965

    Engineers HAVE to get a bachelor's degree in order to work in their profession, and they have the highest job security out of any profession.

    Just because you're one of 423052242 people in this country going for a BS in Biology doesn't mean that the same argument can be made for every BA/BS.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)18:52:00 No.2830976
    I'm doing ROTC, so I'll graduate as a 2LT making ~$30k a year from the start. Yeah, not much, but its the benefits that really make the difference, officers have it MADE.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)18:52:35 No.2830983
    You say that as if chemists, biologists, physicists can get a job out of high school.

    Typical engineeringfag thinks he's special.
    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 01/19/09(Mon)18:54:53 No.2831010

    Blame fucking society. The average corporate POST DOCTORATE scientist makes 32k a year.

    I agree that its fucking retarded, but to say that engineering isn't a lot safer bet than some straight up natural science degrees is delusional.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)18:54:59 No.2831014
    Yeah, you really need training to mix a few chemicals, tag a few animals, and drop an apple now and then.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)18:56:41 No.2831032
    What about Doctors? Medical Doctors I mean, surely you can't have enough?

    Not to mention proffessers with tenure, they have life-time garentee's for employment.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)18:56:58 No.2831036
    I know that you're posting in this thread I want you to know that you don't have long before this shit gets real.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)18:57:13 No.2831040
    The people in the video I bet thought if I get any Bachelors money will fall in my lap.

    Do research on the degree you're interested and be realistic to it's job opportunity/pay.
    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 01/19/09(Mon)18:57:57 No.2831048

    which branch?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)18:58:43 No.2831054
    ITT: collegefags rage to mask their fear of getting a shitty job when they graduate, meanwhile I'll be making twice as much as a locksmith.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)18:59:30 No.2831063

    What is your business?
    >> Tao !EHA06TbxZY 01/19/09(Mon)19:00:24 No.2831077
    scuba diving?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:00:39 No.2831079
    The people in the video didn't seem to be all that bright, and the only girl who's college they named I had never even heard of. What do you expect when you're a dumbass? College is only good for people with the intelligence to do well, and for those people it is totally worth it.
    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 01/19/09(Mon)19:01:19 No.2831084

    There is a difference between getting your Bio degree to go to med school and to try to pursue a PhD in it.

    You also don't a bio degree to get into Med School either

    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:01:26 No.2831085
    I just got the easiest degree that I was interested in at the cheapest school so I could teach in Japan. All was paid with scholarship. I also got my TEFL cert as icing on the cake.

    I'll be fucking J-girls while you faggots worry about finding a job.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:01:37 No.2831089
    The video talked about kids in the bottom 40% of their high school class. If you are less intelligent than the average person, of course you have no fucking chance. The average person is a moron.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:03:12 No.2831112
    yeah. i'm going to start with recreational diving (being an instructor, guide, etc.) to get my dive count high enough to get into diving for scientific research teams run by geologists, marine biologists, archeologists, etc. i surf too.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:04:03 No.2831119

    Doesn't really matter, they're all the same. But USMC.
    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 01/19/09(Mon)19:05:37 No.2831127

    Enjoy your virginity and weeabooness
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:06:36 No.2831135
    Well no shit if you pick a joke major like "Humanities" you're not going to get a job out of college. Hurr durr.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:07:05 No.2831138
    I'm joining the French Foreign Legion. Enjoy mediocrity while I am fighting for France.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:08:06 No.2831147
    >The average person is a moron.
    This is a good thing though, since it means that it's easier for me to get more money and a better job than them.
    Yay for capitalism!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:08:31 No.2831150
    >Enjoy your weeabooness

    Fixed since I'll definitely not be a virgin after a month in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:09:22 No.2831156

    Yeah, post-docs earn shit. That's not news, really, and it's pretty much the same everywhere.

    OTOH, I'd say the USA has a 'degree inflation' when it comes to Bachelor's degrees. Many European countries have earlier and more in-depth specializations in high school and fewer people going on to higher studies.

    IMO, it's still essentially the same that you shouldn't go higher than an M.S. if your sole interest is having a career. If you want to do research in Chemistry or Physics though, a PhD is essential. MSes don't get to do any of the fun work.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:09:38 No.2831158
    You're lucky, too, since the only training they need is how to fashion a flag out of the nearest white cloth and how to wave it.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:10:37 No.2831171

    Enjoy sharing your nights in a wet tent in Guyana with a bunch of psychopaths.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:10:59 No.2831178

    i've had lots of friends go there for a year of studying with the same idea and every single one whines about being unable to find a girl 6 months in.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:11:38 No.2831182
    90% of the time, the problem isn't college, it's the students. College gives you direct access to some of the smartest minds, most cutting-edge projects, and largest information databases in the world. They also provide tons of programs for pairing you up with leading businesses and helping you to secure internships that lead to future jobs.

    If you don't take advantage of this, then YES college is useless to you. OP is the idiot here (though congrats on your own business) when he says a "BS is the new high school diploma." The fact that kids continue to treat college like high school is EXACTLY the problem. If you seriously graduate without a job lined up in your chosen field then it's your own fault for failing to take advantage of college's ridiculously large network of resources. Getting A's in your classes is only half the work.

    (Compsci major here, got a job lined up with a company that paid me 15 dollars/hour to work part-time (including work from home) AND my college gave me a scholarship just for working the internship, which went into my pocket since another scholarship covered school expenses. If you pursue the opportunities college provides you, and actually do the work, it's a great fucking opportunity)
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:11:40 No.2831183
    Poor uninformed troll. The FFL's motto is "Legio Patria Nostra", "The Legion is Our Fatherland". They fight only for themselves.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:13:20 No.2831202
    And just to clarify 15$ was just before graduation, obviously the company offers full salary once you graduate.
    >> Týr !!EWbSt/UdwSl 01/19/09(Mon)19:14:19 No.2831211
    We were just talking about this today at work. One of the programmers was talking about how he has a friend who just paid $48,000 for this SEMESTER at Embry Riddle, meanwhile airlines are going bankrupt and Boeing is laying poeple off, and if you just invested the $400,000 or so it takes to graduate from there, you'd be better off.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:14:56 No.2831219
    They are to stupid to realize you're supposed to pay for sex, either in money or Louis Vuitton bags.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:15:39 No.2831224
    Young and Freedman is the shit, also OP can go suck a Bag of dicks, anything less than a masters is abject failure
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:16:49 No.2831238
    Just went to highschool. Post secondary was paid for (it's an Indian Status thing). Dropped out of university after one year once I realized that it was a waste of time, and went to a quick 7 month intro to law enforcement class. $15.60/hour union gig right off the bat. Switching to the feds who start at $26/hour in a few months.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:17:27 No.2831251
    ITT we put value in a piece of paper that actually means nothing
    >> Lambchop's Death Legion !d7bMXbKy6Q 01/19/09(Mon)19:17:39 No.2831254

    Aerospace Eng + Air Force ROTC = auto job
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 01/19/09(Mon)19:17:58 No.2831255
    Exactly, once I found out hookers love louis vuitton bags I finally got to do MSOG during my trip to the Islands.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:18:10 No.2831257
    Fuck, I just found out today that I missed the deadline to opt-out of mandatory school supplied health insurance. I already fucking have health insurance. This will cost me $600 and be totally worthless if I can't get this fixed. >:[
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:27:20 No.2831341
    Money is a piece of paper that has no intrinsic value.
    Money, like a college degree, is valuable because of the price society places on it.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:28:12 No.2831351
         File :1232411292.jpg-(27 KB, 407x405, Advice_dog_college2.jpg)
    27 KB
    You lied to me, advice dog. YOU LIED TO ME!
    >> Project Kurtz !cfZiGIAqOg 01/19/09(Mon)19:33:58 No.2831406
    I've long since realized that I'm probably not going to use much of what I learn in college once I graduate, and that I'm really just in it for the piece of paper that I need for most real jobs.

    But then again, I'm majoring in computer engineering. It's one of the three vaguest degrees relating to computers you could ever get (the other two are electronics engineering and information technology.) and I have no idea what the fuck kind of job I'm going to get doing this shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:36:12 No.2831438
    I'm in my second semester of my freshman year of college. I have no real goals or plans to what I want to major in/build a career in. I am only going to school because it was expected of me.

    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:36:26 No.2831441
    Don't go to shitty private schools that cost a shit ton just because they're fucking private. Might as well go to community college and try to get into a public university.

    If you're getting some bullshit liberal arts degree, you better put in some effort, because there are a bajillion people out there doing the same shit you are. Especially niche majors; the world doesn't need that many psych/art history/etc people. Hell, that goes for any degree really. A job isn't gonna fall onto your lap.

    That million dollar statistic seems pretty bullshit though.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:37:29 No.2831448
    I was told explicitly that if i went to college for four years I would most likely make an additional $2 million than if i didn't.

    Fuck guidance counselors. If I put the money I've put into college into a savings account with decent compound interest I'd make probably twice that.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:50:33 No.2831571
    >if i went to college for four years I would most likely make an additional $2 million than if i didn't.

    Did they actually tell you this?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:52:10 No.2831587
    My friend thinks he's going to make $80k out of school with a BS in Psychology. He also thinks that he's going to get $100k right after doing an MBA (if he gets in).
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:52:27 No.2831590

    Or maybe dude, like, NOTHING has intrinsic value. Like, it's all what we, like, make it and shit.

    Woah dude, woah.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:53:44 No.2831606
    Yes. Yes they did. Fucking cunts.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:57:15 No.2831642
    Haha oh wow, what a bunch of dipshits.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:57:48 No.2831648
    > I would most likely make an additional $2 million than if i didn't.

    Bitches don't know bout my outliers.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:09:53 No.2831763
    I'm an artist at a Texas university taking bullshit classes to get a bullshit degree so that I can get a job doing something I could do in High School.

    I know it's bullshit, but I'm doing it anyways, because just having the degree makes me more marketable to employers.

    tl;dr go to college
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:12:51 No.2831792
    Doesn't treat university as "job training", you'll be miserable if you do, and you totally defeat the entire purpose of higher education.


    I also, agree completely with this fine, anon.
    >> Casanova Frankenstein !HggsKt0/NM 01/19/09(Mon)20:13:25 No.2831800
    Maybe if both of those degrees are from harvard.

    If not, he's in for a rude, painful surprise.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:14:13 No.2831807
    The REAL money is made in business anyway. I'm gettng my BS in Biology. I intend to go into sales of the Pharmaceutical kind. Those fuckers make an assload of money if they are good at what they do (the business part of sales and the biology part of knowing your drug's method of action well).
    >> Bryan !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 01/19/09(Mon)20:15:20 No.2831822
    I switched to an easier more business friendly degree so that I'd have 3 years to pursue studies that interest me. self-teaching kicks ass.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:17:10 No.2831840

    College is meant to secure a position for those who know where they're going. In order to be a surgeon, I have to jump through some hoops. And those hoops just happened to be called, COLLEGE.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:17:25 No.2831843

    I'd actually say Finance, rather then business. Also, higher end civil service jobs are often a lot better then the corporate world, they will pay the same, and have better benifts and job security

    The Business world is way too flooded these days; especially since everyone, and their mother, and their mother's auntie as an MBA.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:17:34 No.2831846
    This is bullshit. I'm going into locksmithing.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:20:10 No.2831881
    I want to be a psychiatrist when I grow up! My high school grades are shitty and my ACT/SATs are mediocre.

    I suck at science, but like it. I would rather have a PH.d than a MD but the former is useless so I have to be a doctor before I can listen to people bitch about their mothers and girlfriends and 4chan.

    fuck my life.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:21:35 No.2831895
    <<rather then. better then (verified that it wasn't a typo, but rather, idiocy). Benifits (Really?... come on.).
    This is why people are bitching about college being worthless. They are too stupid to get anything out of it. I knew better THAN to make those stupid ass mistakes when I was in fourth grade.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:22:33 No.2831906
    you're right actually, but i actually like the idea of telling people i sell drugs for a living
    >> noko 01/19/09(Mon)20:25:50 No.2831928
    good luck getting into med school sucking at science
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:26:11 No.2831930
    ITT butthurt business majors, or commerce kids.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:26:20 No.2831932
    Umm, did you miss the part where I was pointing out someone else's mistakes?
    >> noko 01/19/09(Mon)20:27:00 No.2831938
    rofl you dont need a bachelors degree to know how your own company's product works

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