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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1232110823.jpg-(205 KB, 696x618, LOLsaturday.jpg)
    205 KB virgin rage Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:00:23 No.2790602  
    dear /r9k/

    im a typical lonelyfag who never kissed , held hands and all this , and i rage when i see couples do anything together or even reading on the internet about sex , ex-GFs and all that shit . its not like i hate them intetionaly , i try to suppress these kind of fellings but i have a hard time doing so . i think im not the only one , i am sure many of you feel worse and i hope this doesnt turn int a BAWWWWW thread .

    to the point , i have given up hope of ever finding a GF (not that i would have any problems if i would REALY try) , i just dont see the point of this shit and i fell that i could do better things in my life .

    the problem is that it seems to me that my rage takes its toll by corrupting my body . i fell like my blood presure is skyhigh and my pulse goes like a rocket , in my stomach i feel like i breeding a alien and feel somehow sick .

    so i wanted to ask if anyone of you fells the same shit or should i consult a doctor ? does anyone know if such shit is temporary or will my virginety kill me ?

    pic related
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:09:54 No.2790629
    eat less salt
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:17:05 No.2790656

    you need to chill out man, just chill out it's all cool.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:17:18 No.2790657
    you know, pussy isn't the greatest thing in the world like some of you act like it is. All you have done is just put it on a pedestal out of your reach. Fuck it man. Just live life.

    Are you a gamer? Go to some cyber cafes. Meet some guy friends, enjoy life.

    Join some open sports league, bowling or like disc golf or some stupid crap like that. You will meet new people and by proxy, I am sure you will meet some ladies.

    Go do stuff you are interested in and have fun. Lifes too short worrying about chasing tail man. Most women are not worth the trouble. I promise you that.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:19:48 No.2790664
    eat more salt
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:19:51 No.2790665
    Step 1. Don't be so angry, think rationally and ask yourself why the hell it makes you 'rage'.

    Step 2. Don't give up hope for finding a girlfriend. It really is not that hard. If you're not that attractive, you can make up for it in personality. Just try to think of yourself as outgoing, funny, whatever and you'll start to get a bit more confidence.

    Step 3. Do something good for your body on a regular basis like sport that you like, eating healthier or meditating and yoga, if you're into that kind of thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:23:20 No.2790670
    i try , i realy do but my mind is still going like the ragetrain .
    i want to and will do it too , the thing is i have other priorities right now . but i realy dont know what i could do beside just wandering around .
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:34:05 No.2790712
    I got the same problem, but instead of raging i baw, and believe me, depression destroy your fucking body as well.

    Im not that shy with ladies, but im 19, virgin and every girl i like i end up doing something so they go from you're hot i like you to you're just my friend to i fucking hate you.

    Anyway, every girl i end up dating are girls i just dont like. I tried to lose virginity 2 times and i just couldnt get my dick hard. Yup, really retarded i know.

    Last sunday i ended up fighting with the girl i was in love. I think she hates me now, but im trying to be a mature person and not raging or go crying to ger saying i want her back (even if we were just "friends").

    Well, its working i think. Im hanging out with some friends now, trying to think about good things. Tomorrow im going camping with them and all that. Cheer up man, you're not alone.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:37:28 No.2790729
    Maybe you should try cutting yourself, that's apparently quite a good way to relieve the frustration.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:41:55 No.2790752
    OP here:

    its not about my fustration but my physical troubles . how can i get effectyvly get rid of this ?

    i think im eating quite healthy and i did meditation for some time (didnt have time for a while so i stoped) and i dont like sports .
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)08:56:32 No.2790832

    Go see a doctor. But they may give you meds that could make you more weird.

    Go exercise. Its healthy. Very healthy. And very good for you. Plus, you will meet people.

    Bowling isnt really a sport, but it is fun and good way to meet people. If that isnt your thing, join a chess club, an airsoft club, a paintball team, an anime/manga club if your into that, just do whatever you like doing, but in a public place.

    As for your rage? just dont care about it. Remember man, there is so much bullshit you have to go through with women. All the trouble you have just having female friends? Triple that and you got yourself a gf. Thats worse for your health than just bitching.

    ps, gtfo of 4chan. This place sucks anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)09:51:34 No.2791150
    Yo OP, I'm the same way. Even just walking around my school's campus gets me going sometimes.

    Hell, I even get dates fairly often. It's just that I never get another one, despite the fact that we generally have a good time and she seems to enjoy being with me. It boggles the mind.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)10:06:23 No.2791243
    1. Stop spending so long on the internet
    2. Lift weights, it increases testosterone and will give you something to focus on
    3. Take up a sport
    4. Any guy who is over 5'3, healthy, sane and has a job or goes to school etc has no reason to be depressed and not get any girls.
    5. Man the fuck up, it's you're life take control of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)10:19:11 No.2791312
    all of my friends got girlfirends except for me, they casually talked about sex and invited me out to be the 9000th wheel the rage/frustration was so bad i stopped talking to them
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)10:23:36 No.2791342
         File :1232119416.jpg-(97 KB, 698x425, bicycle.jpg)
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    My friends do that too. I have these two friends I call my "best friends" but they're really not and one of them recently got a new boyfriend and the other got back together with her old boyfriend. Now one or both of them always invite their boyfriends when it's just supposed to be us, and when it is just us, all they talk about is sex.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)10:31:45 No.2791386
    Sounds fucking stupid, but go walk in the woods.

    It's primal or something, but it makes you feel so much better about everything.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)10:42:44 No.2791443
    You know what? Goddammit I hate them. I HATE women. I never had a girlfriend and never will. The only times I got laid was when I paid a woman or promised her something. I'm never going to hold hands with a chick, kiss a girl intimately because we're in love, or any of the other shit that human beings were made to do. I guess that I'm suppose to be happy masturbating every fucking night. I'm a man with sexual urges and can't get with a female. I'm suppose to be alright with that? THERE IS A FUCKING CURSE ON MY LIFE. A CURSE THAT PREVENTS ANY FEMALE FROM LIKING ME. Oh I forgot, I do get interest from fat chicks and I'm not attracted to fat chicks.
    I don't give a fuck anymore. I'm going to become the biggest asshole in the world. I tried the whole being considerate thing and it got me nowhere. If people can't handle my newfound harshness, then bring it on. BECAUSE I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK.
    I get happy when I hear about some college slut getting murdered or injured in a hit and run. "oh she was a beautiful and talented girl, how could this happen." I don't know but I'm glad it did.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)10:54:58 No.2791518
    >I hate women because they don't like me.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)11:05:20 No.2791568
    I'm seeing a girl tonight, one for lunch tomorrow, and having a couple over tomorrow night for drinks with me. :D

    You guys make me feel so good about my life.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)11:10:35 No.2791595
    I have never had a girlfriend. I don't feel I've missed anything of value.

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